The Two Apartheids
What are the similarities and differences between South African apartheid and the Israeli system?
Traboulsi, Fawwaz; Kfoury, Assaf
Date Written: 2015-05-27
Publisher: Jacobin
Year First Published: {44392 The Two Apartheids TWO APARTHEIDS What are the similarities and differences between South African apartheid and the Israeli system? Traboulsi, Fawwaz; Kfoury, Assaf Jacobin 2015-05-27 2014 2015 ART Article CX17768 0 false true false CX17768.htm [0xc001081c20 0xc0002416e0 0xc000601050 0xc001ac93b0] Cx}
Year Published: 2015
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX17768
Subject Headings