Urban Shaman Gallery Exhibition: Being Unwritten
March 18, 2010 to March 27, 2010
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art, Marvin Francis Media Gallery presents
Becoming Unwritten by artist John Hupfield
Artist Statement:
daapin ezhi-bmaadziwaad mtigook – Take the life of the trees
daapinan ezhi-bmaadiziimgak nwewin – Take the life of the language
daapinan zhitwaawinan – Take the life of the ceremonies
An exploration of loss and gain, of taking away and of picking up, can we ever really reclaim the things lost to us before being born into this world? Using stop-frame animation, digital images and digital video, the ebb and flow of language and culture as witnessed by a young anishinaabe man comes to the fore, John Hupfield is Becoming Unwritten.
John Hupfield is a writer, filmmaker and member of the hip hop-spoken word collective Red Slam. Born of mixed Dutch/English/Anishinaabe heritage and a member of Wasauksing First Nation, Hupfield uses new media - digital video, animation, sound/music software - to situate himself in the world and engage society with the agency of his indigenous roots. Recently completing a New Media Residency at OBORO in partnership with NIMAC, Hupfield has screened work at the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival in Toronto and the Weeneebeg Film Festival in Moose Factory. His shorts “Clear Cut” and “Birch Bark” were both selected for imagineNATIVE’s Northern Tour in 2006 and 2009.
Venue: Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art
Location: 203-290 McDermot Ave Winnipeg, MB
Website: http://canadiandimension.com/7days
Categories: Arts & Culture
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