The Holocaust Chronicle
A History in Words and Pictures
Publisher: Publications International Ltd., USA
Year Published: 2003
Pages: 768pp Price: 19.95 ISBN: 0-7853-2963-3
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX6716
A chronological account of the genocide of European Jews at the hands of the Nazis.
Table of Contents
Prologue: Roots of the Holocaust
1933 The Nazi State Begins
1934 Triumph of the Will
1935 Steps toward Destruction
1936 The Nazis' Games
1937 Quiet Before the Storm
1938 The End of Illusions
1939 The War Against the Jews
1940 The Machinery of Hatred
1941 Mass Murder
1942 The "Final Solution"
1943 Death and Resistance
1944 Desperate Acts
1945 Liberation and Rebuilding
1946 The Pursuit of Justice
Epilogue: The Aftermath
Further Reading
Subject Headings