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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results42 Connexions Library1 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 3 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 1 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe Accumulation of Capital ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1913 Rosa Luxemburg's analysis of the inherent contradictions of capitalist accumulation. Banks exposed: Would you trust this pig?: New Internationalist August 2006 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2006 A look at capital movements and people robbing governments of tax. Advice on how to make banking fair and relevant. Behind the Money Curtain: A Left Take on Taxes, Spending and Modern Monetary Theory ![]() Kavanagh, Jim Article 2018 Taxes do not fund government spending.That's a core insight of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) whose radical implications have not been understood very well by the left. Indeed, it's not well understood ... A Capital Scandal: Politics, Patronage and Payoffs -- Why Parliament Must be Reformed Fife, Robert; Warren, John Book 1991 Das Capital, Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1867 Marx's great work sets out to grasp and portray the totality of the capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that emerges from it. He describes and connects all its economic features, ... Charity Begins At Home: Generosity and Self-Interest Among the Philanthropic Elite Odendahl, Teresa Book 1990 The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis Book 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, an... Corporate Coercion and the Drive to Eliminate Buying with Cash Nader, Ralph Article 2018 Consumer freedom and privacy are examined as coercive commercialism quickly moves toward a cashless economy, when all consumers are forced into corporate payment systems from credit/debit cards, mobil... Does the Bitcoin frenzy make any sense at all? Zimmer, Tyler Article 2018 The author explains how the strange story of a "crypto-currency" reveals the underlying irrationality of a system that is designed to work for the rich only. The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet Foster, John Book Argues that the roots of the present ecological crisis lie in capital's rapacious expansion, which has now achieved unprecedented heights of irrationality across the globe. The Economic Revolution: Towards a Sustainable Future By Freeing The Economy From Money-Making Hoogendijk, William Book 1992 Money making grows at the cost of destroying our social fabirc and resource base and proposes a new economic remedy. The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? ![]() Kovel, Joel Book 2002 We live in and from nature, but the way we have evolved of doing this is about to destroy you. Capitalism and its by-products -- imperialism, war, neoliberal globalization, racism, poverty, and the de... The Great Transformation: The political and economic origins of our time ![]() Polanyi, Karl Book 1944 Polanyi analyzes the social and political upheavals that took place in England during the rise of the market economy. Polanyi contends that the modern market economy and the modern nation-state should... The Grundrisse: Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1857 Marx wrote this huge manuscript as part of his preparation for what would become A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (published in 1859) and Capital (published 1867). The series of sev... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume I: State and Bureaucracy ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1977 A wide-ranging and thorough exposition of Marx's views on democracy. Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay Nickerson, Michael Book 2006 The failure to reduce green house gas emissions, the success of efforts to curb ozone depletion, causes related to prosperity and social justice are just some the topics covered. By using the example ... Main Currents of Marxism: Volume 1: The Founders Kolakowski, Leszek Book 1978 Kolakowski gives his interpretation of the origins of Marxism, and analyses the development of Marx's thought and its divergence from other forms of socialism. Man's Worldly Goods: The Story of the Wealth of Nations Huberman, Leo Book 1936 Huberman sets out to explain history using economic theory, and to explain economic theory using history. He tries to explain, in terms of the development of economic thought, why certain doctrines ar... Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 28: Marx 1857 - 1861 Marx, Karl Book 1861 Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 29: Marx 1857 - 1861 Marx, Karl Book Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 30: Marx 1861 - 1863 Marx, Karl Book Economic Manuscripts of 1861-63. Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism ![]() Hudis, Peter Book 2013 In contrast to the traditional view that Marx's work is restricted to a critique of capitalism – and that he consciously avoided any detailed conception of its alternative – this work shows that Marx ... The Maximum Wage: A Common-Sense Prescription for Revitalizing America---by Taxing the Very Rich Pizzigati, Sam Book 1992 The author traces the history of attempts to limit incomes and proposes the adoption of a maximum wage to revitalize American economy. The Money Crisis: How bankers grabbed our money -- and how we can get it back Stalker, Peter Book 2015 A historical analysis exposing the flaws in the system that led to financial crisis. Money isn't Everything: A Survival Manual for Non-Profit Organizations Fisher, John Book 1977 Addresses the problems affecting non-profit groups today, providing examples and practical solutions. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 20, 2016: Fake News Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 "Fake news" is the latest mania to convulse the mainstream media. All at once, we're being subjected to an outbreak of hand-wringing articles and commentary about obscure websites which are supposedly... Private Banks: Creating Money Out of Thin Air Bramhall, Stuart Jeanne Article 2016 In his book The Joy of Tax: How a Fair Tax System Can Create a Better Society, Richard Murphy, UK Tax Justice Network co-founder, offers a radically pioneering approach to tax and fiscal policy. Murp... The Seven Laws of Money Phillips, Michael Book 1974 A book that tells you how to live with money; how to get it, care for it, forget about it. Socialist Register 1993: Volume 29: Real Problems False Solutions Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1993 Studies in the Development of Capitalism Dobb, Maurice M.A. Book 1947 A Marxist interpretation of economic development in the period of modern capitalism. Starting with the decline of serfdom, the book deals with the beginnings of the bourgeoisie in the rising urban com... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesBureau of Public Secrets Articles from a Situationist perspective.
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