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Clicking on the title of an item takes you to the bibliographic reference for the resource, which will typically also contain an abstract, a link to the full text if it is available online, and links to related topics in the subject index. Particularly recommended items have a red Connexions logo beside the title.

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  1. The Academic Boycott Debate
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    An excellent summary and commentary on a debate at Ryerson University about whether Israel should be subjected to an academic boycott because of its human rights violations.
  2. Academic Boycott of South Africa
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
  3. Anti-Apartheid Movement (British)
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
  4. Apartheid: The Facts
    Resource Type: Book
    A comprehensive handbook on the current situation in South Africa, bringing together detailed, up-to-date information in an easily accessible form, with the use of numerous maps, graphs, diagrams and photographs. The areas covered are: the historical background; segregation and inequality; education, information, culture and belief; economic exploitation; political structures; repression; armed forces; resistance and the liberation struggle.
  5. Apartheid Media
    Disinformation and Dissent in South Africa

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    A riveting expose of the media and its anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa as well as the intimate face of a universal war between disinformation and dissent, propaganda and truth, state control and individual rights. Through telling annecdote and cross-cultural analysis, Phelan repeatedly demonstrates that the white South African regime's downward spiral into despotism is a cautionary tale for the United States.
  6. Apartheid, Militarism and the U.S. Southeast
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    This is an easy to understand economic report on the joint relation between U.S. policies in Africa and jobs, income and investment in the U. S. Southeast. Seidman examines how the daily realities of life are shaped by the American support of apartheid.
  7. Apartheid: The Story of a Dispossessed People
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1986
    This is a moving and informative piece of work on South Africa. The authoR rejects the 'empty land' theory when the colonists settled in. He proves irrefutably that the history of Azania does not begin in 1652, as some western historians would like to believe. The author clarifies the polticial confusion about 'apartheid' in South Africa and explains why liberation which is long overdue has been delayed, and shows how the Azanian struggle is socialist in content.
  8. Apartheid's Violence Against Children
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    This text is the General Working Document of the International Conference on Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa, held in Harare, 24-27 September 1987. It shows how apartheid affects the lives of black children in South Africa and the violent means by which the apartheid regime attacks them when they seek to change the conditions under which they live and to join the struggle for liberation.
  9. Archbishop Desmond Tutu to UC Berkeley: Divesting is the Right Thing To Do
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    In South Africa, we could not have achieved our freedom and just peace without the help of people around the world, who through the use of non-violent means, such as boycotts and divestment, encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the Apartheid regime.
  10. Banking on Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1976
    Package states the case against further Canadian bank loans to the government of South Africa. Suggests actions for persons wanting to resist further bank loans.
  11. The Black Student Rebellion of 1976
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    A defining feature of the 1976 uprising was the decisive entry of black students onto the stage of history. Until the 1960s, the number of Africans in schools remained relatively low. But the urban African population was growing, especially the number of young people. And industry required a larger pool of industrial labour. So there was a rapid expansion of schooling for Africans. In 1976 there were 3.8 million Africans in schools. Nearly 10% percent of those were in secondary schools. In Soweto alone the number of secondary school students increased from approximately 12,500 to more than 34,000.
  12. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Pilot Copy, February 1976

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1976
    The first issue of the Canadian Information Sharing Service publication. The name of the publication was later changed to Connexions and then to Connexions Digest.
  13. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 1, Number 4 - November 1976

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1976
  14. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 1 - May 1977

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  15. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 2

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  16. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 3 - September 1977

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  17. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 4 - November 1977

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  18. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 4 - November 1977

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  19. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 5 - December 1977

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  20. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 3, Number 1 - February 1978

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
  21. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 3, Number 3 - June 1978

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
  22. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 3, Number 4 - August 1978

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
  23. Canadian Policy Towards Southern Africa:
    An Ecunemical Concensus Paper

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1976
    Paper presented to government officials detailing position on racial oppression in S. Africa.
  24. The Case Against Israel 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2005
    Neumann argues that Israel's policies are the cause of the conflict, and that the conflict can be ended by Israel changing its behaviour.
  25. Children of Resistance
    On Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    During the last decade the apartheid regime has unleashed the full force of its repressing not only against adults but even against children. The veil of censorship which the regime keeps over its actions was pierced for a few days in Harare in September 1987. There, children gave testimony of their own experience of violence and torture, and lawyers, doctors, social workers, religious leaders and parents spoke of what they had themselves seen of the treatment of children.
  26. Children of SA liberation icons condemn Israeli apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    The children of South Africa's anti-apartheid heroes speak out against Israeli apartheid, supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel and denouncing the Jewish state's brutal colonial occupation of Palestine.
  27. Church Presentation to the Annual Meetings of Three Canadian Banks
    Re: Loans to South Africa

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1976
    A statement questioning the morality of loaning money to a racist South African government.
  28. Class and Colour in South Africa 1850-1950
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1969   Published: 1983
    A historical and sociological overview which provides a critical analysis of the Labour and National movements in South Africa and explores how and why the white working class traded its socialist principles for a share of white power. Also examines the interactions between the two wings of the resistance against white domination.
  29. Connexions
    Volume 3, Number 5 - September 1978

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
  30. Connexions
    Volume 3, Number 6 - December 1978 - Unemployment/Chomage

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
  31. Connexions
    Volume 5, Number 2 - May 1980 - Women/Femmes

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1980
  32. Connexions
    Volume 5, Number 3 - September 1980 - Racism/Racisme

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1980
  33. Connexions
    Volume 7, Number 1 - March 1982

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1982
  34. Connexions
    Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring 1986 - The Arts and Social Change

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1986
  35. Connexions Digest
    Volume 12, Number 1 - Fall 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1988
  36. Connexions Digest
    Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1990
  37. Connexions Library: Race, Racism, Ethnicity, Multiculturalism Focus 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2009
    Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on race, racism, ethnicity, multiculturalism, identity.
  38. Crime of Apartheid
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
  39. Critique of Nonviolent Politics 
    From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1984   Published: 2002
    Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social movements." He says that nonviolence theory "is troubled by moral dogma and mechanical logic."
  40. Development Education Project
    Canadian Complicity in South Africa and Chile

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1977
    A description of the cooperation of several small groups to educate the Canadian public about corporate involvement in South Africa.
  41. Do I Divest? 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2002
    If apartheid ended, so can this occupation, but the moral force and international pressure will have to be just as determined.
  42. Dumba Nengue: Run for Your Life
    Peasant Tales of Tragedy in Mozambique

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Mozambican writer Lina Magaia tells the stories of her neighbours and friends in rural Gaza province, the human targets of apartheid's proxy terror campaign. This book is a unique resource for communicating the reality of Mozambique's struggle for survival. Magaia's personal account lets us appreciate the harrowing effects caused by the South African backed MNR rebels in Mozambique.
  43. Every Secret Thing
    My Family, My Country

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1997
  44. Fighters against apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    Alan Wieder's book "Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War Against Apartheid" is a triumph, describing his subjects with compassion and criticism.
  45. Fighting Apartheid
    A Cartoon History

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    South Africa: where one of the most repressive political systems of modern times exists. A system which deprives the black majority of all basic rights while the white minority enjoys a monopoly of power and privilege. In its developing struggle for liberation the majority daily comes face to face with greater and greater violence from the heavily armed minority.
  46. Forced Removal
    The Division, Segregation, and Control of the People of South Africa

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    Forced Removal gives the facts behind the physical uprooting of millions of black people in South Africa. It describes the various forms that removals have taken during the different phases of apartheid and makes clear that forced removals are integral to the apartheid system. It concludes with an account of the current removal strategies of the regime and the increased resistance with which these strategies are being met.
  47. Free Speech and Acceptable Truths
    Statement of the Alumni for Responsible Speech

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    While we support freedom of speech and academic freedom, we believe that university administrations have a duty to provide a safe learning environment in which students and faculty are protected by incorrect or harmful ideas. To achieve this safe learning environment, it will be necessary for the university authorities to cleanse the university's libraries of harmful books, to block inappropriate Internet sites, to ban guest lectures who hold improper views, and to identify and prosecute students and faculty who are guilty of thought crimes.
  48. The Freedom Charter
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1955
    Adopted at the Kliptown Congress of the African National Congress.
  49. From Apartheid South Africa to Palestine
    "To Exist is to Resist"

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The growing support for Palestinian liberation via BDS reminds of small but sure steps towards the full-fledged anti-apartheid sports, cultural, academic and economic boycotts catalyzed by Brutus against racist South African Olympics teams more than forty years ago. Today, these are just the first nails we’re hammering into the coffin of Zionist domination – in solidarity with a people who have every reason to fight back with tools that we in South Africa proudly sharpened: non-violently but with formidable force.
  50. From one apartheid state to another: Israel's secret military alliance with apartheid South Africa
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Israel regarded the relationship as based on more than just convenience, but on a common position as colonial oppressor, under pressure from national liberation movements. The two countries shared "unshakeable foundations of common hatred of injustice and refusal to submit to it." The 'injustice' each refused to submit to was ending apartheid (South Africa) and reversing the Nakbah (Israel), in both cases the subordination of indigenous people to the interests of settlers from Europe.
  51. The Future of Israel/Palestine
    Against The Current vol. 139

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008   Published: 2009
    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s address to both houses of the U.S. Congress in May, 2006 was the clearest, most explicit presentation of Israel’s conception of where it is going vis-à-vis the Palestinians. It is perhaps the most skilled use of Newspeak since George Orwell invented the term in his novel 1984.
  52. Gatsha Buthelezi: Chief With a Double Agenda
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Operating from within the South African government's bantustan system, Gatsha Buthelezi, chief minister of the KwaZulu 'homeland', presents himself as a leading opponent of apartheid but resoultely opposes the struggle for liberation of the ANC and its allies. Who is this man and what does he stand for? Whose side is he on? Mzala examines these questions in a controversial analysis.
  53. Gaza, The World's Largest Outdoor Prison
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Sara Roy couldn't have predicted the deterioration of Gaza since the 2005 unilateral pullout of Israeli occupation forces and settlers any more effectively than in her book Failing Peace: Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. For those seeking a thorough understanding of the failure for peace to spontaneously erupt upon the exit of the settlers from Gaza, Failing Peace is a valuable resource.
  54. The Green Book
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    Report of the Politico-Military Strategy Commission to the African National Congress National Executive Committee, 1979.
  55. Hirson, Baruch - Writings - Index
    Resource Type: Article
    Writings of Baruch Hirson (1921-1999).
  56. How the 'ecosystem' myth has been used for sinister means
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    When, in the 1920s, a botanist and a field marshal dreamed up rival theories of nature and society, no one could have guessed their ideas would influence the worldview of 70s hippies and 21st-century protest movements. But their faith in self-regulating systems has a sinister history.
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    Today marks 50 years since the South African apartheid government declared District Six, in the heart of Cape Town, a 'whites only' area from which all non-whites would be forcibly removed.
  58. I know Israel practices apartheid because I helped enforce it
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2022
    Rafael Silver left Israel because he could no longer be a part of a system that practices apartheid against the Palestinian people. "I have seen it in action with my own eyes," he writes. "I have enforced it during my military service in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip and supported it as an Israeli taxpayer."
  59. If This is Treason, I am Guilty
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    Allan Boesak has been in the forefront of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and has been increasingly recognized as a political as well as a religious leader. This collection of addresses and sermons from 1979 to 1986 shows all aspects of Boesak's involvement in the anti-apartheid movement. It includes pieces that offer analysis of the church's role in political issues, as well as sermons and articles showing a deep biblical understanding of the issues at stake. Among the selections are several of Boesak's important recent public speeches.
  60. In Hebron, a South African Compares Israeli Occupation to Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Israelis have generally blinded themselves to the apartheid in the back yard because if they did acknowledge it they would have to do something. This complacent blindering recalls the American south during the civil rights movement, or the founding fathers during slavery.
  61. Indeed there is Apartheid in Israel
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    The state of Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of Apartheid with the native Palestinian population.
  62. Is Israel an Apartheid State? 
    Rhetoric or Reality? Summary of a Legal Study by the Human Sciences Research council of South Africa

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Do Israel's practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law?
  63. Israel and apartheid: A fair comparison?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The comparison between Israel's policies toward the Palestinians and to apartheid is a legitimate part of that debate and this is an analogy frequently used by Israelis and also by South Africans.
  64. Israel is an apartheid state and that is why they are losing legitimacy
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Israel is losing legitimacy in the world because of what their government is doing to the Palestinians, not because of anti-semitism.
  65. Israel offered Nukes to Racist South Africa for Use on Black Neighbors
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The implication, that Iran must be stopped because it would proliferate to neighbors, may come back to haunt pro-Israeli propagandists, given Tel Aviv's own secret role in attempting to proliferate nukes to South Africa.
  66. Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2014
    A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights.
  67. Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2009
    A readable introduction to the history and practice of apartheid in Israel.
  68. Israeli Apartheid and Terrorism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1994
    If Jews in France were required to carry identification cards designating them Jews, could not acquire land or buy or rent homes in most of the country, were not eligible for service in the armed forces, and French law banned any political party or legislation calling for equal rights for Jews, would France be widely praised in the United States as a "symbol of human decency" and paragon of democracy?
  69. Israeli Apartheid Week: Call it as it is
    Resource Type: Film/Video
    First Published: 2012
  70. Israeli refusers follow South African footsteps in the struggle against apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Shministim are conscientious objectors. We are Israeli high-school graduates who refuse conscription into the military, and are repeatedly imprisoned as a result. We will not take part of the occupation of another people, the Palestinians, particularly when doing so goes against human values and cannot be explained on grounds of security.
  71. Israel's Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Blacks in South Africa never faced a 20-foot wall dividing their communities. Palestinians' land is still being seized, their orchards bulldozed.
  72. Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2022
  73. Israel's School Apartheid Highlighted By Court Case
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Instances of Arab children being denied places at kindergartens and junior schools have become more common in recent years. Now, an Arab couple whose daughter was expelled from an Israeli daycare centre on her first day because she was Arab is taking the case to court.
  74. Israel's Struggle Within
    Against The Current vol. 113

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    ATC interviews Uri Davis.
  75. Israel's "Withdrawal" Toward Apartheid
    Against The Current vol. 120

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    David Finkel interviews Jeff Halper. “From Sharon's point of view it’s a done deal. Israel has won its century-old conflict with the Palestinians,” writes Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.
  76. Kicked a Cadillac (Dented a Daimler)
    Resource Type: Article
  77. Leader and Vassal
    Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Americans do not think of themselves or of Israel as terrorist states, but the evidence is complete and overwhelming. Thanks to the power of the Israel Lobby, Americans only know the Israeli side of the story, which is that evil anti-semite Palestinians will not let blameless Israelis live in peace and persist in their unjustified terror attacks on an innocent Israeli state.
  78. Liberation, Then What?
    Against The Current vol. 124

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    In a lucid contribution to our understanding of contemporary Africa, David Seddon and Leo Zeilig recently charted that continent's two waves of popular protest and class struggle over the last 40 years, as well as pointing to signs of a nascent third wave.
  79. List of Canadian Firms in Southern Africa
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
  80. Mandela, Nelson
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    Anti-apartheid leader, first black to be elected President of South Africa. (Born 1918).
  81. Mkhuseli "Khusta" Jack and the Art of the Boycott
    27 Years Later, a South African Organizer Looks Back at a Tactic that Hastened the End of Apartheid

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    A key figure in organizing a consumer boycott was the young South African Mkhuseli (Khusta) Jack, who recently discussed his experiences in that campaign with students and professors assembled for the 2013 Narco News Authentic School of Journalism.
  82. My Fight Against Apartheid
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    Imprisoned for 15 years on Robben Island in 1965, Michael Dingake's autobiography clearly reveals how his whole life has been bound up with the struggle for liberation in South Africa. His story, full of humour as well as political insight, takes us from his childhood days in Botswana to his recruitment into the ANC during the mass struggles of the 1950s, from his underground work in the 1960s to his kidnapping and imprisonment in 1965.
  83. The National Question in South Africa
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    The national question in South Africa is a complex and controversial one. Who comprises the nation? Are there not, in fact, two nations? Does South Africa constitue a special form of colonialism? What place in a future South Africa ruled by the majority Africans would there be for the other minority groups? A new generation of South African scholars and activists re-open the debate.
  84. Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
  85. Nelson Mandela's Long Walk
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    A look at Nelson Mandela's book, "Long Walk to Freedom" in the context of the apartheid regime in South Africa in the 1980s.
  86. No. 46 - Steve Biko
    Resource Type: Book
    Steven Biko was the forty-sixth person to die in security police detention in South Africa. But, for the first time, the inquest revealed full and horrifying details of how political detainees are treated. By analysing the court proceedings Hilda Bernstein has reconstructed the events that led to Biko's death, even though what actually happened to him in Room 619 is known only to his interrogators.
  87. Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid?
    A re-assessment of Israel's practicies in the occupied Palestinian territories under international law

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A study of the Israel-Palestine situation from the standpoint of international law.
  88. An Open Letter to the President of the Ford Motor Company of Canada
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    The Ford Motor Company of Canada is the parent company of Ford South Africa. Through Ford South Africa, Ford of Canada sells vehicles to the South African Military and police. The taskforces on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility (TCCR) sees this practice as a reinforcement of the status quo in South Africa, and as a statement in favour of apartheid.
  89. The Other Side of Israel
    My Journey Across the Jewish/Arab Divide

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2005
    Explores the unequal treatment of Palestinians living in Israel as "citizens", but as second-class citizens in a theocratic state that discriminates against Arabs in many ways.
  90. Our Way to Fight 
    Peace-work under siege in Israel-Palestine

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    Documents the lives and work of grassroots peace activists, Israelis and Palestinians fighting for justice and human rights on both sides of the wall. The book also explore events that stirred people to action, and the escalating risks they face in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. The title is borrowed from a young Palestinian who makes and teaches film in the Jenin refugee camp. "This is my way to fight," he said. Like other people featured in the book, he is a peace activist. Like them he is also, in his own way, a freedom fighter. If a just peace can grow in this beautiful, hard land, the seeds for it will have been planted by people like these.
  91. Overcoming Zionism 
    Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    Kovel argues that the inner contradictions of Zionism have led Israel to a 'state-sponsored racism' fully as incorrigible as that of apartheid South Africa and deserving of the same resolution. Only a path toward a single-state secular democracy can provide the justice essential to healing the wounds of the Middle East. Kovel draws on his detailed knowledge of the Middle East to show that Zionism and democracy are essentially incompatible. Ultimately, Kovel argues, a two-state solution is essentially hopeless as it concedes too much to the regressive forces of nationalism, in which lie the roots of continued conflict.
  92. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2006
    Former U.S. President Carter calls Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid' and identifies continuing Israeli control of the occupied territories as the primary obstacle to peace.
  93. Petition for the Total Economic Isolation of South Africa
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
  94. The Politics of South Africa: The Transition to Democracy
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1998
    OVER THE PAST few years, South Africa has undergone the dramatic political transition from apartheid to non-racial democracy. As one might expect in a country where racial and economic inequality is so stark, dismantling the economic structures of apartheid has proven more difficult.
  95. Pro-Israel Lobby Alarmed by Growth of Boycott, Divestment Movement
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    The international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel is emerging as one of the most important ways to demonstrate solidarity with Palestine.
  96. Puerto Rico, The Oldest U.S. Colony
    Against The Current vol. 132

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    When I was a high school senior, my history teacher promised the class that the Americans “would land” in Puerto Rico by the New Year. What he meant to tell us was that, different from most Puerto Rican history courses, our class would spend considerable time studying more recent historical events, and therefore the most controversial period of Puerto Rican history — the American Century. He kept his promise and many of us, including me, left the class with a deep sense of uneasiness against Puerto Rico’s colonial condition under the United States.
  97. Queer Progress
    From Homophobia to Homonationalism

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2016
    A political memoir by a leading gay rights and AIDS activist.
  98. Race, Class & the Apartheid State
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    The rise of mass political opposition has put in question all the major issues of social change-relationship of race and class, challenges to apartheid in the economy and the nature of the state.
  99. Radical Digressions 4
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2008
  100. Radical Digressions 6
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2009
  101. A Reply to B'nai Brith's Manifesto Denouncing CUPE-Ontario's Boycott of Israel
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Why supporting the global campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid is the right thing to do.
  102. Review: Ashwin Desai, Reading Revolution: Shakespeare on Robben Island
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    A book review: Ashwin Desai, Reading Revolution: Shakespeare on Robben Island.
  103. Review: Political War Over Palestine
    Against The Current vol. 131

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    It has become impossible to review titles like these, or discuss the issues they raise, without reference to the rise of an exceptionally vicious campaign against critical activist voices and academic scholarship on Palestine and Israel.
  104. Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War against Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Two leading activists of the fight against Apartheid, Ruth First and Joe Slovo, for the first time have received a comprehensive biography.
  105. SADCC
    Problems and Prospects for Disengagement and Development in Southern Africa

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    These writings represent an African perspective on an organization SADCC (South African Development Co-ordination Conference) seen as a hopeful augury of a more prosperous and genuinely independent Africa. Candid and comprehensive, they present a cautiously optimistic view of the region's prospects ofa successful 'delinking' from South Africa.
  106. The Same Media That Opposed Democracy in South Africa Now Warn Against It in Israel/Palestine
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    Coverage of South African apartheid in US news in the 1980s compared with coverage of Israel/Palestine today reveals similar racist bias.
  107. Sanctioning Apartheid
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    A useful guide to the background of apartheid and understanding current developments, particularly the success of the mass democratic movement in weakening racist policy.
  108. The Secret Struggle Against Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    In the 1960s, a group of leftists risked everything to revive the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.
  109. Segregation is here, just look at Israel's legal system
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Although segregated buses provide a clear and obvious picture of discrimination, applying different laws to individuals living side by side may prove to have far greater legal, ethical and strategic consequences for Israel.
  110. Seth Farber's Radicals, Rabbis and Peacemakers
    Against The Current vol. 120

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    My grandparents came to America from Hungary in 1912. My family who stayed there and the Hungarian Jewish population were mostly killed by the fascists in the bitter winter of 1944, some 800,000. Twenty thousand alone died of the cold and disease, huddled in the great unheated synagogue, the largest in the world, on Dohany Street in Budapest.
  111. '68: The Year of the Barricades 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening around the world.
  112. The Socialist Register 1970
    Volume 7: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1970
  113. The Socialist Register 1972
    Volume 9: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1972
  114. The Socialist Register 1989
    Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1989
  115. South Africa: A Time to Act
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    This action kit is meant to be a contribution to an understanding of the South African situation. In addition to its five sections, the kit's cover poster contains a map of the ten "Bantu Homelands" and the names of the groups of Africans in those areas.
  116. South Africa: The Peasants' Revolt
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1964
    "To understand the conditions of the Africans in rural South Africa, how bantustan policy affects them and the underlying reasons for the policy, there are a few books as comprehensive and authoritative as this... this book is a must." - Africa Magazine
  117. The South African Disease
    Apartheid Health and Health Services

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    This book shows that disease in South Africa is connected at every turn with the unequal distribution of the country's resources. Case studies reveal how South African society has created disease among its black population, and explain why the country has no national health service. It concludes that effective health care in South Africa can only become a reality through pressure from trade unions, community organizations and women's organizations.
  118. South African trade union congress supports CUPE boycott of apartheid Israel
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    South African workers will never forget the support given by the Israeli state to the apartheid South African regime. In the same way we will never forget the thousands of acts of solidarity of ordinary citizens around the world who sustained our struggle through the boycott weapon.
  119. South Africa's short memory
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    The migrants so recently attacked in South Africa almost all came from neighbouring countries that paid a high price in death and ruin for supporting anti-apartheid struggles.
  120. Soweto
    The Fruit of Fear

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    On June 16,1976, school children in the sprawling townships of Soweto took to the streets in protest. They were met by brute force -- tear gas and bullets. Peter Magubane relates the events surrounding June 16 through his camera lens, giving a poignant eye-witness account in tribute to the fallen, and commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Soweto uprising.
  121. Sporting Boycott of South Africa
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
  122. Stop Entertaining Apartheid Coalition (SEAC)
    Organization profile published 1986

    Resource Type: Organization
    First Published: 1986
    Inactive/Defunct Organization
  123. The Struggle for South Africa: Volume 1
    A Reference Guide to Movements, Organizations and Institutions in the 80's

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1984   Published: 1988
    This updated new editon of Zed Books' two-volume reference guide on South Africa covers events since 1984 during which the low-intensity armed struggle has grown into a national insurrection. Volume 1 focusses on the capitalist class, its allies, policies and state structures.
  124. The Struggle for South Africa: Volume 2
    A Reference Guide to Movements, Organizations and Institutions in the 80's

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Volume 2 of this valuable reference guide examines the forces making up and supporting the national liberation sturggle and organized opposition to the regime.
  125. Support the New Freedom Riders
    End US Support for Israeli Apartheid

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Palestinian Freedom Riders are seeking their rights to be treated as equal human beings free to move about in their own land.
  126. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
    Volume VI Number 2

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
    Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    February 1978 issue.
  127. Time for a New Divestment Campaign
    From South Africa to Israel

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    We must see Israel with the same eyes as we saw South Africa in the apartheid years - as a racist nation deserving of international isolation and sanctions.
  128. To end the occupation, cripple Israeli banks
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The international banking sanctions campaign in New York against apartheid South Africa during the 1980s is regarded as the most effective strategy in bringing about a nonviolent end to the country's apartheid system. If international civil society is serious about urgently ending Israel's violations of Palestinian rights, including ending the occupation, then suspension of SWIFT transactions to and from Israeli banks offers an instrument to help bring about a peaceful resolution of an intractable conflict.
  129. A turning point for the US solidarity movement
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    We have learned that change will not come from above. It will and must come from the grassroots, the people, those who have nothing to lose but their prison walls, the daily humiliation of life as a refugee, a second- or third-class citizen, or a non-citizen.
  130. Tutu, Desmond
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    South African cleric, activist and opponent of apartheid. (Born 1931).
  131. The Two Apartheids
    What are the similarities and differences between South African apartheid and the Israeli system?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014   Published: 2015
  132. Under Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Cannot Ride Israeli Buses
    Never Equal

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has officially banned Palestinians from traveling on Israeli-run public transportation in the West Bank. The new apartheid law dictates that Palestinians cannot take buses that go from central Israel to the West Bank.
  133. Veolia tries to bail out of one apartheid project, two to go!
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    In 2005, just after the publication of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid, Palestinians began calling for an international boycott campaign against Veolia, a company involved in the Citypass Consortium, a scheme to build a tramline on occupied territory in the West Bank. Veolia is a huge multinational, that arguably has the biggest financial commitment of any international company to Israel's colonisation of the West Bank.
  134. Violence and Nonviolence in South Africa
    Jesus' Third Way

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    In this provocative work, Walter Wink suggests that the injunctions of the 'Sermon on the Mount' which seem to counsel passivity in the face on injustice were actually deliberately mistranslated by Biblical scholars. Winks argues that Jesus actually offered a systematic and strategic third way of nonviolent resistance of particular relevance to today's political activist.
  135. The Wall, Apartheid and Mandela
    Will the Wall Bring Down Israel?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    During his years of struggle in South Africa, Nelson Mandela offered ideas worth examining closely, especially when considering that he and his followers defeated the very condition that Palestinians face today, Apartheid.
  136. The Wall Must Fall
    End the Occupation and Violence in Israel-Palestine

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005   Published: 2007
    A resource for interested union and community members featuring voices from the Israeli and Palestinian peace movements often shut out of the mainstream media. By highlighting the progressive peace movement, The Wall Must Fall demonstrates that this issue is not a Jewish vs. Palestinian one, but one of basic human rights.
  137. What's in a name? In a racist society, everything
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    In our society refusal to contemplate a relationship with a person from another ethnic or religious background is described and denounced as racism or bigotry. In Israel it is protected by law.
  138. Whither South Africa?
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    "The growing disagreements among the rulers, and the mounting resistance of the ruled, creates very favorable objective and subjective conditions for revolution in South Africa," stated Mr. N.M. Sharmuyarira, the then Minister of Information of Zimbabwe. This book contains critical essays examining the socio-political dynamics of the revolutionary situation in South Africa.
  139. Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    If singling out South Africa for an international economic boycott was defensible, it would seem equally defensible to single out Israel's occupation, which uniquely resembles the apartheid regime.
  140. Why Israel Won't Survive
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    If there was ever a moment when the peoples of the region would accept Israel as a Zionist state in their midst, that has passed forever. Israel's "military deterrent" has now been repeatedly discredited as a means to force Palestinians and other Arabs to accept Zionist supremacy as inevitable and permanent. Now, the other pillar of Israeli power - Western support and complicity - is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over.
  141. Why There Are No 'Israelis' in the Jewish State
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    A group of Jews and Arabs are fighting in the Israeli courts to be recognised as 'Israelis,' a nationality currently denied them, in a case that officials fear may threaten the country's self-declared status as a Jewish state.
  142. World Bank: It's the Pits for the Poor
    Against The Current vol. 87

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    In early May, a National Reparations Conference opened by Njongonkulu Ndungane, the radical Archbishop of Cape Town who succeeded Desmond Tutu, resolved to demand that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund compensate South Africa for apartheid loans long ago repaid. What is the line of argument?
  143. World Cup 2010: Showcase South Africa
    Against The Current vol. 132

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    September 15, 2007, marked the beginning of a 1,000-day countdown to the 2010 International Federation of Football Associations World Cup hosted by South Africa, the first African nation ever to host the event. President Thabo Mbeki calls the premier soccer tournament “a golden opportunity to showcase Africa to the world” and adds that the South African government is determined to “show that the African renaissance is upon us and Africa’s time has come.”
  144. World should intervene to end the Israeli Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2001
    Transcript of a speech given in South Africa addressing the circumstances of the Palestinians and the Israeli apartheid.

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