How We Fought the War
Bob Kerrey's Revolting Medal of Honor

St. Clair, Jeffrey; Cockburn, Alexander
Publisher:  Counter Punch
Year First Published:  {46833 How We Fought the War HOW WE FOUGHT THE WAR Bob Kerrey's Revolting Medal of Honor St. Clair, Jeffrey; Cockburn, Alexander Counter Punch On May 16, 2016, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey was named chairman of Fulbright University, a US-backed college with ties to the State Department in Ho Chi Minh City. During his recent visit to Vietnam, President Barack Obama heaped praise on Kerrey, a former Navy SEAL who served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969. What Obama failed to mention is that Kerrey also supervised one of the most atrocious war crimes of that ghastly war. The unit he lead killed women and children during an assassination mission in 1969. Some of the victims had their throats slit. Instead of being charged with war crimes, Kerrey was awarded a Medal of Honor for his role in another operation of that year in Nha Trong Bay. 2001 2016 ART Article CX19529 0 false true false CX19529.htm [0xc0005b6900 0xc0026da1b0 0xc0027d3c50 0xc0027e9710] Cx}
Year Published:  2016
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX19529

On May 16, 2016, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey was named chairman of Fulbright University, a US-backed college with ties to the State Department in Ho Chi Minh City. During his recent visit to Vietnam, President Barack Obama heaped praise on Kerrey, a former Navy SEAL who served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969. What Obama failed to mention is that Kerrey also supervised one of the most atrocious war crimes of that ghastly war. The unit he lead killed women and children during an assassination mission in 1969. Some of the victims had their throats slit. Instead of being charged with war crimes, Kerrey was awarded a Medal of Honor for his role in another operation of that year in Nha Trong Bay.

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