The War after the War

Maclean, John
Year First Published:  {18549 The War after the War WAR AFTER THE WAR Maclean, John United Kingdom 1918 1973 55pp BC18549s-WarAfterTheWar.jpg B Book CX11653 1 false true false CX11653.htm [0xc001674360 0xc002325080 0xc0002c1080 0xc000174450 0xc0003f5dd0 0xc000c006f0 0xc000c01b90 0xc000400c00 0xc000daef00 0xc000e8fd10 0xc0001b94a0 0xc000276a80 0xc00099e960 0xc000b63020 0xc000b63350 0xc001fe81e0 0xc002259cb0 0xc002921710] Cx}
Year Published:  1973
Pages:  55pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX11653

Subject Headings

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