
Connexions Calendar

Roundtable discussion: An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States

October 06, 2015

The Culture of Conquest and the Doctrine of Discovery: The U.S. as a Colonial Settler-State

Featuring author Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (California State University). Chaired by Lee Maracle (University of Toronto). With discussants: Boyd Cothran (History, York), Bonita Lawrence (Equity Studies, York) and Victoria Freeman (History, York)

"Roxanne-Dunbar-Ortiz has defined the term engaged intellectual through a life spent on the frontlines of the past four decades of social struggles. She has never abandoned her roots through the process of becoming one of the most respected Left academics in the United States." - James Tracy.

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz is a feminist, historian and revolutionary activist who has been involved in Indigenous rights movements and social struggles for many years. This panel discussion, lead by acclaimed writer and scholar Lee Maracle, will enable leading York scholars who study Indigenous peoples to dialogue with Roxanne and draw out comparisons between the experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the USA.

This event is made possible with generous support from: Department of History (York), Department of Political Science (York), Department of Social Science (York), Indigenous History Network, Socialist Project, Dean's Office Faculty of Graduate Studies (York), Faculty of Environmental Studies (York) and the Centre for Social Justice

Time: 1:30 pm
Venue: Moot Court Rm 1005, Osgoode Hall, York University
Location: 4700 Keele Street Toronto, ON
Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal

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