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  1. Aljazeera - English home page
    Resource Type: Website
    English-language site of the Arabic news network.
  2. Aljazeera - English home page
    Resource Type: Website
    English-language site of the Arabic news network.
  3. An alternative media list
    Getting the news - and getting behind the news

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014   Published: 2017
    A selective list of English-language alternative media.
  4. AlterNet
    Resource Type: Website
    Online news magazine and community featuring original journalism as well as material from many other independent media sources. AlterNet's aim is to inspire action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, health care issues, and other issues.
  5. Are you paying too much to send out your news releases?
    Sources News Release

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    If you have been using a corporate newswire service to send out your news releases you are likely paying $500 or more to send out a single release -- and that release may not even be reaching the people you want to reach.
  6. Between the Lines
    How to Detect Bias and Propaganda in the News and Everyday Life

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1981
    An exploration of medthods of "dec-doing" our daily newspapers and radio/TV news. Examines our predominant sources of information (mass media) and indicates the existence of many alternative sources of informaiton.
  7. Blindspots in The News
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1995
    The filters that determine what gets into the "news" and what doesn't.
  8. BuzzFlash - Daily Headlines and Breaking News
    Resource Type: Website
    Provides headlines, news, and commentary for a geographically-diverse, politically-savvy, pro-democracy, anti-hypocrisy web community
  9. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 1, Number 2 - July 1976

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1976
  10. The Canadian News Synthesis Project
    Organization profile published 1976

    Resource Type: Organization
    First Published: 1976
    Inactive/Defunct Organization
    Presenting current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
  11. Censored: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why
    The 1995 Project Censored Yearbook

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1996
    Documenting how the U.S. mass media does a shabby job, deliberately or negligently withholding information of vital importance.
  12. CNSP Review 1974-75; Canada in an International Context
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1976
    An analysis of developments in Canadian society based on newspaper coverage.
  13. Common Dreams
    Resource Type: Website
    Breaking news and views for the progressive community.
  14. Communitas
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 1947   Published: 1960
    Anarchist site with news and information for people who are questioning the system which hates them. In English, French, German and Catalan.
  15. Confessions of a Media Critic
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1984
    Barrie Zwicker says that with the planet in crisis it isn't time for 'business as usual', least of all in journalism.
  16. Countercurrents
    Resource Type: Website
    An alternative news site based in India. "We bring out what the mainstream media fails to tell you, or hides from you. These are the things that really matter. The things which may determine the fate of planet earth! The future of our children! In a word, the survival of the species!"
  17. Creeping contradictions
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    News tidbits.
  18. Don't be a Time Bandit
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    Don't waste journalists' time.
  19. Environmental News Network
    Resource Type: Website
    Our mission is to inform, educate, enable and create a platform for global environmental action.
  20. From Politics to Profit
    The Commercialization of Canadian Daily Newspapers, 1890-1920

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1997
    Analyzes the transformation of Canadian newspapers that occurred between 1890 and 1920 when daily newspapers slowly changed from political mouthpieces to a marketable industry.
  21. Green Left Weekly
    Resource Type: Website
    Independent Australian publication and Web site committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability, democracy and equality, providing local, national and international news, analysis, and discussion and debate to strengthen the anti-capitalist movements.
  22. Human nature
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    A review of Jason W Moore's book on world-ecology, Capitalism in the Web of Life.
  23. In These Times
    Resource Type: Website
    Web site of the progressive American newsmagazines, featuring article excerpts.
  24. Information Clearing House
    Resource Type: Website
    Described as an independent media source and as "one person's effort to correct the distorted perceptions provided by commercial media", this extensive site provides a mixed bag of news, articles, audio and video clips, ranging from the soberly analytical to off-the-wall conspiracy theories.
  25. Introduction to the Media Guide
    Resource Type: Article
    An introduction to "Media for Social Change."
  26. Inventing Reality 
    The Politics of News Media

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1993
    Parenti sets out to demonstrate how the news media distort important aspects of social and political life and why they do.
  27. The MoJo Wire
    Resource Type: Website
    Mother Jones website.
  28. Le Monde Diplomatique - English edition
    Resource Type: Website
    English-language edition of the French newspaper. Some articles free on the Web site; full access requires a subscription.
  29. The Narco News Bulletin
    Resource Type: Website
    Reporting on the drug war and democracy. Fostering authentic journalism.
  30. The Nation Online
    Resource Type: Website
    Selected articles from current and past issues of The Nation, the progressive weekly U.S. magazine.
  31. Necessary Illusions 
    Thought Control in Democratic Societies

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989   Published: 1991
    An inquiry into the nature of the media and the role of intellectuals in "a political system where the population cannot be disciplined by force, and thus must be subjected to more subtle forms of ideological control."
  32. News and Comment
    Allan Nairn's blog

    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2007
    News and comments in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, and Danish.
  33. News and Dissent
    The Press and The Politics of Peace in Canada

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1991
    Hackett digs deep into several issues that affect how we hear, read, and see what is reported to us, as well as who and what decide exactly what is it that we hear, read and see.
  34. News - Canadiana Internet Sites
    Resource Type: Website
    Newspaper and news links compiled by Library and Archives Canada. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/8/16/r16-211-e.html
  35. Newspeak in the 21st Century 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2009
    Revealing the lethal bias in 'balanced' reporting.
  36. The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
    Peter Steven aims to make readers realize the power and influence of dominant media but, at the same time, also understand that they are not "omnipotent" and that there are alternative forms available.
  37. Onion, The
    Resource Type: Website
    News satire.
  38. Out There News
    Resource Type: Website
    Concise news articles and features from around the world.
  39. Seven News
    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1970
    Seven News (7 News) was a community newspaper published in the area of Toronto east of downtown which at the time was known as Ward 7. Seven News was published from 1970 to 1985. Seven News is no longer publishing, but all issues of the paper have been scanned and are available on the Connexions website.
    Ward 7 covered the area of Toronto east of downtown, from Sherbourne Street to Logan Avenue, south of Bloor-Danforth, including Don Vale, Cabbagetown, Regent Park, Riverdale, St. Jamestown.
  40. The Smirking Chimp
    Resource Type: Website
    Articles on politics from a progressive perspective.
  41. Sources.com 
    Portal for Journalists and Writers - The directory for reporters, writers, editors and researchers

    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 1977   Published: 2009
    Sources is an information portal for journalists, freelance writers, news editors, authors, researchers and journalism students -- and a resource for organizations, institutions, businesses, and individuals who want to get media coverage of their expertise and their views on newsworthy topics.
    Journalists: Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
    Newsmakers: Use Sources to raise your profile and get media coverage. Sources is a powerful tool which complements and magnifies your other efforts to publicize yourself. See www.sources.com/Profile.htm, fill out the membership form, or call 416-964-7799.
  42. The Sources HotLink 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 1996   Published: 2009
    A website and newsletter dealing with media relations strategies.
  43. Spinwars
    Politics and New Media

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999
    An examination of media manipulation in late 20th Century North American politics.
  44. The State of the News Media
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2003
    Journalists are older, smarter, generally more educated, and usually more cynical than their predecessors. Cynicism often breeds distrust making the current generation of news reporters more suspicious and more formidable than ever.
  45. There's no such thing as a slow news day
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2003
    The news media are always looking for news.
  46. Tracking the News that Wasn't
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1996
    A review of two books about media bias and censorship.
  47. Watching the News
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    Watching the news to learn what the media are interested in.
  48. What Does a Reporter Want?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2001
    What does a reporter what when they interview you?
  49. What Makes a Good Story?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2002
    What makes a story interesting is often a combination of the interests of the audience, the interests and abilities of the reporter, and a long history of journalistic tradition.
  50. Yesterday's News
    Why Canada's Daily Newspapers are Failing Us

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1998
    Illuminates the decline of print journalism, suggests reasons for this decline and proposes solutions to reverse this downward trend.

Experts on Noticias in the Sources Directory

  1. Allan Bonner Communications Management Inc.
  2. Media Names & Numbers
  3. Sources
  4. Sources News Releases

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