Action Against Open Pit Mining Mining
July 22, 2009
On July 22nd, the Toronto ad hoc coalition against open pit mining plans to hold an awareness-raising event along Bay Street. We will be demonstrating our support of communities from Turtle Island, Abya Yala, Africa, Asia and Oceana resisting proposed and ongoing mining operations in which Canadian companies with listings on the TSX are implicated in environmental devastation and human rights abuses. The initial call for global solidarity was sent out by the Mexican communities from Cerro de San Pedro in San Luis de Potos. In Toronto, will also be asking Members of Parliament to support legislation that calls for Canadian mining corporations to uphold internationally recognized environmental and human rights standards. More details about these events to be announced...
What is open pit mining? Minerals are extracted from near the surface of the earth, requiring a great deal of earth removal that later can clog and severely contaminate water. Due to the destructive nature of this type of mining, it is sometimes referred to as mountain-top removal. Around the world, open-pit mining is often conducted without the consent of the communities that are affected and/or displaced.
Time: 4pm
Venue: Toronto Stock Exchange
Location: 130 King St. E Toronto, ON
For information contact: Idra Noyes - indra@pantropy.net
Phone: 416-540-4118
Categories: Environment
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