Submission to the MacDonald Commissionon the R.C.M.P
Publisher: The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, Regina, CanadaPages: 6pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX982 The authors of this submission are concerned with the presence of the RCMP Security Services at events such as trade union meetings. Abstract: The authors of this submission are concerned with the presence of the RCMP Security Services at events such as trade union meetings. An RCMP officer, either in uniform or plain clothes, may be present for the purpose of surveillance or infiltration. The authors point to numerous cases in which the RCMP have been present, such as the visit by police officers to a striking union member who had spoken with members from a "left leaning political group." The surveillance by the RCMP of trade union meetings, the National Farmer's Union and the N.D.P. is an issue that the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) sees as a violation of certain rights of these groups. The SFL argues that the trade union movement has a legal right to exist, noting that it is a legitimate and democratic part of Canadian society. Is Canada a democratic country when those who have different views than those of the main stream are subjected to surveillance and infiltration by a police force? The SFL makes some recommendations to the Commission on the RCMP. They suggest that any police person is subject to the law and cannot break it with impunity. They also seek protection against such anti-democratic spying as that practiced against the trade union movement. Subject Headings |