Health care and children
in crisis in Gaza
By Miriam Garfinkle and Reem Abdul Qadir
March 26, 2007
The children of Gaza are in crisis.
In spite of the removal of the Israeli settlements and permanent
army bases from Gaza in the summer of 2005, Israel continues its
occupation. According to a report by an Israeli-based legal rights
group, Gisha, Israel continues its control over Gaza’s air space,
its waters, its borders, the movement of goods and people, the taxation
system and the population registry.
After the 2006 election in Gaza, Canada was one of the first countries
to withhold world funds from the Gazan authorities. This has left
the population in a terrible situation.
Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. In
an area of only about 365 square kilometres there is a population
numbering about 1.25 million. Three-quarters of the population is
living in poverty. Forty per cent are unemployed. Food and water
supply are precarious and sewage treatment is totally inadequate.
According to Dr. Robert Horton, editor of the Lancet, in a recent
article in the New York Review of Books, there are desperate shortages
of medical specialists. Diagnostic facilities are unavailable to
large sections of the population and procurement of medicine is
Over 60 per cent of the population in Gaza is under the age of
18. As a result of the ongoing and escalating conflict, children
are showing increasing symptoms of stress and depression. According
to a survey of children conducted by the Gaza Community Mental Health
Program (GCMHP) and published in 2004 by the World Psychiatric Association,
a vast majority of children under the age of 11 suffer with significant
multiple symptoms that have been identified with "post-traumatic
stress disorder."
Increasing numbers of children have been observed to be bedwetting
as old as nine or ten years of age and severely disrupted sleep
and night terrors are common. Moodiness, anxiety and hyperactivity
are other behavioural manifestations of extreme stress in these
Since the year 2000, more than 5000 houses have been demolished
in Gaza. In fact, of the children surveyed by the GCMHP, 99 per
cent have experienced a shelling of their home. The loss of home
has an enormous impact on children. Home is associated with security
and comfort. Israeli forces also often raid and vandalize homes.
Children, witnessing the powerlessness of their parents to protect
them against these acts are left feeling insecure and anxious.
The survey also reveals that 96 per cent of children have witnessed
shooting, fighting or explosions often resulting in the death and
injury of civilians. Sonic booms – the incredibly loud and distressing
sound of the supersonic flight of military planes similar to thunder
– have become an increasing feature of Israel’s occupation. The
Israeli air force carries these out over populated areas especially
at night and in the early morning. Physicians for Human Rights-Israel
and the Gaza Community Health Program petitioned the Supreme Court
of Israel demanding these flights be halted.
For years, children have been exposed on a daily basis to heavily
armed Israeli military personnel and tanks threatening them on the
streets. Children have had to cross random military checkpoints
on their way to school and have had their schools attacked with
gas and live ammunition.
The term post-traumatic stress disorder is not really valid here
because there is no "post" for these children – the trauma
is ongoing and pervasive. Health care providers are trained to deal
with emotional trauma using the supportive and protective factors
in a child’s life. In the Gaza situation it is difficult to find
these factors. Fundamentally there is no safe place.
These days one hears a lot about the Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan
who are adults and who have been specifically trained for warfare. Yet
many of them are traumatized by the experience of seeing comrades
injured or killed, or suffering injuries or danger themselves. The
trauma goes on, long after the experience has ended and they are
back in a place of safety. How much worse then for children who
witness and experience these events day after day, week after week
with no end and with no place of safety.
As Canadian health care professionals, we are deeply troubled by
the situation and worried for the future of the people of Gaza and
especially these children. What will the long-term effects be of
this endless trauma? What can we, as Canadians and health care professionals,
do about it?
Resilient health care providers on the ground, like Dr. Mona El-Farra
and Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, have been struggling to provide adequate
grassroots primary health and mental health care in Gaza for years
against these mounting odds. We have worked with a group of Palestinians
and Jews in Toronto to organize a fundraiser to support the health
care operations in which these physicians are involved. We are also
insisting that the Canadian government restore and indeed increase
its funding to Gaza.
We also demand that Israel stop its continued methods of collective
punishment of civilians in direct contravention of international
law. Ultimately there can be no solution to this horrific situation
until there is an end to the military occupation of Gaza and the
West Bank, which continues and indeed escalates, despite the 2005
pull-out of Israeli settlements.
There is both a public health and mental health crisis unfolding
in Gaza at a breakneck pace. As human beings, as Canadians, as Jews
and Palestinians, we all have a moral obligation and vital stake
in protecting these children and giving them access to a viable
future. The alternative is unthinkable.
Miriam Garfinkle M.D. and Reem Abdul Qadir M.S.W. R.S.W. are
health care professionals who write from Toronto.
Also available in Arabic.
También disponible en español: Crisis en Gaza: el sistema de salud y los niños en peligro.
Also available in French: Les soins de santé et les enfants en perturbation à Gaza.
Also available in German: Das Leiden der Kinder im Gazastreifen.
Also available in Portuguese: Gaza: cuidados de saúde e crianças em risco.
Also available in Spanish: Crisis en Gaza: el sistema de salud y los niños en peligro.
Related Reading:
The Occupation of Gaza Must End
Gaza: Health System in Collapse
Related topics from the Connexions
Library Subject Index:
Canada-Israel Relations -
Children/Health -
Children in Distress -
Children/Mental Health -
Children/Violence -
Crimes Against Humanity -
Gaza Strip -
Human Rights Abuses -
Human Rights and Health -
International Law -
Israel -
Israeli Military -
Media Coverage/Middle East -
Middle East Conflict -
Occupied Territories -
Palestine -
Palestine/Occupation -
Palestinians -
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