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  1. Adventures in Marxism 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999
    Marshall Berman explores and rejoices in the emancipatory potential of Marxism.
  2. Against the Current
    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1986
    Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation.
  3. Alice Walker's Conspiracy Theories Aren't Just Anti-Semitic - They're Anti-Black
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    White supremacy relies on different stereotypes of Black and Jewish people. Alice Walker's adoption of anti-semitic conspiracy theories points to the need for solidarity between the Black and Jewish communities - which are not mutually exclusive.
  4. Aliens, Antisemitism, and Academia
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Criticizing Enlightenment thought has become fashionable across the political spectrum. For the past several decades, more and more academics have called reason into question. This is especially true among left-leaning, postmodern, and post-structuralist thinkers. This coincides with one of the Alt-Right’s primary tactics: adopting leftist rhetoric as cover for its racialist, nativist, and often misogynistic agendas.
  5. An anti-Jewish pogrom in London
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1917
    Russians, Romanians, Armenians, peoples of all oppressed nationalities live here, Jews forming the majority, for Jews, the people who have no country, are always most cruelly oppressed by tyrannical Governments.
  6. Anti-racists who queston Zionism are not racists
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2001
    Anyone who criticizes the actions of the Israeli government runs the risk of being labelled anti-Semitic by those who want to silence all criticism of Israel.
  7. Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1983
    Fredy Perlman tells how encounters with racism in Central Europe, Bolivia and the U.S. heightened his perception and prepared him to denounce "American cheerleaders of Israel." He is astounded that potential victims of Nazi extermination camps can accept, even support, Israeli massacres of Palestinian refugees.
  8. Anti-Yiddish Riots: September 27, 1930
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    A mob of several thousand Jews protested outside the Mograbi Theater in Tel Aviv on this date in 1930 against the screening of one of the first feature-length Yiddish-language talkie movies,“My Jewish Mother”.
  9. The Anti-Semitic and Pro-Terror Myths
    The Politics of Distraction

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    Past victimization does not excuse current victimizing. Because Jews in Europe had to carry identification cards, use separate streets, live in segregated neighborhoods, etc., does not justify Israel in forcing Palestinians to suffer these same indignities.
  10. Anti-Semitism and Socialism
    A Reply to Gorelick

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
  11. The anti-semitism paradox damaging Labour
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    A look at the damaging effect of anti-semitism for the political left, which is being exploited in a tactic to stifle class solidarity and subvert a genuinely progressive Labour leadership.
  12. Anti-Semitism, Zionism, and the Defense of Palestinian Rights
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
  13. Anti-Semite and Jew
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1946   Published: 1965
  14. Antisemitism Claims have One Goal: To Stop Jeremy Corbyn Winning Power
    The Jewish community’s alienation from Labour has been years in the making

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    A supposed antisemitism crisis in Britain's Labour party since Jeremy Corbyn became leader has erupted back into the headlines.
  15. The Anti-Semitism That Goes Unreported
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Our grandparents knew that the order-enforcement authorities wouldn't intervene to help a Jewish family under attack; we know that the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Police, the Civil Administration, the Border Police and the courts all stand on the sidelines, closing their eyes, softballing investigations, ignoring evidence, downplaying the severity of the acts, protecting the attackers, and giving a boost to those progromtchiks. The hands behind these attacks belong to Israeli Jews who violate international law by living in the West Bank. But the aims and goals behind the attacks are the flesh and blood of the Israeli non-occupation. This systemic violence is part of the existing order. It complements and facilitates the violence of the regime.
  16. The anti-Zionist Bund led the Jewish Resistance in Poland whilst the Zionist Movement abandoned the Jews
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Zionism and Israel's racist rulers have created a series of myths about how the only Jewish Resistance in Nazi-occupied Poland was from the Zionists. The role of the anti-Zionist Bund has been erased. In fact the Zionist movement in Palestine and the West abandoned the resistance including the Zionist component of that resistance.
  17. Arthur Topham's Political Beliefs May Just Be Illegal
    The Extraordinary Trial of Arthur Topham: Part 3

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    On November 7, 2015, Arthur Topham was convicted of inciting hatred against a racial group, the Jewish people. Mr. Topham maintains a website, Radical Free Press, in which he publishes and comments upon various documents. These documents include The Elders of the Protocols of Zion, various anti-Zionist texts, and a tract entitled Germany Must Perish, first published in 1941 and then satirized by Mr. Topham as Israel Must Perish.
  18. Bakunin on Marx and Rothschild
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1871   Published: 1979
  19. Beyond Chutzpah 
    On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2005
    A meticulously researched expose of the corruption of scholarship on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Bringing to bear the latest findings on the conflict and recasting the scholarly debate, Finkelstein points to a consensus among historians and human rights organizations on the factual record. Why, then, does so much controversy swirl around the conflict? Finkelstein's answer, copiously documented, is that apologists for Israel contrive controversy. Whenever Israel comes under international pressure, another media campaign alleging a global outbreak of anti-Semitism is mounted.
  20. Beyond Judgment
    Resource Type: Article
  21. Black or White, It's the Same Old Anti-Semitic Pathology
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2020
    2019 closed with a number of anti-Semitic attacks in the New York City area—including the killing of three people at a Jersey City kosher market by two shooters who had expressed interest in the fringe Black Hebrew Israelite movement, and a machete attack at a rabbi's home in Monsey, NY by a suspect who appears to have referenced the same anti-Semitic hate group in his rambling manifesto.
  22. Break Their Haughty Power 
    Resource Type: Website
    Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective.
  23. Britain's Chief Rabbi is Helping to Stoke antisemitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has not only misrepresented the known facts about Labour and its supposed antisemitism crisis. He has not only interfered in an overtly, politically partisan manner in the December 12, 2019 election campaign by suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn -- against all evidence -- is an antisemite.

  24. British MPs won't get to see 'WitchHunt' in the House of Commons - the very place it needs to be shown
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    A screening of a documentary - made by Jewish Labour party members - about charges of anti-semitism in the British Labour Party has been cancelled.
  25. Calling All Radicals 
    How Grassroots Organizers Can Help Save Our Democracy

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    Thompson argues that we can reclaim our democracy through grassroots organizing.
  26. Censorship? Haaretz Deletes Amira Hass Article On Surging Settler Violence
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Israel’s Haaretz has mysteriously deleted a powerful article by Amira Hass headlined “The anti-Semitism that goes unreported,” about an unchecked upsurge in violence against Palestinians by Israeli settlers.
  27. Challenging Racism isn't Anti-Semetic
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Engler criticizes Canadians' willingness to defend the Jewish Defense League, even with their growing connection to white supremist groups.
  28. Connexions Annual Resource and Reading List
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1989   Published: 1994
    A short and selective list of resources on issues addressed in the Connexions Annual, such as environment, education, peace, interntional development, women's issues, urban issues, housing, human rights, civil liberties, social change.
  29. Connexions Library: Race, Racism, Ethnicity, Multiculturalism Focus 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2009
    Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on race, racism, ethnicity, multiculturalism, identity.
  30. Counter-Rhetoric 
    Challenging "conventional wisdom" & reframing the conflict

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    This useful little book does two things. It challenges the rhetoric, the perceptions and assumptions regarding the conflict in Israel/Palestine, and it exposes the underlying imbalance of power around which this rhetoric swirls. It is both useful as a historical guide and as a tool for countering the prevailing divisive rhetoric. Whether challenging the concepts embedded in Zionism, the wars of the mid 20th century and the later occupation, or the Wall as security argument, this book gives a systematic alternative to the prevailing mantras and begins the process of changing the viewing of the conflict.
  31. The CPCCA should be reconfigured to combat racism against all peoples
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Confronted with evidence of a decline in anti-Semitism, Irwin Cotler creatively claims that it is anti-Semitic to accuse Israel of apartheid. Since this accusation seems to be growing and is being promoted by campaigns on Canadian campuses, Cotler then has "evidence" of anti-Semitism.
  32. Criminalizing Criticism of Israel
    The End of Free Speech?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A massive push is underway to criminalize criticism of Israel. The Lobby is working to ban as anti-Semitic any truth or disagreeable fact that pertains to Israel. It is permissible to criticize every other country in the world, but it is anti-semitic to criticize Israel, and anti-semitism will soon be a universal hate-crime in the Western world.
  33. The Crisis in Corbyn's Labour Party is Over Israel, Not Anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    If there is indeed an anti-semitism problem in the UK's Labour party, it is not in the places where the British corporate media have been directing our attention. What can be said with even more certainty is that there is rampant hatred expressed towards Jews in the same British media that is currently decrying the supposed anti-semitism of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
  34. Cult, Ghetto, and State
    The Persistence of Jewish Question

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1983
    Jewish studies, Maxime Rodinson says in this book, has been a field in which ideological delirium has long had virtually free rein. In this collection of essays, he tries to redress the balance, bringing his expertise to bear on Jewish problems past and present.
  35. Defamation
    Resource Type: Film
    First Published: 2009
    A critical look at modern anti-semitisim by way of an expose of the New
    York-based Anti-Defamation League.
  36. Double Standard
    The Secret History of Canadian Immigration

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    A focused examination of the right-wing political bias and dishonesty that has charecterized Canada's post-war immigration and refugee policies. Policies were profoundly influenced by the Cold War. The RCMP served as the chief screening instrument, relying heavily on the American-Counter Intelligence Corps which was cooperating closely with the Gehlen group staffed by ex-Nazis. While belonging to a Communist party was grounds for exclusion being an ex-Nazi as early as 1950 was no longer regarded as such. The acceptance of 60,000 "boat" people was applauded by Canadians because they were fleeing Communist opression but the efforts of a few thousand Central Americans were stymied by two repressive refugee bills because they were fleeing the "oppression of our side". Whitacker grants that Canada is a safe haven of peace and freedom but only to those who are ideologically correct.
  37. The Dreyfus Affair and the Millerand Case
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1899
    For in the Dreyfus case four social factors make themselves felt which give it the stamp of a question directly related to the class struggle. They are: militarism, chauvinism-nationalism, anti-Semitism, and clericalism. In our written and spoken agitation we always combat these direct enemies of the socialist proletariat by virtue of our general tendencies. It would thus be totally incomprehensible to not enter into a struggle with these enemies exactly when it is a question of unmasking them, not as abstract clichés, but through the use of living current events.
  38. Easily Led
    A History of Propaganda

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999
    From Ancient Sumer to modern Poland, Thomson traces the use of propaganda and its influence on human events.
  39. Fascism and anti-fascism in 1930s Manchester
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    An account of the growth of fascism in Manchester in the early 1930s, and working class resistance to it.
  40. February strike (The Netherlands)
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A general strike organized during World War II in The Netherlands against the anti-Jewish measures and activities by the Nazis.
  41. The Freeland-Chomiak Connection: "It takes a village to raise a Nazi"
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Sanders uncovers Chrystia Freeland's, the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, own personal and professional connection with fascist groups and publications.
  42. Gabor Maté on the misuse of anti-Semitism and why fewer Jews identify with Israel
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    Talking today about antisemitism, particularly posing it as a problem on the left.
  43. Heidegger: L'introduction du nazisme dans la philosophie
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2005
    Faye argues that all of Heidegger's thinking was permeated by National Socialism.
  44. Heidegger And Nazism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1991
    Posits Martin Heidegger's as an influential Nazi philosopher, a manipulative thinker of great intelligence whose touchstones were anti-humanism and contempt for democracy.
  45. A History of the Jews - Ancient and Modern
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    Starting from a political interpretation of the period when judges, kings and prophets held sway over Israel and Judah, Ilan Halevi traces the evolution of the Jewish identity through its numerous stages, from the Roman occupation and the decline of Temple authority, through to the Zionist settlement of Palestine in the twentieth century.
  46. Hitler's Propaganda Machine
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1978
  47. The Holocaust, the BBC and antisemitism smears
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2020
    Senior BBC news reporter Orla Guerin has found herself in hot water of an increasingly familiar kind. During a report on preparations for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, she made a brief reference to Israel and an even briefer reference to the Palestinians.
  48. The Holocaust Chronicle
    A History in Words and Pictures

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2003
    A chronological account of the genocide of European Jews at the hands of the Nazis.
  49. How a London court Repudiated Zionist Abuse of the Anti-Semitism Charge
    Tribunal Blow to Israel's Advocates

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Taunting and tainting opponents with the charge of anti-semitism is a long-standing Zionist ploy, familiar to everyone involved in the Israel-Palestine issue.
  50. How to really fight anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
  51. I accuse!
    Letter to the President of the Republic

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1898
    Emile Zola's condemnation of the frame-up of Captain Dreyfus.
  52. If I Am Not For Myself 
    Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2008
    In a journey through family memory and leftwing history, Marqusee introduces us to Jewish heretics and heroes. In proudly reclaiming the Jewish radical tradition, he reminds us that cultures are not the exclusive franchises of nation-states, and that Zionists and anti-semites share the same sinister, racialized concept of group identity.
  53. Intellectual Charlatans & Academic Witch-Hunters
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Butler’s work has always divided critics. While some view her as a courageous and innovative thinker, others view her as an intellectual charlatan.
  54. Islamic Peril
    Media And Global Violence

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2000
  55. Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2014
    A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights.
  56. Israel Shamir and Slavoj Zizek
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Despite my general aversion to Slavoj Zizek, I want to defend him against the misrepresentations found in Israel Shamir’s Counterpunch article from July 14th titled “Doing a Full Monty for Tel Aviv: Zizek and the Gaza Flotilla“. Zizek is not above criticism but Shamir’s article is nothing but a hatchet job.
  57. Israel's 'left' apologists 
    Resource Type: Article
    Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism.
  58. Jewish Canadians Concerned About Suppression of Criticism of Israel
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    We are Jewish Canadians concerned about all expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and social injustice. We believe that the Holocaust legacy "Never again" means never again for all peoples. It is a tragic turn of history that the State of Israel, with its ideals of democracy and its dream of being a safe haven for Jewish people, causes immeasurable suffering and injustice to the Palestinian people.
  59. Jewish Voice for Peace
    Resource Type: Website
    A diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. Supports the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination.
  60. Jews Are Not an Equity-Seeking Group
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Anti-Semitism, pervasive and deadly only a couple generations ago, is no longer a form of oppression. Jews are not currently oppressed on the basis of Jewish identity alone. Measured in terms of social power, a white Jewish male is just another white male, his Jewishness of no more relevance than if he were Dutch or Irish.
  61. Judeophobia: The scourge of antisemitism
    New Internationalist October 2004 - #372

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2004
    A look at the history of antisemitism and the fight against it.
  62. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution 
    Volume IV: Critique of Other Socialisms

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    Much of Karl Marx's most important work came out of his critique of other thinkers, including many socialists who differed significantly in their conceptions of socialism. Draper looks at these critiques to illuminate what Marx's socialism was, as well as what it was not.
  63. The Life of Death: An Exchange 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1985
    The really great form of courage and honesty that could be witnessed under the conditions of the Holocaust was when a Pole opposed the opinion or the silence of other Poles, when a Jew opposed other Jews, and when Germans opposed other Germans or Nazism in general. This is the type of courage which we should learn about and emulate.
  64. The Mass Psychology of Fascism 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1933   Published: 1970
    Wilhelm Reich's class study, written during the years of the German crisis. Reich repudiates the concept that fascism is the ideology or action of a single individual or nationality, or any ethnic or political group. He understands fascism as the expression of the irrational character structure of human beings whose needs and impulses have been suppressed.
  65. Neighbors
    The Destruction of the Jewish Community at Jedwabne, Poland

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2001
    An account of the humiliation, butchery, torture and burning alive of 1600 Jewish men, women and children in the Polish town of Jedwabne on July 10, 1941 by their Polish neighbours.
  66. Not Quite "Ordinary Human Beings" - Anti-imperialism and the anti-humanist rhetoric of Gilad Atzmon
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    In our struggle against Zionism, racism, and all forms of colonialism and imperialism, there is no place for antisemitism or the vilification of Jews, Palestinians or any people based on their religions, cultures, nationalities, ethnicity or history.
  67. An open letter from Jewish academics and elders to McGill's administration regarding false allegations of student anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    This letter was sent Nov. 13 to Principal Suzanne Fortier, Provost Christopher Manfredi, and Secretariat Board of Governors and Senate Maria Kontzidis.
  68. The Other Israel
    The Radical Case Against Zionism

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1972
    A collective effort by a small group of Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel to penetrate the dense net of illusion and myth that dominates the thinking and feeling of most Israelis and, at the same time, determines the prevailing image of Israel in the Western world. According to the Zionist fairy tale, the state of Israel is an outpost of democracy, social justice, and enlightenment, and a homeland and haven for the persecuted Jews of the world. The reality, as this book demonstrates, is utterly different.
  69. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 10, 2018
    Massacres and Morality

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2018
    In the wake of Israel's brutal massacres of Palestinian protestors in Gaza in May and June 2018, Other Voices looks at the ways in which state terrorism is used to keep subjugated populations in line, at home or abroad. The issue also questions the morality of those who either support, or keep silent about, the violence of the oppressor.
  70. Playing the 'Anti-Semitism' Card Against Venezuela
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Even after the attack on a Caracas synagogue was shown to be an inside job, a robbery perpetrated by employees of the synagogue's security firm, the international media has continued to portray the incident as an anti-Semitic attack, while suggesting that the Chavez government is somehow to blame.
  71. The Politics Of Anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2003
    How did a term, once used accurately to describe the most virulent evil, become a charge flung at the mildest critic of Israel, particularly concerning its atrocious treatment of Palestinians? This is the question considered in these 18 essays (by nine Jews and nine Gentiles), including Edward Said, Robert Fisk, Norman Finkelstein, Lenni Brenner, and Uri Avnery.
  72. Rescuing Memory: the Humanist Interview with Noam Chomsky
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
  73. The Riot at Christie Pits
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
  74. The roots of anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1960
    There are reasons why the discrimination against a certain race suddenly bursts forth into the lynching of an individual Negro. There are reasons why discrimination against another race takes the form, in late 19th century France, of a single wronged individual as happened in the military conspiracy against Dreyfus, whereas in another country, like Tsarist Russia, it took the form of anti-Jewish pogroms.
  75. The Socialist Register 1982
    Volume 19: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1982
  76. Speaking the truth to Jews
    Resource Type: Article
    Many perfectly legitimate criticisms of Israeli policy are blanketed as attacks on Israel's right to self-defense and therefore as attacks on Israel's right to exist and, therefore themselves as anti-Semitic.
  77. Strange Fruit 
    Why Both Sides Are Wrong in the Race Debate

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2008
    Malik makes the case that most anti-racists accept the belief, also held by racialists and outright racists, that differences between groups are of great importance. While racialists attribute the differences to biology, anti-racists attribute them to deep-rooted cultural traditions which are typically seen as inherent in the group. Malik argues that these positions are actually quite similar, and makes the case that racism and racial inequality are best combatted by focusing not on our differences but on what unites us. Malik also strongly criticizes the cultural relativism of many anti-racists, and their increasing tendency to reject science as some kind of western imperialist conspiracy to oppress the rest of the world.
  78. The Tactic of Calling People Anti-Semitic
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    Instead of calling people who criticize Israel and US policy towards it anti-Semitic, a morally committed response would be to face up to the reality of the situation in Israel/Palestine and do our best to remedy it.
  79. Tactics of desperation: Using false accusations of 'anti-semitism' as a weapon to silence criticism of Israel's behaviour 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    The Israeli state and its defenders are increasingly attempting to silence critics because they are losing the battle for public opinion.
  80. To be Intimidated is to be an Accomplice
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    The Nazi judeocide of should not be used as a cover to commit crimes against the Palestinian people.
  81. Two very different Jewish responses to bigotry
    One promoting solidarity, the other promoting insularity

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2020
    In the last weeks of September 2020, anonymous adhesive stickers bearing possible messages of bigotry appeared on utility poles and other surfaces in Halifax, Nova Scotia. And the response from two Jewish organizations demonstrate two very different approaches to those messages.
  82. An Unholy Alliance
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Fleischmann looks at the reasons behind the unlikely alliance that has formed between Trump, the alt-right, and Israel, who have based their support for each other around shared enemies.
  83. Unintended Consequences 
    Beware the Hate Crimes Bill!

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    It will prove difficult to separate speaking against members of protected classes, or criticizing their practices, from hate. The two things are easily conflated. Once enacted, hate crimes will become independent of specific violent acts. An eventual likely outcome will be that speaking against members of specially protected classes will itself become a violent act of inciting violence.
  84. The Use and Misuse of Antisemitism Statistics in Canada
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2021
    Sheryl Nestel of IJV-Toronto has published a detailed analysis B’nai Brith’s audit, and found that their interpretation of the state of antisemitism in Canada is misleading at best, perhaps deliberately so.
  85. What is Anti-Semitism?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2002
    Inflating the meaning of 'antisemitism' to include anything politically damaging to Israel is a double-edged sword. It may be handy for smiting your enemies, but the problem is that definitional inflation, like any inflation, cheapens the currency. The more things get to count as antisemitic, the less awful antisemitism is going to sound.
  86. Why Does It Matter If Heidegger Was Anti-Semitic?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    The publication of the philosopher Martin Heidegger’s “Schwarzen Hefte” (“Black Notebooks”), written between 1931 and the early nineteen-seventies, is likely to cause an uproar.
  87. Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    It would be ironic indeed if fear of Muslim neighbors in Paris suburbs should lead French Jews to move to a country totally surrounded by millions of hostile Muslim neighbours.
  88. Zionism and Anti-Semitism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    What is the meaning of Zionism today, almost 70 years after the formation of Israel, and why is it such a buzzword? Are we talking here about a particular form of nationalism or is it something a little bit more complex? What is its agenda?
  89. Zionism doesn't define Jews: It divides us
    Resource Type: Article
    Zionist theory denied the legitimate presence of an emerging, indigenous nation in Palestine. Zionist practice ensured its dispossession and exile.
  90. Zizek and the Gaza Flotilla
    Doing a Full Monty for Tel Aviv

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    As long as we misunderstand the importance of Palestine for the world’s future, we shall be trapped in an endless “Middle East Crisis”.

Experts on Anti-s‚mitisme in the Sources Directory

  1. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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