![]() Socialist Humanism
Fromm, Erich (ed.)
Publisher: Doubleday AnchorYear First Published: {12428 Socialist Humanism SOCIALIST HUMANISM Fromm, Erich (ed.) Doubleday Anchor An international symposium whose contributors explore the humanist essence of socialism. Among the contributors are Herbert Marcuse, Maximilien Rubel, Norman Thomas, T.B. Bottomore, Raya Dunayevskaya, Ernst Bloch, and Bertrand Russell. 1965 1966 461pp BC12428s-SocialistHumanism.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction by Erich Fromm <br> <br>I. ON HUMANISM <br>Veljko Korac, In Search of Human Society <br>Ivan Svitak, The Sources of Socialist Humanism <br>Bogdan Suchodolski, Renaissance Humanism and Marxian Humanism <br>Lucien Goldmann, Socialism and Humanism <br>Leopold Senghor, Socialism Is a Humanism <br>Raya Dunayevskaya, Marx's Humanism Today <br>Mihailo Markovic, Humanism and Dialectic <br>Nirmal Kumar Bose, Gandhi: Humanist and Socialist <br>Herbert Marcuse, Socialist Humanism? <br>Eugene Kamenka, Marxian Humanism and the Crisis in Socialist Ethics <br>Umberto Cerroni, Socialist Humanism and Science <br> <br>II. ON MAN <br>Adam Schaff, Marxism and the Philosophy of Man <br>Milan Prucha, Marxism and the Existential Problems of Man <br>Karel Kosik, Man and Philosophy <br>Marek Fritzhand, Marx's Ideal of Man <br>Bronislaw Baczko, Marx and the Idea of the Universality of Man <br>Danilo Pejovic, On the Power and Impotence of Philosophy <br>Maximilien Rubel, Reflections on Utopia and Revlution <br>Ernst Bloch, Man and Citizen According to Marx <br>Erich Fromm, The Application of Humanist Psychoanalysis to Marx's Theory <br> <br>III. ON FREEDOM <br>Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness <br>Irving Fetscher, Marx's Concretization of the Concept of Freedom <br>Gajo Petrovic, Man and Freedom <br>Rudi Supek, Freedom and Polydeterminism in the Criticism of Culture <br> <br>IV. ON ALIENATION <br>Predrag Vranicki, Socialism and the Problem of Alienation <br>Oskar Schatz and Ernst Florian Winter, Alienation, Marxism, and Humanism (A Christian Viewpoint) <br>Mathilde Niel, The Phenomenon of Technology: Liberation or Alienation of Man? <br> <br>V. ON PRACTICE <br>Norman Thomas, Humanistic Socialism and the Future <br>Wolfgan Abendroth, Planning and the Classless Society <br>Richard M. Titmuss, Social Welfare and the Art of Giving <br>T.B. Bottomore, Industry, Work, and Socialism <br>Sir Stephen King-Hall, Personal Liberty in an Affluent Society <br>Paul Medow, The Humanistic Ideals of the Enlightenment and Mathematical Economics <br>Danilo Dolci, Reflections on Planning and Groups, Decentralization and Planning <br>Galvano della Volpe, The Legal Philosophy of Socialism <br>The Triple Revolution CX6568 1 false true false CX6568.htm [0xc000dff6e0 0xc0006cbad0 0xc000982780 0xc000a906c0 0xc0007cb230 0xc000477bf0 0xc0004fbc20 0xc0005a1140 0xc0007393b0 0xc000858720 0xc0022ad740 0xc001ecb650 0xc0009ee360 0xc00238bf20 0xc002651f80 0xc002664ba0 0xc002ab1110] Cx} Year Published: 1966 Pages: 461pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6568 An international symposium whose contributors explore the humanist essence of socialism. Among the contributors are Herbert Marcuse, Maximilien Rubel, Norman Thomas, T.B. Bottomore, Raya Dunayevskaya, Ernst Bloch, and Bertrand Russell. Abstract: - Table of Contents Introduction by Erich Fromm I. ON HUMANISM Veljko Korac, In Search of Human Society Ivan Svitak, The Sources of Socialist Humanism Bogdan Suchodolski, Renaissance Humanism and Marxian Humanism Lucien Goldmann, Socialism and Humanism Leopold Senghor, Socialism Is a Humanism Raya Dunayevskaya, Marx's Humanism Today Mihailo Markovic, Humanism and Dialectic Nirmal Kumar Bose, Gandhi: Humanist and Socialist Herbert Marcuse, Socialist Humanism? Eugene Kamenka, Marxian Humanism and the Crisis in Socialist Ethics Umberto Cerroni, Socialist Humanism and Science II. ON MAN Adam Schaff, Marxism and the Philosophy of Man Milan Prucha, Marxism and the Existential Problems of Man Karel Kosik, Man and Philosophy Marek Fritzhand, Marx's Ideal of Man Bronislaw Baczko, Marx and the Idea of the Universality of Man Danilo Pejovic, On the Power and Impotence of Philosophy Maximilien Rubel, Reflections on Utopia and Revlution Ernst Bloch, Man and Citizen According to Marx Erich Fromm, The Application of Humanist Psychoanalysis to Marx's Theory III. ON FREEDOM Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness Irving Fetscher, Marx's Concretization of the Concept of Freedom Gajo Petrovic, Man and Freedom Rudi Supek, Freedom and Polydeterminism in the Criticism of Culture IV. ON ALIENATION Predrag Vranicki, Socialism and the Problem of Alienation Oskar Schatz and Ernst Florian Winter, Alienation, Marxism, and Humanism (A Christian Viewpoint) Mathilde Niel, The Phenomenon of Technology: Liberation or Alienation of Man? V. ON PRACTICE Norman Thomas, Humanistic Socialism and the Future Wolfgan Abendroth, Planning and the Classless Society Richard M. Titmuss, Social Welfare and the Art of Giving T.B. Bottomore, Industry, Work, and Socialism Sir Stephen King-Hall, Personal Liberty in an Affluent Society Paul Medow, The Humanistic Ideals of the Enlightenment and Mathematical Economics Danilo Dolci, Reflections on Planning and Groups, Decentralization and Planning Galvano della Volpe, The Legal Philosophy of Socialism The Triple Revolution Subject Headings |