Iran: "This is a woman's revolution in the making"

Namazie, Maryam
Date Written:  2022-09-27
Year Published:  2022
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24764

If you look at the Handmaid's Tale, people talk about it as fiction. But it is real life in Iran. We're talking about a government that legally discriminates against women and legally imposes and encourages violence against us.



"If you look at the Handmaid's Tale, people talk about it as fiction. But it is real life in Iran. We're talking about a government that legally discriminates against women and legally imposes and encourages violence against us.

"Sharia law means women are effectively criminalised if they are anything but submissive. It means a women's testimony is only worth half of a man's. If you want to receive inheritance, you'll get half of what your brother will get. You can't be a female singer or musician and sing on your own on stage. Gender segregation means men and women have to be separated all the time. If women get on the bus, they need to sit at the back. It's like racial apartheid in South Africa or during the Jim Crow laws in the US. A compulsory veil is part of that segregation.

"What's wonderful now is that despite all of this, the women in Iran are pushing back. Mahsa's tragic death has also become a symbol of Iranian women's ongoing plight. We cannot ignore the regime's naked brutality towards women.

"With all of these restrictions, it's no wonder women are at the forefront of this movement. It's no wonder that this is a women's revolution in the making."

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