
Connexions Calendar

Public Forum: Emergency Townhall Meettng

June 30, 2010

Peaceful Rally at Novotel Resulted in Mass Arrests

After a week of protests and action by the labour movement and working class communities to the policies of the G20, one of the final battles raged in front of Novotel, a hotel in our community where workers were on strike. Police had already shown their willingness to brutalize peaceful protesters and ignore our civil liberties over the past days.

On Saturday evening, they arrested more than 300 peaceful protesters and bystanders, including many of our youth as well as striking hotel workers during a peaceful rally on The Esplanade. This occurred while police forces stood back while black bloc vandals created havoc in the city of Toronto.

We, as the Esplanade community, will not accept such blatant disregard for our human well-being and our hard-fought civil rights. Working people have a right to protest increasing poverty, cuts to services and bailouts for the rich.

Join us on Wednesday, June 30th at 6:30 pm for an Esplanade community townhall. All are welcome and needed.

* Rik Hockley, shop steward representative of Novotel Hotel Workers, UNITE Here! Local 75
* Mike Seaward, United Steelworkers and Executive member of the Ontario NDP
* Farshad Azadian, co-founder of the Esplanade Community Group

Organized by: Esplanade Community Group, Toronto Young New Democrats, UNITE Here! Local 75

Endorsed by: Fightback, BASICS Community Newsletter, Afghan-Iranian Youth Network, Hands Off Venezuela

Time: 6:30 pm
Venue: Windmill Line Co-op
Location: 125 Scadding Avenue Toronto, ON
Categories: Law Enforcement & Corrections

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