
Connexions Calendar

Harper's Stolen Majority: Voter Suppression

October 02, 2015

Elections have come to mean democracy. However how "valid" are elections? Do they serve democracy? Michael Keefer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph, over the past decade has published searching analyses of electoral fraud in the United States, in Haiti - and now in Canada.

This talk explains how Stephen Harper's Conservatives, who have been proven in Canadian courts to have engaged in fraud in every election they have won, organized a massive, nationwide, and carefully targeted campaign of vote suppression in the election of 2011. The available evidence indicates that during that election Canadian voters - with opposition-party supporters overwhelmingly targeted - received a total of well over 1.1 million fraudulent phone calls, both live-operator and automated. These calls were evenly divided between late-night harassment calls which pretended to come from opposition-party campaigns, and misinformation calls, mostly claiming to come from Elections Canada, directing opposition-party supporters to incorrect or nonexistent polling stations. Professor Keefer shows that Elections Canada's investigation of this crime against democracy was belated, under-resourced, and in many respects incompetent - and the farcical conclusion that only in the riding of Guelph was a crime committed, and that only one young man was effectively responsible for it.

Doors open at 6:50
$5 donation (suggested minimum)
Accessible on demand via portable ramp; washrooms not accessible

Time: 7:00-9:30
Venue: Beit Zatoun
Location: 612 Markham St. Toronto, ON
Phone: 647-726-9500
Categories: Politics & Political Organizations

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