Section III Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre and From Marx to Mao
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A. Chapter Files Created During the Writing of Philosophy and Revolution (P&R)
Throughout the 15 years during which Dunayevskaya wrote Philosophy and Revolution — 1958 through 1973 — she created what she called chapter files for her work on the book. In these files she placed a wide range of documents from her studies: 1) reading notes on books and articles studied; 2) important correspondence on the subjects discussed in P&R, or on drafts of the chapters; 3) notes to herself — documents she often called random thoughts — as she worked out political-philosophic problems; 4) notes and texts from presentations she had given on aspects of the book; and 5) texts of articles by others, taken out of journals, newspapers or books, and marked-up with her own marginalia. In this section Dunayevskayas chapter files are included as she left them, with two exceptions: 1) texts of articles by others which Dunayevskaya marked up are not included here; 2) documents clearly added to these files by Dunayevskaya. after P&R was published in November, 1973 are included only at the end of each chapter file.Although the organization of these files often was drastically altered during the writing of P&R, to reflect the organization of the chapters of the book-in-progress, they are presented here in the order Dunayevskaya left them, i.e., an order corresponding to the sequence of chapters in P&R as it was published.
1. Part I — Why Hegel? Why Now?
a. Why Hegel? Why Now? Letter to Nathan Simon, probably written in Feb., 1965.
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A revised version of a letter written Oct. 1, 1964 on the proposed outline for a Part of P&R with three subsections: on Marxs Debt to Hegel, on Lenins ambivalence toward Hegel and his shock of recognition, and on the task before us.
b. Notes on D.H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature (1924), and on N. Chiaramonte, Pasternaks Message, Partisan Review (1958).
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c. Notes on Eugene Kanenka, Ethical Foundations of Marxism (1962).
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Two sets of notes are included.
d. Notes on G.W.F. Hegel, Introduction to Philosophy of History,
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as published in Carl Friedrich, ed., The Philosophy of Hegel (1953).
e. Notes on George Lichtheim, The Concept of Ideology and Other Essays (1967).
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f. Notes on Jean Hyppolite, Studies on Marx and Hegel(1969).
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g. Notes on Donald Egbert and Stow Persons, eds., Socialism and American Life (1952).
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h. Quotations from Hegels Phenomenology of Mind, Marxs Capital, Dunayevskayas own writings.
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i. Dunayevskaya letter to Si (Charles Denby), written March 10, 1960.
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On Maurice Merleau-Ponty, humanism, automation, and the Hegelian dialectic.
j. Exchange of letters between Jonathan Spence and Dunayevskaya, written February, 1962.
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Begins with Spences critique of Dunayevskayas special essay printed in News & Letters (Jan.1962) on The Challenge of Mao Tse-tung. Dunayevskayas response centers on Hegels concept of Will and its relevance to Mao and to Stalin.
k. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written Nov. 11, 1970.
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On her new (1970) draft of Chapter 2 of P&R, then entitled Marxs Transcendence of, and Return to, Hegel.
The following documents were added to this file after November, 1973:
1. Notes for speech at Cass Technical H.S. (Detroit, Mich.), given April 11, 1975,
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entitled Adventuring in Labor History and Literature: Black and English — A Philosophy of Liberation.
m. Notes for speech at University Center for Adult Education (Detroit), given in 1975.
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On The Black Dimension, as part of a lecture series on Women as Thinkers and as Revolutionaries.
n. Notes, for a speech at Berkeley, California, given April 14, 1976,
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on Todays Global Crisis, Marxs Capital, and the Epigones, who try to Truncate It.
o. Transcript of presentation given in Detroit on Dec. 5,1976, entitled Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Fanon and the Dialectics of Liberation Today.
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Transcript not corrected by Dunayevskaya.
2. Chapter 1 Hegel
a. Notes on Absolute Idea in G.W.F. Hegel, Science of Logic trans. by A.V. Miller (1969).
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b. Notes on Absolute Knowledge in G.W.F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Mind, trans. by J.B. Baillie (1931).
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c. Notes on G.W.F. Hegel, History of Philosophy, Vol. III, trans. by Haldane and Simpson (1955).
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d. Excerpts from the History of Philosophy by Hegel, notes created by Grace Lee (Boggs) in the 1940s.
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Some of the handnotes are by Dunayevskaya; others are by Lee.
e. Extracts on Labor, notes on Hegels Jenenser Realphilosophie, created by Grace Lee in the 1940s.
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Most of the handnotes are by Lee.
f. Notes on G.W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Nature, trans. by M.J. Petry (1970).
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Most of the notes are actually on Petrys view of the three final syllogisms (paragraphs 575-577) in the Philosophy of Mind. Also included here are Notes on Jean Hyppolite, Studies in Marx and Hegel, trans. by John ONeill (1969).
g. Notes on Karl Marx, Critique of the Hegelian Dialectic,
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as trans. by Dunayevskaya in Marxism and Freedom (1958).
h. Notes on Walter Kaufmann, Hegel (1965).
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i. Notes on Stuart R. Tompkins, The Russian Intelligentsia (1957).
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j. Notes on Gustav Wetter, Dialectical Materialism (1958).
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k. Notes on Jean Hyppolite, Genese et Structure de la Phenomenologie de L’Esprit de Hegel (1946).
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All quotations in French; most of the notes in English.
1. Dunayevskaya letter to Joseph Buttinger, written Oct. 20, 1960.
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On Hegels Phenomenology of Mind, Science of Logic, and Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences, as part of Dunayevskaya’s study of the philosophic foundations of the struggles for freedom in the underdeveloped countries.
m. Dunayevskaya letter to Saul Blackman, written Oct. 25, 1960.
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on the difficulties of the Johnson-Forest Tendency in working out the dialectic, 1947-53.
n. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written Dec. 12, 1960.
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Cover letter sent out with Dunayevskayas Notes on Hegels Phenomenology of Mind.
o. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written Jan. 25, 1961.
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Cover letter sent out with Dunayevskayas Summation of Hegels Science of Logic.
p. Dunayevskaya letter to Richard Porter, written Dec. 13, 1961.
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A critique of his paper on Hegels Phenomenology of Mind.
q. Dunayevskaya letter to Mr. Goodwin, written April 25, 1968.
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on Hegels critique of the institutional church.
r. Morgan Gibson letter to Dunayevskaya, written March 8, 1971.
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Comments on Chapter 1 of P&R; declines Dunayevskayas request to help edit the book.
3. Chapter 2 Marx, Section 1
a. Notes on Karl Marx, Critique of the Hegelian Dialectic
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as trans. by Dunayevskaya in Marxism and Freedom (1958). This is a different set of notes than appeared in the previous chapter file.
b. Notes on Annenkovs Eine russische Stimme über Karl Marx (1883)
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Largely in shorthand.
c. Notes on Karl Marx, The King of Prussia and Social Reform (1844).
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A fragment of a larger set of notes.
d. Notes on Karl Marx, Selected Essays, trans. by H.J. Stenning (1926).
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Notes probably created by Grace Lee.
e. Notes on Karl Marx, The Holy Family (1965 Moscow edition).
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f. Notes on Karl Marx, Contribution to the Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right (1843).
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Also included is a quotation from Marxs 1844 essay, Alienated Labor.
4. Chapter 2 Marx, Section 2
a. Notes on Karl Marx, Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations,
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a section of the Grundrisse, trans. by E.J. Hobsbawm (1965).
b. Notes on sources of quotations in the Grundrisse (French edition, 1967).
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Handnotes are by Bonnie McFadden.
c. Karl Marx in 1857-58 — Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Oekonomie.
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Commentary written by Grace Lee on her reading of Marxs Grundrisse. Handnotes are by Dunayevskaya. Includes also a translation by Lee of a brief excerpt from the Grundrisse.
d. Extracts from Marxs Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Oekonomie, trans. by Grace Lee.
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Does not include any of the sections published in Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations. Handnotes are by Dunayevskaya.
e. Notes on a fragment of the Grundrisse as translated by Anthony Barnett, entitled Notes on Machines.
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Handnotes are by Dunayevskaya.
f. Notes on Introduction to the Grundrisse, as published in appendix to Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1904).
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This was the first section of the Grundrisse to appear in English.
g. Fragment of draft of Chapter 2, Section 2, of P&R,on the Grundrisse, and Section 3, on Capital.
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Probably written in 1971.
h. Notes on Letter of Marx to Danielson, 4/10/1879.
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Notes created by Dunayevskaya, June 15, 1951.
i. Notes on Iring Fetscher, Marxismusstudien, Rediscovery of a Native Son, Survey (1960).
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Includes quotation from Heidegger on homelessness, and handnotes on Reinhart Klemens Maurers discussion of Hegels three final syllogisms of Philosophy of Mind.
j. Notes on New Left Review #52 (1968), a special issue on France, 1968.
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Notes concentrate on essays by André Gorz and Andrê Glucksman.
k. Notes on Karl Marx, Grundrisse. Fragment on the automaton.
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1. Peter Bergmann letter to Dunayevskaya, written Nov. 12, 1964.
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Includes a translation by Bergmann of a passage from the Grundrisse on labor and the development of the individual, in response to Dunayevskayas request to check the translation of the same passage in Marcuses One-Dimensional Man. Both Bergmanns handwritten letter and Dunayevskayas typed copy of it are included.
m. Dunayevskaya letter to Bergmann, written Nov. 16, 1964.
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On her obsession with Hegel and the Hegel-Marx relationship.
n. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written May 25, 1971.
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On excerpts from the Grundrisse to be included as Appendix to P&R.
o. Fred Ehrmann letter to Dunayevskaya, written March 20, 1972.
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Critique of translation of a section of Grundrisse to be included as Appendix to P&R.
p. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Friends, written July 1, 1973.
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On the first English translation of the whole of the Grundrisse; commentary by Dunayevskaya on the Forward by the translator, Martin Nicolaus.
5. Chapter 2 Marx, Section 3
a. Notes on the Archives of Marx, Vol. 5, (Moscow, 1930).
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A rough translation of excerpts from Marxs 1881 writing on A. Wagner. This document is based on Dunayevskayas 1940s translation of Marx on A. Wagner, which appears in Vol. III of the Dunayevskaya Collection (#1899).
b. Excerpts from Karl Marxs unpublished Chapter 6 of Capital (the original ending to Vol. I), as translated by Dunayevskaya.
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This document was evidently written for use in Dunayevskayas 1940s classes in Marxs Capital.
c. Notes on Karl Marx on the trade unions vs. revolutionary workers, from the September, 1871 London conference of the International Workingmens Association;
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also includes a reference to Marxs letter to Engels of Oct. 7, 1858 on the English proletariat.
d. Quotation from letter written by Karl Marx for the International Workingmens Association to Pres. Abraham Lincoln, Jan. 7, 1865.
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e. The Case of Eugene Varga, an unpublished miss. article by F. Forest (Raya Dunayevskaya), probably written in May, 1949.
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On the debate among economists in Stalins Russia on the nature of capitalist crisis. A French translation of an earlier version of this article appeared in Quatrième Internationale (Paris, Jan.-Feb., 1948).
f. Notes on About the Preparation of a Scientific Edition of Theories of Surplus Value of Karl Marx, by V. Brushlinsky, from Voprosy Ekonomiki (1950).
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Resumé of Brushlinskys article based on translation by Dunayevskaya. Also included is translation of Project of Prospectus of a Scientific Edition of Theories of Surplus Value of Karl Marx.
g. Quotations from letters of Karl Marx on the writing of Capital.
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Also includes a brief discussion of Dunayevskayas Jan. 15, 1951 letter on the meaning of Capital, Vol. III, for the post-World War II period.
h. Notes on Machinery and Modern Industry chapter in Karl Marx, Capital, Dona Torr edition (1939).
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i. Fragment from notes on Nikolai Bukharin, Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital (1924).
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j. Notes on Frederick Engels, Critique of the Social-Democratic Program (Erfurt) of 1891 (1901).
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k. Random Thoughts on the new mode of production.
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Discussion by Dunayevskaya on modern machinerys relationship to the development of the new type of man. Probably written in the late 1940s. Handnotes, are by C.L.R. James.
1. Notes for speech by Dunayevskaya to Universities and Left Review
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(predecessor of New Left Review), given Oct. 26, 1959, in Britain.
m. Notes for speech entitled Communism, Marxism and Liberty — The American Humanist Tradition,
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given by Dunayevskaya at UCLA, 1958.
n. Richard Greeman letter to Dunayevskaya, written Sept. 23, 1961.
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Includes translation by Greeman from article by Kostas Axelos, a critique of Marx.
o. Peter Bergmann letter to Dunayevskaya, written Feb. 22, 1967.
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On the Hegel-Marx relationship.
The following document was added to this file after Nov. 1973:
p. Draft of a review of Roman Rosdolsky, The Making of Marxs Capital (1977).
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This review appeared in News & Letters, Jan.-Feb., 1978.
6. Chapter 3 Lenin
a. Hegelian Leninism or Dialectics of Liberation,
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text of a presentation by Dunayevskaya to the Telos International Philosophic Conference. Given Oct. 9, 1970.
b. The Shock of Recognition and the Philosophic Ambivalence of Lenin.
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Two fragments of a draft chapter on Lenin for P&R, written Jan. and Feb. 1970. One of the drafts is dated Feb. 28, 1970.
c. Notes on Lenin on Hegels Absolute Idea (Philosophic Notebooks).
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Some of the notes are taken from V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 38 (1961); others are from letters exchanged between Dunayevskaya, Grace Lee and C.L.R. James during 1949.
d. Text of draft footnote for Chapter 3 of P&R on the Black Dimension in Lenin’s work.
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This footnote does not appear in the published text.
e. Notes on V.I. Lenin, Abstract of Hegels Science of Logic, in Collected Works, Vol. 38 (1961).
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Fragment of these notes, only.
f. Notes on Cliff Slaughter, Lenin on Dialectics (1963).
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g. Notes on David Joraysky, Soviet Marxism and Natural Science (1961).
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h. Notes on Milroad Drachkovitch, The Revolutionary Internationals (1966).
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Dunayevskayas review of this book was published in The Activist (Oberlin, Ohio, 1966).
i. Some Notes on Lenins State and Revolution.
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Notes created by Grace Lee in the 1940s. Handwritten comments are by Dunayevskaya.
j. Notes on Technology and Culture (Winter 1961).
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Notes on articles by A. Zvorikine on the history of technology as a science; notes on David Joravsky, on The History of Technology in Soviet Russia and Marxist Doctrine.
k. Notes on V.I. Lenin, from Selected Works.
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Lists his discussions on peasantry.
1. Notes on Lenin, taken from Dunayevskayas 1949 Letters to C.L.R.
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James and Grace Lee.
m. Dunayevskaya letter to McKim Steele, written May 16, 1972.
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On the role of intellectuals in the revolutionary movement; on the Marx-Engels relationship; on Lenin.
7. Chapter 4 Trotsky
a. Notes on L. Trotsky, War and Revolution (1923).
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Two different texts of these notes are included.
b. Notes on L. Trotsky, The Permanent Revolution (1930).
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Also includes notes on Trotskys My Life (1931), and his Diary in Exile (1935).
c. Notes on L. Trotsky, Stalin (1940), and on Trotskys Introduction to Harold Isaacs, The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution (1938).
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d. The Evolution of the Political Attitudes of Leon Trotsky in his Later Years.
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Text of a lecture by Dunayevskaya given April 30, 1959, at the Russian Circle, University of Chicago.
e. Notes on The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International, from The Founding Conference of the Fourth International (1939).
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f. Notes for a lecture by Dunayevskaya on Leon Trotsky as Theoretician,
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given Nov. 8, 1961 at Columbia University. Fragment only.
g. Notes on Robert Conquest, The Great Terror (1968).
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h. Notes on Leon Trotskys role in the 1905 Russian Revolution, from Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Armed (1954).
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i. Notes on Leon Trotsky on state-capitalism, not as in The Revolution Betrayed, but as in The Soviet Union and the Fourth International (1934), and What Next? (1932).
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j. Some Memories of Trotsky, text of an article written by Dunayevskaya for Asahi (Toyota, Japan), Dec. 11, 1965.
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This article was written during Dunayevskayas 1965-66 trip to Japan. For the article as printed in Japanese, see #9876
k. Notes on Isaac Deutschers three volume biography of Trotsky -The Prophet Armed, The Prophet Unarmed, The Prophet Outcast (1954, 1959, 1963)
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theoretical subjects only.
1. Notes on L. Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution (1932); The Permanent Revolution (1931); Introduction to Isaacs Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution (1938).
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m. Two quotations from V.I. Lenin, The Historical Meaning of the Internal Party Struggle in Russia (1910).
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n. Re: Kant, rough notes.
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On Trotskys as a Kantian philosophy of history.
o. Fragment of a draft chapter on Trotsky for P&R.
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One page only.
p. The Timeliness of the Slogan, The United States of Europe.
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Translation by F. Forest (Dunayevskaya) of an article by L. Trotsky written in June, 1923. Translation completed on June 15, 1944. This translation remains unpublished.
q. Notes on L. Trotsky, Our Revolution (1918),
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as translated by Olgin.
r. Notes on L. Trotsky on Tolstoy,
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as published in Fourth International, 1951.
s. Trotskyism and the Marxist-Leninists.
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Notes on Regis Debrays attacks on Trotskyism in Revolution in the Revolution (1967).
t. Notes on L. Trotsky on anti-semitism and the Middle East, and on Trotskyist views in the 1960s.
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u. Fragment from notes for The Revolt of the Workers and the Plan of the Intellectuals (1951)
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by Dunayevskaya. On Marxs and Lenins methods of analysis of capitalism.
v. Notes on Isaac Deutscher, Stalin: A Political Biography (1949)
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Notes concern only Deutschers biographical information.
w. Production Statistics and the Devaluation of the Ruble.
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Mss. for article by F. Forest (Dunayevskaya), written Oct. 3, 1948. Also included are Russian Notes, mss. written in Fall, 1948, on economics in Russia and the conditions for the workers.