Section 1 1981-1982: International Trail to the 1980s and a Trilogy of Revolution
(1) The Trail in the 1980s for Transforming Reality.
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Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Plenum, Sept. 5, 1981. Bulletin also includes Syllabus for classes in Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution.
(2) The Two Worlds in Each Country; The Need to Transform Reality.
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Draft Perspectives Thesis, July 14, 1981.
(3) Post-Plenum Bulletin #2.
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Includes reports to Plenum by Michael Connolly on Organization; Eugene Walker on News & Letters; discussion by Charles Denby. Sept. 6, 1981.
(4) Latin Americas Revolutions/Las Revoluciones de Latinoamerica,
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a bi-lingual pamphlet. Includes El Salvador: Reagans Genocidal War and the Unfinished Latin American Revolutions by Dunayevskaya. Sept. 1981.
(5) Deng revises not so much Mao, as Marx.
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya, August, 1981.
(6) Iran: Revolution and Counter-revolution.
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Political-Philosophic letters by Raya Dunayevskaya, 1978-1981. A News & Letters pamphlet, 1982.
(7) Farsi edition of Iran: Revolution and Counter-revolution.
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Translated by Iranian youth and published March, 1982.
(8) Middle East women: liberation and social revolution.
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Essay by Neda Azad in News & Letters, June, 1981.
(9) Kurds continuous struggle challenges Khomeini regime.
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Essay by Cyrus Noveen in News & Letters, April, 1982.
(10) Ireland: Revolution and Theory,
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by Michael Connolly. A News & Letters pamphlet. May 28, 1981.
(11) Marxist-Humanism, Issue #4.
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Publication of British Marxist-Humanists. Feb.-March, 1982.
(12) Begins Israel Moves Further and Further Backward to his Reactionary, Terrorist Beginnings.
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Political-Philosophic Letter by Raya. Dunayevskaya. Jan. 5, 1982.
(13) Down with the Perpetrators of the Palestinian Slaughter,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. Printed in News & Letters Oct, 1982.
(14) Poland: Counter-revolution drives the revolution underground; the resistance continues,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. Printed in News & Letters, Jan.-Feb. 1982.
(15) Twenty-Five years of East European revolt and of the re-creation of Marx’s Marxism.
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya. March 1982.
(16) Andropovs ascendancy reflects final stage of state-capitalisms degeneracy.
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Political-philosophic letter by Raya Dunayevskaya. Nov., 1982.
(17) Woman as Reason and as Force of Revolution.
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Selected writings by Raya Dunayevskaya on Womens Liberation. Published for International Womens Day, March 8, 1981 by Womens Liberation-News and Letters Committees, on the tenth anniversary of their founding.
(18) La mujer como razon y fuerza revolucionaria.
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Spanish edition of Woman as Reason and as Force of Revolution, published by the Peruvian feminist group, ALIMUPER, March, 1982. Includes essay Rosa Luxemburgo y el feminismo, by Anne Molly Jackson.
(19) The revolutionary activity of Polish women.
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Essay by Urszula Wislanka, in News & Letters, March, 1982.
(20) A 1981 view of Marx’s 1841 dialectic.
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya: her letter to Charles Denby of May 5, 1981. N&L June, 1981.
(21) The French edition of Capital, 100 years after.
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Essay by Kevin A. Barry in News & Letters, Oct., 1981
(22) On the 150th anniversary since Hegel’s death: How valid for our day are Marxs Hegelian roots?
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya. Dec., 1981.
(23) Hobsbawm and Rubel on the Marx centenary, but where is Marx?
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya. Aug.-Sept., 1982.
(24) On the Battle of Ideas: Philosophic-Theoretic Points of Departure as Political Tendencies Respond to the Objective Situation.
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Political-Philosophic Letter by Raya Dunayevskaya. Oct. 5-15, 1982.
(25) Dialectics of Liberation,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. New cover to this 1974 News and Letters pamphlet was created after critique by Dunayevskaya pointed to the lack of a listing of Hegels Philosophy of Mind as a subject of her May 20, 1953 letter on Hegel’s Absolutes.
(26) Material proposed by Dunayevskaya for the jacket cover of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution.
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Aug. 1982.
(27) Two letters by Dunayevskaya during Pre-Convention discussion,
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1982: to Marianna for the Womens Liberation-News and Letters Committees, June 22, 1982; and to the Internationalist Marxist-Humanist Youth Committee. Aug. 16, 1982.
(28) A Philosophy of Revolution Needed: Mass Opposition to Reaganomics and the Drive for Nuclear War.
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Draft Perspectives Thesis, June 25, 1982.
(29) What to Do: Facing the Depth of Recession and the Myriad Global Political Crises as well as the Philosophic Void.
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Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Convention, Sept. 4, 1982.
(30) Post-Convention Bulletin #2.
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Includes reports to Convention by Eugene Walker on News & Letters; Michael Connolly on Organization. Sept., 1982.
(31) Post-Convention Bulletin #3.
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Includes Charles Denbys report on his last trip to the South; Index to Bound Volume of News & Letters, 1955-1962. Sept., 1982.
(32) Marx and non-capitalist lands: 1873-1883.
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Essay by Eugene Walker in News & Letters, Dec., 1982.
(33) Brochure by Humanities Press, 1982,
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announcing the publication of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution by Raya Dunayevskaya. Offers at the same time new printings of her Marxism and Freedom and Philosophy and Revolution.
(34) Marxism and Freedom, from 1776 Until Today,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. Humanities Press in the U.S. and Harvester Press in Britain jointly published this 1982 edition. Included here is the Postface for 1982, by Dunayevskaya.
(35) Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre and from Marx to Mao,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. 1982 edition published by Humanities and Harvester. Included here is New Introduction to the 1982 Reprint by Dunayevskaya, which responds to George Armstrong Kellys critique of the 1973 edition of Philosophy and Revolution in his Hegels Retreat from Eleusis.
(36) Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. First publication Nov. 1982 by Humanities Press in the U.S. and Harvester Press in Britain. Included here is the Table of Contents and the Introduction by Dunayevskaya.
Section II 1983: The Marx Centenary Year
(1) Marxist-Humanism, 1983: The Summation that is a New Beginning, Subjectively and Objectively.
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Presentation to expanded meeting of Resident Editorial Board of News and Letters Committees by Raya Dunayevskaya. Jan. 1, 1983.
(2) The National tour on the Marx centenary.
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya. June, 1983.
(3) Listing of lectures given on the Marx centenary tour
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by Dunayevskaya. In March and April of 1983, she delivered more than 40 lectures nationwide, and participated in several radio and television interviews, numerous press conferences, and informal meetings with activists
(4) Guatemalan Revolutionaries Speak.
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A News & Letters pamphlet with Indian, peasant, and womens voices from the Guatemalan struggles. Includes The 1954 Guatemalan Coup by Raya Dunayevskaya, and The Peasant dimension in Latin America, by Michael Connolly. March, 1983.
(5) Preface to the Iranian edition of Nationalism, Communism, Marxist-Humanism and the Afro-Asian Revolutions,
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by Raha, an Iranian revolutionary in exile. Translated into English and printed in News & Letters, Aug.-Sept., 1983.
(6) Iranian edition of Nationalism, Communism, Marxist-Humanism, and the Afro-Asian Revolutions.
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Translated into Farsi by Iranian youth and published Mar., 1983.
(7) Marx and the Third World: New Perspectives on Writings from his Last Decade.
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A News & Letters pamphlet by Peter Hudis. This essay was reprinted with additions after its original publication in South Asia Bulletin, (Vol. III, No. 1, Spring 1983).
(8) First English translation of Rosa Luxemburgs “Martinique”,
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by David Wolff. A News & Letters publication. Jan., 1983.
(9) Soweto Day: Black Consciousness and Marxist-Humanism.
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A guest Workers Journal column by Lou Turner, reporting on Turners partici-pation in Soweto Day meetings held by the Black Consciousness Movement of Azania, June 16-18, 1983. Printed in News & Letters, July, 1983.
(10) How to aid birth of workers own forms of organization.
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Essay by John Marcotte in News & Letters. Oct., 1983.
(11) Challenge to the Youth on the Needed Total Uprooting of the Old and the Creation of New Human Relations.
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Letter by Raya Dunayevskaya written as part of Pre-Convention discussion. Aug. 13, 1983.
(12) Letters to Womens Liberation-News and Letters Committees,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. Jan. 27 and Jan. 31, 1983.
(13) Pre-Convention Bulletin #4.
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This 95-page discussion bulletin, with 25 contributions, represents a part of the vital ferment of ideas that preceded the special 1983 Constitutional Convention of News and Letters Committees. Includes Revolutions and Philosophies, letter by Dunayevskaya written Aug. 1, 1983. Bulletin published Aug. 1983.
(14) Mass Unrest at Home and Abroad in the Global Year of the Missile.
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Draft Perspectives Thesis. June 23, 1983.
(15) The Marx Centenary Discloses the Need for the Philosophy of Revolution in Permanence for Uprooting Reaganism out to Shackle the People with Mind-Forged Manacles of Unfreedom.
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Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Convention, Sept. 3, 1983.
(16) Reports from Our 1983 Constitutional Convention.
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Bulletin includes: statement to Convention by Charles Denby; plus reports on Organization by Michael Connolly; on the Constitution by Olga Domanski; on News & Letters by Eugene Walker; on the Black Dimension in revolutionary journalism by Lou Turner. Sept., 1983.
(17) Constitution and By-laws of News and Letters Committees,
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as amended at Constitutional Convention, Sept. 4, 1983. Amendments included addition of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution as theoretical foundation for the Committees, along with the other two works of what were now called a trilogy of revolution Marxism and Freedom, and Philosophy and Revolution.
(18) Three Reviews of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution
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by Raya Dunayevskaya: George Armstrong Kelly in Political Theory (Vol. 11, No. 4, Nov. 1983); Kevin Anderson in Africa Today (Vol. 29, No. 4, 1982); Valeria Russo in Dimensions (Milan, Italy) (No. 30, 1984).
(19) Letter on American Civilization on Trial
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from Charles Denby to Raya Dunayevskaya. Printed in Denbys Workers Journal column, June, 1983.
(20) American Civilization on Trial.
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Statement of the National Editorial Board. Fourth expanded edition published on the 20th anniversary of both the 1953 March on Washington and the first edition of this News & Letters pamphlet. This 1983 edition includes A 1980s View of the Two-Way Road Between the U.S. and Africa, by Raya Dunayevskaya. Published Aug. 1983.
(21) Statement by Charles Denby to 1983 News and Letters Committees Constitutional Convention.
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Written on Aug. 13, 1983, it is the last letter by Charles Denby, who passed away Oct. 10, 1983.
(22) Charles Denby, Worker-Editor,
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an In Memoriam to Denby, by Raya Dunayevskaya, published in News & Letters Nov., 1983, traces Dunayevs-kayas 35-year-long, political relationship with him.
(23) Grenada: Revolution, Counter-revolution, Imperialist Invasion.
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Two articles by Raya Dunayevskaya, plus an eyewitness report on the mass freeing and army murder of Maurice Bishop. A News & Letters pamphlet. Dec. 1983.
(24) La invasion y conquista imperialista de Grenada por Reagan.
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Spanish translation of article by Raya Dunayevskaya in News & Letters, Dec. 1983.
Section III 1984-1985: Responsibility for Marxist-Humanism in the Historic Mirror
(1) Eleanor Marx in Chicago,
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by Terry Moon. A Womens Liberation-News & Letters publication, this mini-pamphlet focuses on the American tour of Eleanor Marx in 1881, and her trip to Chicago at the time of the Haymarket events. Jan. 1984.
(2) Marxs New Humanism and the Dialectics of Womens Liberation in Primitive and Modern Societies.
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This article by Raya Dunayevskaya was first published in Praxis International (Vol. 3, No. 4, Jan. 1984), a Yugoslav-international dissident journal. It was reprinted as a News & Letters pamphlet in April, 1984.
(3) Luxemburg, Feminism and Marx: a discussion of the works of Raya Dunayevskaya.
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Two articles by Michelle Landau and Terry Moon, published in the feminist newspaper, off our backs (Vol. XIV, No. 8, Aug.-Sept. 1984). The articles were reprinted as a Womens Liberation-News and Letters Committee publication, Oct. 1984.
(4) Nationalism, Communism, Marxist-Humanism and the Afro-Asian Revolutions,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. Third English language edition (it appeared in Japanese in 1955 and in Farsi in 1983) contains a new Introduction by Dunayevskaya written Feb. 15, 1984.
(5) Page One of Jan.-Feb. 1984 News & Letters.
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At the Jan. 1, 1984 meeting of the Resident Editorial Board of News & Letters, a motion was passed to continue to represent the Black and proletarian dimensions of our movement on the front page of the newspaper after the death of Charles Denby with two new columns: Workshop Talks, by the Labor Editor, Felix Martin and John Marcotte; and Black World by Lou Turner. (For earlier writing by Felix Martin, see his review of Denbys Indignant Heart: A Black Workers Journal in N&L Jan.-Feb., 1979.) Included on the microfilm is Lou Turners Black World column: Significance of Marcus Garvey study.
(3) Black opposition to U.S. imperialism at the end of the 19th century,
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by John Alan. Essay published in News & Letters, April, 1984.
(7) A 1980s View: The Coal Miners General Strike of 1949-50 and the Birth of Marxist-Humanism in the U.S.
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A News & Letters pamphlet, with an account by Andy Phillips of A Missing Page from American Labor History, and an essay by Raya Dunayevskaya on The Emergence of a New Movement from Practice that is Itself a Form of Theory. Includes as appendix a list of 35 letters from the 1949-50 philosophic correspondence between Raya Dunayevskaya, C.L.R. James and Grace Lee (Boggs). (See Vol. III for the letters themselves.) Published June 17, 1984, on the 31st anniversary of the East German workers uprising, and the 29th anniversary of the creation of News & Letters, whose first issue honored that revolt.
(8) Where are the 1980s Going? The Imperative Need for a Totally New Direction in Uprooting Capitalism-Imperialism,
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Draft Perspectives Thesis, April 26, 1984
(9) Letters by Raya Dunayevskaya to Revolutionary Sisters and to the Youth,
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as part of the Pre-Convention discussion. May 1, 1984 and June 5, 1984. The letter to the Youth is entitled: On Listening to Marx Think as Challengers to All Post-Marx Marxists.
(10) The Movements from Theory as Well as from Practice vs. the Great Artificer, Ronald Reagan, for whom the Whole World is a Stage.
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Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Convention, July 7, 1984.
(11) Post-Convention Bulletin #3.
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Includes reports on Organization by Michael Connolly, and on Black and Third World by Lou Turner. Aug,. 1984.
(12) Marxs philosophy of revolution vs. non-Marxist scholar-careerists in Marxism.
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Theory/Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya, April, 1984. A critique of Terrell Carver.
(13) Marxs last writings on Russia: new paths to revolution and philosophic continuity.
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Guest Theory/Practice column by Michael Connolly, June, 1984.
(14) Marxs critique of culture a new study.
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Theory/ Practice column by Raya Dunayevskaya, Oct. 1984. A discussion of Louis Dupres Marxs Social Critique of Culture.
(15) Farsi translation of Intellectuals in the Age of State-Capitalism,
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Raya Dunayevskayas 1961 review of Herbert Marcuses Soviet Marxism. Published by Iranian revolutionaries in exile. May, 1984.
(15) Marx and Dunayevskaya: writings on the Paris Commune.
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Farsi translation of excerpts from Marxs Civil War in France, and excerpts from Dunayevskayas Marxism and Freedom. Published by Iranian youth, May, 1984.
(17) Proposed Syllabus for new Six-Class Series on Marxist-Humanist Perspectives and the Dialectics of Revolution,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. Includes On Ten Years of Marxist-Humanist Perspectives by Olga Domanski. Oct. 1984.
(18) The Fetish of High Tech and Karl Marxs Unknown Mathematical Manuscripts.
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A News & Letters discussion bulletin containing, the first American discussion of Marxs 1880-82 Mathematical Mss., a part of which appeared in English in 1983. Includes: articles by Ron Brokmeyer and Franklin Dmitriev, and letters by Raya Dunayevskaya and others. Dunayevskaya examines the roots of Russian distortions of the Mss. in Bukharins 1931 presentation to the International Congress on the History of Science and Technology. Nov. 1984.
(19) Responsibility for Marxist-Humanism in the Historic Mirror: A Revolutionary-Critical Look.
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Presentation by Raya Dunayevskaya to the first Expanded Resident Editorial Board of News and Letters Committees following the move of the Center of Marxist-Humanism to Chicago. Dec. 30, 1984.
(20) Marxist-Humanism as a body of Ideas: a special bulletin.
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A collection of writings on Dialectics of Revolution: American Roots and World Humanist Concepts. Includes a presentation given by Raya Dunayevskaya in Chicago on Jan. 27, 1985 and new developments since the move of the Center of Marxist-Humanism to Chicago. Also includes: Dunayevskayas In Memoriam to Charles Denby and essays on News & Letters, on the Marxist-Humanist Archives and on Womens Liberation by Eugene Walker, Michael Connolly and Olga Domanski. Published as a News & Letters pamphlet. March, 1985.
(21) Dialectics of Revolution: American Roots and World Humanist Concepts.
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Lecture given at Wayne State University Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs by Raya Dunayevskaya on the occasion of the opening of an exhibit of her collectionMarxist-Humanism: Its Origin and Development in the U.S., 1941 to Today. March 21, 1985.
(22) Women’s Liberation and the Dialectics of Revolution: Reaching for the Future,
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by Raya Dunayevskaya. A Humanities Press International book, 1985. Included here are the page-proofs of the Table of Contents and the Introduction/Overview.