Anti-Porn is the Theory, Repression is the Practice
Publisher:  English Collective of Prostitutes
Year First Published:  {27394 Anti-Porn is the Theory, Repression is the Practice ANTIPORN IS THE THEORY REPRESSION IS THE PRACTICE English Collective of Prostitutes The campaign against pornography has been one of the most visible faces of feminism for more than a decade now. Few have wanted to know whether the 'clean up' they were promoting strengthened women's hand or the State's. Thus they have attracted supporters and allies among politicians from the New Right, which governs (among others) the US and the UK, from the old moralizing Left, and even from the trendy Left. Although this anti-porn lobby is not homogeneous, it is rare for any part of it to dissociate itself from the most powerful pro-censorship law-and-order identity. 1987 1989 ART Article CX11845 0 false true false CX11845.htm [0xc0023aa2a0 0xc000eacab0 0xc001411350 0xc001444240 0xc0021d5f20 0xc0003881b0 0xc0004816e0] Cx}
Year Published:  1989
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX11845

The campaign against pornography has been one of the most visible faces of feminism for more than a decade now. Few have wanted to know whether the 'clean up' they were promoting strengthened women's hand or the State's. Thus they have attracted supporters and allies among politicians from the New Right, which governs (among others) the US and the UK, from the old moralizing Left, and even from the trendy Left. Although this anti-porn lobby is not homogeneous, it is rare for any part of it to dissociate itself from the most powerful pro-censorship law-and-order identity.

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