The Princess and the Press
How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball

Cowan, Kirsten
Publisher:  Sources, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {2400 The Princess and the Press PRINCESS AND THE PRESS How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball Cowan, Kirsten Sources Toronto Canada Your relationship with the press might not be a fairy tale, but it definitely doesn't have to be horror story: How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball. 2001 2005 ART Article CX5893 1 false true false CX5893.htm [0xc0003b8600 0xc00093ff20 0xc00165ae10 0xc0010cecf0] Cx}
Year Published:  2005
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX5893

Your relationship with the press might not be a fairy tale, but it definitely doesn't have to be horror story: How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball.

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