Zionism's endgame has begun

Weiss, Philip
Date Written:  2021-05-13
Publisher:  Mondoweiss
Year Published:  2021
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX24284

All around us today we hear these blows falling on the central creed of Israel: the supposed right of a Jewish collective to national self-determination in a land populated by others.



All around us today we hear these blows falling on the central creed of Israel: the supposed right of a Jewish collective to national self-determination in a land populated by others.

I’ll remind you of some of those blows: Human Rights Watch has issued a report saying that Israel is guilty of the crime of “apartheid and persecution” against its Palestinian subjects, and millions of Palestinians have the right to return to the homes from which they were expelled in 1948. The leading human rights group in Israel, B’Tselem, said that Israel is an “apartheid regime” of “Jewish supremacy” from the river to the sea. The Carnegie Endowment has called for America to use pressure for equal rights for all in the land, and an author of that report, Zaha Hassan, echoes the “apartheid” finding. A leading Jewish writer (with AIPAC on his resume), Peter Beinart has thoroughly apostacized in the last year, calling for an end to the two state model and equal rights for all between the river and sea, and in today’s Times Beinart says that Palestinian refugees “deserve to return home.”

The social justice movement that has rocked the United States in the last year is crashing up against the door of apartheid Israel, which of course only gets more rightwing politically.


If you watch i24 News, you will see one Jewish Israeli after another justifying massive violence against Gaza because the people there have dared to defy their imprisonment– for 13 years, with no freedom of movement, and their fishing boats shot at, and sewage in their water supply.

The simple truth of Israel’s existence is that it has never found an answer to its core constitutional problem: It is a “Jewish state” though half the population it governs is not Jewish. Its answer to that problem has never been greater freedom for Palestinians, it has always been violence. Ethnic cleansing. Shooting the refugees who wanted to return. Putting them behind barbed wire and worse. Bombing their apartment buildings. Burning their olive trees.

And Israel’s leaders and its apologists in the United States have struggled to remove the problem by changing the subject. The problem is Not what Israel is doing to Palestinians, but Islamic terrorism, or Iran’s desire to destroy Israel, or some other fiction.

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