1976-1977 were the years of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa, of the Soweto Rebellion and the murder of Steve Biko. These were also years of development in Women’s Liberation. News and Letters Committees published works on the Black movement in South Africa and America, on the Women’s Movement, and on revolutionary forces in early American history. Raya Dunayevskaya wrote a new series of Political-Philosophic Letters covering world events. A collection of four of her philosophic essays (New Essays) was also issued.

  • Section I The Political-Philosophic Letters of Raya Dunayevskaya

    In 1976 Raya Dunayevskaya began a series of political-philosophic letters on a wide range of topics; the series was published in pamphlet form by News and Letters Committees in Jan. 1977.

  • (7) Henry Kissinger’s African Safari: Pressuring Rhodesia while Bolstering Apartheid South Africa,

    Oct. 1976. Includes as Appendix, “The New Humanism: African Socialism,” reprinted from Nationalism, Communism, Marxist-Humanism and the Afro-Asian Revolutions, 1961. (See Vol. V, Sec. I.)

  • Section II The Black Dimension — Class and Race, National and International

  • (1) Indignant Heart: A Black Worker’s Journal,

    by Charles Denby, 1978, published by South End Press, Boston. A new edition of the book published in 1952, with a new Part II dealing with the quarter of a century from 1953 to 1978, after Denby became editor of News & Letters. (A British edition was published by Pluto Press, 1980; a German edition by Rotbuch Verlag was published in 1981, entitled Im reichsten Land der Welt.) (The text of Indignant Heart: A Black Worker’s Journal is not included on the microfilm.)

  • Section III Woman as Revolutionary Force

    As Dunayevskaya had shown in the six lectures on women she had been asked to give at the Wayne State University-University Center for Adult Education (WSU-UCAE) for International Women’s Year, women have been a crucial revolutionary force throughout history —whether we are talking about the early 20th century, including the 1917 Russian Revolution, the 1919 German Revolution, or the Aba uprising is Africa in 1929; or whether we are talking about the 1974 Portuguese Revolution in our own decade — and that has held true whether we are talking about working women, the Black dimension, literature and revolution, or the women theorists of today.

  • (2) Working Women For Freedom,

    by Angela Terrano, Marie Dignan and Mary Holmes, 1976; a Women’s Liberation-News and Letters Committees pamphlet. Written by working women on their experiences. Includes as Appendix essay by Raya Dunayevskaya, “Women as Thinkers and as Revolutionaries.”

  • (4) Revolutionary Feminism—Women as Reason,

    1978; a Women’s Liberation-News and Letters Committees pamphlet. Collection of articles on International Women’s Day, Women in the Paris Commune and Black Women’s Liberation, Rosa Luxemburg, Critique of Joan Smith’s “Women and the Family.”

  • Section IV The Latin Dimension: in Latin America and in the U.S.

  • (2) La Lucha Latina Para La Libertad Y La Filosofia Marxista-Humanista De Liberacion,

    Nov. 1978; a News & Letters pamphlet. Spanish translations of “The Latin American Unfinished Revolutions,” by Raya Dunayevskaya, including her correspondence with Silvio Frondizi; and articles on struggles in North and South America, the U.S. coal miners’ strike of 1977-78, International Women’s Year, and excerpts from Frantz Fanon, Soweto and American Black Thought. (Microfilm edition contains only the author’s special introduction, in both Spanish and English.)

  • (3) The Latin American Unfinished Revolutions,

    a Political-Philosophic Letter by Raya Dunayevskaya, May 15, 1978. Looks at Latin America’s unfinished revolutions in terms not alone of U.S. imperialism but also lack of an independent Marxist philosophy of revolution. Covers Cuba, Trotskyism in Latin America, and Silvio Frondizi.

  • Section V Revolutionary Forces in Early American History

  • (1) America’s First Unfinished Revolution,

    By M. Franks and J. Hillstrom, 1976; a News & Letters pamphlet. The untold story of the true creators of independence — the workers, yeomanry, Blacks and women during the American Revolution.

  • (2) Then and Now: On the 100th Anniversary of the First General Strike in the U.S.,

    by Terry Moon and Ron Brokmeyer, 1977; a News & Letters pamphlet. The story of the St. Louis General Strike of 1877, with sections on the Black Revolt, forgotten women Hegelians, Marx and the First International.

  • Section VI The Force of Philosophy

  • (1) Our Original Contribution to the Dialectic of the Absolute Idea as New Beginning: In Theory, in Leadership, in Practice,

    Presentation by Raya Dunayevskaya to the East Coast National Editorial Board, April 18, 1976.

  • (2) New Essays,

    by Raya Dunayevskaya, 1977; a News & Letters pamphlet. A collection of four essays, written from 1974-1976: a. Post-Mao China, What Now? Written one month after Mao’s death, this analysis was published also as Appendix to the Italian, Spanish, and German editions of Philosophy and Revolution. b. Dialectics of Liberation in Thought and in Activity: Absolute Negativity as New Beginning. Written as an address to the 1974 conference of the Hegel Society of America, this is a Marxist-Humanist paragraph-by-paragraph interpretation of the final chapter on Absolute Idea in Hegel’s Science of Logic. c. Leon Trotsky as Man and as Theoretician. Written for Studies in Comparative Communism, Summer 1977. The article is followed by a comment by Ernest Mandel and a rejoinder by Dunayevskaya. d. Commentary: a critique of B.J. Harrell’s “Marx and Critical Thought.” Written for Paunch, May 1976.

  • (4) New Beginnings that Determine the End: Convention and Plenum Reports, 1976-1978

  • d. It’s Later, Always Later — except when spontaneity upsurges and you realize it is here and now, and you aren’t there and ready,

    Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to National Editorial Board Plenum, Sept. 3, 1977.

  • (5) Marx’s Capital and Today’s Global Crisis,

    by Raya Dunayevskaya, Jan. 1978; a News & Letters pamphlet, published jointly by News and Letter, Committees, Detroit, and Great Britain. Includes: “Today’s Epigones Who Try to Truncate Marx’s Capital” (a polemic primarily against Ernest Mandel and his Introduction to the 1976 Pelican Marx Library edition of Capital); “Tony Cliff Reduces Lenin’s Theory to ‘Uncanny Intuition’” (a polemic against Vol. II of Cliff’s Lenin); and four chapters on Marx’s Capital, reproduced from Marxism and Freedom. Preface by Harry McShane. Microfilm does not include the four chapters from Marxism and Freedom. A syllabus for study of Marx’s Capital and Today’s Global Crisis is added here.