Karl Marx: Early Writings
Marx, Karl (Bottomore, T.B., ed.; Foreword by Erich Fromm)
Publisher: McGraw-HillYear First Published: {12204 Karl Marx: Early Writings KARL MARX EARLY WRITINGS Marx, Karl (Bottomore, T.B., ed.; Foreword by Erich Fromm) McGraw-Hill 1844 1964 227pp BC12204-MarxEarlyWritings.jpg B Book - <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Foreword by Erich Fromm <br> <br>Introduction <br> <br>TRANSLATIONS <br> <br>On the Jewish Question <br> <br>Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Introduction <br> <br>Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts <br>Preface <br>First Manuscript <br>Second Manuscript <br>Third Manuscript <br> <br>Authors and Works cited by Marx <br> <br>Index CX6344 1 false true false CX6344.htm [0xc000d8d380 0xc0001a13e0 0xc0001f0690] Cx} Year Published: 1964 Pages: 227pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6344 Abstract: - Table of Contents Foreword by Erich Fromm Introduction TRANSLATIONS On the Jewish Question Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Introduction Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts Preface First Manuscript Second Manuscript Third Manuscript Authors and Works cited by Marx Index Subject Headings |