link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/4937.pdf
Section I. Actual Publication of Philosophy and Revolution
The book, containing three major parts Why Hegel? Why Now?; Alternatives; Economic Reality and the Dialectics of Liberation — has in Chapter One a Marxist-Humanist interpretation of the major works of Hegel. In Chapter Nine, there is a discussion of today’s new passions and forces of social revolution in America, as well as an analysis of Castro/Debray focoism. Chapter Eight was written in collaboration with East European revolutionaries. The Alternatives part contains not only chapters on Mao vs. the revolutionaries of the Sheng Wu-lien, and on Trotsky, but as well on Jean-Paul Sartre as Outsider Looking In. A special Convention was held in October 1973 to amend the News and Letters Committees Constitution to include Philosophy and Revolution as theoretic foundation.
(1) Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to Mao,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/4938.pdf
by Raya Dunayevskaya, 1973, published by Delacorte Press, N.Y. in hardcover and Dell, N.Y. in softcover. (Foreign language edition: Spanish (Mexico), 1977 by Siglo Veintiuno; Italian, 1977, by Feltrinelli; German, 1981, by Europa Verlag. All foreign editions have a new chapter, Post-Mao China.) (The text of Philosophy and Revolution is not included on the microfilm.)
(2) Constitution and By-Laws of News and Letters Committees,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/4945.pdf
as amended on Oct. 21. 1973, to include: Philosophy and Revolution as well as Marxism and Freedom as theoretical foundation; the rise of the Women’s Liberation Movement; and the intensification of the Black struggles in the 1970s. A report of the Constitution session appeared in News & Letters, Dec. 1973.
(3) REB Draft Perspectives 1973-74,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/4952.pdf
Draft Thesis, August 1973.
(4) Perspectives 1973-74,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/4964.pdf
Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Convention, Oct. 20, 1973.
(5) Philosophy and Revolution as Organization Builder,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/4982.pdf
April 1973. A collection of writings and meetings on Philosophy and Revolution.
Section II. Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Where do we go from here?
The 1970s had revealed the arduous labor of the dialectics of revolution when it must develop under the whip of the counter-revolution in the context of the myriad global crises. Thus, although the second stage of the African .Revolutions — Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau — helped produce the revolution in Portugal, and the Latin American revolts continued unabated, U.S. imperialism continued to hold in its iron grip NATO and Latin America, as well as the Middle East.
(1) Draft Perspectives Thesis,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5005.pdf
(Playing Politics with Nuclear Fuel), July 1974.
(2) On the Threshold: Philosophic Preparation for Revolution,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5022.pdf
Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to News and Letters Committees Convention, Sept. 1974.
(3) Dialectics of Liberation,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5041.pdf
by Raya Dunayevskaya, issued Sept. 1974. A collection of Dunayevskaya’s writings on Hegel and Lenin. Summaries of Hegels major works (see Vol. V, Sec. II); excerpts from 1953 Letters on the Absolute Idea (see Vol. III, Sec. IE); Lecture Notes: Lenin on Science of Logic (see Vol. VI. Sec. III)
(4) Latin America and the U.S.,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5110.pdf
Report by Eugene Walker to the News and Letters Committees Convention, Sept. 1974. On the imperialist relation of today, and on the possibility of a revolutionary relationship.
(5) El Humanismo de Marx en la Actualidad,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5120.pdf
by Raya Dunayevskaya, Sept. 1974; a News & Letters pamphlet. Erich Fromm’s Symposium Socialist Humanism had been translated into Spanish, and Dunayevskayas essay, Marx’s Humanism Today, was issued separately by News and Letters Committees. (See Vol. VI, Sec. I.)
(6) Where Do We Go From Here?
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5138.pdf
Draft Perspectives Thesis, in News & Letters, Aug.-Sept. 1975. Beginning in 1975, News and Letters Committees decided to publish their Draft Perspectives directly in the pages of News & Letters.
(7) Counter-Revolution and Revolution in Every Corner of the Globe: What Can We Do?,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5148.pdf
Perspectives Report by Raya Dunayevskaya to National Editorial Board Plenum, Aug. 30, 1975.
(8) Report on Organization: Philosophy, Spontaneity and Organization,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/5168.pdf
Report by Olga Domanski, National Organizer of News and Letters Committees, to National Editorial Board Plenum, Sept. 1975.