Windsor Occupational Health and Safety (WOSH) Council
Organization profile published 1980

Publisher:  Windsor Occupational Health and Safety (WOSH) Council, Windsor, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2091

The development of the health and safety movement among workers and professionals in the United States in the 1970's led to the formation of Committees for Occupational Health and Safety in many American centres. The Windsor Occupational Health and Safety (WOSH) Council, formed in late 1979, is the first attempt by rank and file trade unionists to develop a similar organization in Canada. the WOSH Council has developed into a city-wide organization of trade unionists and other interested citizens in occupational health and safety.

The Council has established a high profile in the Windsor area. Members of WOSH are or have been involved in health and safety struggles at the Bendix Brake Lining Plant (exposure to asbestos); the Windsor Rock Salt mine (exposure to diesel estrogen); and the Windsor Plastics plants ( exposure to vinyl chlorides).

This year, WOSH, in co-operation with the Windsor local of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) developed a handbook and a slide-tape show on occupational health and safety to use as an educational tool in the Windsor area.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1980.

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