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  1. Adventures in Marxism 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999
    Marshall Berman explores and rejoices in the emancipatory potential of Marxism.
  2. Aid/Bangladesh 30 years of aid in Bangladesh
    New Internationalist March 2001

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2001
    A look into the history of Bangladesh and the existence of inequality and poverty in the country.
  3. Alienation
    Connexipedia: Entry in Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of Terms

    Resource Type: Article
    The process whereby people become foreign to the world they are living in.
  4. Alienation, Marx's theory of
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    As expressed in the writings of the young Karl Marx, refers to the separation of things that naturally belong together, or to put antagonism between things that are properly in harmony. In the concept's most important use, it refers to the social alienation of people from aspects of their "human nature". He believed that alienation is a systematic result of capitalism.
  5. Another World is Possible 
    Globalization and Anti-capitalism

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2002   Published: 2006
    A call-to-arms for progressive activists. McNally argues that capitalism is synonymous with imperialism and fundamentally incompatible with democracy.
  6. Change the World Without Taking Power
    The Meaning of Revolution Today

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2002
    Holloway claims that after a century of failed attempts by revolutionary and reformist movements to bring about radical social change, the concept of revolution itself is in crisis. However, he has no idea what to do about it.
  7. Common Sense for Hard Times 
    The Power of the Powerless to Cope with Everyday life and Transform Society in The Nineteen Seventies

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1976
    Presents a vision of society as it is and as it could be. Putting the problems of contemporary daily life in historical perspective, it reveals that they have their roots in the way our society is organized, and thereby enables us to re-examine our own situation and experience.
  8. Continuous Excursions
    Politics and Personal Life

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1982
    Colman looks at the idea that 'the personal is political'. He looks at personal life in pre-capitalist societies, the nature of politics and social relations, patriarchy and sexual relations, intimacy and personal life, indviduality and public life.
  9. Creating an Ecological Society 
    Toward a Revolutionary Transformation

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2017
    Because it aims squarely at replacing capitalism with an ecologically sound and socially just society, Creating an Ecological Society is filled with revolutionary hope. Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams, who have devoted their lives to activism, Marxist analysis, and ecological science, provide informed, fascinating accounts of how a new world can be created from the ashes of the old.
  10. Dialectical Marxism: The Writings of Bertell Ollman
    Resource Type: Website
    Contains selections from Ollman's work on Marxist Theory - Dialectics - Alienation - Class Consciousness - Ideology - Class Struggle - Communism - Political Science (sic) - Socialist Pedagogy - Radical Humour.
  11. A Dictionary of Marxist Thought
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1983
  12. The Enemy of Nature 
    The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2002   Published: 2007
    We live in and from nature, but the way we have evolved of doing this is about to destroy you. Capitalism and its by-products -- imperialism, war, neoliberal globalization, racism, poverty, and the destruction of community -- are all playing a part in the destruction of our ecosystem.
  13. Essays on Marx's Theory of Value
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1928   Published: 1972
    A discussion of concepts at the root of Marxism: the theory of value and commodity fetishism.
  14. Istvan Meszaros and Marx's theory of alienation
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    The article explains how alienation can only be overcome by collective action which challenges capitalist relations of production.
  15. Karl Marx: Early Writings
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1844   Published: 1964
  16. Land and Community 
    Crisis in Canada's Countryside

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Sim's thesis is that rural society is overlooked due to urban dependence upon "great associations," economies of scale, and other socio-cultural institutions of unmanageable size.
  17. Main Currents of Marxism
    Volume 1: The Founders

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1978
    Kolakowski gives his interpretation of the origins of Marxism, and analyses the development of Marx's thought and its divergence from other forms of socialism.
  18. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 3
    Marx and Engels 1843 - 1844

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1844
  19. Marx and Nature 
    A Red and Green Perspective

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999   Published: 2014
    While recognizing that production is structured by historically developed relations among producers, Marx insists that production as a social and material process is shaped and constrained by natural conditions. Paul Burkett shows that it is Marx's overriding concern with human emancipation that impels him to approach nature from the standpoint of materialist history, sociology, and critical political economy.
  20. Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2013
    A study devoted exclusively to Marx's perspectives on gender and the family.
  21. Marx rediscovered
    A review of Heather A Brown, Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Sheila McGregor states that Heather Brown has written an important study of Marx’s writings on women’s oppression. Brown situates her book in the current economic and political context, noting the role that women play both in the world economy and in recent tumultuous struggles such as the Occupy movement and, not least, in the revolutions in the Middle East beginning in 2011. At the same time, parts of Brown's book are contraditory and frustrating.
  22. Marxism & Alienation
    Resource Type: Article
    Documents on alienation and Marxism.
  23. Marxism and the Dialectics of Ecology 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    The recovery of the ecological-materialist foundations of Karl Marx’s thought, as embodied in his theory of metabolic rift, is redefining both Marxism and ecology in our time, reintegrating the critique of capital with critical natural science. Marx's materialist conception of history is inextricably connected to the materialist conception of nature, encompassing not only the critique of political economy, but also the critical appropriation of the natural-scientific revolutions occurring in his day.
  24. Marxists Internet Archive 
    Resource Type: Website
    Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
  25. Marx's Concept of Man 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1961
    It is one of the peculiar ironies of history that there are no limits to the misunderstanding and distortion of theories, even in an age when there is unlimited access to the sources; there is no more drastic example of this phenomenon than what has happened to the theory of Karl Marx in the last few decades....I shall try to demonstrate that this interpretation of Marx is completely false; that his theory does not assume that the main motive of man is one of material gain; that, furthermore, the very aim of Marx is to liberate man from the pressure of economic needs, so that he can be fully human; that Marx is primarily concerned with the emancipation of man as an individual, the overcoming of alienation, the restoration of his capacity to relate himself fully to man and to nature; that Marx's philosophy constitutes a spiritual existentialism in secular language and because of this spiritual quality is opposed to the materialistic practice and thinly disguised materialistic philosophy of our age.
  26. Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2013
    In contrast to the traditional view that Marx's work is restricted to a critique of capitalism – and that he consciously avoided any detailed conception of its alternative – this work shows that Marx was committed to a specific concept of a post-capitalist society which informed the whole of his approach to political economy.
  27. Marx's Theory of Alienation 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1970
    Meszaros provides a comprehensive treatment of Marx's theory of alienation by surveying Marx's work as a whole. In doing so, he argues against the commonly held distinction between a young philosophically-oriented Marx and a mature economics-oriented Marx.
  28. Mészáros István - Writings - Index
    Resource Type: Article
    Writings of István Mészáros.
  29. The Phenomenology of Mind 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1807
    The birthplace and essence of Hegel's dialectic.
  30. The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1973
    Laing questions the concept of 'normality' and explores the psychological wepaons of construction, deprivation, splitting, and projection.
  31. The Red Menace 
    A libertarian socialist newsletter

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1975   Published: 1980
    Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, and terrorism.
  32. Social and Sexual Revolution 
    Essays on Marx and Reich

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1979
    A collection of essays by Bertell Ollman. Ollman tackles issues such as Karl Marx's concepts of class, class consciousness, and communism; he argues for the absorption of Wilhelm Reich's insights about the social function of sexual repression in maintaining capitalist relations; and he dicusses the various problems involved in trying to teach 'Marxism' in an academic context without destroying its central purpose as an instrument of class struggle.
  33. Socialism and Revolution 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1967   Published: 1973
    Representative democracy in every industrially advanced country is in a state of profound crisis. But we have been accustomed for so long to accept democracy in the form of its outward appearances and parliamentary institutions that its decay often does not become apparent to us until those institutions have been either brushed aside or reduced to a purely decorative role.
  34. Socialist Humanism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1965   Published: 1966
    An international symposium whose contributors explore the humanist essence of socialism. Among the contributors are Herbert Marcuse, Maximilien Rubel, Norman Thomas, T.B. Bottomore, Raya Dunayevskaya, Ernst Bloch, and Bertrand Russell.
  35. The Socialist Register 1971
    Volume 8: A survey of movements and ideas

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1971
  36. Testimony of David U. Himmelstein, M.D. before the HELP Subcommittee
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A single-payer reform would make care affordable through vast savings on bureaucracy and profits. As my colleagues and I have shown in research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, administration consumes 31 percent of health spending in the United States, nearly double what Canada spends. In other words, if we cut our bureaucratic costs to Canadian levels, we'd save nearly $400 billion annually - more than enough to cover the uninsured and to eliminate co-payments and deductibles for all Americans.
  37. The Theory of Alienation: Marx's Debt to Hegel
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1965
    One hundred years before Hiroshima, Marx wrote, "To have one basis for science and other for life is a priori, a lie." We have lived this lie for so long that the fate of civilization, not merely rhetorically, but literally, is within orbit of a nuclear ICBM. Since the very survival of mankind hangs in the balance between the East's and the West's nuclear terror, we must, this time, under the penalty of death, unite theory and practice in the struggle for freedom, thereby abolishing the division between philosophy and reality and giving ear to the urgency of "realizing" philosophy, i.e., of making freedom a reality.
  38. Yes, There is an Alternative!
    A review of Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism, by Peter Hudis

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    Peter Hudis has written a valuable analysis of what Marx said on a critical issue. In this sense it reminds me of Hal Draper’s volumes on Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Hudis’s subject matter differs from Draper’s in that it deals with what comes after the revolution, rather than with how we get there. It also differs in method: While Draper was centrally concerned with Marx’s politics, Hudis, writing in what’s called the Marxist-Humanist tradition, sees engagement with Hegel’s dialectic as an essential part of creating a Marxism adequate to ever-changing times.

Experts on Ali‚nation in the Sources Directory

  1. Marxists Internet Archive

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