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  1. Absurd charges brought against reporters covering Occupy Wall Street movement
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Journalists covering the Occupy Wall Street movement’s protests and marches are not only exposed to police brutality but also to a sort of judicial lottery when detained. The situation varies from state to state, according to local laws, but the freedom to report news and information is being violated almost everywhere, not only for professional journalists but also for bloggers and for activists who want to cover the protests themselves.
  2. Albert Johnson Committee Against Police Brutatlity
    Organization profile published 1980

    Resource Type: Organization
    First Published: 1980
    Inactive/Defunct Organization
  3. American Blowback
    Cop-on-Cop Crime in LA

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
  4. The Anatomy of A Rebellion
    Against The Current vol. 84

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    The first time I traveled to Los Angeles with a comrade of mine in the labor movement, I had one of those sharp educational experiences that cannot be replicated in the classroom.
  5. Anti-Capitalist Demonstration of May 1, 2013 in Montreal
    Journée des Travailleurs et Travailleuses: Manifestation Anti-Capitaliste

    Resource Type: Film/Video
    First Published: 2013
    Montreal 2013: police state. Montreal's municipal goverment passes a bylaw that suspends the right of citizens to assemble unless they have received advance permission from police. Citizens who assert their right to assembly are kettled by police and arrested.
  6. Canadian Information Sharing Service
    Volume 2, Number 5 - December 1977

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
  7. Citizens Independent Review of Police Activities
    Organization profile published 1984

    Resource Type: Organization
    First Published: 1984
    Inactive/Defunct Organization
  8. The Clouds Clear: Labor, Seattle and Beyond
    Against The Current vol. 85

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    As the clouds of teargas lifted from the streets of Seattle two images emerged in public consciousness: The edifice of the WTO brought crashing to its knees, simultaneously revealing an odd Lilliputian army of labor, environmental, church and assorted activists that had appeared out of nowhere to assault what had been presumed to be an unassailable new world order.
  9. Cointelpro
    The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1976
    The first in-depth look at the covert and illegal FBI counterintelligence program - code-name COINTELPRO.
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States.
  11. Connexions
    Volume 5, Number 3 - September 1980 - Racism/Racisme

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1980
  12. Connexions
    Volume 6, Number 5 - January 1982 - Children/Enfants

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1982
  13. Connexions
    Volume 7, Number 1 - March 1982

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1982
  14. Connexions
    Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer 1984 - Rights and Liberties - A Digest of Resources & Groups for Social

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1984
  15. Connexions Digest
    Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1990
  16. Connexions Digest
    Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1992
  17. Cops Are Now Less Cautious Than Soldiers In Iraq
    Shooting Mirian Carey

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Police militarization is a hot topic lately, but American police are beyond anything contemplated by the American military. American police today appear unwilling to accept any risk whatsoever and seem willing to kill anyone and anything that could possibly be seen as a threat.
  18. Crimes of the Secret Police
    Bombers, Burglars, Bullies, Barn-Burners And Dynamite Thieves

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1982
    An account of crimes committed by the RCMP security service in the name of national security.
  19. Criminalizing First-Graders
    Arrested and Handcuffed for Tantrums

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    All across the nation, schools have adopted draconian zero-tolerance policies that treat children like criminals and turn schools into prison-like environments.
  20. DARE's Struggles in Rhode Island
    Against The Current vol. 110

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    Let's start in a scene from last summer that will be familiar, not exactly but approximately, to many older readers: the labor awards banquet. The setting is a "casino"— in the 1880s sense of a banquet hall, used for wedding receptions and assorted fraternal functions for six generations — set in a venerable public park in a working-class neighborhood, long ago designed by Frederick Law Olmstead.
  21. Deaths in Custody and Detention
    Volume 33, No. 4 (2006) of Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict, and World Order

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2006
    A special issue on the investigation of, and inquiry into, deaths in custody and detention (including state hospitals and mental health, police and prison custody, and young offenders' institutions). The volume sets out to consider how advanced democratic states inquire into and investigate deaths in controversial circumstances. Also considered are the deadly force and exceptional incarceration policies associated with the "war on terror" waged by the U.S. and U.K. Articles and essays cover the U.K., Ireland, the U.S. (including, Guantanamo), and Australia and mix academic pieces with accounts from prisoners and campaigners.
  22. Detroit Politics Embroiled
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Detroit is a city entangled in a chain of interlocking crises, all the way from the world economic crisis, to deindustrialization in America, down to the regional and local levels of the housing market hemorrhage and a tidal wave of utility cutoffs in poor people’s homes. Some 40,000 Detroiters now are without water — the most shocking example, perhaps, of daily life in a city on the brink.
  23. "Do Not Resist": The Police Militarization Documentary Everyone Should See
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    On a sunny afternoon last summer, Craig Atkinson, a New York City-based filmmaker, stood in a front yard in South Carolina surrounded by several heavily armed police officers. Inside, they found a terrified family of four, including an infant. As the family members were pulled outside, Atkinson's camera captured a scene that plays out with startling regularity in cities and towns across the country, one of many included in his new documentary, "Do Not Resist," an examination of police militarization in the United States.
  24. Drug War Winners and Losers
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    A review of Dawn Paley's book "Drug War Capitalism."
  25. Even the FBI Agrees: When Undercover Agents Pose as Journalists, It Hurts Real Journalists' Work
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    The FBI doesn't want the public to know more about how its agents pose as journalists during undercover investigations.The government acknowledged in a court filing that FBI agents who pretend to be journalists create a chilling effect, making it harder for real journalists to gain trust and cooperation from sources.
  26. Face a la Justice
    Periodical profile published 1978

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1978
  27. Flaunting It!
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1982
    An anthology of articles spanning the first decade of the Canadian gay liberation periodical, The Body Politic.
  28. Florida Sheriff Tells Drivers to Run over Street Protesters
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Sheriff of Florida's Palm Beach County tells residents to use their vehicles as weapons against protesters who may be blocking their path.
  29. Grassroots Power vs. Police Brutality
    Against The Current vol. 84

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    Widespread police abuse is a long-time, normally mainly secret side of life in capitalist America, especially for minority communities. Now, in a number of cities, outrageous cases of police murders of civilians and grassroots outrage are forcing the issue into the open.
  30. Handbook to Survive Bad Policing
    Resource Type: Book
    Guide to surviving police harassment and abuse. Helps anyone targeted by the police but especially Aboriginal youth, people of colour, and recent immigrants. Explains rights and strategies for dealing with the police.
  31. Israeli guards 'humiliated inmates'
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A group of female former Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails have accused prison guards of subjecting them to intrusive and degrading treatment.
  32. Israeli Police Impunity
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Israeli police expect, and usually receive, impunity for using violence against Palestinians.
  33. LAPD Chickens Come Home to Roost
    Why I'm More Scared of the Cops Than I Am of Christopher Dorner

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
  34. Lawsuit accuses DC police of collusion with far right
    An advocacy group has filed a lawsuit alleging that police broke protocol by working with a far-right organisation.

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    Federal prosecutors and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in Washington, DC, colluded with far-right groups in cases against anti-Trump protesters, a recently filed lawsuit alleges.
  35. Legal Lessons From the Green Scare
    When the Constitution is No Obstacle to the FBI

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Green Scare prosecutors and their coordinators in Washington are willing to destroy individual lives to score political points, and to trample their own rules in the process.
  36. Mayhem, Murder and Manipulation - Mexico in Turmoil
    Against The Current vol. 123

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Mexican police attacked activists and residents in the town of San Salvador Atenco in the State of Mexico in early May, killing one, injuring scores, and jailing over 200. The police attack on Atenco followed a violent police assault on striking steelworkers in Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán that left two dead and several severely injured. Local residents believe that the Fox government was taking revenge on Atenco activists for their success four years ago in blocking the construction of a new airport.
  37. Melbourne: WEF Meets Real World
    Against The Current vol. 89

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    Over 15 000 people from all corners of Australia and farther afield blockaded the Asia-Pacific summit of the World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) in Melbourne between September 11 and 13 in the latest expression of the mood of anti-capitalist action around the world.
  38. Minimising the Risk of Police Violence
    Resource Type: Article
    Police may be violent at nonviolent actions for various reasons. In my experience, the most important ones are because police are directed to use violence as a form of political repression and because police are afraid of what to expect. Thus, in addition to considering the many other aspects of any nonviolent strategy, the planning process might consider ways in which any action can be made less vulnerable to police repression (or, for that
    matter, violence by provocateurs).
  39. New Orleans' Police Death Squads
    Against The Current vol. 151

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    An interview with Malcolm Suber, a New Orleans community activist and fighter for justice, and a former candidate for city council. Against the Current asked him to comment on the struggle around murders by police during Hurricane Katrina and the ongoing fight over police brutality.
  40. No News is Not Good News
    Cops Taping Protesters & Journalists

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    If cops photograph and videotape protesters and journalists, it's news if it happens in China, but when it happens in the U.S., as it routinely does, the media are silent.
  41. Organizing to Stop Police Brutality in Riverside, California: Organizing for Accountability
    Against The Current vol. 83

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1999
    interview with Chani Beeman. Chani Beeman is co-chair of the Riverside Coalition for Police Accountability, whose principles and mission statement can be found at their website (www.ucr. edu/ethnomus/rcpa/rcpa.html). A complete file of articles on the shooting of Tyisha Miller and subsequent coverup can be found on the website of the Riverside Press-Enterprise (www.inlandempire Dianne Feeley and David Finkel of the ATC editorial board interviewed Chani on September 28.
  42. The People's Police Commission
    Trial By Amateur Video

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Now we have a people’s police commission of our own. It’s called amateur video. And it will do to criminal scum like Lt. Pike what a whole world of police commissions, pretending to act on our behalf, couldn’t.
  43. Police
    Urban Policing in Canada

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1985
    Policing is crucial to society. In the public's mind, police stand for law and order, protecting the law-abiding from the law-breaker. But what does the police officer on the beat actually do? Does the public idea of policing fit the reality?
  44. The Police and Court System: Neoliberal America's Tax Collectors
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    The criminal justice system has increasingly become the preferred way to fund city governments in the modern neoliberal nightmare that is the United States. The police target the poor for petty infractions that produce fines. When predictably these fines cannot be paid additional fines are piled on top and the person is thrown in prison.
  45. Police in Canada
    The Real Story

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2010
    What's going on with Canada's police? Once an institution that commanded respect and trust, the police are now widely regarded with skepticism and even suspicion.
  46. Police Ripped Off More Stuff Than Burglars Did Last Year
    Civil asset forfeiture is big business for cops

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Law enforcement use of asset forfeiture laws to seize property -- often without a criminal conviction or even an arrest -- has gone through the roof in recent years, and now the cops are giving the criminals a run for their money, and winning.
  47. Police Violence, Resistance and The Crisis of Legitimacy
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    What clearly sets a number of recent cases apart is not the fact of police violence, but the fact that that violence is being challenged. The controversy, in other words, is not only about violence, but about authority. It is a crisis of legitimacy.
  48. The police vs. the law
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1981
    One of the main differences between a democratic society and a police state is that in a democracy, the police are supposed to obey the law. In a police state, they don't.
  49. The Praxis Affair
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    A cautionary story of what might happen if we return to the bad old days of the RCMP Security Service, which was caught disrupting and using dirty tricks against a wide range of unsuspecting groups before it was eventually disbanded.
  50. Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    At every single major summit over the past few years, authorities have inserted agent provocateurs into protest groups in order to spy on them and if necessary, provoke violence to justify oppressive police brutality in the eyes of the watching world.
    We have documented numerous different occasions where the leadership of the black bloc anarchists were actually working with the authorities to provide a pretext for a police state crackdown.
    During the previous G20 protest in London, black bloc anarchists were allowed by police to smash up bank buildings while being accompanied by more press photographers than other protesters in what was obviously a stage-managed spectacle for mass consumption
  51. Rapport Annuel 1977-78
    avec le rapport sur la colloque Police et Liberte

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
  52. RCMP (Recent Coercive Methods of Pacification)
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    Strike, Vol.2, No.8
  53. RCMP bombed oil site in 'dirty tricks' campaign
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1999
    The Mounties bombed an oil installation as part of a dirty tricks campaign in their investigation into sabotage in the Alberta's oil patch.
  54. RCMP - The Real Subversives
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1978
    A critique of the motives and actions of the RCMP.
  55. The Return of the Albuquerque Death Squads
    Police War on the Poor

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    APD is at war with the poor because it has come to equate any expression of poverty or drug addiction not as an effect of structural inequality, but rather as another opportunity to dispose of what its officers call “human waste.” Like elsewhere being poor, suffering from a mentally illness or battling a drug addiction is a crime.
  56. Revolutionary Nonviolence
    Essays by Dave Dellinger

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1970   Published: 1971
    Dellinger says that "those of us who oppose the violence of the status quo and reject the violence of armed revolt and class hatred bear a heavy responsibility to struggle existentially to provdew nonviolent alternatives." Dellinger's essays attempt to explore those alternatives.
  57. The Sixties 
    Years of Hope, Days of Rage

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1987
    One of the best books on the Sixties in the U.S., bringing to life the political and cultural currents, including especially the music, which raged during that decade, and setting them in historical context.
  58. '68: The Year of the Barricades 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening around the world.
  59. The social significance of Toronto's June 15 homeless "riot"
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    What happened on June 15 bears close attention for what it says about the trajectory of politics in Ontario and the country as a whole. The police ran amok, attacking not only anyone participating in the demonstration, but even medical personnel tending the wounded. Moreover, the police were acting at the behest of a Tory provincial government that has done real violence to the poor, by slashing welfare benefits by 21.5 percent, eliminating social housing and abolishing rent controls.
  60. Socialist Rights Defense Fund
    Organization profile published 1978

    Resource Type: Organization
    First Published: 1978
    Inactive/Defunct Organization
  61. SPP Agent Provocateur Cops Caught Red Handed Attempting To Incite Violence
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    Peaceful protestors at the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit in Montebello have captured sensational video of hired agent provocateurs attempting to incite rioting and turn the protest violent, only to encounter brave resistance from real protest leaders.
  62. Spying 101
    The RCMP's Secret Activities at Canadian Universities 1917 - 1997

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2002
    If you attended a Canadian university in the past eighty years, it's possible that, unbeknownst to you, Canadian security agents were surveying you, your fellow students, and your professors for 'subversive' tendencies and behaviour. Since the end of the First World War, members of the RCMP have infiltrated the campuses of Canada's universities and colleges to spy, meet informants, gather information, and on occasion, to attend classes. Why they were there is the subject of this book.
  63. State Law Breakers
    Violating the Law While Enforcing the Law

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Police routinely break the law under the pretext of enforcing the law.
  64. Still Got the News
    Against The Current vol. 84

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    As a student activist at the University of Michigan in the middle and late 1980s, I was part of a coalition of activists who planned and carried out a democratic takeover of our school's newspaper, The Michigan Daily.
  65. Stirring Up Racism
    Against The Current vol. 139

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    In an attempt to discredit the progressive candidates, the Richmond Police Officers Association (RPOA) put out a flyer which claimed the Latino community and particularly undocumented immigrants were the source of Richmond’s drug and violence problem and that the progressive candidates opposed police efforts to control it.
  66. Submission to the MacDonald Commissionon the R.C.M.P
    Resource Type: Article
    The authors of this submission are concerned with the presence of the RCMP Security Services at events such as trade union meetings.
  67. Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to Power
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2012
    A study of the role of the FBI in the postwar Red Scare, focusing especially on Ronald Reagan's long and creepy relationship with the FBI. It is also a fascinating account of the origins and development the New Left, and a powerful examination of how the FBI corroded due process and democracy.
  68. The Swing of That Truncheon Thing
    The Nature of the Beast Revealed

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Historically, police violence is a fact of life in every society. In a society based on a capitalist economy, the police serve those that have the most money and property. When the authorities and their policies are under attack, the police will always be called in to protect them. No one should be shocked when the police act brutally. There is a reason the most thuggish of the uniforms are often the ones called to disperse angry crowds.
  69. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - June 1977
    Volume V Number 6

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
    Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
  70. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - October 1977
    Volume V Number 8

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
    Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
  71. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - November 1977
    Volume V Number 9

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1977
    Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
  72. Terror Takeover
    The monstrous march of the security state

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2009
    Has our panic over terrorism given permission for unchecked abuse? The fear of terrorism has been used to curtail our liberties and violate human rights.
  73. Toronto's Finest
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1981
    Too many cops seem to enjoy intimidating people and smashing things.
  74. Torture by Taser
    When police abuse their newest 'nonlethal' toy, people die.

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
  75. 12 most absurd laws used to stifle occupy movement
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Here are 12 desperate and unsuccessful measures the authorities are using to discourage, deter and crack down on peaceful protests.
  76. 12 Most Absurd Laws Used to Stifle the Occupy Wall St. Movement
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    As Occupy Wall Street protests spring up in cities across the country, authorities are thinking up creative ways to contain this peaceful and inspiring uprising. Although laws and municipal ordinances vary from city to city, there is a consistency in the tactics being used to stifle the movement.
  77. Violence Goes to College
    Are We Going to Hell?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    The priorities of the campus are clear. An Assistant Professor earns an annual salary in the low $60,000 range; a Lieutenant in the campus safety department (the man who fired the pepper gas, for instance) brings home $110,000.
  78. What Black Lives Matter means for Labor
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    An account and analysis of the centrality of the Black freedom struggle to the working class movement as a whole, arguing that the struggle for Black liberation is a precondition for human liberation generallyand recognizing the deep historical thread connecting the centuries-old struggle for Black freedom in the U.S. and the struggle to organize the working class to fight for workers' power.
  79. Who threatens us most -- peaceful campaigners or a private militia run by police chiefs?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    The people challenging corporate power are often defamed as destructive anarchists. Yet they are seeking to defend the fabric of our lives from the anarchic destruction of market fundamentalism. The police, on the other hand, are fighting – often without obvious justification – to shield destructive companies from both unlawful and lawful challenges. They are defending neoliberalism’s atomising, kleptocratic projects from those who question them.
  80. With My Heart in Yambo
    Resource Type: Film/Video
    First Published: 2011
    Twenty-four years ago director Fernanda Restrepo's two teenage brothers disappeared. A year later, the family finally learned the worst possible news: the brothers had been kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the Ecuadorean police, and then dumped. Restrepo embarks on the painful journey of recounting her family’s story, and documents yet one more search in Lake Yambo, where the boys’ bodies were dumped.

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