The Third World Debt:
The Comforts of Newspaper Pie
David Gardiner
In his inauguration speech on January 29, 1949, American President
Harry Truman declared that large areas of the world were “undeveloped”.
Since then, successive governments of the northern industrialized
countries have, along with their transnational corporations, used
institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) to try to “develop” the countries of the
Third World by increasing levels of industrial production and consumption.
Today, after more than 40 years of such “development”,
the vast majority of the world’s people, most of them living
in the Third World, are, according to the United Nations, poorer
than they have been at any other time in their history. While the
world economy has created two million millionaires most of them
in the industrialized north one billion southerners live in absolute
poverty while another two billion, including almost half the world’s
children, lack access to such a basic necessity as clean water.
Third World nations have “developed” a foreign debt
to northern governments and financial institutions that they can
never hope to repay.
The IMF recently announced, with some satisfaction, that the scope
of Third World debt has been reduced over the past year by $100
million and is now down to $1.2 trillion. In one sense this is a
staggering amount of money: according to the United Nations, in
1989 the debt amounted to nearly double what all the countries of
the Third World earned through the sale of exports. So, in order
to pay off their debts most promptly, the people of the Third World
would have to undertake the ludicrously impossible two-year chore
of going without any fuel and cease everything else that involves
consumption including eating and yet, somehow, still manage to produce
exports at the same levels as before. And if the prices for their
exports were to fall, well, they’d just have to keep at it
a little while longer.
But, looked at another way, $1.2 trillion isn’t really an
astounding figure. In 1988, the top 200 transnational corporations
together took in 3 trillion dollars. Still the $178 billion in interest
and principal that Third World countries paid on their debt in the
same year amounted to more than half of their combined gross national
The historical roots of the debt crisis stretch back far beyond
Harry Truman’s 1949 speech: they lie deep in the colonial
past. The countries of the Third World were brought into the global
economy as a source of cheap raw materials and labour, as a place
to invest surplus capital that was accumulating in the north as
a result of the industrial revolution, and as a market for the products
of northern industrial production. When these countries gained independence
whether in the 1820’s as in much of Latin America, or in the
1960’s as was the case for many African countries economic
power remained in the north. The new nations continued to earn their
foreign exchange through the sale of a few commodities such as minerals,
timber, coffee, and bananas. And the markets for these commodities
have long been dominated, often to the point of monopoly, by a few
large northern companies.
During the 1960’s and early 70’s, prices for these
products were at historic highs and most Third World countries attempted
to industrialize in the accepted fashion, by borrowing from northern
financial institutions and governments. Given the terms of trade
prevailing at the time, it seemed reasonable to believe that the
loans could be repaid. However, much was spent for projects that
were designed on the model of northern industrial development and
which were inappropriate to local conditions. It is estimated that
70 percent of the loans spent on industrialization returned to the
coffers of northern financial institutions through transnational
corporations, capital flight, arms sales and the northern bank accounts
of the tiny southern elite, The disparity between rich and poor
that resulted meant that, in order to maintain themselves, Third
World regimes turned to repression: up to twenty percent of the
loans were lavished on the very unproductive and repressive military
sector that was necessary to maintain the power and privilege of
local elites.
The oil price increases of 1973 and 1979 only made matters worse,,
especially for the majority of Third World countries that relied
on imported oil. Then, in the mid-70’s, commodity prices for
southern products fell through the floor. They have remained there
ever since. The period from 1979 through ‘82 was particularly
bad: the terms of trade for Third World goods were worse during
that period than they had been in three decades. Finally, in 1982,
the crisis intruded into northern consciousness when Mexico threatened
to suspend payments on its debt.
In order to get loans from northern financial institutions, most
Third World countries have to be members of the IMF, where voting
power is determined according to the financial clout of each of
its members. Naturally, the nations of the developed north dominate,
and IMF policies are designed with a far sharper eye to the health
of balance sheets of northern corporations than to the bellies of
Third World children. As a response to the Mexico crisis, IMF officials
classically-trained economists sitting in carpeted Washington board-rooms
and inspired by the “free market” policies of Ronald
Reagan and Margaret Thatcher decided that the Third World’s
economic problems were caused by too much internal demand for imported
consumer goods that is, by the desire for everything from pots to
Peugots. As well, they saw inefficient economies being constrained
by interventionist government policies such as food and transportation
subsidies. So, they designed something called Structural Adjustment
Programmes (SAP’s) as a medicine for the ailing nations of
the south. These are designed to promote exports and so allow countries
to “grow” their way out of debt. To do this, SAP’s
encourage policies that reduce imports and government spending,
and also lower people’s incomes and purchasing power. Cash-starved
Third World nations that want new loans or wish to renegotiate existing
ones because they can no longer make their payments, are usually
forced to swallow the SAP pill: over 70 have done so in recent years.
And, the pill is always a bitter one. Typically, they include measures
such as the following:
* A devaluation of the country’s currency designed to promote
exports and make imports more expensive. However, increasing exports
often means accelerating the rate at which the country’s resources
cash crops,, timber, fish, and minerals are exploited, and so causes
severe environmental problems. And, an emphasis on exports inhibits
the local production of food and other basic necessities. As well,
the world-wide explosion of exports that SAP’s encourage have
served to saturate markets for Third World commodities, driving
prices down even further and forcing countries into a vicious circle
that demands ever-more export of resources, at incalculable environmental
* A reduction of government spending designed to reduce state intervention
in the economy. The IMF insists that it makes only broad recommendations
and does not interfere in the creation of domestic policy. But the
high levels it sets for cuts to government spending leave little
choice but to slash already woefully inadequate funding to health
care, education, sanitation and other social services. As well,
the reduction or elimination of existing subsidies on such basic
items as food and fuel places the greatest burden on those already
least able to bear it the poor. The loss of jobs in the civil service
adds to the problem of unemployment while those positions that do
remain often suffer salary cuts so severe that it becomes impossible
to survive on those wages alone. Not surprisingly, graft and corruption
* Privatization of state-owned industries and local businesses.
When industries in the energy, communications and health care fields
are turned over to private operators, people’s access to them
becomes determined solely by their ability to pay. Again, the poor
suffer the most. And, an end to favourable treatment for local businesses
makes them vulnerable to competition from transnational corporations
that often have resources far greater than those of the government
* High interest rates to discourage the flight of capital and attract
investment. This serves to fetter indigenous development initiatives
by reducing access to credit. In tandem with other SAP measures,
high interest rates also slow down the economy, reduce real wages,
increase unemployment and often make even staples beyond the means
of large segments of the population.
So, who gains from Structural Adjustment? Obviously, the international
banks and other financial institutions. They had a scare in ‘82
when Mexico threatened to default, but they have taken steps to
protect themselves, none more important to them than the imposition
of SAP’s on the Third World. (After talks with the IMF, Mexico
retracted its threat of default. Instead, it was SAP-ped.) Canadian
and other banks have used tax write-offs and other means to protect
themselves against the possibility of Third World loan default.
In the meantime, they are still happily collecting interest on outstanding
loans. Still, the debt is a real crisis for humanity. Each payment
is accompanied by stark social costs that, while not factored into
the IMF’s account books, affect the lives of millions of the
southern world’s already impoverished masses. In 1989 alone,
at least 500,000 children are estimated to have died as a direct
result of Structural Adjustment.
As the wealth is sucked out of the Third World and the poor “adjust”
in the name of progress, the United Nations and other agencies are
discovering that measures of the human condition food intake, infant
mortality, malnutrition and the incidence of preventable illness
are rapidly getting much worse. And the disparity between north
and south continues to grow.
Susan George, in her 1988 book Fate Worse Than Debt, shows us just
some of the human face of the debt crises:
“The hut is sinking into the mud near the bridge over the
River Guaibe, in Porto Alegro, Brazil. A woman social worker is
welcomed by five children, the oldest about eight years old ...
Noticing how poorly the children look, the social worker asks if
they have eaten recently. “Yes, Miss, yesterday Mummy made
some cakes from wet newspaper.” “What? Little cakes
from what?” asks the woman. “Mummy takes a sheet of
newspaper, makes it into a ball and soaks it in water and when it
is nice and soft kneads it into little cakes. We eat them, drink
some water, and feel full inside.”
And Brazil is far from the poorest of Third World nations.
Canadians often feel complacent about suffering in the Third World:
it’s too far away and out of sight to affect the lives of
many. But when it comes to the global debt, it strikes even people
here, and precisely where it hurts the most in the pocketbook. Canada
may not have entered into any formal SAP agreement with the IMF,
but this is more than made up for by the fact that the Mulroney
government itself is moulding the Canadian economy in the IMF image.
The free-trade deal with the United States, deregulation, privatization
of Crown corporations, tax “reform” and the GST, cuts
in federal spending and transfer payments, free-trade talks with
Mexico all these, and more, serve to rewrite the rulebook in the
interests of capital rather than of people, as SAP’s do in
the Third World. Thatcherism, the Mulroney agenda for Canada, SAP’s
for the Third World: these all serve a common end the globalization
of world capital freed from any constraint.
Millions of Canadians are fed up with such policies and thousands
are actively working to have them reversed. In the Third World,
too, there is opposition to the strategies of the IMF and other
corporate northern institutions. And in that fight, concerned people
in the countries of the north must offer their support.
As the century draws to a close, the sufferings of the poor in
Canada and the impoverished in the Third World are obviously on
different scales. In Canada, the globalization of world capital
means food banks and welfare cuts. In many southern nations, it
means only disease, malnutrition and death.
It cannot be allowed to go on indefinitely.
From New Maritimes, Jan/Feb 1991
New Maritimes Magazine bills itself as a "regional magazine
of culture and politics". Founded in 1981, it is published
six times per year by the New Maritimes Editorial Council, an independent,
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$17 for individuals, $13 for those unemployed or on pension and
$25 for institutions. Write to: New Maritimes, 6106 Lawrence Street,
Halifax N.S. B3L 9Z9. Where else can you find articles like "Bootlegging:
a Slowly Evaporating Enterprise" or "The Made-for-TV Tyrant"
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