Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box on the left. Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:
"N" Authors
- N: Letter From Mexico City
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 A letter from a Mexican comrade about the specifics of the “neo-liberal” phase of capitalism in Mexico since the 1970s, and the role in it of Carlos Salinas, as Mexican president from 1988 to 1994, and subsequently.
- N/A: Stop & search app will 'hold police to account'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Individuals who are stopped and searched by police will now be able to record and report their experience using a new app designed to hold officers to account.
- Naber, Nadine: Assaulting pro-Palestinian Activism: Smear Tactics at U-M
Against The Current vol. 118 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 In March, 2005 the student assembly at the University of Michigan held a campus- wide meeting to vote on a resolution calling for the university to form an advisory committee to review university investments in companies supporting the Israeli occupation. This was not a divestment resolution, but a small-scale resolution calling for an investigative committee to investigate university investments.
- Naber, Nadine: The Meaning of the Revolution
Against The Current vol. 151 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 These are the words of Asmaa Mahfouz, a 26-year-old woman whose January 18 blog is said to have helped mobilize the million that turned up in Cairo and the thousands in other cities on January 25. Asmaa’s blog, like the stories of many Egyptian women of this revolution, offer a challenge to two key questions framing U.S. discourse on the Egyptian revolution.
- Nachalo, Sophia and Vochek, Yarostan (Perlman, Freddy): Letters of Insurgents
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976 A fictional exchange of letters between people grappling with the question of what the struggle for freedom means in the West and in the countries of the Soviet bloc. A gripping discussion of the issues of social change and liberation as they affect real people.
- Nadasen, Premilla: Household Worker Organizing, Its Lessons for Labor Today
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Domestic work is representative of a paradigmatic shift in labour, as the conditions of labour for other workers seem to converge with and more closely resemble those of private household workers.
- Nadasen, Premilla: Household Workers Unite
The Untold Story of African American Women Who Built a Movement Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Published: 2016 Telling the stories of African American domestic workers, this book resurrects a little-known history of domestic worker activism in the 1960s and 1970s, offering new perspectives on race, labour, feminism, and organizing.
- Nadeau, Mary-Jo; Sears, Alan: This Is What Complicity Looks Like: Palestine and the Silencing Campaign on Campus
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The campaign to silence Palestine solidarity reaches its annual crescendo during Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW).
- Nader, Ralph: Big Crony CEO Pay Grab: Effects Beyond Greed!
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Over the past fifty years, the pay gap between many highly-paid CEOs and their employees has increased dramatically. In 1965, when they also liked to be rich, CEOs made approximately twenty times as much as their average employee, meaning they would earn their workers' average pay by the third week of January, and since the 1980s, the average difference and greed have increased. Highly-paid CEOs now make 303 times as much as their employees in a year, according to a study by the Economic Policy Institute.
- Nader, Ralph: The Censorious Vortex of the "Flash News" Barons
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 For decades, the factors that decided what noteworthy stories would not find their way into print or on the air came down to the media's ignorance, laziness or from advertising restraints. For too long, the explosive material for good journalism in these and other areas had remained hidden in plain sight.
- Nader, Ralph: Corporate Coercion and the Drive to Eliminate Buying with Cash
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Consumer freedom and privacy are examined as coercive commercialism quickly moves toward a cashless economy, when all consumers are forced into corporate payment systems from credit/debit cards, mobile phones and perhaps even through facial recognition technology.
- Nader, Ralph: The Corporate State of Surveillance
Opting Out Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 America was founded on the ideals of personal liberty, freedom and democracy. Now mass spying, surveillance and the unending collection of personal data undermine civil liberties and our privacy rights. We find ourselves in the midst of an all-out invasion on what’s-none-of-their-business and its coming from both government and corporate sources. Snooping and data collection have become big business. Nothing is out of their bounds anymore.
- Nader, Ralph: Corporations Spy on Nonprofits with Impunity
Dow Chemical vs. Greenpeace Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Here's a dirty little secret you won't see in the daily papers: corporations conduct espionage against US nonprofit organizations without fear of being brought to justice.
- Nader, Ralph: The Destructive Power Trips of Amazon's Boss
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Pointed criticism of online retailer Amazon and its Boss Jeff Bezos, whose practices include avoiding state taxes, erosion of traditional retail and small business, and undermining the tax base in communities.
- Nader, Ralph: Driverless Cars: Hype, Hubris and Distractions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The driverless personal car is quickly emerging without a legal, ethical and priorities framework, when priorities should be placed on safer, more efficient and less polluting means of transport.
- Nader, Ralph: Enduring Security
Volunteer Fire Departments Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Ralph Nader on the history, structure, and challenges faced by the United States' volunteer firefighters, who make up two-thirds of the nation's fire-fighting force.
- Nader, Ralph: Ethics and Whistleblowing for Engineers Affects Us All
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Some engineering professors worry that their students' busy course schedules prevents them from adequately exploring the liberal arts. Without exposure to the liberal arts, engineering students will lack the broad context that will help them approach their work as a profession, not just a trade.
- Nader, Ralph: The Funny Business of Farm Credit
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In May of 1998 we held a conference dedicated to two Government-sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In my statement to that assembly, I noted that both corporations had been enjoying good times, but cautioned that one of the unintended consequences of fat profits over a long period is the tendency of both government and private corporations to start believing in the fantasy of ever-rising profits. GSEs often escape the accountability that Congress or regulatory agencies should impose.
- Nader, Ralph: The Left/Right Challenge to the Failed "War on Drugs"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 More and more conservatives and liberals, from the halls of Congress to people in communities across the country, are agreeing that the so-called "war on drugs" needs serious rethinking.
- NADER, Ralph: Let the People Know
Put Full Texts of Government Contracts Online Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Openness in our government is essential for a healthy democracy
- Nader, Ralph: Let's Call Out Institutional Insanities
A Grotesque Inversion of Priorities Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 What are the signs that an institution is clinically insane? For over thirty-five years I have been trying to persuade psychological and psychiatric specialists and their professional associations to take up this serious subject for study and corrective suggestions. Alas, to no avail.
- Nader, Ralph: The Media and the Far Right
Showcasing the Crude, the Violent and the Aberrant Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 The right-moving trend of the mainstream media, absurdly deemed liberal by successfully intimidating corporatists and ideological aggressors, continues year after year.
- Nader, Ralph: Monsanto and Its Promoters vs. Freedom of Information
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Next year, the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) will celebrate its 50th anniversary as one of the finest laws our Congress has ever passed. It is a vital investigative tool for exposing government and corporate wrongdoing.
- Nader, Ralph: One of the Greatest Environmentalists of the 20th Century
Barry Commoners RIP Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Dr. Barry Commoner, equipped with a Harvard PhD in cellular biology, used his knowledge of biology, ecosystems, nuclear radiation, public communication, networking scientists, political campaigning, and community organizing to become the greatest environmentalist in the 20th century.
- Nader, Ralph: The Perpetual Punitive Machine Backfires
Not Very Smart Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Our nation has a penchant for creating unnecessary complexity and obstacles for its people in areas such as the tax, health insurance and student debt miasmas. The prison industry adds to this with what it euphemistically calls "collateral consequences."
- Nader, Ralph: Restricting People’s Use of Their Courts
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 In not so merry old medieval England, wrongful injuries between people either were suffered in silence or provoked revenge. Cooler heads began to prevail and courts of law were opened so such disputes over compensation and other remedies could be adjudicated under trial by jury.
- Nader, Ralph: Self-Censored Questions by Career Questioners
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 I've always been intrigued by the major questions not asked by reporters at press conferences, not asked by legislators at public hearings or even the questions citizens at town meetings don't ask public officials. It's not that they do not know about or could not easily become informed enough about a given issue and ask substantive questions. It's just that so many taboos are packed into these questioners' ideological mindset, career goals or concern with what other people over them might think. Maybe it is a culturally-rooted fear of challenging entrenched power brokers.
- Nader, Ralph: The Serious Price of the Hyperconvenient Economy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The rapid "progress" towards greater convenience will induce dependency, ignorance of the product and service and more loss of voice, self-determination and self-reliance.
- Nader, Ralph: Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Nader discusses areas of convergence where liberals and conservatives can start working together for the public good.
- Nader, Ralph: Vanishing the People's Wealth to Make the Bosses Richer
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Imagine you are a shareholder in a big company and the top executives are sitting on huge amounts of cash and are not interested in putting it to work through productive capital investments, research and development, reducing company debt or paying employees a higher wage. What would you want done about it? Since you and other shareholders are the owners of the company, you'd likely say "give us back our money in cash dividends."
- Nader, Ralph; Conacher, Duff; and Milleron, Nadia: Canada Firsts Ralph Nader's Salute to Canada and Canadian Achievement
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Naduris-Weissman, Eli: Student-Labor Activism Advances
Against The Current vol. 83 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 University campuses displayed an impressive mobilization around labor issues last year, from United Farm Worker (UFW) strawberry campaigns to living wage movements to the anti-sweatshop sit-ins.
- Naecke, Diana: My Freedom, Your Freedom
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2012 Knowing nothing but drugs and violence since childhood, Kuebra and Salema have spent their adult years in and out of a Berlin prison, their experiences calling into question the effectiveness of incarceration.
- Naeem, Raza: Pakistan's Gramsci: Remembering Sibte Hasan (1916-1986)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 2016 marks the birth centenary of Pakistan's own Gramsci, the pioneer of the Progressive Writers' Association (PWA) in undivided India and of the Communist Party in Pakistan, Sibte Hasan. Like the famed Italian thinker and activist, Hasan endured repeated jail terms, first during his sojourn in the United States, and then in Pakistan in 1951-55, and again during the Ayub dictatorship. It's surprising that despite Hasan’s iconic stature in the Indian subcontinent, very little is known about his biographical details.
- Nafisi, Azar: Reading Lolita in Tehran
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003
- Nagel, Mechthild: Dialectics of Revolutionary Learning
Book review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Review of the book Revolutionary Learning: Marxism, Feminism and Knowledge by Sara Carpenter and Shahrzad Mojab.
- Nagle, Angela: Enemies of the People
How hatred of the masses bridges our partisan divide Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 As we veer into a brave new age of right-wing populism, a restive mood of contempt for the masses has seized the opposition. Demoralized liberals, still reeling from the debacle of the 2016 presidential ballot, are salving their wounds with reveries of metaphysical superiority.
- Nahem, Ike: Another Vote on Washington's Anti-Cuba Policy at the United Nations
The Politics of Isolation Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Resolution A/68/L.6, sponsored by Cuba, passed this year, for the 22nd year in a row, with Washington once again in humiliating political loneliness. The vote this year was 188-2 in favor, with 3 abstentions. Washington’s formal political isolation over its anti-Cuba policy can hardly be more complete. Is it possible to imagine any significant political issue in world politics uniting so many disparate entities often in significant conflict with each other.
- Nahem, Ike: The 2019 UN Vote Against the US Blockade of Cuba
Trump's Washington Remains Cornered Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 On November 7, 2019, for the 28th year in a row, the entire United Nations General Assembly, gathered in one room, voted overwhelmingly against "the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo Imposed on Cuba by the United States." The final tally was 187 in favor, 3 opposed (Brazil, Israel, US), 2 abstentions (Colombia, Ukraine), 1 not voting (Moldova).
- Naicker, Camalita: Making a Sow's Ear from Palestinian Protest
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The recent decision by the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) to place a pig's head in what was assumed to be the kosher section of Woolworths, and then, in fact, turned out to be the halal section, could be written off as a mere "fail of the week."
- Naiman, Joanne: Elected Representatives on the Wrong Side of History: Israel is a Criminal State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) has grown exponentially and gained legitimacy in many parts of the world, while the concept of Israel as an Apartheid state has gained much credibility. In Israel itself, debates that were unheard of a short while ago have entered the public discourse.
- Naiman, Robert: WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 In 2010, WikiLeaks became a household name by releasing 251,287 classified State Department cables. The essays that make up The WikiLeaks Files shed critical light on a once secret history.
- Naimark, Norman M.: Fires of Hatred
Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 A history of genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced deportation of ethnic groups in the 20th century.
- Nair, Yasmin: Can We Talk?: Censorship, Pedophilia, and Panic
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Pederasty and pedophilia have been topics of debate in works about gay and straight history, given long-standing traditions of intergenerational sex between and among men and women. The right uses that fact to condemn all queers, particularly gay men, as predators of children.
- Nair, Yasmin: The Dangerous Academic is an Extinct Species
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Nair analyzes current academia and the structures in place that prevent academics and students from putting forth ideas that challenge the status quo.
- Nair, Yasmin: Fuck Love
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012
- Nair, Yasmin: How Zionism's brutality reaches from Gaza's beaches to US academia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Read one way, Steven Salaita's new book is about lies and children. (Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom by Steven Salaita, Haymarket Books). There are the persistent lies about Israel's continued attacks on Palestinians, and in particular its lies about how it kills children.
- Nair, Yasmin: Make Art! Change the World! Starve!
The Fallacy of Art as Social Justice - Part I Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012
- Nair, Yasmin: Should You March Against Trump?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Yasmin Nair addresses the issue of whether or not to march against Donald Trump this week, or in the months and years following.
- Nair, Yasmin: What's Left of Queer?: Immigration, Sexuality, and Affect in a Neoliberal World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 We need to refuse the narratives of abjection that are routinely forced upon us. They only render us immobile creatures, begging for help. We are all neoliberals now. We're all selling our bodies, our lives, our stories to the media and to provide comfort to ourselves. Those stories have to be challenged and reworked or we lose sight of the larger story of economic exploitation, at our peril.
- Nairn, Allan: News and Comment
Allan Nairn's blog Resource Type: Website First Published: 2007 News and comments in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, and Danish.
- Naison, Mark: Badass Teachers Unite!
Reflections on Education, History, and Youth Activism Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Mark Naison exposes how dominant education Reform policies destabalize low income communities.
- Naison, Mark: Badass Teachers Unite! Reflections on Education, History, and Youth Activism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Collection of essays on education and youth activism draws from Naison's research on Bronx History and his experiences defending teachers and students from school reform policies which undermine their power and creativity. Naison's focus is identifying teaching and organizing strategies that have worked effectively in New York, and could be implemented in impoverished communities elsewhere.
- Naison, Mark: Rent Strikes in New York
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1967
- Najjar, Farah: Village demolition based on Israel's 'racist' plan
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 In the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran, residents say the closing of an investigation into the killing of Yacoub Abu al-Qiyan is evidence of a wider strategy to drive residents out of the rural community.
- Nakazawa, Keiji: Barefoot Gen The Day After
A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 The acclaimed Barefoot Gen story picks up the day after the bombing of Hiroshima as the Gen family encounters the effects of the bomb, hunger, the hardened hearts of those more fortunate than themselves, and new ethical dilemmas. What is to become of them with their city burned to ashes but their trials just begun?
- Nakazawa, Keiji; Paul, Paula J. (foreword): Barefoot Gen
A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 Barefoot Gen is the powerful, tragic story of the bombing of Hiroshima seen through the eyes of a young boy - the artist himself - growing up in a peace-loving Japanese family. It is a graphic 'lest we forget' depiction of nuclear devastation and a troubling index of certain kinds of urban ruin even before the bombs fall.
- Nall, Jeffrey: John Holt: Homeschooling Pioneer and Visionary Progressive
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The stereotype of homeschooling as the haven for conservative, religious ideologues overshadows the movement's radically progressive roots. One of the movement's foremost pioneers, John Holt, was an egalitarian atheist who explicitly opposed patriarchy, corresponded with progressive thinkers including Paul Goodman and Noam Chomsky, and helped initiate the still emerging children’s rights movement.
- Namatsi Lutomia, Anne: The World Through African Eyes
Securing the Base: Making Africa Visible in the Globe Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Book review of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Securing the Base: Making Africa Visible in the Globe.
- Namazie, Maryam: Apostasy, Blasphemy and Free Expression in the Age of ISIS
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The right to religion comes with a corresponding right to be free from religion.
- Namazie, Maryam: Ayatollah BBC and #ExMuslimBecause
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Whilst we mourn our dead in Paris, we must not forget the countless others killed by ISIS and Islamists, including this very month in Lebanon, Nigeria, Mali, Iraq, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan... as well as those executed perfectly legally via Sharia laws in Iran, Saudi Arabia... The refugee crisis is in large part due to this unbridled brutality. In fact, if there ever was a "right" time to challenge Islam and Islamism, it is now.
- Namazie, Maryam: CEMB march at Pride 2018 in London: A Victory against Islamism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain marched in Pride in London on 7 July for LGBT rights in countries under Islamic rule; in 15 states or territories, homosexuality is punishable by death. The march was a victory against Islamist forces in Britain like Mend and East London Mosque that tried and failed to stop CEMB from marching with accusations of 'Islamophobia' aimed at imposing de facto blasphemy and apostasy laws.
- Namazie, Maryam: Demand for atheism rises in countries under Islamic rule
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The rise of atheism in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia is something we have been speaking about for some time now. The Iranian Baztab Now website warned of a tsunami of atheism amongst Iranian youth. The #ExMuslimBecause hashtag initiated by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain became viral overnight with over 120,000 Tweets from 65 countries.
- Namazie, Maryam: Ex-Muslims: A community in protest
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 I see ex-Muslims as a community in protest: insisting on freedom from religion, and freedom of conscience. For the right to apostasy and blasphemy, without fear. Like the LGBT, anti-slavery, anti-colonialist, anti-apartheid, suffragette or civil rights movements, it’s a movement which insists upon our common humanity and equality – not upon difference or superiority. It’s a movement of people who refuse to live in fear and in the shadows, and who are speaking out for social change in unprecedented ways.
- Namazie, Maryam: Gender segregation is humiliating and damaging
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The author looks at gender segregation, drawing on her own personal experiences in Iran but also in a broader context and the resulting psychological damage done to girls from a very young age.
- Namazie, Maryam: God: A Human History - a rescue attempt by Reza Aslan
Book review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Gods and religions have caused so much distress that even those who have spent a lifetime apologising for and ignoring the doctrinal foundations of their abuses must make a rescue attempt.
- Namazie, Maryam: The hijab: "preventing common impositions"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Children are not the property of their parents. They are individuals with rights and bodily integrity. And just because their parents believe in child veiling or FGM and male circumcision doesn't mean they should be automatically entitled to impose their views on their children, especially when these views are harmful.
- Namazie, Maryam: I will be nude, I will protest, and I will challenge you to your core!
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A nude woman is the antithesis of the idealised veiled and submissive woman. Whilst nude protest is not the only way to resist Islamism and the veil, it is a very modern, practical and appropriate way of doing so. It also challenges discrimination against women and a system which profits from the commodification and sexualisation of women’s bodies.
- Namazie, Maryam: Iran: "This is a woman's revolution in the making"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 If you look at the Handmaid's Tale, people talk about it as fiction. But it is real life in Iran. We're talking about a government that legally discriminates against women and legally imposes and encourages violence against us.
- Namazie, Maryam: Pret-A-Patriarchy – on "modest" fashion
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 "Modest" fashion is a fast growing industry with companies like Dolce & Gabbana, H&M, Marks and Spencer, DKNY, Zara and others all rushing to cash in. But while more choice is undoubtedly good, I have a problem with the labelling.
- Namazie, Maryam: The rise of humanism and secularism in Iran
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 The backlash and opposition in Iran is at its essence strongly humanist, secularist and modern. You can see it clearly in the rational, popular, and spontaneous acts and the
establishment of hundreds of organisations outside government structures and restrictions that are non-religious and purely for the defence of the human being via reliance on human will.
- Namazie, Maryam: UK: Walking a tightrope: Between the pro-Islamist Left and the far-Right
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Opposing Sharia and Islamism in the west is like walking on a tight rope most of the time -- thwarting attacks from the Left, refuting cultural relativism, preventing alliances with the far-Right, explaining the issues ignored by government and the media, mobilising support for secularism and citizenship whilst opposing racism and xenophobia, and making linkages with the many fighting Islamism on the ground in countries across the world.
- Namazie, Maryam: The Veil and Violence against Women in Islamist Societies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 The ongoing battle between the Islamic authorities and women over the veil clearly reveals why it has become a symbol like no other of the violence women face under Islam and why 'improper' or 'bad' veiling and unveiling have become a symbol of resistance to Islam in power and its violence against women. It is for this very reason that the slogan 'neither veil nor submission' has become a rallying cry ever since the regime imposed compulsory veiling on women after expropriating and crushing the revolution to consolidate its rule.
- Namazie, Maryam: What isn't wrong with Sharia law?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 To safeguard our rights there must be one law for all and no religious courts.
- Namazie, Maryam: What's all the fuss about the veil?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 It is impossible to address the status of women under Islamic laws and defend women’s rights without addressing and denouncing the veil. And this is why the veil is the first thing that Islamists impose when they have any access to power.
- Namazie, Maryam: Why I had to face down the bullies trying to silence my supposedly 'offensive' stance on Islam
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 This week marked the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. The atrocity was a brutal attack not just on human life but also on the principle of free speech, one of the pillars of human civilisation. In the aftermath of the killings, people across the world united to express their support for that essential liberty.
- Namazie, Maryam: Why is Inclusive Mosque so Afraid of Secularism?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Secularism is merely a framework that separates religion from the state to ensure that religion cannot influence the state and public policy and impose itself on private lives. After all, not everyone in a given society is a believer and even if they are, they don’t usually want the state to tell them how to believe. Only a secular framework can ensure the equal rights of all citizens before the law and not different rights for different categories of communalised groups. It is only a secular framework that can ensure one law for all via changeable laws made by people versus unchangeable ‘divine’ laws imposed by clerics. It is a secular framework which can allow for multi-ethnic, multi-religious and plural societies and is a minimum precondition for the rights of women and minorities. It is a secular framework that can ensure freedom of conscience, including freedom of and from religion.
- Namazie, Maryam; Gupta, Rahila: One woman's brush with Sharia courts in the UK: "It ruined my life forever"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The UK government is conducting an inquiry into the operation of Sharia courts which is being boycotted by a number of women's organisations because its remit is too narrow, and the panel of judges is not seen as 'independent' enough. Parallel to this, the Home Affairs Committee has also launched an inquiry into whether the principles of Sharia are compatible with British law.
- Namboodiripad, E.M.S.: The Mahatma and the Ism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1958
- Nangle, Hugh: The Nangle Report
Canadian Businesses In South Africa Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977
- Nangwaya, Ajamu: Pan-Africanism, feminism and finding missing pan-Africanist women
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 There are numerous women in the African Diaspora who have worked for the liberation of Africans under the banner of Pan-Africanism. They must be rescued from political obscurity. Pan-Africanism as a revolutionary ideology must firmly embrace feminism.
- Nangwaya, Ajamu: Why are we afraid of naming and confronting capitalism?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Many critics of capitalism suggest that capitalism is not the main problem in the world. They do not want to appear, in the eyes of the people and the ruling elite, as too radical or 'ideological'. But the forces for social change must embrace revolutionary engagement with robust ideological clarity: Capitalism is the problem.
- Nao: Four years later, still a graveyard of Chinese youth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 In 2014, on the eve of China's national day celebrations, scenes recalling those of four years ago appeared in Chinese headlines. Foxconn became known to the world four years ago when thirteen of its young workers jumped to their deaths in quick succession.
- Nao: The Margins and the Center: For a New History of the Cultural Revolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Repost of an informative reflection on the lessons to be learned from China's "Cultural Revolution" in light of China's grim political situation circa 2014, centered on a review of Yiching's Wu's pathbreaking new book, Cultural Revolution at the Margins.
- Nao: The new strikes in China
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 An article by "friends of gongchao" describes the development of strikes in China in recent years as well as the strike at Yue Yuen shoe factories in Dongguan, South China, in April 2014.
- Napalitano, Jeffrey; Leiblum, Mishy; Sered, Barak; Luce, Stephanie: Racist Outrage at UMass-Amherst
Against The Current vol. 114 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Over the past decade, students around the country have fought a conservative backlash on college campuses that has sought to reverse many gains won in the 1970s and 1980s. Along with attacks on labor studies, women's studies, and progressive student organizations, this has also included efforts to roll back affirmative action policies and programs for students of color.
- Narco News School of Authentic Journalism: The Day the Internet Died
An Oral History of the Egyptian Revolution Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 When Hosni Mubarak Shut Off Cell Phones and the Internet in January 2011 Was the Moment When More Egyptians than Ever Went Out into the Streets.
- Nash, Andrew: Mandela's Democracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Nelson Mandela's ideological legacy — in South Africa and globally — is startlingly complex. He has provided inspiration for the struggles of oppressed people throughout the world, and he has made himself a symbol of reconciliation in a world in which their oppression continues. To understand his historical role, and come to terms with his legacy, we need to see how his greatness and his limitations stem from the same source.
- Nasr, Edwin: On the Uprisings in France
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 At the beginning of March 2016, France's now ultra-liberal Socialist Party (PS) government officially revealed a labour reforms bill whose objective was to promote the competitiveness of businesses operating in France. The bill, commonly referred to as the El Khomri (the country's Labour Minister) law, was instantly perceived by most leftist factions as a fundamental attack on workers rights and a downright sabotage of the French Labour Code ("Code du Travail"), considered one of Europe's most progressive. The law allows for companies to reach "agreements" with its staff over working conditions without the need to negotiate with trade unions, subjecting workers to employers' arbitrary decisions (in regards to longer hours and lower overtime pay) without any legal protection. It also facilitates mass sackings and individual lay-offs by relaxing French law's constraint on firing and hiring, and casts aside the sacrosanct 35-hour work week in favour of a lengthened, more "flexible" one.
- Nassar, Maha: History of the Gaza Strip
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Maha Nassar provides historical context to the current violence in the densely populated and besieged enclave.
- Nassar,Tamara: Israel uses Palestinian land to illegally dump toxic waste
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Israel dumps unknown waste and military garbage in a disposal site in Kisan village, in the occupied West Bank.
- Nasser, Alan: Countering the Israel Lobby's Dominance
Can Jewish Liberals Transcend the Wiesel Doctrine? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The distance between largely secular American Jews and the Zionist establishment is likely to widen. This will weaken the political power of the Israel lobby only if American Jews as a whole are prepared to announce unambiguously their antipathy to their self-proclaimed representatives.
- Nasser, Alan: How Inequality Kills
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The Global March of Neoliberalism: The World Inequality Report 2018
- Nasser, Alan: How The Oligarchy Gets Politicized
A Short History of Elite Responses To Political-Economic Crisis Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The political activism of the elite is striking in times of crisis, when the latter takes the form either of severe economic contraction or of working-class militancy, or both.
- Nasser, Nicola: The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons
Investigating a Forgone Conclusion Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 UN independent commission is investigating whether or not chemical weapons were used in Syria.
- Nate: Scaling the wall: what to do if you get stuck while reading Marx’s Capital
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Lots of people who start Karl Marx's Capital get stuck somewhere in the early chapters of Volume 1. Here are some suggestions are made about how to get unstuck and read the whole book.
- Nathan, Debbie; Snedeker, Mike: Satan's Silence
Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt Resource Type: Book First Published: 1995 About the wave of hysteria over alleged satanic abuse of children which hit the United States in the 1990s.
- Nathan, Susan: The Other Side of Israel
My Journey Across the Jewish/Arab Divide Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 Explores the unequal treatment of Palestinians living in Israel as "citizens", but as second-class citizens in a theocratic state that discriminates against Arabs in many ways.
- Nathanson, Rebecca: These Activists Blocked Migrant Deportations. Now They Face Life Imprisonment in the U.K.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Fifteen activists who blocked a plane deporting migrants are being charged with laws intended for terrorists. The use of charter flights for deportations is one of the issues they raise.
- Nation, Dene: Recognition of the Dene Nation Through Dene Government
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 In this paper, the Dene Nation outlines the manner in which a Dene Government can be implemented as a means of self-determination of the Dene within Canada.
- National Directorate Sandinista National Liberation Front: Women and the Sandinista Revolution
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1987 The Sandinista National Liberation Front must lead the struggle for thr education and conscientization of the entire society towards the eradication of discrminiation against women, which obstructs their full incorporation into the revoluntary process.
- National Lawyers Guild; Anthony Baez Foundation; Coalition to Stop Police Brutality: Stolen Lives - Killed by Law Enforcement
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 Stolen Lives documents over 2000 cases of people killed by law enforcement agents throughout the U.S. since 1990. Information includes the victims' names, ages, race/nationality, date killed, location, and a description of the circumstances surrounding their deaths.
- Natoli, Joseph: Thoughtcrimes and Stupidspeak: Our Assault Against Words
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 We are tortured with repetitions. How many bloggers do we have in cyberspace, opining in a Duckspeak that gets a Bellyfeel response because those who have an opposing Bellyfeel response listen only to their Duckspeak bloggers. 152 million bloggers as of 2013. 500 million tweets per day. 1.71 billion active users on Facebook. 4 billion YouTube views per day. A Pandora’s Box opened that cannot be closed, perhaps because what cybertech installs can neither be abjured nor rejected. "It's all good" apparently. Perhaps not.
- Naureckas, Jim: Facebook Wants You to Know if You’re Getting Your News From the Wrong Government
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Media outlets owned by a company with ties to the Russian government are forced to disclose their affiliation on Facebook. Media outlets owned or funded by the US government are not held to the same standard.
- Naureckas, Jim: No, US Didn't 'Stand By' Indonesian Genocide - It Actively Participated
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Within the coverage of the newly declassified telegram that proves the US actively participated in the Indonesian genocide the media frames Washington as a passive onlooker rather than active participant. This not only lessens the government's culpability; it also tells readers that if the US is to be faulted, it's to be blamed for not doing enough. That's a handy attitude to cultivate for the next time you want to sell a "humanitarian" war.
- Naureckas, Jim: Underexposure Exposed
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 If you want people to think that a country resistant to US leadership is a festering doomscape, just underexpose the hell out of your photographs.
- Naureckas, Jim: What Was Missing From Coverage of Netanyahu's Speech
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Reading the lead stories on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress about Iran in five prominent US papers – the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today (all 3/3/15) – what was most striking was what was left out of these articles.
- Naureckas, Jim: When Is Direct Military Intervention Not Direct Military Intervention?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Since 2014, according to official Pentagon figures, the US has carried out 5,337 airstrikes in Syria. Yet the New York Times continues to pretend that the U.S. has not intervened militarily in Syria.
- Navarro Vicente: What is Going On in Spain?
The End of an Era and the Beginning of Podemos Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Something is happening in Spain. A party that did not exist one year ago, Podemos, with a clear left-wing program, would win a sufficient number of votes to gain a majority in Spanish Parliament if an election were held today.
- Navarro, Santiago F., Bessi, Renata: The Dark Side of Clean Energy: Industrial Wind Plantations in Mexico
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016
- Navarro, Vicente: Class and Race: Life and Death Situations
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Looking at the impact of race and class as health determinants.
- Navarro, Vicente: The Enormous Limitations of U.S. Liberal Democracy and Its Consequences
The Growth Of Fascism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Explores the "baked-in bias" towards the far right in the United States and the threat it poses to the democratic system of governance.
- Navarro, Vicente: Inequalities Are Unhealthy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 The growing inequalities we are witnessing in the world today are having a very negative impact on the health and quality of life of its populations.
- Navarro, Vicente: The Political and Social Context of Health
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2004
- Navarro, Vicente: Race, Gender, and Class Politics in the US Primaries
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The US has some of the largest feminist organizations in the Western world. I should also add that it has the largest organization for the elderly, the AARP. In spite of this, the US is the country where African Americans, women, and the elderly have fewer political, civil, and social rights. African Americans, women, and the elderly have the least health benefits among their equivalents in other developed countries. The primary reason for this underdevelopment of human rights is the absence of powerful socialist forces and parties, rooted historically in the working class. This reality, however, is rarely mentioned in the US. It is presented as too "ideological" or antiquated.
- Navarro, Vicente: What is Happening in Spain?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Spain spends much less on public social expenditures that what it should spend according to its level of economic development. It is one of the countries of the European Union 15 (the more advanced economies of the European Union) that spends the least on public services such as health care, education, public housing and child care, and on transfers, such as pensions.
- Navarro, Vicente: What We Mean By Social Determinants of Health
International Journal of Health Services, Volume 39, Number 3, Pages 423-441 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2008 Published: 2009 Analyzes the changes in health conditions and quality of life in the populations of developed and developing countries over the past 30 years, resulting from neoliberal policies developed by many governments and promoted by international agencies. Critiquing a WHO report on social determinants of health, Navarro argues that it is not inequalities that kill people; it is those who are responsible for these inequalities that kill people.
- Navarro, Vicente; Muntaner, Carles (ed.): Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well-Being
Controversies and Developments Resource Type: Book First Published: 2004 A compilation of recent contributions to the areas of social epidemiology, health disparities, health economics, and health services research. The overarching theme is to describe and explain the ever-growing health inequalities across social class, race, and gender, as well as neighborhood, city, region, country, and continent.
- Navarro, Vincent: Why Left Wing Populism Is Not Enough
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Mainly a critique of Chantal Mouffe's book 'For a Left Populism,' discusses the shortcomings of a poplulism that downplays the role of class.
- Navarro, Vincente: What is Happening in Catalonia and Spain?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Vincente Navarro explains the historcal background to the Catalonian independence referendum results in 2017, and notes the political challenges this movement will face.
- Navarro, Vincente: What is Meant by 'Single-Payer' in the Current Discussion of Health Care Reforms During the Primaries?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Single-payer means that most of the funds used to pay for medical care are public, that is, they are paid with taxes. The government, through a public authority, is the most important payer for medical care services and uses this power to influence the organization of health care. The overwhelming majority of developed countries have one form or another of a single-payer system.
- Navasky, Victor; Heavel, Katrina Vanden: The Best of The Nation
Selections from the Independent Magazine of Politics and Culture Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 An anthology of articles from The Nation.
- Nawajah, Nasser: No child should be afraid to drink a glass of water ...
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Nasser Nawajah wrote this open letter to Israel's economics minister Naftali Bennett - leader of The Jewish Home - about the water starvation suffered by Palestinians.
- Naylor, James; Hinther, Rhonda L.'; Macharuk, Jim: For a Better World
The Winnipeg General Strike: The Workers' Revolt Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- Naylor, James; Hinther, Rhonda L.; Mochoruk, Jim (eds.): For a Better World
The Winnipeg General Strike and the Workers' Revolt Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022 Looks at the history and legacies of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
- Naylor, R.T.: Patriots & Profiteers
On Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, State-Sponsored Crime Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 The effectiveness - or ineffectiveness - of economic sanctions as an instrument for altering the political behaviour of a state is an extremely nebulous index to measure. Regimes subjected to sanactions, such as Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the Apartheid government of South Africa, and Milosevic-era Yugoslavia,have often found ingenious ways to side-step the punishments meted to them for their outrages.
- Naylor, Tom: The History of Canadian Business 1867-1914
Volume I - The Banks and Finance Capital Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 A comprehensive history of Canadian business and a detailed account of the development of commerce and industry in the formative period from Confederation to the first World War. In Volume 1 on the banks and finance capital, the story of the growth of the Canadian chartered banking system is told in detail. Included is an analysis of the many bank failures, and an explanation of the techniques used successfully by the largest chartered banks to dominate banking and finance in the new confederation. Several chapters deal with hitherto unrecorded facets of the development of the financial system of Canada, the major financial institutions and the types of operations they financed.
- Naylor, Tom: The History of Canadian Business 1867-1914
Volume II - Industrial Development Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 This comprehensive two-volume history of Canadian business is a detailed account of the development of commerce and industry in the formative period from Confederation to the first World War. Volume II deals mainly with the develpment of manufacturing and industry. The rapid growth of foreign branch plants which followed the National Policy is examined in detail, as are business assistance measures like patent laws, tariffs, government subsidies and municipal 'bonusing'. Naylor offers detailed accountes of the rise of big businesses through the formation of cartels and mergers assembled out of smaller independent operations.
- Nazari, Hossein: When America Downed an Iranian Airliner and Celebrated It!
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Every 3rd of July Iranians commemorate the killing of 299 innocent people, including 66 children, by the US Navy. Adding to the tragedy is the American attitude towards this catastrophic event.
- NDP-Waffle Labour Committee: A socialist program for Canadian trade unionists
For an Independent, Socialist Canada Resource Type: Pamphlet
- Neal, Dave: Anarchism: Ideology or Methodology?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 A discussion of whether anarchism is an ideology or a methodology. The social vs. lifestylism debate.
- Neal, Rusty: Brotherhood Economics
Women and Co-operatives in Nova Scotia Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998 Documents the goal of equality for women in the workplace, education, economic development, social work and co-operatives and the activism of five women.
- Neale, Jonathan: At COP21, the world agreed to increase emissions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Some countries will reduce emissions a little, but other countries will increase them a lot. You would never know this from UN and media reports.
- Nechaev, Sergei: Catechism of a Revolutionist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1869 a program for the "merciless destruction" of society and the state, written by the anarchist Sergey Nechayev.
- Needham, Wilma (ed.): Women and Peace Resource Book
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Nefertari Ulen, Eisa: Even the Machines Are Racist. Facial Recognition Systems Threaten Black Lives.
The use of surveillance technology for "security" comes at the expense of civil liberties for Black and Brown people. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Politicians and companies pushing facial recognition technology say that, like the near-certainty of DNA and the exactness of fingerprint matches, the software is a precise, unbiased alternative to human bigotry in policing. Yet in reality, facial recognition technology is prone to false positives that target Black and Brown people, and then tracks them when they're on parole.
- Negri, Antonio: Books for Burning
Between Civil War and Democracy in 1970s Italy Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005
- Negri. Antonio: On Fire
The battle of Genoa and the anticapitalist movement Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Eyewitness accounts and analysis from the militant sections of the anti-G8 demonstrations in Genoa in July 2001.
- Negrin, Su: Begin at Start
Some Thoughts on Personal Liberation and World Change Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 Sue Negrin talks about her experiences in the hip, free school, mysticism, New Left, feminist and gay movements; how she sees them shedding old skins and coming together in a new way.
- Nehéz, Victor: Orbán: Strong Man, Authoritarian Ideology
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Review of a book about Viktor Orbán's political career.
- Neigh, Scott: Anti-Racism at the Neighbourhood Level
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2017 On this week's episode of Talking Radical Radio, Scott Neigh speaks with Rabea Murtaza, a member of East Enders Against Racism, a neighbourhood-based anti-racism group in Toronto. Podcast and article.
- Neigh, Scott: Changing Modes of Canadian Complicity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 It is important for those of us who see and criticize Canadian hypocrisy to point out that Hillier's comments and other similar things are perfectly consistent with Canada's actual history. But we also do ourselves a disservice if we fail to recognize the ways in which strategic deployment of such rhetoric is part of a project that aims to undo the paltry progressive victories that are still standing.
- Neigh, Scott: Gender and Sexuality
Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 Stories, accounts and histories of the movements to overcome racism, sexism and poverty.
- Neigh, Scott: Resisting the State
Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 In Resisting the State, Neigh draws attention to the broad range of struggles against the Canadian state, detailing the histories of these movements.
- Neigh, Scott: Review: Accompanying: Pathways to Social Change
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Review of Staughton Lynd's "Accompanying: Pathways to Social Change", a book that by and large uses a story-based pedagogy rather than an analysis-based one. It walks through struggles that Lynd and his wife Alice have been involved in directly.
- Neigh, Scott: Theories of History
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Conventional history tends to make ordinary people invisible. The motive forces of history are treated as some combination of "great men" (very occasionally women, almost always hetero and white regardless of gender) and impersonal forces like "economics" (treated in ways that reify them and give them agency outside of the local, everyday human activities that actually produce them).
- Neigh, Scott: Review: The Uses and Abuses of History
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Review of "The Uses and Abuses of History" by Margaret Macmillan.
- Neill, A. S.: Summerhill
A Radical Approach to Child Rearing Resource Type: Book First Published: 1960 A.S. Neill describes the ideas and practice of Summerhill school, the alternative school he founded. He expresses his radical opinions on parenthood and child rearing.
- Neill, A.S.: Freedom - Not License!
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1966 A.S. Neill, the founder of Summerhill School, responds to questions about cdhild rearing.
- Neiman, Ofer: Most US Jewish students don't see Israel as 'civilized' or a 'democracy,' Luntz tells secret anti-BDS conference
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Minister Gilad Erdan has organized a secret conference in Jerusalem, with 150 top supporters of Israel.
- Neiman, Susan: The true Left is not woke
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Progressive activists have forgotten their roots.
- Nell, Edward J.: Automation and the Abolition of the Market
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1967 This article deals with the relationship between power and technological development in society. Specifically, Nell looks at the intersection of markets, government, technology, and the social relations of production.
- Nelson, Cary: Manifesto of a Tenured Radical
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997 Divided into three parts: "The Politics of English," "The Academy and the Culture Debates," and "Lessons from the Job Wars."
- Nelson, Cary (ed.): Will Teach for Food
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997 17 essays on academic labour in crisis.
- Nelson, Joyce: Bank of Canada Lawsuit
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 One of the most important legal cases in Canadian history is slowly inching its way towards trial. Launched in 2011 by the Toronto-based Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER), the lawsuit would require the publicly-owned Bank of Canada to return to its pre-1974 mandate and practice of lending interest-free money to federal, provincial, and municipal governments for infrastructure and healthcare spending.
- Nelson, Joyce: Beyond Banksters
Resisting the New Feudalism Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 Beyond Banksters explores how the powers of the Bank of Canada were appropriated in the 1970s, resulting in billions of dollars in public debt. From Milton Friedman to Justin Trudeau's Canada Infrastructure Bank, from BlackRock to crappy trade deals to Bilderberg, Nelson exposes the major players privatizing the world and creating a new state of feudalism. Icelanders resisted. Nelson says Canada must too.
- Nelson, Joyce: Bypassing Dystopia
Hope-Filled Challenges to Corporate Rule Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Joyce Nelson explores global examples of active and creative resistance to the iron grip of corporatism on our economies and imaginations.
- Nelson, Joyce: The Dangers of Privatized Intelligence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Ray McGovern once again effectively demolishes (as he has several times over the past three years) the flimsy props holding up Russiagate, especially the "Intelligence Community Assessment" (ICA) prepared in January 2017 by "handpicked analysts" from the FBI, CIA and NSA (not 17 intelligence agencies, as first claimed by National Intelligence Director James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan).
- Nelson, Joyce: The military's carbon bootprint
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As the biggest single user of fossil fuels, why is the military exempt from the climate discussion?
- Nelson, Joyce: Missing from the Paris Agreement: the Pentagon's monstrous carbon boot print
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 How much of the mainstream media coverage given to COP21 and the Paris Agreement mentioned the mysterious exemption given to the US's massive military and security machine? None, writes Joyce Nelson. Not only are these emissions entirely outside the UNFCCC process, but a 'cone of sillence' somehow prevents them from even forming part of the climate change discourse.
- Nelson, Joyce: Monsanto and Ukraine
GM Food, Ukraine and the Return of Hill + Knowlton Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), under terms of their $17 billion loan to Ukraine, will force that country to permit genetically-modified (GM) crops and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture.
- Nelson, Joyce: The NED's Useful Idiots
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 On Friday, June 8, 2018, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow augmented her nightly Russiagate fetish by extolling the merits of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), telling her huge audience that the NED, created in the 1980s by the Ronald Reagan administration, still does the "non-partisan hard work around the world, of promoting small D democracy and promoting the institutions of civil society that any culture needs in order to have a functioning democracy."
- Nelson, Joyce: Paris Climate Agreement Threatened by Trade Deals
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Pope Francis' visit to the U.S. has galvanized discussion about climate change and raised hopes for the upcoming December COP21 Paris climate change talks. Those talks are intended to lead to a multilateral agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with serious pledges from the many participating countries.
- Nelson, Joyce: Perfect Machine
TV in the nuclear age Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Nelson, Joyce: The Perfect Machine
TV in the Nuclear Age Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 Television and the Bomb: These two mass media dominate our age. Joyce Nelson explores their sinister relationship.
- Nelson, Joyce: Petroleum Disaster in the Great Bear Rainforest
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Outrage is the only word for what people are feeling after a tug and fuel barge, owned by Texas-based Kirby Offshore Marine, crashed on rocks in the heart of B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest on October 13, 2016. It’s been leaking 200,000 litres (59, 024 gallons) of diesel fuel into the sensitive marine ecosystem ever since.
- Nelson, Joyce: Putin's Question and the Ambassador's Answer
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A fascinating, if brief, verbal exchange recently took place between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1987 – 1991), Jack Matlock.
- Nelson, Joyce: Reversing Enbridge & Big Oil's Pipeline Plans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The National Academy of Sciences is skewering the industry's 'oil is oil' talking point -- making it clear that diluted bitumen is a different beast altogether and needs to be treated as such. The agonizingly slow and costly Kalamazoo River spill cleanup in Michigan made many of these points clear. Yet, the tar sands industry has continued to insist that diluted bitumen creates no deeper environmental threat as they push for unsustainable growth. While Keystone XL is off the table, there are numerous other projects being considered that extend the unique pipeline problems of dilbit into communities across North America.
- Nelson, Joyce: Rooming Houses in Toronto -- 1960s & 1970s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Rooming houses in Toronto became a big issue in the late 1960s and early 1970s as housing priorities were changing rapidly. These dwellings were usually old houses that had been converted for single-room-occupancy tenants, who typically paid weekly rent and shared the bathroom and kitchen facilities with four or more (unrelated) tenants.
- Nelson, Joyce: Saugeen Ojibway Nation Has Saved Lake Huron From a Nuclear Waste Dump
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A major victory for Canada's First Nations has just been won in Ontario. On January 31, 2020, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) overwhelmingly voted down the proposed deep geological repository (DGR) for storage of low- and intermediate-level radioactive nuclear waste next to Lake Huron.
- Nelson, Joyce: Sign Crimes/Road Kill
From Mediascape to Landscape Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 A collection of thirty short essays by Joyce Nelson, a writer specializing in the politics of the mass media.
- Nelson, Joyce: Sultans of Sleaze
Public Relations and the Media Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 Reveals the extent to which we have been deceived by public relations firms on behalf of their unscrupulous clients -- the corporations and governments that control our society.
- Nelson, Joyce: Tax Havens and the Other Paris Agreement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Paradise & Panama papers, Canada & red herrings, and the international agreement on tax havens with "enough loopholes to drive a fleet of Ferraris through"
- Nelson, Joyce: TPP: Big Pharma's Big Deal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 We still don't know all the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal tentatively agreed to on Oct. 5 by negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries, but already critics are slamming it for many reasons, including its generous concessions to the pharmaceutical industry.
- Nelson, Joyce: The Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX): Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and the Russians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 There has long been fierce opposition to the TMX project (owned at the time by Texas-based Kinder Morgan), which will nearly triple the pipeline’s capacity to bring Alberta diluted bitumen (dilbit) to the West Coast.
- Nelson, Joyce: Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare
What the heck is really going on in Venezuela? A complex story lies behind the offical narrative. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The article examines elements of Venezuala's economic warfare, role as global provider of oil, and the country's relationship with the Trump administration, to provide a multi-faceted picture of the country's recent violent events.
- Nelson, Joyce: Wall Street Invading Wet’suwet’en Territory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 While protesters have rightly condemned the RCMP actions in arresting Wet’suwet’en First Nation land defenders, they (and the corporate media) have largely overlooked the role of a major player in this whole debacle: Wall Street titan Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., better known as KKR.
- Nembhard, Jessica Gordon: Collective Courage
A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 In Collective Courage, Jessica Gordon Nembhard chronicles African American cooperative business ownership and its place in the movements for Black civil rights and economic equality.
- Nesbitt, Doug: The Nine-Hour Movement
How civil disobedience made unions legal Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 From today’s strike-first strategy of fast food workers in America, to the 1965 postal workers wildcat which ushered in public sector collective bargaining, civil disobedience has long been essential to breaking through legal barriers imposed on workers. The birth of Canada's labour movement was during a movement of mass civil disobedience in attempt to secure the nine hour workday.
- Nesbitt, Douglas James: The 'Radical trip' of the the Canadian Union of Students, 1963-69
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 MA Thesis, Trent University, 2009
- Ness, Immanuel: Southern Insurgency
The Coming of the Global Working Class Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015
- Ness, Immanuel (ed.); Azzellini, Dario (ed.): Ours to Master and to Own
Workers' Control from the Commune to the Present Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 Traces the historical tradition of worker control and organization.
- Nestel, Cheryl: The Use and Misuse of Antisemitism Statistics in Canada
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2021 Sheryl Nestel of IJV-Toronto has published a detailed analysis B’nai Brith’s audit, and found that their interpretation of the state of antisemitism in Canada is misleading at best, perhaps deliberately so.
- Nestel, Sydney: The Last Bundist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Marek Edelman died last week [2009]. He was 90. He was buried on Friday. Marek Edeleman was the last surviving member of the Warsaw Ghetto. He was one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and its last commander - after Mordechai Anelewicz was killed.
- Nestle, Marion: Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology and Bioterrorism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 A critique of "science-based" approaches to food - simply asking "how big is the risk?" leaves out the question of who is imposing that risk and who is taking it.
- Netizen Report Team: Netizen Report: Why Did YouTube Censor Your Videos? You May Never Know.
Global Voices Advocacy's Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights ar Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Amid an apparent shift in YouTube’s approach to monitoring for rules violations and staying in the good graces of advertisers, a wave of YouTube users have found their work either blocked or relegated to "restricted" mode in recent months.
- Nettl, Peter: Rosa Luxemburg
Abridged Edition Resource Type: Book First Published: 1966 Published: 1969 A biography of Luxemburg by a British academic.
- Nettlau, Max: Errico Malatesta: The Biography of an Anarchist
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1922 Published: 1924
- Nettle, Daniel; Romaine, Suzanne: Vanishing Voices
The extinction of the world's languages Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 Approximately half of all known languages have disappeared in the last five hundred years and, according to some, 90% of all languages are in danger of becoming extinct during the next century.
- Neuburger, Bruce: Lettuce Wars
Ten Years of Work and Struggle in The Fields of California Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 An account of ten years working as a farmworker in California and participating in the struggles over wages, working conditions, and unionization.
- Neuburger, G.: The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Argues that "Judaism and Zionism are by no means the same. Indeed they are incompatible and irreconcilable: If one is a good Jew, one cannot be a Zionist; if one is a Zionist, one cannot be a good Jew."
- Neumann, Franz: Behemoth
The Structure and Practice of National Socialism 1933-1944 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1942 Published: 1966 A study of the structure of German Nazism.
- Neumann, Franz: The Democratic and the Authoritarian State
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1964
- Neumann, Michael: The Case Against Israel
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 Neumann argues that Israel's policies are the cause of the conflict, and that the conflict can be ended by Israel changing its behaviour.
- Neumann, Michael: Ethnic Nationalism Versus Common Sense
Response to a Zionist Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Picture this. On the one hand, you have a bunch of people living in Palestine. Their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers most likely lived there too. They make their living there; they make their lives there. From far away appear some Europeans -- European Jews. They declare their intention to establish a state controlled by those who are, on some definition or other, ethnically Jewish. This will be a sovereign state, holding the power of life and death over all non-Jews within its borders, and those borders are intended eventually to comprise all of Palestine.
- Neumann, Michael: Fearsome Words?
Nationalism and the Israel-Palestine Conflict Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 We are so bemused by the lovely vision of peoples determining themselves, we cannot see that ethnic self-determination is, in the real world, a quest for racial sovereignty, not a bid to enter some international folk dancing festival.
- Neumann, Michael: Naomi Klein's "Courage"
Ain't But One Way Out Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 In saying that we need to make Iraq safe for democracy, Klein is buying into the US agenda for Iraq.
- Neumann, Michael: Say It Loud, Say It Proud: There is No God
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009
- Neumann, Michael: A Threat from Within: Jewish Opposition to Zionism - Review
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Review of a book on Jewish Orthodox opposition to Zionism.
- Neumann, Michael: What is Anti-Semitism?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Inflating the meaning of 'antisemitism' to include anything politically damaging to Israel is a double-edged sword. It may be handy for smiting your enemies, but the problem is that definitional inflation, like any inflation, cheapens the currency. The more things get to count as antisemitic, the less awful antisemitism is going to sound.
- Neumann, Michael: What's Left: Radical Politics and the Radical Psyche
Resource Type: Book
- Neumann, Osha: Apocalypse and the Left
Endgame or Business as Usual? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013
- Neville, Richard: Unlocking Uncle Sam's House of Horrors
Smashing Plato's Cave Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The effects of Wikileaks in showing the public what is really happening.
- Nevins, Joseph: Convicts, Collateral Damage, and the "War on Drugs"
The Real Crime is the War Itself Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Two recent court cases in southern California provide insight into the identity of those smuggle drugs across the international boundary between the two countries. But more importantly what they do is highlight how the ludicrous “war on drugs” produces casualties of many sorts.
- New Internationalist: Brazil's Quilombola Hit by Major Land Tax
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 For decades, marginalized ethnic communities in Brazil have fought for--and won--land rights. But this victory is turning into something of a poisoned chalice for some remote Quilombola communities, who are now facing a giant tax bill.
- New Internationalist November 2009 - #427: Terror Takeover
The monstrous march of the security state Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2009 Has our panic over terrorism given permission for unchecked abuse? The fear of terrorism has been used to curtail our liberties and violate human rights.
- Newash, Hasan: Honoring Mahmoud Darwish
Against The Current vol. 137 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Mahmoud Darwish lived through every major event in recent Palestinian history, and his experiences and his art made him a hero to his people and a companion of every Palestinian. Beloved and revered, he will continue to move every generation of Palestinians. As Nathalie Handal put it, "no other poet captures the Palestinian consciousness and collective memory the way he does… His work speaks of his internal exile and uprootedness, his meditations on his historical, collective, and personal past."
- Newash, Hasan; Finkel, David: Peace Beyond Annapolis
Against The Current vol. 132 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 What are the prospects for progress toward Israeli-Palestinian and regional peace coming out of the one-day conference called by president George W. Bush? One leading Arab-American organization offering a positive vision “hopes to see a just, comprehensive and lasting peace result out of the initial Middle East peace discussions taking place in Annapolis, Maryland.”
- Newlove, Chris: Frantz Fanon: Decolonisation through revolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A review of Peter Hudis, Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades (Pluto Press, 2015); Lewis R Gordon, What Fanon Said: A Philosophical Introduction to His Life and Thought (Fordham University Press, 2015); and Leo Zeilig, Frantz Fanon: The Militant Philosopher of Third World Revolution (I B Taurus, 2016). The three books illustrate a renewed interest among activists and within academia in the life and work of Frantz Fanon. The three highlighted works demonstrate that Fanon has many lessons for current movements against racism, imperialism and capitalism.
- Newman, Lenore: Deconstructing The Locavore's Dilemma
A response to Pierre Desrochers Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The book 'The Locavore's Dilemma' constructs a straw man argument while ignoring what the locavore movement really has to say.
- Newman, Saul: Anarchism, Marxism and the Bonapartist State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 A critique of Marxism, with emphasis on its alleged obsession with economics.
- News & Letters: Decaying social order shows need for philosophy, revolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2015-2016.
- News & Letters: Greece: postmodernism in power
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Yanis Varoufakis, the Finance Minister in Greece’s Syriza government, shows where postmodernist attacks on Marx lead politically. This self-declared "erratic Marxist" states forthrightly that the task of today's Left is to save capitalism from itself, which requires "forging alliances with reactionary forces."
- Newsinger, John: Comrade Bernard
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A review of Bernard Goldstein's "Twenty Years with the Jewish Labor Bund: A Memoir of Interwar Poland", a firsthand account of the struggles of the Jewish working class in Poland between the two World Wars.
- Newsinger, John: Defusing George Orwell
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A review of Robert Colls' book George Orwell: English Rebel (Oxford University Press, 2013).
- Newsinger, John: Imperial silences: From Rhodes to Surabaya
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The campaign last year to have the statue of Cecil Rhodes removed from Oriel College, Oxford, has provoked more discussion of the British Empire and its crimes than we have seen for many years. Rather than keeping quiet about Britain's imperial past, the Rhodes Must Fall campaign has actually flushed establishment apologists out into the open. They have been forced to defend the legacy of a man who, if he had not been British and had not given a substantial bribe to Oxford University, would today be generally acknowledged by everyone as a corrupt fraudster, thief, liar and killer for profit, as someone marked out only by the enormity of his crimes. The hypocrisy that the debate over Rhodes Must Fall has occasioned has been very instructive in itself, but what is intended here is an examination not just of the part played by hypocrisy in the defence of British imperialism, but of the other strategies employed: suppression and amnesia.
- Newsom, Jennifer and Acquaro, Kimberlee: Miss Representation
Resource Type: Film First Published: 2011 Explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman.
- Newton, Huey P.: Revolutionary Suicide
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 An illustrated memoir by founding Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton.
- Ngai, Pun; Ming, Yang Lie: The Chinese Working Women's Network
Against The Current vol. 113 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 There is no doubt that China is growing rapidly in importance in the global economy. China has now surpassed the United States as the largest destination in the world for foreign investment. While many U.S. businesses (and other multinationals) look eagerly to both the large Chinese market and the very low wages of Chinese workers, the U.S. labor movement has been focused on stopping the flow of U.S. production and jobs to China.
- Ngugi, Mukoma Wa: Kenya's Opposition Party
Against The Current vol. 133 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 That the elections in Kenya were rigged is no longer in question. And for most people that the culprit is the sitting president, sworn in so quickly that the ceremony has been jokingly likened to a lightning wedding, is no longer a question.
- Ngwane, Trevor: Five Steps from D.C. to Jo'burg
Against The Current vol. 87 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 1. Take Washington D.C. to Johannesburg. What the youth and other activists in the U.S.A. have done, must be repeated here in South Africa. Of course, it will not be parrot-like, it will have to take into account our specific situation and circumstances. We must target the World Bank and International Monetary Fund as agents of neoliberal economic policy in our country and our region. We must then find issues around which we can organize the people, for example, water, electricity, jobs, etc.
- Nibert, David: Hitting the Lottery Jackpot
Government and the Taxing of Dreams Resource Type: Book A critique of the economic and social costs of state reliance on lotteries to generate public revenues.
- Nicholas, John; McChesney, Robert W: It's the Media, Stupid
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000
- Nichols, Dick: Right-wing coup or popular revolt? The April 2018 Nicaraguan uprising examined
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Description of a report on the causes of the April 2018 conflict in Nicaragua.
- Nichols, Dick: Spain: Madrid and Barcelona show -- the greater the unity on the left, the bigger the win
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Once the results of Spain’s May 24, 2015, local and regional elections became known the main lesson for the anti-austerity and anti-capitalist left was simply and starkly obvious: the more united and more involving of ordinary people its election campaigns were, the greater its gains and the greater the losses for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) -- its main rival for the popular and working-class vote -- and for the ruling conservative People's Party (PP).
- Nichols, Mike (director): Silkwood
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1983 A film inspired by the life of Karen Silkwood. Silkwood was a nuclear whistleblower and a labour union activist who died in a suspicious car accident while investigating alleged wrongdoing at the Kerr-McGee plutonium plant where she worked.
- Nicholson, Linda: The Contemporary Women's Movement
From Gender & History, Chapter 1 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 The first chapter of "Gender & History" titled Contemporary Women's Movement, as weall as a chapter on Karl Marx are reproduced here.
- Nicholson-Lord, David: The Greening of the Cities
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Nick, Fillmore: Focus and determination required: A call to all progressive organizations to unite under one big umbrella
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 We need a movement powerful enough to pressure corporate media owners into providing equal coverage, and with access to enough financing to support the development of alternative, independent media. If the progressive movement is to be successful in improving society, it is hugely important for it to be able to reach the general public with its information creating a balanced view of important issues in Canada.
- Nickersen, Mike: BAKAUI
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 Brochure that describes "bakaui", a way of life in which people work, in a community context, to develop an ecologically sound way of supporting human life.
- Nickerson, Michael: Life, Money & Illusion
Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 The failure to reduce green house gas emissions, the success of efforts to curb ozone depletion, causes related to prosperity and social justice are just some the topics covered. By using the example of Kerela, India, Nickerson shows how a society by working together can become car-free, religious and bigotry free, have a high level of health care and literacy and be able to sustain itself on a fraction of the money on which we depend.
- Nickerson, Mike: Measuring Well-Being
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1997 A look at how we measure well-being; problems that arise from only counting economic expansion; ways to augment our measuring system to guide us more directly twoard well-being.
- Nickerson, Mike; Mully, George: Guideposts for a Sustainable Future
Tools for Environmental Recovery - videotape Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1990
- Nicks, Peter: The Waiting Room
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2012 The film watches a Californian hospital for a full day, observing what patients and staff go through as they deal with the over-crowded, under-funded US health care system.
- Nicol, Elizabeth Mullaney: Keeping Books Safe
A Bad Law Threatens Our Past Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Imagine a dystopian horror tale in which virtually all books from the past were destroyed...Books that did not meet the ideologies of the publishers, the demands of the mass market, the trends of the day would be destroyed...That incredible scenario is actually playing out in terms of children's books under a law meant to protect toddlers from lead contaminant in toys. Called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), the law was passed in August 2008 -- quickly, without scrutiny and nearly unanimously.
- Nicolini, Kim: Football, Class and Sexuality in America
A Review of "Big Fan" Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Big Fan is an incredibly tender, painful, and tragic look at the state of masculine identity, social pressures of masculinity, and how masculinity relates to homophobia and class in America via the seemingly heteronormative industry of pro football.
- Nicolson-Owens, Jeff: The Software Freedom Movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Nicolson-Owens thinks that Alfredo Lopez’s article, "Stallman, FOSS and the Adobe Nightmare," gets some of Richard Stallman’s message wrong and ends up giving the open source movement credit for a freedom-based philosophy the open source movement disagrees with.
- Nicolson-Owens, Jeff: Why We Need "Free Software" Voting Machines
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Argues that voting machines can’t be made more trustworthy by making source code to them available. The benefits for sharing and modifying voting machine source code lie elsewhere. Voting machine software should not be proprietary.
- Nieftagodien, Noor: The Black Student Rebellion of 1976
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 A defining feature of the 1976 uprising was the decisive entry of black students onto the stage of history. Until the 1960s, the number of Africans in schools remained relatively low. But the urban African population was growing, especially the number of young people. And industry required a larger pool of industrial labour. So there was a rapid expansion of schooling for Africans. In 1976 there were 3.8 million Africans in schools. Nearly 10% percent of those were in secondary schools. In Soweto alone the number of secondary school students increased from approximately 12,500 to more than 34,000.
- Nieham, Chris: Re-examine revolution, but don't abandon it
Book review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Re-examine revolution, but surely now is not the time to abandon it. Chris Nineham reviews Socialist Register 2017: Rethinking Revolution
- Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis: A creeping quiet in Indian journalism?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 How a combination of government pressure, harassment by political activists, commercial actors including both advertisers and some media owners, is exercising a chilling effect on Indian journalism.
- Niemoller, Martin: Martin Niemoller Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Niemuth, Miles: The cancellation of professor Adolph Reed, Jr.'s speech and the DSA's promotion of race politics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The New York Times published a lengthy news article last week highlighting an instructive incident that took place earlier this year within the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). A speech by professor emeritus of political science Adolph Reed, Jr. was cancelled due to objections by the AFROSOCialist and Socialists of Color Caucus over his "reactionary and class reductionist form of politics."
- Niemuth, Niles: Google's Eric Schmidt admits political censorship of search results
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Recent remarks by the Executive Chairman of Google's parent company confirm charges that the company has been deliberately altering its search algorithms and taking other measures to prevent the public from accessing information that is critical of the US government.
- Niepraschk, Anica: My Coal Childhood: Lessons From Germany's Mine Pit Lakes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A personal account of living near a coal mine in the Lausitz region of Germany, where extensive mining has severely damaged the environment and current 'solutions' are creating even further challenges.
- Nierenberg, Gerard I.: The Art of Negotiating
Psychological Strategies for Gaining Advantageous Bargains Resource Type: Book First Published: 1968 Negotiation cannot be considered a game accord to Nierenberg; everyone must win. If participants were to try to co-operate instead of compete, they would be more likely to reach a lasting, mutually beneficial solution.
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Nieuwhof, Adri; Machover, Daniel: Abettors of war crimes will be held accountable
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Taking action to bring perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Alberta's Problem Isn't Pipelines; It's Bad Policy Decisions
Bitumen prices are low because the province has ignored at least a decade of warnings. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A 2007 Alberta government report indicates that the provincial government has been aware for more than a decade that its oilsands policies were setting the stage for today's price crisis.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Canada's Science Library Closures Mirror Bush's Playbook
Similar moves by US Republican president met sharp backlash from 10,000 scientists. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The Harper government is now eliminating seven Department of Fishery libraries containing one of the world's most comprehensive collections of information on fisheries, aquatic sciences and nautical sciences.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: The Curse of Energy Efficiency
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The more 'efficient' our technology, the more resources we consume in a downward spiral of catastrophe.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Dismantling of Fishery Library 'Like a Book Burning,' Say Scientists
Harper government shuts down 'world class' collection on freshwater science and protection Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The Harper government has dismantled one of the world's top aquatic and fishery libraries as part of its agenda to reduce government as well as limit the role of environmental science in policy decision-making.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Four Harsh Truths for Canada's Lovestruck Pipeline Politicians
A reality check for our bitumen-besotted leaders. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 There are four obvious (and very conservative) reasons why more pipelines don’t make any kind of economic, energy or climate sense. These truths also explain the growing opposition to the corrupt National Energy Board that still approves pipelines without due process and ignores their impact on global pricing, let alone the science on climate change.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Secret Memo Casts Doubt on Feds' Claims for Science Library Closures
Goal stated is 'culling' research, not preserving and sharing through digitization Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 A federal document marked "secret" obtained by Postmedia News indicates the closure or destruction of more than half a dozen world famous science libraries has little if anything to do with digitizing books as claimed by the Harper government.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Slick Water
Fracking and One Insider's Stand Against the World's Mot Powerful Industry Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 A story of abuses by the fossil fuel industry and governments, telling the story of fracking rhough the lens of a legal battle to expose the truth. Nikiforuk raises stark questions about the role of Big Oil in government, society's obsession with mining low-grade oil and gas formations, and the future of democracy.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Stephen Harper's Covert Evangelicalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 How an apocalyptic strain of Christianity guides Stephen Harper's policies and campaigning.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Tar Sands
Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent Resource Type: Book First Published: 2010 To extract the energy from the Alberta tar sands, the world's ugliest, most expensive hydrocrabon, we are polluting our air, poisoning our water, destroying vast areas of boreal forest, and undermining democracy.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Understanding Harper's Evangelical Mission
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Signs mount that Canada's government is beholden to a religious agenda averse to science and rational debate.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: What's Driving Chaotic Dismantling of Canada's Science Libraries?
Scientists reject Harper government claims vital material is being saved digitally Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Scientists say the closure of some of the world's finest fishery, ocean and environmental libraries by the Harper government has been so chaotic that irreplaceable collections of intellectual capital built by Canadian taxpayers for future generations has been lost forever. Many collections ended up in dumpsters while others such as Winnipeg's historic Freshwater Institute library were scavenged by citizens, scientists and local environmental consultants. Others were burned or went to landfills.
- Nikiforuk, Andrew: Why Scientists Are Amazed at Oilsands Smog Levels
Air pollution report in Nature shocks even Canada's top researchers Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 On any hot day Shell and Syncrude tour guides used to call the gasoline-like vapours that wafted from Fort McMurray's huge open-pit bitumen mines "the smell of money." But a new study in Nature has another name for the stench: air pollution and megacity volumes of it.
- Nikos Lountos: The Syriza Wave: The Discussion Continues via Irish Marxist Review
The Discussion Continues via Irish Marxist Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The article is review of Helena Sheehan's book "The Syriza Wave: Surging and Crashing with the Greek Left". Her book is an account of her polital activity and personal reflections during the surge of Syrzia from 2012 through 2015.
- Nilson, Annika: Greenhouse Earth
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- Nimah, Hasan Abu: Steel walls cannot contain the struggle for freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 If siege is an act of aggression and war, then breaking out of it by any means is an act of self-defense and resistance.
- Niman, Michael I.: Weaponized Social Media Is Driving the Explosion of Fascism
Social media platforms give governments, extremists, haters and propagandists the ability to excite and incite hate amplified by algorithms. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Describing how social media wages war on reality by spreading propaganda. With examples from ISIS to Alex Jones.
- Nimtz, August H.: Lenin's Electoral Strategy from 1907 to the October Revolution of 1917
The Ballot, the Streets - or Both Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Nimtz details Lenin's efforts to guide the electroal strategy of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in the Third and Fourth State Dumas.
- Nimtz, August H.: Lenin's Electoral Strategy from Marx and Engels Through the Revolution of 1905
The Ballot, the Streets - or Both Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 This book explores the time in which Lenin developed his attitude to electoral strategy, beginning with the Marxist roots of Lenin's politics, and then detailing his efforts to lead the deputies of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in the First and Second State Dumas, concluding with Russia's first experiment in representative institutions from 1906 to 1907.
- Nin, Andres: The May Days in Barcelona
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1936 The struggle under way in Spain between revolution and counter-revolution is now entering a new phase, in which the proletariat, educated by the experience of these months of struggle and, above all, by the magnificent May Days, must direct all its forces towards strengthening its class independence, defending the conquests of the revolution and preparing for the taking of power, the indispensable premise for the institution of a socialist regime which will regenerate the country's economy and establish order.
- Nin, Andres: The Political Situation and the Tasks of the Proletariat
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1937 In the present, unequivocally revolutionary situation the slogan "fight for the parliamentary-democratic Republic" can serve no other interests than those of the bourgeois counter-revolution.
- Nin, Andrés: Austro-Marxism and the National Question
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1935 The mistake made by those who, starting from the fact that revolutionary Marxism upholds the right of all peoples to independence, argue that the practical consequence of that should be the creation of independent national parties or a federation of organisations with extensive political and administrative autonomy, cannot be sufficiently emphasised. Solidarity between workers of the diverse nations within the same State should be paramount. Class solidarity is better than national solidarity.
- Nin, Andrés: Nin Andrés - Writings - Index
Resource Type: Article Writings of Andrés Nin (1892-1937).
- Nineham, Chris: Seeing red: the wisdom of John Berger
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A reflection on the life and work of critic John Berger.
- Nineham, Chris: Ten demonstrations that changed the world
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 It's worth remembering that mass marches have been crucial to all the most important struggles.
- Niranjan, Ajit: Freedom takes over from law and order
A squatted barracks is the HQ of Slovenia's underground scene, discovers. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Across the river from the old-town of central Ljubljana - a delicate maze of cobbled streets, medieval fortifications and colourful churches that characterise the many cities of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire - lie the dozen or so dilapidated buildings that make up what has become known as Slovenia's second capital. On first glance, it is hard to believe it's actually occupied. There are no signs directing visitors to its gates: the rubbish-strewn streets are eerily empty in the daylight, the graffiti covering the walls unread. But after dark, it becomes the focal point of the country's alternative culture scene.
- Nobani, Ayman: Mourning a home filled with memories, destroyed by Israel's army
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Nablus, occupied West Bank -- rubble, destroyed window frames, remnants of a couch shrouded in dust and debris -- that is all that was left of the 130sq-metre home of the al-Jouri family. Overnight, Israeli soldiers, backed by armoured vehicles and bulldozers, surrounded the three-bedroom apartment in Nablus, filling it with explosives and blowing it to smithereens.
- Noble, David F.: Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011
- Noble, David F.: Progress Without People
In Defense of Luddhism Resource Type: Book First Published: 1995 This book describes how jobs and skills will be lost through new technologies as they were in the 19th century industrial revolution.
- Noble, Doug: A Tale of Two Atrocities: Douma and Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Compare the intense media coverage of an alleged Syrian chemical attack to the near silence accorded the horrific civilian massacre perpetrated by Israeli soldiers in Gaza, at the very same time.
- Noble, Scott: Plutocracy
Political Repression In The U.S.A. Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2015 Income inequality has become a key hot button issue in the modern day political spectrum. While these economic and class divides seem more pronounced than ever before, the impressive new documentary Plutocracy: Political Repression in the USA reveals that the core of these struggles pre-date the beginnings of the industrialized labor force. The long and painful journey towards achieving worker rights and fair wages has been marked by violence, discrimination, and inhumane exploitation.
- Noh, K.J.: Semantic Warfare: Words as Guided Missiles
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Over half a century ago, the South Korean government banned the word "labour" from the Korean language. This is the back story.
- Nolan, Albert: Taking Sides
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 To many of us it is pretty obvious that there are some conflicts in which we ought to take sides. But what about the Christian belief in reconciliation, forgiveness and peace? How can you take sides if you love everybody, including your enemies? And how do we account for the widespread belief that in any conflict a Christian should be a peacemaker who avoids taking sides and tries to bring about reconciliation between the opposing forces?
- Nolan, Jim: When they say jump
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 This article explores the failure of ATU Local 11, the union that represents the majority of TTC workers, to organize its members for "Transit Worker Assault Awareness Day" after a member was stabbed while working.
- Nolan, Rachel: Displaced In The D. R.
A country strips 210,000 of citizenship Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Even before Juliana Deguis Pierre became famous, or infamous, any Dominican who saw her would have guessed that she was of Haitian descent. Her dark skin, wide nose, and what is, in the Dominican Republic, called pelo malo -- "bad hair" -- immediately identify her as the child of Haitians, even though she was born in the Dominican Republic and has never been to Haiti.
- Noonan, Jeff: Far-Right Identity Politics and the Task for the Left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 To oppose far-right ideology, the left must fight the violence and austerity they promote but also acknowledge the appeal of universal values of populist movements.
- Noppen, Van: America's corporate revolt against clean energy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The US's fossil fuel industry is scared at the growth of solar power, and its ever-declining market cost. So it's fighting back, doing its best to quash solar growth by imposing new costs and restrictions.
- Nordhoff, Charles: The Communistic Societies of the United States
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1875 Published: 1965 Describes a dozen Utopian societies.
- Nordquist, Joan (complied by): Contemporary Social Issues
A Bibliographic Series No. 6: The Feminization of Poverty Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Norman, Donald A.: The Design of Everyday Things
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 A book about the problems of design and how good design can overcome the frustrations of everyday things.
- Norman, Donald A.: Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 Norman looks at design and technology from the point of view of human needs.
- Norrell, Brenda: Lazy Journalists are the Darlings of the Corporations
Indian Country and the Lessons of McCarthyism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Lazy journalists are great friends of the corporations. They are known as "armchair journalists" because they sit in comfort and rewrite press releases from politicians and corporations. To spice it up a bit, they dial a few numbers, get a few comments and call it a news story. They are the "darlings of the energy companies," as Buffy Sainte Marie says.
- Norrell, Brenda: Russell Means: Warrior for the People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The life of Russell Means, Lakota warrior for the people whose stance of never backing down inspired a generation of Native American rights, was celebrated on Wednesday, Oct. 24, in Kyle, South Dakota. Means' piercing words and clarity of style on American Indian rights, placed him at the forefront of the struggle of the American Indian Movement that spans four decades.
- Norris, Christopher: Deconstruction and the Interests of Theory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Norris, Christopher: Deconstruction: Theory and Practice
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982
- Norris, Jane (Ed): Daughters of the Elderly
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- North, James: The end of hasbara? NYT readers question US support for apartheid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The New York Times published a remarkable discussion yesterday. Alongside an article about Israel cancelling a plan to segregate buses going to the West Bank so as to keep Palestinians off settlers' buses, it published readers' comments, and in both the editors' selection and the readers' selection, the comments were running against Israel.
- North, James: Israel deliberately provoked the latest violence in Gaza, but you won't learn that in the NY Times
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The Times breathlessly and at length recounts Israeli anxiety over the limited attacks from Gaza: "Sirens blared again;" "cellphones were buzzing with alerts of incoming rockets."
- North, James: Israel deliberately provoked the latest violence in Gaza, but you won't learn that in the NY Times
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The Times breathlessly and at length recounts Israeli anxiety over the limited attacks from Gaza: "Sirens blared again;" "cellphones were buzzing with alerts of incoming rockets." The Times has a reporter in Gaza, Iyad Abuheweila, but the paper had nothing to say whatsoever about how Gazans were reacting to being under assault. Maybe their cellphones were also buzzing, and their children were also afraid?
- Northey,Jane (ed): Art and Community
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1987
- Norton Theodore Mills; Ollmann, Bertell (eds.): Studies in Socialist Pedagogy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1978
- Norton, Augustus Richard: Hizballah Through the Fog of War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 An interview with Middle East specialist Augustus Richard Norton on the nature of the Lebanese-based Hezbollah group, in which he attempts to dispel some of the shibboleths that hamper Western understanding of its aims and design.
- Norton, Ben: Al Qaeda Is Attacking Major Syrian Cities with US Weapons -- but You Wouldn't Know That from the Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Norton analyzes media coverages of attacks linked to Al-Qaeda in the West to highlight how this emphasis on Muslim extremism is used to justify Islamophobia.
- Norton, Ben: California Leads the Way in the "Block the Boat" Movement
Fighting the Occupation on the West Coast Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 In organizing theory, activists often emphasize the importance of formulating what they call an "escalation plan." When pushing for social change, they explain, it is important that one's methods of exerting pressure on power slowly grow in strength, not remain stagnant. Block the Boat is the next step in the escalation plan of US Palestinian solidarity activists. The idea of Block the Boat is quite simple: Hundreds of activists organize a protest in a local dock and prevent Israeli ships from unloading cargo.
- Norton, Ben: Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy US State Dept Boasted in 2017
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 A declassified cable from the US embassy in Ottawa titled "Canada Adopts 'America First' Foreign Policy" notes that the Canadian government would be "Prioritizing U.S. Relations, ASAP."
- Norton, Ben: Chances Are the FBI Has Files on Your Favorite Human Rights Activist
A Safe Bet Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 If you have ever openly challenged and mobilized against the structural inequality of capitalism and concomitant imperialism, you definitely have an FBI record.
- Norton, Ben: Fight to Defend Trans Fats Funded With Dark Money
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A conservative Washington think tank that opposed a federal ban of trans fats has also actively campaigned against climate science and environmental regulation, and is funded by secret donors.
- Norton, Ben: Hollywood's 'Captain Marvel' Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Captain Marvel is the latest in a long line of movies made with the cooperation and approval of the US military.
- Norton, Ben: How A-historical Journalism Serves Power
A Calendar of Infamy Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Contemporary journalism has a horrendous habit of considering history superfluous.
- Norton, Ben: How the US helped push Lebanon to the brink of collapse, and now threatens more sanctions
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2020 While the media blames the crisis in Lebanon solely on corruption, the US government unleashed a “maximum pressure” campaign to push regime change and crush Lebanese resistance with sanctions and aggressive hybrid warfare.
- Norton, Ben: Human Rights Need Not Apply
America's Racist Links Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Americans, particularly Muslim Americans and Arab and Desi Americans have experienced overt discrimination first hand for over a decade.
- Norton, Ben: Israel will imprison soldier, 19, for publicly criticizing the occupation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The Israeli government is imprisoning Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier Shachar Berrin for criticizing its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.
- Norton, Ben: Media Are Blamed as US Bombing of Afghan Hospital Is Covered Up
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 After the US airstrikes that hit an MSF (Medecins Sans Frontières) hospital, many news outlets have depicted the event in a way that evades any American responsibility.
- Norton, Ben: New York Times Admits it Sent Story to Government for Approval
The American paper of record just provided a major example of the symbiotic relationship between U.S. corporate media and the government Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 The NY Times' seeking approval for a recent story is part of a history of the mainstream media's collaboration with the US government.
- Norton, Ben: Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia coup, Trump dubs Nicaragua 'national security threat' and targets Mexico
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 One successful coup against a democratically elected socialist president is not enough, it seems. Immediately after overseeing a far-right military coup in Bolivia on November 10, the Trump administration set its sights once again on Nicaragua, whose democratically elected Sandinista government defeated a violent right-wing coup attempt in 2018.
- Norton, Ben: Russiagate media smears against Corbyn brought to you by US and UK military-intelligence apparatus
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 The popular socialist leader of Britain's Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, could be on the verge of becoming prime minister of the United Kingdom. And the mere possibility is terrifying British intelligence services and the US government.
- Norton, Ben: Twitter spreads paid US government propaganda while falsely claiming it bans state media ads
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Twitter says it bans ads from state-affiliated media outlets. However, US government propaganda organs like Voice of America’s VOA Persian pay the social media corporation huge sums of money to spread disinformation against Iran and other foreign adversaries.
- Norton, Ben: Ukrainian neo-Nazis flock to the Hong Kong protest movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the anti-Chinese insurgency, which has been widely praised by Western corporate media and portrayed as a peaceful pro-democracy movement. Since March 2019, Hong Kong has been the site of often-violent protests and riots that have run the city’s economy into the ground.
- Norton, Ben: Under Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Cannot Ride Israeli Buses
Never Equal Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has officially banned Palestinians from traveling on Israeli-run public transportation in the West Bank. The new apartheid law dictates that Palestinians cannot take buses that go from central Israel to the West Bank.
- Norton, Ben: Venezuela Coup Leader's Oil Plans Revealed: Guaidó Hopes to Privatize State-Controlled Industry
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Juan Guaidó and his economic advisers have a plan to privatize the country's petroleum industry. This privatization scheme will be difficult to implement, however, since he is not in power.
- Norton, Ben: Wikipedia formally censors the Grayzone as regime-change advocates monopolize editing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 On Wikipedia, a small group of regime-change advocates and right-wing Venezuelan opposition supporters have blacklisted independent media outlets like The Grayzone on explicitly political grounds, violating the encyclopedia’s guidelines.
- Norton, Ben; Blumenthal, Max: Meet Wikipedia's Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Foundation's regime-change operative CEO
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Wikipedia has become a bulletin board for corporate and imperial interests under the watch of its Randian founder, Jimmy Wales, and the veteran US regime-change operative who heads the Wikimedia Foundation, Katherine Maher.
- Norton, Ben; Greenwald, Glenn: Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The Washington Post on Thursday night promoted the claims of a new, shadowy organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S. foreign policy as being "routine peddlers of Russian propaganda."
- Norton, Bryan: Toward Unity Among Environmentalists
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Autonomy: Creating Spaces for Freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Carnival: Resistance Is the Secret of Joy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Reinventing tactics of resistance has become a central preoccupation for the movement of movements. How do we make rebellion enjoyable, effective, and irresistible? Who wants the tedium of traditional demonstrations and protests - the ritual marches from point A to B, the permits and police escorts, the staged acts of civil disobedience, the verbose rallies and dull speeches by leaders?
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Clandestinity: Resisting State Repression
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Emergence: An Irresistible Global Uprising
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 An Essay from the Book We Are Everywhere.
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Networks: The Ecology of the Movements
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Power: Building it Without Taking it
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: Walking: We Ask Questions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 An essay from the book We Are Everywhere by the Notes From Nowhere Collective.
- Notes from Nowhere Collective: We are everywhere: The irresistable rise of global anticapitalism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 Global voices presenting alternative visions of democracy.
- Noujaim, Jehane (director): Control Room
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2004 Shows the coverage of the 2003 Iraqi war from the perspective of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet.
- Novak, George; Frankel, Dave; Feldman, Fred: The First Three Internationals
Their history and lessons Resource Type: Book First Published: 1974 A short history, from a Trotskyist perspective, of three attempts to build a revolutionary organization of workers on a world scale -- the first three internationals.
- November Publications (ed.); Lewis, Ben (introductory essay); Lih, Lars T. (introductory essay): Martov and Zinoviev
Head to head in Halle Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 A new chapter in understanding the significance of a congress that shaped the 20th century European workers’ movement.
- Nowicka, Pamela: The No-Nonsense Guide to Tourism
Resource Type: Book
- Nowlan, David and Nadine: The Bad Trip
The Untold Story of the Spadina Expressway Resource Type: Book First Published: 1970
- Noy, Orly: The roots of Israel's most racist law
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Israel’s most draconian laws may have been passed by the current right-wing government, but the stage was set long ago by the Israeli Left. With a majority of 65 votes, the Knesset approved last week the extension of an order to prevent family reunification in Israel. Of Palestinian families, of course. Jews are welcome to continue and reunify as much as they please.
- Noy, Orly: What would you do if soldiers dragged your son out of bed in the middle of the night?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 After more than half a century of occupation, most Israelis can no longer imagine themselves in the place of the Palestinians. But if we cannot imagine what it is like to live under occupation, we must at least confront its brutal reality.
- Noyes, Dan: Raising Hell
A Citizen's Guide to the Fine Art of Investigation Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1983 Revised edition.
- Noyes, Dan; Weir, David: Raising Hell: How the Center for Investigative Reporting Gets the Story
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983
- Noyes, John Humphrey: Strange Cults and Utopias of 19th Century America
Original title: History of American Socialisms Resource Type: Book First Published: 1870 Published: 1966 Histories of communal experiments and communities in the United States.
- Noyes, Matt: Letter from Tokyo: In "The Zone" of Disaster
Against The Current vol. 154 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 On the morning of Thursday, March 17th, six days after the earthquake and tsunamis, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper had just one advertising supplement: a full-color glossy piece from a Buddhist temple, selling grave sites.
- Noyes, Matt: Tokyo Letter: After the Disaster
Against The Current vol. 153 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Just before 3pm on March 11th, I was standing in the intersection of two small streets in central Tokyo, saying goodbye to my partner before leaving for a work trip to the United States. Earthquakes are common in Japan, but we knew right away this one was different. The earth rumbled and rolled, shifting back and forth and around, the intensity rising and falling and rising again.
- Noyes, Matt: What Did They Know...?
Against The Current vol. 153 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 What did they know and when did we know it?
- Nuclear Education Project: Watermelons Not War!
A Support Book for Parenting in the Nuclear Age Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984
- Null, Gary; Polonetsky, Richard: Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMOs
Resource Type: Film First Published: 2012 An exposition of the massive public health dangers associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
- Nunes, Rodrigo: The Realist's Dilemma
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Brazil's Workers' Party thought accommodating capital could save them. That was a grave mistake.
- Nunns, Alex: The Candidate
Jeremy Corbyn's Improbable Path to Power Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 Chronicling Jeremy Corbyn's rise to the position of leader of Britian's Labour Party. An insider's look at the events that led to his appointment.
- Nunns, Alex: The one thing that won't stop terror is more war
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Provoking retaliation is a key part of the jihadists' strategy, writes Alex Nunns - we need a different approach.
- Nunns, Alex: The unspun Jeremy Corbyn
Nobody expected a veteran, rebel leftwing MP to be elected to lead the UK labour Party. It's going to be hard for him to manage his own Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A look at the rise in popularity of Jermey Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party, and the challenges he faces from the broader British public and from within his own party.
- Nussbaum, Martha: The Professor of Parody
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2000 It is difficult to come to grips with Judith Butler’s ideas because it is difficult to figure out what they are.
- Nutall, Jeremy J.: Canada Should 'Get Tough' on Political Crimes, Say Watchdogs
Four needed crackdowns, starting with illegal surveillance and electoral crime. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A new round of Conservative Party advertisements return to a familiar tough-on-crime refrain.
- Nuttall, Jeremy J.: TPP a Gift to Plutocrats? Canada's Trade Minister Wrote the Book on Them
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Canada's new trade minister has sitting on her desk the sweeping Trans-Pacific Partnership, a deal some say will accelerate the gap between rich and poor by protecting corporations' interests over those of workers and governments.
- Nwoke, Chibuzo: Third World Minerals and Global Pricing
A New Theory Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 This study examines the distribution of the enormous wealth inherent in the Third World's mineral resources. Dr. Nwoke criticizes the bargaining model usually used to explain relations between global corporations and Third World governments. Instead, he develops the theory of ground rent to argue that today's mineral crisis lies in the struggle between Western mining companies and the Third World over which side can appropriate the most "rent" from international mining.
- Nyabola, Nanjala: Wangari Maathai was not a good woman. Kenya needs more of them.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 25 September, 2015 marked four years since the passing of Kenyan environmentalist and feminist icon, Wangari Maathai. In Kenya, the celebrations were notably muted as her standing in the country has been ambiguous. Maathai challenged the notion of Kenyan women, who are forced to pretend to be "good" to satisfy societal expectations.
- Nyberg, Daniel; Wright, Christopher: Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations
Processes of Creative Self-Destruction Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 The authors examine the intricate relationship between corporations and climate change, while also looking at how corporations shape political and social responses to climate change.
- Nye, David E.: Image Worlds
Corporate Identities at General Electric, 1890-1930 Resource Type: Book
- Nyerere, Julius: The Arusha Declaration
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1967 Tanganyika African National Union's policy on Socialism and Self-Reliance.
- Nyks, Kelly; Scott, Jared P.; Hutchison, Peter D. (directors): Requiem For The American Dream
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2015 In his final long-form documentary interview - filmed over four years - Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality. Tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority, Chomsky lays bare the costly debris left in its wake: the evisceration of the American worker, disappearance of the living wage, collapse of the dream of home ownership, skyrocketing higher education costs placing betterment beyond reach or shackling students to suffocating debt, and a loss of solidarity that has left us divided against ourselves.
- Nyongo'o, Peter Anyang (ed.): Popular Struggles for Democracy in Africa
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 In this book, leading African and Caribbean scholars examine the forms of popular alliance being forged, the demands for 'a second independence', and what they may presage for the future of the Continent. Theoretical questions concerning the nature of the state in Africa - the context of local class formations and the global pressures of capitalism - are explored in essays by Harry Goulbourne, Abdelali Doumou, and Samir Amin.
- Nzongola-Ntalaja: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Africa
Essays in Contemporary Politics Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 In this collection of essays, one of Africa's most eminent political scientists investigates crucial problems confronting the African continent: its chronic instability and sectional conflict, the nature of class rule and the failure of the post-colonial state to deliver on the promises of independence. The relevance of Marxist theory to an understanding of Africa's social reality is explored, and a theory of national liberation, based on the ideas of Amilcar Cabral, developed.
- Núnez de Escorcia, Vilma: The Deep Crisis of Sandinismo
Against The Current vol. 87 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 The struggle we waged from the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) to overthrow the Somoza dictatorship and bring about a revolution (in 1979) was also a struggle for human rights. It has always been very difficult for me to draw the line between being a Sandinista activist and a human rights activist, because I've always considered the struggle for human rights to be a revolution in itself.