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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red Connexions logo:
- After Pinkville
In Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971 Chomsky begins by expressing criticism of the peace movement protestors. He claims that their demands on the US government to "stop bombing and enter negotiations" in Vietnam were insufficient; they should have instead called for immediate withdrawal and adherence to international law. Chomsky then turns his criticism towards the American moral standing, citing one professors take on foreign policy: "To crush the people's war, we must eliminate the people". He parallels this to the moral level of Nazi Germany and questions the US's lack of moral considerations in the Vietnam War.
- Aftermath
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Chomsky discusses various consequences of the Gulf war, both the negative and those perceived as triumphs.
- All options on the table?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky responds to the 2008 meetings of world powers which addressed the topic of nuclear proliferation. He highlights the numerous ways in which these talks failed to live up to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
- America in Decline
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- American Decline in Perspective
Empire and Its Discontents Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012
- American Power and the New Mandarins
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1969 Chomsky writes about American power and violence, especially in the context of the Vietnam war, and he focuses especially on the complicity of American intellectuals in supporting and enabling the American imperial project.
- Another Way for Kosovo?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Chomsky considers the facts of the Kosovo crisis and aims to determine if other plausible courses of action were available.
- At War With Asia
Essays on Indochina Resource Type: Book First Published: 1970 Noam Chomsky examines the many effects of America's war in Indochina and tries to answer the questions that underlie this conflict.
- Back in the USA
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky explores American unwillingness to subject Israel to the principles of the Geneva Convention, citing this as a main cause for continued strife in the region.
- Beyond the Ballot
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Rather than focusing upon the establishment of elections in Iraq, Chomsky points out that popular will is the essential element of democracy. The vast majority of Iraqis were, however, opposed to coalition forces.
- Blinded by the Truth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Chomsky explores Israel's adoption of the American military doctrine in its conflict with the Palestinians.
- Bush y los años del miedo
Conversaciones con Jorge Halperín Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 "Estados Unidos es un pais que tiene mucho miedo y los politicos inescrupulosos como los de la epoca de Reagan, que hoy vuelven a estar en el poder, saben muy bien como manipular los miedos. Es la unica manera de ejercer el control." Hay que bucear lejos en la historia, tal vez el asesinato del archiduque Francisco Fernando, muerto en Sarajevo en 1914, que disparo la Primera Guerra Mundial, para encontrar un atentado cuyo impacto fuera capaz de desencadenar una profunda transformacion del mapa del mundo.
- Bush's bankrupt vision
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Looking at the stops during Bush's visit to the Middle East, Chomsky offers an explanation of the ambitions Bush aimed to establish as his legacy; namely, good relations with those regions rich in resources, especially Saudi Arabia and Israel.
- Cambodia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1970 Chomsky discusses the invasion of Cambodia. He describes it in terms of the internationalization of the Vietnam war as well as explores the internal developments leading up to the event. Specifically, Chomsky focuses on the right-wing coup of Prince Sihanouk on March 18th 1970 as the turning point from neutrality to destabilization.
- Can a Democrat change US Middle East policy?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 In response to the Bush Administration's open disregard for public opinion polls, Chomsky considers the likeliness of a Democrat taking a new stance on the two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. He asserts that the possibility is somewhat greater - even if only marginally.
- The Case Against U.S. Adventurism in Iraq
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky depicts the Bush Administration's ambition to rule the world by force and the dangers of this intention.
- Ceasefires in Which Violations Never Cease
What's Next for Israel, Hamas, and Gaza? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 On August 26th, 2014, Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) both accepted a ceasefire agreement after a 50-day Israeli assault on Gaza that left 2,100 Palestinians dead and vast landscapes of destruction behind. The agreement calls for an end to military action by both Israel and Hamas, as well as an easing of the Israeli siege that has strangled Gaza for many years.
- Central America
The Next Phase Resource Type: Article First Published: 1988 Chomsky explores the nature of the Reagan Administration's initiatives and intents for Nicaragua and Central America. He reveals underlying problems such as the tendency of the US Government to adopt violent tactics due to its political weakness and military strength.
- A Century Later
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 The year 1898 was a turning point for the American Republic in terms of boundary and economic establishment. Chomsky moves through the next 100 years during which America increasingly became involved in affairs outside of its borders.
- Chomsky and His Critics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Noam Chomsky on ISIS, his foreign policy critics, and why socialist ideas are "never far below the surface."
- Noam Chomsky Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Chomsky on Anarchism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 This collection of essays and interviews paint a fresh picture of Chomsky, showing his life-long involvement with anarchist and libertarian socialist currents, his commitment to nonhierarchical models of political organization, and his hopes for a future world without rulers.
- Chomsky on Democracy and Education
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Published: 2003 Education stands at the intersection of Noam Chomsky's two lives as scholar and social critic: As a linguist he is keenly interested in how children acquire language, and as a political activist he views the education system as an important lever of social change.This book gathers for the first time his impressive range of writings on these subjects, spanning issues of language, power, policy and method.
- Chomsky on Post-Modernism
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 What I find in the writings of the post-modernists is extremely pretentious, but on examination, a lot of it is simply illiterate, based on extraordinary misreading of texts that I know well (sometimes, that I have written), argument that is appalling in its casual lack of elementary self-criticism, lots of statements that are trivial (though dressed up in complicated verbiage) or false; and a good deal of plain gibberish.
- The Chomsky Reader
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 The political and linguistic writings of America's leading dissident intellectual. He relates his political ideals to his theories about language.
- Class Warfare
Interviews with David Barsamian Resource Type: Book First Published: 1996
- Cold War II
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Chomsky depicts the growing US-Israeli conflict with the Middle East as a potential precursor to the escalation of tensions to Cold War standards - except with nuclear technologies now threatening a very "hot" outcome.
- The Colombia Plan
April 2000 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 In response to military assistance and "emergency" financial aid for Columbia, Chomsky explores the negative consequences of US intervention.
- Constructive Action?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky questions to what extent American involvement and authority in the affairs of Israel's conflict with the Arabs can be considered constructive. He examines the effects of what he deems to be "colonial policing".
- The Crimes of 'Intcom'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky differentiates between the term "international community" and its other more technical usage referring to the partnering of the USA and several allies. Chomsky labels the latter as "Intcom" and identifies several of its criminal actions.
- Crisis And Hope: Theirs And Ours
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Overcoming the multiple crises means tearing down an enormous edifice of delusions about markets, free trade, and democracy that has been assiduously constructed over many years and overcoming the marginalization and atomization of the public so that they can become participants, not mere spectators of action.
- Crisis in the Balkans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Chomsky illustrates the situation in Kosovo and considers NATO involvement in the context of the international order and its rules.
- The Culture of Fear
In Javier Giraldo, Colombia: The Genocidal Democracy Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Chomsky looks the horrors of Columbia's "democra-tatorship" and its accessories, hailing Giraldo's work as an inspiration for bringing these terrors to an end.
- The Culture of Terrorism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 Chomsky argues that the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to control and limit the domestic damage done when the mask occasionally slips.
- The Current Bombings
Behind the rhetoric Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Noam Chomsky discusses his observations on the NATO bombing in Kosovo in relation to the "rules of world order".
- A Dangerous Neighbourhood
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Noam Chomsky explores the relationship between the USA and South America. He reveals that due to numerous anti-social policies, America is becoming increasingly isolated - even from Canada.
- The Decline of the Democratic Ideal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 Noam Chomsky contemplates the disappearance of democratic ideals by examining the American reactions to the outcome of the 1990 elections in Nicaragua.
- Deep Concerns
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Despite apparent defeat by the ongoing war in Iraq, Chomsky outlines the tasks that remain for those concerned about justice and human rights.
- Democracy Enhancement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994 Chomsky explores the American goal of spreading democracy to other nations through intervention. His assertions are supported in the second part of the essay with a case study of Haiti.
- Democracy in a Neoliberal Order
Doctrines and Reality Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997
- Democracy Restored
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994 In light of the third anniversary of the military coup that overthrew the elected government of Haiti in 1991, Chomsky exposes the grittier side of America's involvement in the restoration of democracy in Haiti.
- Destroying the Commons
 How the Magna Carta Became a Minor Carta Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Our rights and liberties are under ever-increasing attack.
- Deterring Democracy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- The Disconnect in US Democracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Noam Chomsky describes how the American people are excluded from political participation, claiming that action must also come before and after elections and not only once every four years.
- Discurs Politic
Tres Converencies a Catalunya Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 Published: 1998
- Domestic Constituencies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Chomsky, assuming the principle that governments are bound to act according to the will of their "domestic constituencies", considers the degree to which this is done as a measure of the health of democracy. In turn, he calls for the public to discover what is being planned for them.
- Domestic Terrorism
Notes on the State System of Oppression Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Starting with the curious events in Detroit 1971 associated with the Socialist Worker's party, Chomsky investigates FBI disruption programs, their consequences and meaning. He defines this systematic contamination as a sort of domestic terrorism.
- Dominance and its Dilemmas
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky responds to the Bush Administration's announcement of the new National Security Strategy that asserts power through force. He discusses the accompanying implications of the strategy and warns against using violence as a means of control.
- The Dominion and The Intellectuals
Noam Chomsky interviewed by an anonymous interviewer Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky says "one of the reasons why I am considered "public enemy number one" among a large sector of intellectuals in the U.S. is that I mention that the U.S. is one of the major terrorist states in the world and this assertion, though plainly true, is unacceptable for many intellectuals."
- Drain the Swamp and There Will Be No More Mosquitoes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky parallels the pursuit of American interests through intervention in foreign regions to the creation of swamps, and respectively, terrorists to mosquitoes.
- East Timor
Comments On the Occasion of the Forthcoming APEC Summit Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 In light of the atrocities of the situation in East Timor and the pending APEC conference, Chomsky calls attention to the need to address the issue and to use the conference as an immediate opportunity to do so.
- East Timor Restrospective
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Noam Chomsky describes the developments of the East Timor crisis and how the international community could have put an end to it much earlier.
- Eastern Exposure
Misrepresenting the Peace Process Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Noam Chomsky examines and praises Norman Finkelstein's study of the difference between the image and reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
- The Election, Economy, War, and Peace
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky points out that the Democratic triumph in the 2008 election was indeed historic, but also relatively slight. He explores the factors that played a role in preventing a landslide victory for President Obama.
- Elections 2000
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Chomsky reviews the details of the 2000 elections and reveals the tendency of dysfunction in democratic electoral models.
- Empire and Its Discontents
"Losing" the World Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012
- The Empire and Ourselves
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 Chomsky begins by asking why America's interest in a nation occurs when it does: why discuss Central America now and not 10 years ago? And why the concern with Central America over Haiti? He continues by exploring several instances in which the reasons of US involvement seem to be rooted in self-interest as opposed to strictly regional needs.
- The Essential Chomsky
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 Published: 2008 For the past forty years Noam Chomsky's writings on politics and language have established him as a preeminent public intellectual and as one of the most original and wide-ranging political and social critics of our time.The Essential Chomsky assembles the core of his most important writings, including excerpts from his most influential texts over the past forty years.
- "Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Israel has a straightforward means to defend itself: put an end to its criminal actions in occupied territories, and accept the long-standing international consensus on a two-state settlement that has been blocked by the US and Israel for over 30 years, since the US first vetoed a Security Council resolution calling for a political settlement in these terms in 1976. The Arab League has gone even beyond the consensus, calling for full normalization of relations with Israel. Hamas has repeatedly called for a two-state settlement in terms of the international consensus. Iran and Hezbollah have made it clear that they will abide by any agreement that Palestinians accept.
- Failed States
The abuse of power and the assault on democracy Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 Published: 2007 Failed States offers a comprehensive analysis of a global superpower that has long claimed the right to reshape other nations while its own democratic institutions are in severe crisis. Chomsky systematically dismantles the United States' pretense of being the world's arbiter of democracy.
- The Fateful Triangle
Israel, the United States and the Palestinians Resource Type: Book Chomsky examines how Israel has systematically tried to eradicate the Palestinians as a political, national and cultural entity by stealing their land, invasion and occupation and how this has been made possible by U.S. aid.
- For Reasons of State
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1973 Essays in which Chomsky analyzes the role of the American state and discusses some of the ways in which individuals can respond to its growing power.
- Foreword to the War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam
In Bertrand Russell's War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971 Chomsky introduces the themes to be explored in Russell's book on the Vietnam Tribunal. He points out the complacency in Europe and the USA and calls the Tribunal as a renouncement of the crime of silence. Although the Tribunal was not accurately reported, criticisms arose, two of which Chomsky highlights: 1) The bias of jurors, witnesses and participants; and 2) The superfluous nature of the Tribunal in light of the atrocity of the crime of barbarism.
- From Central America to Iraq
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Noam Chomsky bitterly criticizes the regular exclusion of America from the principle of universality and the impunity with which the nation acts.
- Gaza's Torment, Israel's Crimes, Our Responsibilities
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 It is important to understand what life is like in Gaza when Israel’s behavior is “restrained,” in between the regular manufactured crises like this one. When Israel is on “good behavior,” more than two Palestinian children are killed every week, a pattern that goes back over 14 years. The underlying cause is the criminal occupation and the programs to reduce Palestinian life to bare survival in Gaza, while Palestinians are restricted to unviable cantons in the West Bank and Israel takes over what it wants, all in gross violation of international law and explicit Security Council resolutions, not to speak of minimal decency.
- "Good News," Iraq and Beyond
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky explores why the issue of Iraq seems to have fallen to the wayside following the 2006 mid-term election. He cites the necessity for diversion of the masses away from (lacking) political options to PR-created "character" and "good news". But he insists that the question of "the clash of civilizations" must indeed remain prominent in the minds of voters.
- Government in the Future
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 In this classic talk delivered at the Poetry Center, New York, on February 16, 1970, Noam Chomsky articulates a clear, uncompromising vision of social change. Chomsky contrasts the classical liberal, libertarian socialist, state socialist, and state capitalist world views and then defends a libertarian socialist vision as "the proper and natural extension . . . of classical liberalism into the era of advanced industrial society."
- Guillotining Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Noam Chomsky briefly depicts the many factors which prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and promote ongoing conflict in the region.
- Guilt of War Belongs to All
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 Chomsky discusses the guilt of war and Japan's refusal to apologize for its role in the Second World War.
- The Gulf Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 In light of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Chomsky identifies two different responses: economic sanctions and the threat of war. He questions the reason for these unprecedented actions as well as what was behind such tactical divisions over essentially shared interests. Noting that policy is dependent on goals, Chomsky illustrates that American action reveals the goal of establishing the rule of force as opposed to liberating Kuwait.
- Gulf War Pullout
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 In a "question and answer" format, Chomsky addresses what he rationally does and does not find to be plausible motivations for America's invasion of Kuwait.
- Hegemony or Survival
 America's Quest for Global Dominance Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 Published: 2004 Chomsky documents how, for more than half a century, the United States has been pursuing a grand imperial strategy with the aim of dominating the globe.
- His Right to Say It
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1981 Chomsky takes the opportunity to clarify the details of the so-called Faurisson Affair in which he played a catalytic role by signing a controversial petition. He defends his involvement by reiterating and exploring the principle of self-expression irrespective of content.
- Hopes and Prospects
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Chomsky shows how new social struggles, from Bolivia to Venezuela, are challenging the Washington Consensus and posing democratic alternatives for the continent, and explores the potential for change - as well as continuity - under the new Obama administration.
- Hordes of Vigilantes & Popular Elements Defeat MAI, for Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Chomsky comments on the failure of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) intended to consider, for example, international environmental and labour standards.
- How America Determines Friends and Foes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Bush II's approach to "ridding the world of evil" includes treating every nation harboring terrorists as terrorist states. Chomsky ponders what this standard would mean if applied to America.
- How US Democracy Triumphed Again
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Chomsky explores the discrepancies of the Bush-Gore tie in the 2000 elections such as income correlation and the lack of voter participation, revealing meaningful flaws in the democratic system.
- Human Rights and American Foreign Policy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 Published: 1978
- Human Rights Week 2002
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky details the meaning behind Human Rights Week, despite the lack of enthusiasm in North America. He highlights, in particular, the achievements of the Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP).
- Humanitarian Imperialism
The New Doctrine of Imperial Right Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky considers "humanitarian intervention" and "the responsibility to protect" as new norms in international affairs by examining the institutional structures which produced the policies responsible for such developments.
- Humanity Imperiled: The Path To Disaster
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 For the first time in the history of the human species, we have clearly developed the capacity to destroy ourselves. That's been true since 1945. It's now being finally recognized that there are more long-term processes like environmental destruction leading in the same direction, maybe not to total destruction, but at least to the destruction of the capacity for a decent existence.
- Humanity Once Came to the Cliff's Edge of Total Self-Annihilation -- Let's Make Sure It Never Happens Again
Revisiting the catastrophe that almost was Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The world stood still 50 years ago during the last week of October, from the moment when it learned that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba until the crisis was officially ended -- though unknown to the public, only officially.
- Imperial Presidency
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomsky explores the conception of presidential authority and sovereignty, depicting the dangers of the Bush administration's understanding of these concepts.
- Impressions of Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Even a single night in jail is enough to give a taste of what it means to be under the total control of some external force. And it hardly takes more than a day in Gaza to begin to appreciate what it must be like to try to survive in the world's largest open-air prison, where a million and a half people, in the most densely populated area of the world, are constantly subject to random and often savage terror and arbitrary punishment.
- In Defense of the Student Movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971 In 1971, Chomsky proclaims the student movement to be the one organized segment of the intellectual community that is genuinely and actively committed to the kind of social change needed. However, he outlines what he finds to be the grave tactical mistakes being made by the movement, one being their search for confrontation. Chomsky sees this as "suicidal". However, regardless of his practical criticisms, he continues to express his explicit support.
- In North Vietnam
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1970 Chomsky traveled to North Vietnam in 1970 to explore the state of the country and give lectures at the Polytechnic University. While there, he discovered that although the nation had begun to lay the foundations for modernization and development, progress had been dramatically disrupted through the war with America. He reveals that the "air war of destruction" was in fact not as accurate in targeting military points as previously claimed. Yet Chomsky notes the enduring spirit of the Vietnamese who accept each struggle - whether with the Chinese, Mongols, Japanese, French, or Americans - as a succession of victories.
- Intelligent Design?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomsky discusses the Bush Administration's understanding of science, touching upon issues such as Evolution, Creationism, and environmental policy.
- International Terrorism
Image and Reality - In Alexander George (ed.), Western State Terrorism Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Chomsky identifies two approaches to evaluating terrorism: the literal and propagandistic. He further explores various cases, factors and forms of terrorism according to literal analysis, yet concludes by admitting that in order to understand the phenomenon in the context of reality, one must abandon the literal for the propagandistic approach.
- Interventions
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 Noam Chomsky says that the freedom to challenge power is not just an opportunity, it's a responsibility. Concise and fiercely argued, Interventions covers the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Bush presidency, Israel and Palestine, national security, the escalating threat of nuclear warfare, and more.
- Introduction
In Juan Pablo Ordoñez, No Human Being Is Disposable Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 Chomsky explores the relationship between America, Columbia and human rights. He touches upon the issues of arms, drugs and America's general establishment of a favourable investment climate in the region.
- Introduction: Project Censored 25th Anniversary
In Peter Phillips (ed.), Project Censored 2001 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Chomsky examines "Project Censored" and its contents, revealing a telling pattern: the stories all appeal to public rather corporate-state interests. Such an observation poses questions of media ownership and censorship in relationship to democracy.
- Invasion Newspeak
U.S. and USSR Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 In 1983, newscaster, Vladimir Danchev, declared opposition to Russia's invasion of Afghanistan. Chomsky comments on the remarkability not just of this opposition, but the use of the term "invade" - a word, he points out, that had not been used in American mainstream media in reference to South Vietnam.
- The Iraq War and Contempt for Democracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky highlights that while the war in Iraq was being shaped, the voices of the people - neither in Iraq nor Europe - were being heard or considered. This is a clear violation of the principle that people play the main role in democratic societies.
- Is Peace at Hand?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1988 In light of the signing of a Peace Agreement by the Central American Presidents in 1988, Chomsky discusses if this step could be the first towards peace in this region of U.S dependencies, investigating primarily the prospects of implementation.
- An Island Lies Bleeding
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994 Chomsky criticizes the major powers for their role in Indonesia's assault against East Timor and cites John Pilger's work as the key to heightened awareness of the situation.
- Israel, Lebanon, and the "Peace Process"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Chomsky illustrates the position of Lebanon amidst the conflicts and interventions belonging to the Israel-Arab contention.
- The Israel Lobby?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Noam Chomsky comments on an article by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in which they assert that "the Lobby" dominates over strategic-economic interests in Israel's policy-making. Although Chomsky praises this courageous stand, he explains why he does not agree with this thesis.
- Issues that Obama and Romney Avoid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 With the quadrennial presidential election extravaganza reaching its peak, it’s useful to ask how the political campaigns are dealing with the most crucial issues we face. The simple answer is: badly, or not at all. If so, some important questions arise: why, and what can we do about it?
- It's Fantasy Economy!
Some Expert Views on What Should Happen Next Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 What happens next should be up to the public. It's striking to note that this is not even an option here.
- It's Imperialism, Stupid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomksy claims that when Bush proclaimed the presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction as the premise for invading Iraq, imperialism was, in fact, the genuine motivation.
- It's the Oil, stupid!
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Noam Chomsky questions why the USA is in Iraq. He determines that the suspicion of oil-induced motivation is indeed an understatement.
- Jubilee 2000
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Asserting that debt is a social and ideological construct, not a simple economic fact, Chomsky examines various qualifications for the Jubilee 2000 that called for international debt cancellation.
- A Just War? Hardly
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Chomsky identifies the premises of "just war theory". He claims that in both the case of Kosovo and Afghanistan these were not adhered to, thus the foundation for "just war" was absent.
- Knowledge of Language
Its Nature, Origin and Use Resource Type: Book
- Kosovo Peace Accord
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 In response to the Peace Accord achieved between Serbia and NATO, Chomsky questions how peace could be declared or radical change expected considering the lack of institutional or structural adjustment in the region.
- Latin America and Asia Are at Last Breaking Free of Washington's Grip
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Chomsky discusses the growing independence of these regions from US domination.
- Latin America Declares Independence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 After centuries of foreign domination, South America is rising to shed the dependencies of North America on the continent's resources, markets, and investment opportunities.
- The Leading Terrorist State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 "It's official: The U.S. is the world's leading terrorist state, and proud of it." That should have been the headline for the lead story in The New York Times on Oct. 15, which was more politely titled "CIA Study of Covert Aid Fueled Skepticism About Helping Syrian Rebels."
- Letters from Lexington
Reflections on Propaganda Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Making the Future
Occupations, Interventions, Empire and Resistance Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012
- Mandate for Change
Or Business as Usual Resource Type: Article First Published: 1993 In light of the newly elected President Clinton, Chomksy illustrates why the key word of his campaign, "change", really meant that nothing would indeed. He covers issues including some which he a categorzes as broken campaign promises and others which escape this label.
- The Manipulation of Fear
Resort to Fear Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomsky discusses the effects of using fear as a control mechanism to manipulate the population.
- Market Democracy in a Neoliberal Order
Doctrines and Reality Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Noam Chomsky illustrates the importance of considering doctrine against the background of reality. He reveals that the political and economic principles that have prevailed are often remote from those that are proclaimed.
- Mayday
The Case for Civil Disobedience Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971 Chomsky addresses the expected "cooling" of the Student Movement in light of negative reviews of the May Day demonstration. He analyzes this cooling as a key factor in US strategy, especially in relation to the Congress and disputes arguments such as civil disobedience is illegitimate in a democracy as decisions are reached via democratic institutions. After his exploration of the numerous questions surrounding the issue of civil disobedience, Chomsky warns that by blocking channels of protest, the government may "bring about a domestic crisis of indeterminable proportions".
- The Meaning of Vietnam
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1975 Chomsky believes that no outside power will make the USA own up to the factual account of the war and the domestic resistance it faced. He claims that efforts will actually be made to obscure this history. Consequentially, Chomsky, as a sort of custodian of history, attempts to gather these facts and discuss the ideological conflict over "the lessons of Vietnam".
- Media Control
The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997 Published: 2002 Chomsky begins by asserting two models of democracy: one in which the public actively participates, and one in which the public is manipulated and controlled. According to Chomsky "propaganda is to democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state," and the mass media is the primary vehicle for delivering propaganda in the United States.
- Media Control and Indoctrination in the United States
An Interview With Catherine Komp Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 An excerpt from the just released 2nd edition of Noam Chomsky’s OCCUPY: Class War, Rebellion and Solidarity.
- Memories
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 Regarding 1995 as the year of memories, Noam Chomsky critically accounts numerous historical conflicts before exploring the content of Robert McNamara's memoirs, In Retrospect.
- The Menace of Liberal Scholarship
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1969 Noam Chomsky builds upon Senator Fullbright's criticism of social science scholars which suggests that they have failed to act as independent critics of government policies and having instead become agents. Chomsky agrees with Fullbright that this phenomena betrays public trust and states that the subversion of scholarship is a threat to society as a whole. He reveals several causes of this subversion, for example the access to power, shared ideology, and professionalization. Through the presentation of the positions of numerous scholars, he explores this malady and points to the potential of the intellectual community to revolutionize this tradition of scholarship though a more humane, objective, and independent movement.
- Middle East Diplomacy
Continuities and Changes Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 In October 1991 a Conference on the Middle East was held in Madrid. Chomsky compares and contrasts two perspectives on this event. The first praises President Bush's diplomacy skills and accredits this great achievement to US efforts and is the one that dominates public discussion. The other is Chomsky's own which probes such questions as why these efforts came about when they did and were they to mark a new US position.
- Middle East Illusions
including Peace in the Middle East? Reflections on Justice and Nationhood Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 Written during the last 30 years, these pieces display many characteristics of Chomsky's thought: a deep mistrust of U.S. and Israeli intentions and a desire to change the course of history. Chomsky is erudite, and some of the points are now standard in discussion about the Middle East, such as the contradiction of Israel being both a Jewish state and a democracy.
- Militarizing Latin America
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Establishing US military bases in Colombia is only one part of a much broader effort to restore Washington's capacity for military intervention. There has been a sharp increase in US military aid and training of Latin American officers, focusing on light infantry tactics to combat "radical populism" -- a concept that sends shivers up the spine in the Latin American context.
- Mirror Crack'd
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Noam Chomsky suggests that Western powers have regularly induced such atrocities in foreign lands as were perpetrated on 9/11 on American soil. He warns that through pre-emptive military action in Afghanistan, the international society may be in danger of less than attractive consequences in the future.
- A Modest Proposal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky explores the idea of having Iran liberate Iraq from the grips of Sadaam Hussein. He suggests that had the genuine goals mirrored those which were proclaimed, this may have been a plausible alternative.
- Moral Truisms, Empirical Evidence, and Foreign Policy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Noam Chomsky systematically discusses terrorism and "just war" in relationship to moral standards such as "what goes for others goes for us". He demonstrates that, according to US behavior in the past and this principle, other actors may be entitled to use terrorist strategy against the USA.
- The Most Wanted List, International Terrorism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Revealing the difference between America's use of the term "the world" and the conception which would actually include the entire globe, Chomsky demonstrates that if the "world's" voice were heeded, other terrorist concerns would likely top the agenda.
- My Reaction to Osama bin Laden's Death
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic.
- Necessary Illusions
 Thought Control in Democratic Societies Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 Published: 1991 An inquiry into the nature of the media and the role of intellectuals in "a political system where the population cannot be disciplined by force, and thus must be subjected to more subtle forms of ideological control."
- Neocolonial Invitation to a Tribal War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Chomsky discusses American involvement and authority in the affairs of Israel, for example, regarding Israel's withdrawal and the establishment of a Palestinian state. He attributes the lack of progress in the region to such intervention.
- A New Generation Draws the Line
Kosovo, East Timor and the Standards of the West Resource Type: Book First Published: 2001 Published: 2002 1999 saw two major international crises which illuminate the strategies of the Western powers in the new century.In East Timor the warnings of further escalation in an unfolding humanitarian disaster could not have been more apparent. Chomsky points out, the West did not need to do very much to prevent this, but East Timor is of little strategic interest to the US and its allies, so they did nothing.By comparison, the intervention in Kosovo by NATO is very different, and Chomsky argues that strategic concerns were at stake; humanitarianism was not the moving force behind the military intervention in Yugoslavia.
- The New Military Humanism
Lessons from Kosovo Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 Published: 2002 Was the war over Kosovo really a multi-national effort waged solely for humanitarian reasons? Or was it the establishment of a new world order headed by self-proclaimed "enlightened states" with enough military might to ignore international law and world opinion? In this new book, begun after the NATO bombs started dropping in Yugoslavia and finished as the defeated Serbian forces were leaving the Kosovo province, Chomsky gives us an overview of that changing world order with "might makes right" as its foundation.
- New World Order
A postwar analysis Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Everyone is allowed to play the game, so long as it's according to the U.S. rules.
- New World Relationships
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 Chomsky describes the relationships developing between China, Europe and Latin America while the US remains occupied in the Middle East, leaving the nation as the odd one out.
- 9-11
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2001 In 9-11 Noam Chomsky dissects the root causes of the September 11th catastrophe, the historical precedents for it, and the possible outcomes as the United States responds with its "new war on terrorism." Chomsky argues for an international rule of law; existing bodies such as the U.N. and World Court must be given credence and then relied upon. React with extreme violence, he writes, and expect to escalate the cycle of violence, leading to still further atrocities such as the one that is inciting the call for revenge.
- Noam Chomsky on 1968
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky explores the milestones achieved in this monumental year, including human and ethnic rights, global solidarity, environmental concern, etc. Despite simultaneously tragic realities of 1968, the results have been long-lasting and positive.
- Noam Chomsky: Palestine 2012 - Gaza and the UN resolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 An analysis of the political context of Gaza since the first free elections in the Middle East were held.
- Notes on Anarchism
In Daniel Guerin, Anarchism: From Theory to Practice Resource Type: Article First Published: 1970 Noam Chomsky explores numerous variations and philosophies associated with the anarchist notion. He considers them in a context of historical development and elaborates with his own perspectives, explanations, and general commentary.
- Notes on NAFTA
The Masters of Man Resource Type: Article First Published: 1993 Chomsky depicts the negative consequences of protectionist measures such as NAFTA in the wider context of the rights of workers, consumers, and the future generations who cannot "vote" in the market on environmental issues.
- Obama on Israel-Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Noam Chomsky criticizes Barack Obama's vague stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict and warns that there is much importance in what he is not expressing.
- Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 Chomsky's classic analysis of the liberal scholarship that justified American foreign policy and aggression during the 1960s.
- On Academic Labor
How Higher Education Ought to Be Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 An edited transcript of remarks given by Noam Chomsky on 4 February 2014 to a gathering of members and allies of the Adjunct Faculty Association of the United Steelworkers in Pittsburgh, PA.
- On Power and Ideology
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 Five lectures on U.S. international and security policy.
- On Resistance
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1967 Several weeks after the 1967 anti-war demonstrations in Washington, Chomsky shares his impressions of resistance - both its possibilities and limitations.
- On the Backgrounds of the Pacific War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1967 This essay touches on several questions: on Muste's revolutionary pacifism and his interpretation of it in connection with the Second World War; on the backgrounds of Japan's imperial ventures; on the Western reaction and responsibility; and, by implication, on the relevance of these matters to the problems of contemporary imperialism in Asia. WHile Chomsky does not advocate a particular "political line", he does assert that it was the lack of radical political critique which, though not exclusively, contributed to the atrocity of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- On the US-Israeli Invasion of Lebanon
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 The supposed justifications for the invasion are a cynical fraud.
- Ossetia-Russia-Georgia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky points out the hypocrisy of threatening Russia with exclusion from international society due to the violation of the international principle of respecting other nations' sovereignty. He further explores how to integrate and handle Russia in the context of the modern world order and the threat of a Cold War II.
- A Painful Peace
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Noam Chomsky investigates the factors of the Oslo II peace agreement struck between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
- The Paranoia of The Superrich And Superpowerful
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The United States is in favor of stability. But you have to remember what stability means. Stability means conformity to U.S. orders. We “stabilize” countries when we invade them and destroy them.
- The Passion for Free Markets
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Chomsky discusses the reasons for being skeptical of the WTO and its use as the forum for the export of American values.
- Peace in the Middle East?
Reflections on Justice and Nationhood Resource Type: Book First Published: 1969 Published: 1974 An analysis of the Arab-Israeli conflict arguing for socialist bi-nationalism as the way out of the morass.
- The Pentagon Papers and U.S. Imperialism in South East Asia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1972 Chomsky considers the imperial interests of the USA in South East Asia, claiming that these are revealed in the Pentagon Papers. Then, after a detailed account of the content, he suggests that mere anti-communist goals were not the sole motivation for moving into the region but it was rather the "perceived significance of Southeast Asia for the integrated global system that was to be organised by American power."
- The People in Gravest Danger
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky discusses what makes the Kurds in Iraq the likeliest population to suffer most due to the war in Iraq.
- Perspectives On Power
Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997 Chomsky sets down his thoughts on topics ranging from language and human nature, to the Middle East and East Timor.
- Philosophers and Public Philosophy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1968 In order for Chomsky to address the symposium's topic of Philosophers and Public Policy, he outlines the premises upon which his discourse is based. He claims that the USA faces a crisis that is largely due to "moral degeneration". For example, he asserts that the change of Vietnam policy should have been based on the fact it was "wrong" as opposed to the fact it was merely failing. Chomsky recognizes that philosophers are versed in the analysis of the intellectual culture of society and limits their responsibility to interpreting the world differently; the task of working for actual change is assigned to all citizens. Accordingly, he calls upon universities and professors to analyze the premises and ideologies of public policies - independent of the organs of power - consequentially laying the foundation for reestablishing the integrity of intellectual life, moral perception, and cultural values.
- Pirates and Emperors
International Terrorism in the Real World Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986 Published: 2000
- Pirates and Emperors, Old and New
International Terrorism in the Real World Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 This edition of Chomsky's dissection of terrorism explores the role of the USA in the Middle East and reveals how the media are used to manipulate public opinion about what constitutes terrorism . The book contains chapters on the global crisis stemming from the events of September 11, as well as original sections on Iran and the bombing of Libya.
- Power and Terror
Post 9-11 talks and interviews Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 Chomsky presents his latest thinking on terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and the meaning and true impact of militarism in the world today. Beginning with the fundamental principle that the exercise of violence against civilian populations is terror, regardless of whether the perpetrator is an underground network of Muslim extremists or the most powerful state in the world, Chomsky, in stark and uncompromising terms, challenges the United States to apply to itself the moral standards it demands of others.
- Power and Terror: Conflict, Hegemony, and the Rule of Force
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 This updated and revised edition explores the dynamics of power relationships and international negotiations, and the use of terror between the Western countries and the nations of the Middle East in the post-9/11 era. Chomsky looks back to patterns since the Second World War to show how acts of terrorism today cannot be understood outside the context of Western power and state terror throughout the world, especially in the Middle East. This new edition offers the best opportunity to follow Chomsky’s analysis in its development during the ten years since 9/11.
- Powers and Prospects
Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order Resource Type: Book First Published: 1996
- The President and the Presidency
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1973 Chomsky assesses public reactions to the Watergate scandal, dividing them into two categories: cynicism or outrage. He further explores the different perceptions of what in fact Nixon's criminal actions were and discusses the meaning of the principle of unconstrained executive power in relation to democracy.
- Preventive War 'the Supreme Crime'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky illustrates how the US-UK coalition reconfigured the term "pre-emptive" into "preventive" in an attempt to justify the invasion of Iraq despite opposition from the international society.
- Problems of Knowledge and Freedom
The Russell Lectures Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971 Published: 1972 These lectures explore Bertrand Russell's work on empiricism, morality, linguistics and politics.
- Profit over People
Neoliberalism and Global Order Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 Chomsky confronts neoliberalsim: the pro-corporate system of economic and political policies presently waging a form of class war worldwide.
- The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 a collection of short commentaries by Noam Chomsky on global issues, drawn from interviews in the early 1990s. Topics include global economics, racism, NAFTA, and hot topics of the day.
- A Quick Reaction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Noam Chomsky offers his immediate reactions to the atrocities of 9/11, focusing on the need to acquire insight into what may have led the perpetrators to commit such crimes.
- Rationality/Science
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 Chomsky writes: "It strikes me as remarkable that the left today should seek to deprive oppressed people not only of the joys of understanding and insight, but also of tools of emancipation, informing us that the "project of the Enlightenment" is dead, that we must abandon the "illusions" of science and rationality--a message that will gladden the hearts of the powerful, delighted to monopolize these instruments for their own use."
- Reasons to Fear U.S.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky reveals that since 9/11 the US has failed to address the roots of terrorism and has instead waged war rather than striving to achieve peace.
- Reflections on a Political Trial
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1968 In wake of the sentencing of 4 of the 5 men on trial for illegal activities against the draft, Chomsky explores the details of the so-called "Spock" case as well as its meaning for both the "peace movement" and the state of American democracy. Though the issues of legality, legitimacy, and resistance must be, according to Chomsky, considered in the context of the democratic system, these were not addressed in Court. Chomsky reveals the flawed-nature of America's institutions, observing that if the outcome of this trial were to be taken as a guide of conduct, citizens would have to avoid all public acts undertaken jointly with others who share his views in order to avoid risk of prosecution.
- The Repression at Belgrade University
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1974 During the 1960s, the philosophy and sociology departments of the Belgrade University in former Yugoslavia began discussing general social issues such as the meaning of technology, of freedom and democracy, of social progress, and of the role of culture in building a socialist society. In response, authorities tried to repress these discussions. Chomsky presents the background, developments, and situation of the conflict.
- Reshaping History
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004
- The Responsibility of Intellectuals
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1967 It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies.
- Rethinking Camelot
JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 Chomsky analyzes the Kennedy Administration's policy on the Vietnam War and compares the US Administrations of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan.
- Review of Man of the People: A Life of Harry S Truman
by Alonzo L Hamby Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Chomsky criticizes Hamby's biographical attempt claiming that Truman - regardless of how his achievements are regarded - deserves a better account.
- Revolution of '89
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 Noam Chomsky explores the asymmetry between the resistance developments in Central America in relation to US power, and in Eastern Europe in relation to the Soviet.
- Rogue States
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Chomsky investigates the meaning of the term "rogue state", its conception, and its role in international relations and policy-making.
- Rogue States
The Rule of Force in World Affairs Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 In Rogue States, Noam Chomsky holds the world's superpowers to their own standards of the rule of law and finds them appallingly lacking.
- Rollback
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 Chomsky investigates the meaning of the "the triumph of conservatism" against the background of democracy, human rights and civil society.
- Scenes from the Uprising
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1988 Noam Chomsky calls upon his visits to Israel and Nicaragua to explore the nature of popular struggle in regions under occupation.
- Season of Travesties
Freedom and Democracy in mid-2009 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Noam Chomsky criticizes the elections in Lebanon and Iran as being inherently flawed - unlike the "free and fair" election held in Palestine in 2006 for which the people were punished for voting the "wrong way". He tries to illustrate a general picture of the health of democracy and freedom in those areas which are of most concern to the US.
- Secrets, Lies and Democracy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994 Noam Chomsky interviewed by David Barsamian.
- Selective Memory and a Dishonest Doctrine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky highlights the fact that the crimes for which Saddam Hussein should have been held accountable in international court took place in the period of US-UK support. He criticizes the adopted doctrine which claims ignorance and handles the past as something irrelevant.
- Simple Truths, Hard Problems
Some thoughts on terror, justice, and self-defence Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomsky discusses the truth behind commonly rejected moral truisms. This rejection, according to Chomsky, has serious human consequences.
- The Sledgehammer Worldview
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The U.S.-U.K. invasion of Iraq was a textbook example of aggression. Apologists invoke noble intentions, which would be irrelevant even if the pleas were sustainable. The destructive consequences of such aggression are clear, as evidenced in numerous historical examples of violent imperialism.
- The Social Security Non-Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomsky reveals the conception of Social Security trying to be sold by Bush administration. He claims such reformers encourage people to think solely of their own interests rather than caring for the community.
- Solution in Sight
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Chomsky presents the steps that must be taken in order to obliterate the threat of a potential nuclear apocalypse. Naturally, they do not include military solutions.
- Some Elementary Comments on The Rights of Freedom of Expression
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 It is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended; it is easy enough to defend free expression for those who require no such defense.
- Somebody Else's Atrocities
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Atrocities commited by official enemies are routinely condemned, but atrocities for which our own country is responsible are rarely mentioned.
- South America: Toward an Alternative Future
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 With the death of Chilean dictator, Pinochet, and talks about a continent-wide union resembling the EU, Chomsky discusses the potential of South America to move in a new direction.
- The Soviet Union Versus Socialism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 Noam Chomsky explores the relationship between the two great systems of propaganda - socialism and the society created by Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. In response to a certain doctrine assuming a relationship between the two, Chomsky argues that if this is indeed true, it is the relationship of contradiction.
- Starving the Poor
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Chomsky demonstrates how deficits in the international order and its policy-making can lead to negative effects, especially for the poor. One such example is the promotion of biofuels.
- Superpower and Failed States
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Noam Chomsky explores the characteristics of "failed states" and recognizes several within the US system. He suggests several options to improve democratic quality in America, citing that the failure to act would result in ominous repercussions.
- Terror and Just Response
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky explores different interpretations of the question regarding the proper response to terrorist crimes and of the broader problem of determining their nature.
- Terrorizing the Neighborhood
American Foreign Policy in the post-Cold War Era Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- There’s Always a Class War Going On
An Interview with Chris Steele Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 An excerpt from the second edition of Noam Chomsky’s OCCUPY: Class War, Rebellion and Solidarity published by Zuccotti Park Press.
- Thoughts Of A Secular Sufi
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Chomsky recalls the thoughts and words of the Pakistani antiwar-activist, Eqbal Ahmad, critic of "the twin curse of nationalism and religious fanaticism".
- The Torture Memos
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Chomsky comments on the revelations of and reactions to the White House report. He examines the proposed justifications and reasserts that despite the idea of "American exceptionalism", allowing instances of torture to be forgotten lays the foundation for future crime.
- Towards a New Cold War
Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982 A sobering assessment of American foreign policy from the end of the Vietnam era to Ronald Reagan.
- Turning Point?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Chomsky examines if Obama's speech in Cairo can reasonably be understood as an indication of a turning point in US Middle East policy. He expresses doubt in consideration of the intricate relationship between America and Israel.
- Turning the Tide
U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace Resource Type: Book First Published: 1985 Turning the Tide shows how US Central American policies implement broader US economic, military, and social aims even while describing their impact on the lives of people in Central America.
- 2004 Elections
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Chomsky explores potential implications of the 2004 election results in America, concluding they are, in fact, of little significance. For insight, he points instead to those public opinions which were not included in the process.
- The Umbrella of U.S. Power
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Contradictions of U.S. Policy Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 Chomsky observes the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a "Path to a Better World," while chronicling how far off the trail the United States is with respect to actual political practice and conduct. Analysing the contradictions of U.S. power while illustrating the real progress won by sustained popular struggle, Chomsky cuts through official political rhetoric to examine how the United States not only violates the UD, but at times uses it as a weapon to weild against designated enemies.
- Understanding the Bush Doctrine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 After exploring elements of Bush's strategy, Chomsky summarizes that anyone is seemingly subject too attack, because every country has the ability and intent is in the eye of the beholder. The key, it appears, is the ability to lie about intentions.
- The United States and the "Challenge of Relativity"
In Tony Evans (ed.), Human Rights Fifty Years on: A Reappraisal Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 In light of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Chomsky examines the relativity with which America uses human rights principles to exercise selectivity in policy-making.
- US-Haiti
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 By examining the role of the USA in the tragedy of Haiti, Chomsky highlights the democracy deficit and failure of the American state. He calls for those concerned to take on the task at home of paying reparations and restoring the substance of democracy.
- Vain Hopes, False Dreams
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992 In a time in which hopes and dreams seemed to be fading from American society, Chomsky systematically explores the theory that the reason for JFK's assassination was his intention to withdraw from Vietnam.
- The Victors
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 Published: 1991 An assumption was adopted in America that domestic issues were so close to being resolved that it was time to focus attention to sharing the nation's "basic spiritual principles" with the globe's underdeveloped regions. Chomsky critically evaluates regions where the benefits of American involvement should be obvious, revealing that such aid is usually motivated by self-interest and only incidentally reaps positive results for locals.
- Vietnam
How the government became wolves Resource Type: Article First Published: 1972 In note of the fact that the American administrations never deviated from the basic assumption that communism must be defeated, Noam Chomsky describes how the image of the USA as a noble and virtuous political leader that is "bewildered and victimized, but not responsible" had been concocted.
- Viewpoints
Where now for capitalism? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Noam Chomsky discusses the failure of financial institutions to calculate costs to those who do not participate in transactions and the effects of this in the wider context.
- A Visit to Laos
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1970 Chomsky shares an account of his 1970 visit to Laos, revealing the heavy atmosphere owing to foreign power presence. "The US has penetrated every phase of existence (as well as destruction)." He explores Laos' recent political history in the contexts of the Pathet Laos and American involvement, as well as the difference between the local and American understandings of where the source of conflict lies.
- Voting Patterns and Abstentions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Chomsky analyzes the phenomena of low voter participation and income correlation with election results as symptoms of an unhealthy democracy.
- A Wall as a Weapon
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Chomsky discusses the debate surrounding the Israeli motion to build a wall of security. He acknowledges that the process in the Hague will unlikely bring about any change, even if the wall is determined to be illegal.
- Wanted a Leader for America
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Chomsky depicts how the issues concerning the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), including the pre-determined risk of 9/11, went ignored under the Bush Administration which focused instead upon global domination ambitions.
- The war everyone forgot
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Chomsky probes what prompted the issue of Iraq to disappear from the agenda following the 2006 mid-term election.
- The War In Afghanistan
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Noam Chomsky examines the military action of the US in Afghanistan, exploring America's breach of international law through the refusal to obtain Security Council authorization.
- Wars of Terror
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky explores the nature of terrorism, focusing on four main questions posed by the 9/11 tragedy.
- Was There an Alternative?
Looking Back on 9/11, a Decade Later Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 There is every likelihood that the Jihadi movement, much of it highly critical of bin Laden, could have been split and undermined after 9/11. The “crime against humanity,” as it was rightly called, could have been approached as a crime, with an international operation to apprehend the likely suspects. That was recognized at the time, but no such idea was even considered.
- Watergate
A sceptical view Resource Type: Article First Published: 1973 Noam Chomsky asserts that in light of the other telling symptoms of an unhealthy democracy - such as Kissinger's murderous war ambitions - the Watergate scandal should not have come as a shock to even the least cynical. He illustrates why Nixon's small-scale coup attempt and the revelations which followed should not be the focus of skepticism, noting that there are other issues which deserve more attention.
- We are All Complicit
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Chomsky responds to Oliver Kamm's critique of his "crude and dishonest arguments". He illustrates that many people remain committed to complicity despite the crimes of the state for which we are all responsible.
- We Are All – Fill in the Blank
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 We should condemn violence and terror, and defend freedom of the press. We should do so on the basis of consistent principles -- in contrast to the mainstream media and politicians, who condemn acts directed at 'us' but condone or ignore crimes committed by 'our side'.
- We Must Act Now to Prevent Another Hiroshima -- or Worse
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Noam Chomsky explains why society should be concerned about the threat of self-destruction, citing, for example, the failure of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- We Own the World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Published: 2008 The whole debate about the Iranian 'interference' in Iraq makes sense only on one assumption, namely, that we own the world. If we own the world, then the only question that can arise is that someone else is interfering in a country we have invaded and occupied.
- What a Fair Trial for Saddam Would Entail
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Chomsky identifies the actors and issues that would have to be included in the Tribunal process if Saddam Hussein were to be given a fair trial in international court. These include key members of the Bush I administration who were active during the years of Hussein's most atrocious crimes.
- What Americans Have Learnt --and not Learnt-- Since 9/11
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 While the American people seemed to have been shocked into awareness as a result of 9/11, Chomsky still identififes a lack of focus on the relevant issues.
- What If Iran Had Invaded Mexico?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Noam Chomsky reverses roles and questions how America would respond if a threatening invader took over Canada or Mexico in a "liberation" attempt. Would America stand by quietly?
- What Is the Common Good?
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Humans are social beings, and the kind of creature that a person becomes depends crucially on the social, cultural and institutional circumstances of his life. We are therefore led to inquire into the social arrangements that are conducive to people's rights and welfare, and to fulfilling their just aspirations - in brief, the common good.
- What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Noam Chomsky shares his approach to analyzing media and reveals the meaning and consequence of the strategic design of communication.
- What Principles Rule the World?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 According to Chomsky, the Global War on Terror sledgehammer strategy has spread jihadi terror from a tiny corner of Afghanistan to much of the world, from Africa through the Levant and South Asia to Southeast Asia. It has also incited attacks in Europe and the United States.
- What the American Media Won't Tell You About Israel
The savage punishment of Gaza traces back to decades ago. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 An old man in Gaza held a placard that read: “You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all, but I am to blame: I shot a rocket back.”
- What Uncle Sam Really Wants
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 Chomsky discusses examples of U.S. intervention and links together events stretching over four decades in regions throughout the world. He provides a quick synopsis of American foreign policy and paints a vivid picture of the realities faced by social movements.
- What We Say Goes
Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World: Interviews with David Barsamian Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 In this new collection of conversations with David Barsamian, conducted in 2006 and 2007, Chomsky explores the most immediate and urgent concerns: Iran's challenge to the United States, the deterioration of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the ongoing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the rise of China, and the growing power of the left in Latin America.
- What We Say Goes
The Middle East in the New World Order Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 In response the President Bush's actions in Kuwait, America was deemed by a Catholic weekly in Rome to be "the surly master of the world". Chomsky explores the meaning of this accusation as well as America's vision for the New World Order.
- Where's the Iraqi voice?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Despite the "shared beliefs" identified amongst Iraqis, for example the belief that the presence of foreign troops is a main cause of the escalation in violence, only the conquerors - in this case America - can decide when troops should be withdrawn.
- Who are the Global Terrorists?
in Booth & Tim Dunne (eds.), Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of Global Order Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 In light of President George Bush's declaration of "war against terrorism", Chomsky attempts to determine who the opponents are and what the appropriate response to their crimes would be.
- Why Americans Should Care about East Timor
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Noam Chomsky describes the situation in East Timor and the way in which America was directly involved. In turn, he calls for sufficient popular reaction in order to end the disaster for which the American Administration is significantly responsible.
- World Orders Old and New
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994 Chomsky surveys the international scene since 1945.
- Year 501
 The Conquest Continues Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 An examination of the U.S. role in the world placed in the long historical perspective of the 500 years that followed the voyages of Columbus.