Revolution and Counter Revolution

Marx, Karl; edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling
Publisher:  Unwin Books
Year First Published:  {35614 Revolution and Counter Revolution REVOLUTION COUNTER REVOLUTION Marx, Karl; edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling Unwin Books A collection of articles and letters written by Marx for the New York Tribune in 1851 and 1852. 1896 1971 111pp BC35614s-MarxTribune.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Note by the Editor, by Eleanor Marx Aveling <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>1. Germany at the Outbreak of the Revolution <br>2. The Prussian State <br>3. The Other German States <br>4. Austria <br>5. The Vienna Insurrection <br>6. The Berlin Insurrection <br>7. The Frankfort National Assembly <br>8. Poles, Tschechs, and Germans <br>9. Panslavism-The Schleswig-Holstein War <br>10. The Paris Rising-The Frankfort Assembly <br>11. The Vienna Insurrection <br>12. The Storming of Vienna-The Betrayal of Vienna <br>13. The Prussian Assembly-The National Assembly <br>14. The Restoration of Order-Diet and Chamber <br>15. The Triumph of Prussia <br>16. The Assembly and the Governments <br>17. The Insurrection <br>18. Petty Traders <br>19. The Close of the Insurrection <br>20. The Late Trial at Cologne <br> <br>Notes CX14953 1 false true false CX14953.htm [0xc0003bb800 0xc0016d4bd0 0xc0016f8f00 0xc001766660] Cx}
Year Published:  1971
Pages:  111pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX14953

A collection of articles and letters written by Marx for the New York Tribune in 1851 and 1852.


Table of Contents

Note by the Editor, by Eleanor Marx Aveling


1. Germany at the Outbreak of the Revolution
2. The Prussian State
3. The Other German States
4. Austria
5. The Vienna Insurrection
6. The Berlin Insurrection
7. The Frankfort National Assembly
8. Poles, Tschechs, and Germans
9. Panslavism-The Schleswig-Holstein War
10. The Paris Rising-The Frankfort Assembly
11. The Vienna Insurrection
12. The Storming of Vienna-The Betrayal of Vienna
13. The Prussian Assembly-The National Assembly
14. The Restoration of Order-Diet and Chamber
15. The Triumph of Prussia
16. The Assembly and the Governments
17. The Insurrection
18. Petty Traders
19. The Close of the Insurrection
20. The Late Trial at Cologne


Subject Headings

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