9. Chapter 9
a. Two fragments of early drafts of Chapter 9 of the book.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14447.pdf
On Marxs doctoral dissertation (1841); on Marxs view of Feuerbach.
b. Notes on Notes for Marxs Ph. D., 1839-41, as excerpted by Lloyd Easton and Kurt Guddat, The Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society (1967).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14453.pdf
c. Notes on Rosa Luxemburg, From the Legacy of Our Masters, a review of Mehrings collection of early writings of Marx and Engels (1901).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14456.pdf
Also included are Dunayevskayas extracts of quotations from Mehrings Introduction to the collection.
d. Translations of extracts from early works of Marx, including:
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14461.pdf
From the Preliminary Work for Marxs Ph. D. Dissertation, 1839ff.; Aus der Rheinescher Zeitung (On the Freedom of the Press), May 1842 and July 1842; Debates on the Law Regarding Thievery of Wood, October, 1842; The Liberal opposition in Hannover, Nov. 1842; Letters to Ruge, May 1843; Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right, March-Aug., 1843. The selections were translated in the 1940s from the German in Mehrings 1901 selection of Marxs Early works. Translations by Grace Lee.
e. Notes on Norman Livergood, Activity in Marxs Philosophy (1967).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14465.pdf
f. Notes on Herbert Marcuse, The Foundation of Historical Materialism (1932),
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14467.pdf
as published in Studies in Critical Philosophy (1972).
g. Notes on Maximilian Rubel and Margaret Manale, Marx Without Myth (1975).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14470.pdf
h. Notes on Joseph Schumpeter, The Communist Manifesto in Sociology and Economics, Journal of Political Economy, 1949.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14480.pdf
i. Notes on Nicholas Lobkowicz, Theory and Practice (1967).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14481.pdf
j. Notes on Karl Lowith, From Hegel to Nietzsche (1964).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14486.pdf
Quotation from Marxs interpretation of Hegels Phenomenology only.
k. Quotation from Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, as cited in Dunayevskayas Then and Now, written April 16,1953.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14487.pdf
1. Translations of extracts from Franz Metering, La These de Karl Marx sur Democrite et Epicure (1901), as published in La Nouvelle Critique (1955).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14488.pdf
Translation from the French by Calum Weir.
10. Chapter 10
a. Two fragments of early drafts of Chapter 10, Section 2, of the book.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14493.pdf
On Marxs Capital and its relationship to his Grundrisse.
b. Notes on John Mepham and D-H Ruben, eds., Issues in Marxist Philosophy (1979).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14496.pdf
c. Notes on Roman Rosdolsky, The Making of Marxs Capital (1977).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14502.pdf
The two sets of notes included here concern Rosdolskys comments on Rosa Luxemburg.
d. Notes on Maximilian Rubel, Bibliographie des oeuvres de Karl Marx (1961).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14506.pdf
Extracts translated from French by Barbara Gibson. Handnotes are by Dunayevskaya.
e. Quotations from Althusser vs. Marx. Notes on Louis Althusser, For Marx (1969).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14520.pdf
Also included are quotations from Marxs correspondence, and from Vol. I of Capital.
f. Notes on Andrew Levines apologia for Althusser in Radical America, after first series in RA, Vol. III, 5.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14522.pdf
g. Notes on the Dona Torr edition of Capital, Vol. I (1939).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14523.pdf
h. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written July 1, 1973.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14528.pdf
On the Forward by Martin Nicolaus to the English translation of Marxs Grundrisse.
11. Chapter 11
a. Notes on Frederick Engels, Critique of the Social-Democratic Program of 1891,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14533.pdf
as published in Neue Zeit (1901).
b. Quotation from H.M. Hyndman, The Record of an Adventurous Life (1911).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14534.pdf
c. Notes on David Joravsky, Soviet Marxism and Natural Science, 1917-1932 (1961).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14535.pdf
d. Dunayevskaya letter to Arthur McGovern, written June 1, 1978.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14539.pdf
On dialectics in McGoverns writing of the draft of his book on Marxism and Christianity.
e. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written March 5, 1980.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14541.pdf
On the concept of permanent revolution; on Marxs work for the Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
12. Chapter 12
a. Notes on Hal Draper, Marx and Engels on Womens Liberation, International Socialism (1970 .
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14543.pdf
b. Notes on Eleanor Burke Leacock, Introduction to Frederick Engels, Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, 1972 edition.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14547.pdf
c. Quotation from Frederick Engels letter to Karl Kautsky, written Feb. 16, 1884.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14550.pdf
d. Quotation from D. Ryazanov, New data about the literary legacy of Marx and Engels, Bulletin of the Socialist Academy (1923).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14551.pdf
e. Dunayevskaya letter to Kevin Anderson, written Nov. 3, 1980.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14552.pdf
Requests Anderson search for a copy of Ryazanovs article mentioning the finding of Marxs Ethnological Notebooks.
f. Quotations from Yvonne Kapp, Eleanor Marx, Vol. II: The Crowded Years (1976).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14554.pdf
g. Notes on Karl Marx, Ethnological Notebooks (1972).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14555.pdf
Includes notes on Introduction by Lawrence Krader; notes on Krader, The Works of Marx and Engels in Ethnology Compared, International Review of Social History (1973).
h. Notes on Lawrence Krader, The Asiatic Mode of Production (1975).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14563.pdf
i. Notes on George Lichtheim, Marx and the Asiatic Mode of Production, in St. Anthonys Papers (1963).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14568.pdf
j. Notes on Cyril Levitts review of Marxs Ethnological Notebooks, Catalyst #12 (1978).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14570.pdf
Dunayevskayas notes include a reexamination of Kraders Introduction to the Notebooks.
k. Dialectics and the Asiatic Mode of Production (re both Lukacs critique of Engels; Lawrence Kraders AMP; Lichtheims Marx and the AMP; and E. Leacocks Introduction to Engels Origin of the Family).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14576.pdf
Notes by Dunayevskaya on attitudes to Marxs category of Asiatic mode of production.
1. Notes for Draft paragraph on p. 190 of RLWLKM, in the third paragraph, after To Marx the development of the relationship of the individual to society and to the state was crucial.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14584.pdf
Probably written in 1983.
m. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Sisters, written Oct. 15, 1978.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14586.pdf
On her study of Marxs Ethnological Notebooks.
n. Fragment from an early draft of Chapter 12 of the book.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14588.pdf
On Marxs 1882 Preface to the Russian edition of the Communist Manifesto.
o. Notes on Maximilian Rubel, Marx Without Myth (1975).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14589.pdf
Notes focus on Marxs last decade.
p. Kevin Anderson letter to Dunayevskaya, written Oct. 20, 1980.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14591.pdf
On his research in the F.A. Sorge papers in the New York Public Library.
q. Notes on Carl Boggs, Gramscis Marxism (1976).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14595.pdf
r. Dunayevskaya letter to Olga Domanski, Eugene Walker and Michael Connolly, written Oct. 18, 1980.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14604.pdf
On her projection of a whole Part for the book on Marxs philosophy of revolution.
13. Notes on Books and Articles NOT on Rosa Luxemburg
a. Notes on J.N. Findlay, Hegel: A Re-Examination (1958).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14605.pdf
b. Notes on Karl Lowith, From Hegel to Nietzsche (1964).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14609.pdf
c. Notes on Nicholas Lobkowicz, ed., Marx and the Western World (1967).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14619.pdf
Dunayevskayas notes concentrate on the article by Herbert Marcuse on The Obsolescence of Marxism.
d. Notes on Karel Kosik, The Dialectics of the Concrete (1976).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14620.pdf
Fragment only.
e. Phenomenology and Mao.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14627.pdf
Notes on quotations from Hegels Phenomenology used in Dunayevskayas analysis of Mao.
f. Notes on V.I. Lenin, Leninski Sbornik, IX and XII (1930).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14628.pdf
Dunayevskayas notes on the original Russian editions of Lenins notebooks. First page of Dunayevskayas notes is missing. Notes on Vol. IX include quotations from the Introduction by Deborin. Notes on Vol. XII include quotations from the Introduction by Adoratsky.
g. Notes on Richard Schacht, Alienation (1971).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14630.pdf
h. Notes on Leonard Krieger, History and Existentialism in Sartre, in The Critical Spirit, ed. by Kurt Wolff and Barrington Moore, Jr. (1968).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14632.pdf
i. Notes on George Lichtheim, Rebel, a review of Wilfrid Desan, The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre, in New York Review of Books (Jan. 28, 1965).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14635.pdf
j. Notes on Maxime Rodinson, review of Fred Halliday, Arabia Without Sultans, in New Left Review #95 (1976).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14636.pdf
k. Notes on Paul Mattick, Marxism and the New Physics, in Philosophy of Science (1962).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14637.pdf
1. Notes on George Lichtheim, Marxism (1961).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14640.pdf
m. Notes on Shlomo Avineri, Hegels Theory of the Modern State (1972).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14641.pdf
n. Notes on Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination (1973).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14643.pdf
o. Notes on Carol Gould, Marxs Social Ontology (1978).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14645.pdf
p. Notes on Adam Ulam, Stalin and the Theory of Totalitarianism, in Ernest J. Simmons, ed., Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought(1955).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14647.pdf
q. References in Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 38, to Capital.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14651.pdf
r. Notes on George A. Kelly, Hegels Retreat from Eleusis (1978). Notes focus on Chapter 1, Politics and Philosophy, and Chapter 8, Hegel and the Present Standpoint.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14654.pdf
s. Notes on Gerard Chaliand, Revolution in the Third World (1977); Robert Alexander, Trotskyism in Latin America (1973).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14657.pdf
t. Notes on Reinhart Klemens Maurer, Hegel and das Ende der Geschichte (1965).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14665.pdf
These notes are restricted to the footnotes in Maurer on pp. 86-89, on Hegels three final syllogisms of his Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences.
u. Notes on Karl Korsch, Karl Marx (1938).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14667.pdf
v. Notes on Grace Lee, letter of March 22, 1950,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14670.pdf
on Hegels concept of Condition, in Science of Logic, Vol. II, pp. 98-106 (Johnston and Struthers translation, 1929). Included here are Dunayevskayas extracts of Lees letter. The letter itself has not been found. Also included is a P.S. by Dunayevskaya, written Sept. 12, 1959.
w. Notes on N. Bukharin and the Hegelian dialectic.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14673.pdf
Dunayevskayas discussion begins with extracts from a letter by Grace Lee to C.L.R. James, written May 21, 1949. Works discussed in Dunayevskayas notes concentrate on Bukharins Historical Materialism (1925), Hegels Science of Logic, Lenins Abstract of Hegels Science of Logic. A note by Dunayevskaya, added by hand to the typed notes, is dated May 5, 1978.
x. Notes on Herbert Marcuse, Re-examination of the Concept of Revolution, New Left Review #56 (1969).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14681.pdf
y. Notes on Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Vols. I-III, as translated by E. Haldane (1955).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14682.pdf
z. Notes for Dialectics of Liberation, or Dialectics in Thought and in Action.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14693.pdf
Lecture #3 of five talks on WDET-FM (Detroit, Michigan) by Dunayevskaya on her book, Philosophy and Revolution (1973). This lecture was sub-titled, Is the Self-Thinking Idea Really a Self-Bringing Forth of Liberty? and was broadcast on WDET-FM on Jan. 11, 1977.
aa. Lecture notes for Rosa Luxemburg, 1905, 1919,
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14701.pdf
a lecture given by Dunayevskaya. at Russian Institute, Columbia University, March 3, 1982.
bb. The Humanism of Hegelian Philosophy or Adventures of the Hegelian Dialectic.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14703.pdf
Text of a lecture given by Dunayevskaya in the early 1960s. Date and place unknown.
14. Summaries of Works on and by Luxemburg
a. Notes on J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (1966).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14709.pdf
These notes are in several parts: 1) extensive chapter-by-chapter notes on Nettls two volume work; 2) notes on Nettls references to women; 3) notes on the 1905-06 Russian Revolution and on Luxemburg as an émigré revolutionary in 1898.
b. Notes on Luxemburgs review of Marx, Theories of Surplus Value, as published in Vorwarts, Jan. 8, 1905.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14725.pdf
c. Notes on Paul Froelich, Rosa Luxemburg (1972).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14729.pdf
d. Notes on Gilbert Badia, Rosa Luxemburg (1975).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14730.pdf
Typed notes written by Michael Connolly; handnotes by Dunayevskaya.
e. Notes on Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital (1951).
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14736.pdf
Also includes notes on Luxemburgs letters on this work in 1911 and 1917.
f. Translation of Luxemburg letter to Hans Diefenbach, written May 12, 1917.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14740.pdf
On her writing of the Anticritique. Translation of this letter is by Peter Wermuth, probably sent to Dunayevskaya in 1978.
g. Fragments of notes on quotations from Luxemburg, gathered by Dunayevskaya from several sources.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14743.pdf
Works excerpted include Mary-Alice Waters, Rosa Luxemburg Speaks; Dick Howard, Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg; Robert Looker, Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings.
15. Notes on Form, Sequence, Etc.
a. Notes Re Preface to book.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14750.pdf
b. Conclusion for Chapter 2.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14751.pdf
Notes on the years 1910-11, Luxemburgs research on the cause of imperialism.
c. Notes on the Spartacist Uprising, 1919.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14754.pdf
d. Form for Womens Liberation chapter: Then and Now.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14755.pdf
Notes on womens liberation in Luxemburgs time, and in the 1960s movements view of Marx on Man/Woman.
e. Todays Womens Liberation Movement.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14758.pdf
Notes on womens liberation in Portugal and Iran, and in the 1960s movement in the U.S.
f. Alternate beginning for the Woman Question.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14760.pdf
Fragments of an early draft of Chapter 7, Luxemburg as Feminist; Break with Jogiches.
g. Notes for the Black Dimension in the Womens Liberation chapter.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14769.pdf
On the period 1848-61, especially Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman; on Ida B. Wells; on women in 20th century Africa and America. Much of this material appears in Chapter 6.
h. Notes on Maria Stewart and Sojourner Truth.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14773.pdf
i. Notes on Luxemburgs letters to Karl and Luise Kautsky.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14775.pdf
j. Quotations on Womens Liberation, taken by Dunayevskaya from a variety of sources:
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14776.pdf
Kathleen Gough, The Origin of the Family, in R. Reiter, Toward an Anthropology of Women; Sheila Rowbotham, Women, Resistance and Revolution; J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg.
k. Rough Notes for Chapter 2, Part II. From the Grundrisse to the Critique of the Gotha Program.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14777.pdf
An early draft of what became Chapter 9 of the book.
1. Form and Sequence of Chapter 2, Part II.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14780.pdf
Another partial draft of what became Chapter 9 of the book.
m. What was used and what was skipped from the chapter on the Ethnological Notebooks.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14783.pdf
Notes for the re-working of Dunayev-skayas 1979 draft chapter into what became Chapter 12 of the book.
n. Fragments of drafts of what became Chapter 12 of the book, The Last Writings of Marx Point a Trail to the 1980s.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14784.pdf
o. Notes on the relationship of Lenins and Trotskys theories of revolution in the Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917.
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14788.pdf
Notes center on Solomon Schwartz, The Russian Revolution of 1905, and Leon Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution.
p. Notes on Womens Liberation in Russia from several sources:
link to PDF file: http://rayadunayevskaya.org/raya/ArchivePDFs/14791.pdf
1) Alfred Meyer, Marxism and the Womens Movement, in Atkinson, Dallin and Lapidus, Women in Russia (1977); 2) Jacqueline Heinen, Kollontai and the History of Womens Oppression, New Left Review #110 (1978); 3) Richard Stites, The Womens Liberation Movement in Russia (1978); 4) Elzbieta Ettinger, Comrade and Lover (1979); 5) J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (1966).