Draft chapters of Dunayevskaya’s new book, Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution, which had been circulating in 1979, greatly illuminated the revolution in Iran as it was developing and as it related to the first Persian Revolution in 1906. What few knew was that that first revolution, which had developed under the impact of the 1905-06 Russian Revolution, had manifested so great a uniqueness of its own that out of it—for the first time anywhere in the world — there developed a Woman’s Anjumeni (Council). (See Dunayevskaya’s “Two Worlds” column, News & Letters, Dec. 1978, “Iran’s Revolutionary Past — and Present.”) The 1979 Revolution signaled nothing short of a shift in global power, since it not only overthrew the Shah but undermined the U.S.’s dominance in the Gulf region. The present, ongoing, deep, global recession, with its ever-expanding militarization, has reached nuclear heights that threaten Apocalypse Now, and make it imperative to grapple with the dialectics of revolution under the whip of the counter-revolution. This becomes especially urgent because the revolutions in our era — from Iran to Poland, from the Black Revolt in South Africa to the revolution in El Salvador — must contend not only with the mailed fist of counter-revolution in their own countries, but with the struggle for global power by the two nuclearly-armed Titans, U.S. and Russia, which are now threatening the very existence of humanity. The primary reason for News and Letters’ designating 1980 as “the year of the book” was not merely as deadline for the completion of Rosa Luxemburg, Wo- men’s Liberation and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution, but because its three elements — Rosa Luxemburg, as great revolutionary theoretician whose appreciation of the spontaneity of the masses illuminates the present revolutionary struggle for new forms of organization; women’s liberation today, as a new revolutionary force; and Marx’s philosophy of revolution, rooted in his discovery of a whole new continent of thought and of revolution — create ground for us to contend with the reality of the crises today by working out revolutionary perspectives for the 1980s.

  • Section 1 1979: New Forms of Revolt; New Forms of Organization

  • (1) Ongoing News and Letters Discussion Bulletin,

    February 1979. Includes “Organization, Organization, Organization,” by Raya Dunayevskaya; excerpts from presentation by Mike Connolly on “Marx’s and Engels’ Studies Contrasted.”

  • (4) Outline of Marx’s Capital Volume One,

    by Raya Dunayevskaya (Freddie Forest), 1979; a News & Letters pamphlet. Reproduction of the outline originally prepared in the mid-1940s (see Vol. I, Sec. IV), for study along with Marxism and Freedom and Philosophy and Revolution. (For full pamphlet, see Vol. I, Sec. IV.)

  • (6) On the Threshold of the 1980s, As Objective Revolutionary New Beginnings and as Deadline for Rosa Luxemburg, Today’s Women’s Liberation Movement, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution,

    Perspectives Report by Rays Dunayevskaya to National Editorial Board Plenum, Sept. 1979.

  • (9) Newsletter of the International Society for the Sociology of Knowledge,

    December 1979. A Special Issue In Memoriam to Herbert Marcuse. Includes (p. 10) Dunayevskaya’s “Herbert Marcuse, Marxist Philosopher,” reprinted from News & Letters, Aug.-Sept. 1979.

  • (11) Translations of writings of Raya Dunayevskava into Farsi by IranianYouth:

  • c. Women as Reason and as Force of Revolution,

    a pamphlet collection of writings by Raya Dunayevskaya on Women’s Liberation, issued for International Women’s Day, March 8, 1980. Includes also “Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle” by Rosa Luxemburg, and “Thoughts on March 8” by Ding Ling.

  • Section II 1980: 25 Years of Marxist-Humanism in the U.S.

  • (1) Art and Logic in Hegel’s Philosophy,

    edited by War-Zen Steinkraus and Kenneth L. Schmitz, Hegel Society of America, Humanities Press, 1980. Includes (p. 163) Dunayevskaya’s “Hegel’s Absolute Idea as New Beginning.”

  • (5) Today and Tomorrow,

    Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Convention, Aug. 30, 1980. Bulletin includes also Convention Reports by Olga Domanski, National Organizer, “Theory and Our Archives,” and Michael Connolly, Co-National Organizer, “On Organization.”

  • (7) Today’s Polish Fight For Freedom,

    first printing March 1980, second edition, Nov. 1980, bilingual (Polish-English); a News & Letters publication. Includes: excerpts from Robotnik; letter from Dunayevskaya on Polish satire; “All Eyes on Polish Workers” by Charles Denby (reprinted/translated from “Worker’s Journal” column, News & Letters, Oct. 1930); Karl Marx, “In Defense of Poland.”

  • Section III Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution — and Perspectives for the Future

  • (5) Relationship of Philosophy and Revolution to Women’s Liberation: Marx’s and Engels’ Studies Contrasted.

    Draft Chapter of Rosa Luxemburg. Women’s Liberation and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution. Appeared in News & Letters, Jan.-Feb. 1979.

  • Appendix II: Two Worlds columns,

    by Raya Dunayevskaya, 1955 – 1981.[A listing of titles and the full articles, 1955-1987, are available at the News and Letts Committees web site www.newsandletters.org]