Section IV Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution
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A. Draft Titles and Tables of Contents for Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution
In the Spring of 1975, Raya Dunayevskaya was invited to give a series of lectures on womens liberation at the University Center for Adult Education in Detroit, Michigan. During these lectures, which were entitled Women as Thinkers and as Revolutionaries, Dunayevskaya announced plans to write a new book on this subject. From the Fall of 1975 to the Fall of 1978, she engaged in preliminary research on the book, and drafted six possible titles. Dunayevskaya began to write draft chapters in Sept. 1978. These draft chapters were accompanied by five different proposed Tables of Contents of the book, written from May 1980 through September 1981.
1. Draft titles for the new book.
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A list of proposed titles created by Dunayevskaya from October, 1975 through September, 1979.
2. Table of Contents as written May 5, 1980.
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3. Table of Contents as printed in the Official Call for Convention of News and Letters Committees, June 1, 1980.
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4. Table of Contents as written Nov. 3, 1980.
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5. Table of Contents as written Dec. 16, 1980.
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6. Table of Contents as written March 17, 1981.
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7. Table of Contents as written September 5, 1981.
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Also included here is Dunayevskayas draft for that Table of Contents.
B. Chapter Files Created At the Conclusion of the Writing of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution
At the completion of the writing of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution, Dunayevskaya asked her secretary-colleague, Olga Domanski, to collect all of the materials used in the writing of the book, and organize them into chapter files, patterned on the files Dunayevskaya had organized herself during the writing of Philosophy and Revolution. Domanski created these chapter files in the Fall of 1982. The files included: 1) reading notes on books and articles studied by Dunayevskaya; 2) a small amount of correspondence concerning the writing of the book; 3) notes and texts from presentations given during the writing of the book; 4) texts of articles written by others, taken from books, journals or newspapers, and often marked with Dunayevskayas marginalia; 5) translations of works from Russian, Polish, German and French, both by Dunayevskaya and by others. In this section, the chapter files are presented as they were created by Olga Domanski. The names given to files which are not strictly chapter files were assigned by Domanski. Two kinds of documents have been excluded from the files as presented here: 1) translations of articles by Marx, Luxemburg and others which were not made by Dunayevskaya; and 2) texts of published articles by others which Dunayevskaya marked up.
1. Chapter 1
a. Notes on The Fifth London Congress of the RSDRP (Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party), 1963 edition of the original 1909 publication of the 1907 Congress.
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Notes on speeches by Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotsky. Also includes Dunayevskayas notes on references to the 1907 Congress in Trotskys History of the Russian Revolution.
b. References to the Fifth Congress (Pyatyi Syezd RSDRP).
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Notes from V.I. Lenins Collected Works, Vol. 12, Jan.-June, 1907; from Leon Trotskys My Life; from Angelica Balabanoff, Impressions of Lenin; from Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Armed. Also included are notes from Minutes of the Fifth Congress, Contents of the Sessions. Extensive handnotes by Dunayevskaya on these reading notes are included, as well as unmarked copy of the reading notes.
c. Notes on Vol. 12 of Lenins Collected Works, Jan.-June, 1907, 1962 English language edition.
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Also included are quotations by Lenin from Vol. 12.
d. Notes on Solomon M. Schwarz, The Russian Revolution of 1905 (1967).
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This document is marked 2nd version. Also included is a fragment from a 3rd version of my notes on Schwartzs The Russian Revolution of 1905.
e. Notes on Oskar Anweiler, The Soviets: The Russian Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Councils, 1905-21 (1974).
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f. Alternative: On 1905 Revolution and 1907 Congress.
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Fragments from two different early drafts by Dunayevskaya of Chapter 1 of Rosa Luxemburg, Womens Liberation, and Marxs Philosophy of Revolution.
g. Lecture notes from a speech by Dunayevskaya on the 1905 Russian Revolution, given at Russian Institute, Columbia University, Jan. 30, 1980.
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Fragment only.
h. Translation by Dunayevskaya of Rosa Luxemburgs Concluding remarks to the 1907 Congress of the RSDRP. Speech given to 24th session of the Congress.
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Two drafts of Dunayevskayas translation are included here. Extracts from this speech appear in Chapter 1 of Dunayevskayas book.
2. Chapter 2
a. Notes on Dick Howard, Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg (1971).
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b. Notes on Norman Geras, The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg (1976).
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C. Notes on Mary-Alice Waters, Rosa Luxemburg Speaks (1970).
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d. Notes on Carl E. Schorske, German Social Democracy, 1905-17 (1955).
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Fragment only.
e. Notes on Olga Hess Gankin and H. H. Fisher, The Bolsheviks and the World War (1940).
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These notes were created by Dunayevskaya in 1948.
3. Chapter 3
a. Notes on The Accumulation of Capital — an Anti-Critique, by Rosa Luxemburg, and Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital, by N. I. Bukharin.
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Edited and with an Introduction by Kenneth J. Tarbuck. (1972). Two sets of notes on this book are included.
b. Notes on Rosa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital, trans. by Agnes Schwarzchild (1951).
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c. Notes on Georg Lukacs, History and Class Consciousness.
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Brief notes on references in Lukacs book to Luxemburg.
d. The Dialectic (specifically Science of Logic, even more specifically Section 3 of Vol. 2, and most specifically the Absolute Idea) vs. the Methodology of Luxemburg.
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Dunayevskayas notes begin with a reference from Roman Rosdolsky, The Making of Marxs Capital (1977).
e. Notes on Rosa Luxemburg, Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy (1904),
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as published in Dick Howard, Selected Political Writings of Rosa Luxemburg (1971).
f. Notes on Edward Thomas Wilson, Russia and Black Africa Before World War II (1974).
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4. Chapter 4
a. Notes on Horace Davis, ed., The National Question: Selected Writings by Rosa Luxemburg (1976).
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b. Notes on Bertram D. Wolfe, ed., The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? (writings by Rosa Luxemburg), 1961 edition.
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(The title Leninism or Marxism? was not Luxemburgs; her title was Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy.)
c. Notes on Norman Geras, The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg (1976).
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Dunayevskayas notes concentrate on quotations from Luxemburg on the 1917 Russian Revolution. Fragment only.
d. Translation by Dunayevskaya of V. I. Lenin, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, from Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 30 (Russian edition), 1932.
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Copy marked Rough translation; probably created in the 1940s.
e. Quotation from Hegel, Science of Logic, Johnston and Struthers edition, (1929).
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On Hegels view of causality. Dunayevskaya wrote at top of page: Quotations appended to Organization chapter.
f. Excerpt on Rosa Luxemburg from a letter on Trotsky, written Oct. 14, 1948.
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A mimeographed publication of part of a letter written by Dunayevskaya. The full text of the letter is included in the Dunayevskaya Collection, #1326.
g. Notes on V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 19.
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Dunayevskayas extracts of Lenins critiques of Luxemburg on the National Question.
h. Notes on Wolfgang J. Mommsen, Theories of Imperialism, (1980).
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i. Notes on Walter Held, Once Again, Lenin and Luxemburg, Fourth International, June, 1940.
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j. Lenin and Junius: the Junius Pamphlet.
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Notes by Dunayevskaya on V.I. Lenin, The Pamphlet by Juniu (1916), as published in English translation in Lenins Collected Works, Vol. 19, (1942).
k. Notes on E.J. Simmons, ed., Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought (1955).
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5. Chapter 5
a. Notes on Eric Waldman, The Spartacist Uprising of 1919 (1958).
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b. The Revolution Starts.
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An early draft by Dunayevskaya of the last section of Chapter 5 of the book, on the period from November 1918 to January 1919. Fragments only.
c. Last excerpts from Nettl re: German Revolution.
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Notes by Dunayevskaya on Chapters 16 and 17 of J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (1966). Affixed to the top of the first page of notes is a quotation from Hegels Science of Logic on Cause.
d. Notes on Luxemburg, Letters from Prison, (1966).
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e. Notes on J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (Chapters 14 and 15 of Vol. II only.)
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6. Chapter 6
a. Dunayevskaya letter to Diane Lee, written Jan. 19, 1977.
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A response to Lees Second Thoughts on the book Black Woman by Toni Cade (1970). Also included is Lees Second Thoughts.
b. Dunayevskaya letter to Dear Colleagues, written Jan. 30, 1981.
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On the need to devote a whole Part II of the book to Womens Liberation. Also included is the first draft of the letter, and a response to it written by Eugene Walker, on Feb. 12, 1981.
c. The Black Dimension (to be put in after the 1907 Congress).
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An early draft of a section of Chapter 6 of the book; it was evidently written originally to follow discussion of the 1907 Congress of the RSDRP in Chapter 1.
d. Notes on Elzbieta Ettingers use of the expression Womens War to refer to the 1863 Polish insurrection, in Ettingers Comrade and Lover (1979).
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e. Notes on Bell Gale Chevigny, The Woman and the Myth: Margaret Fullers Life and Writings (1976).
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f. Notes on Werner Thonnessen, The Emancipation of Women (1973).
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g. Notes on Eleanor Flexner, Century of Struggle (1972).
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h. Notes on Women and Russia: Dorothy Atkinson, Alexander Dallin and Gail Warshofsky Lapidus, Women in Russia (1977).
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Dunayevskayas notes concentrate on articles by Alfred G. Meyer and Richard Stites; Richard Stites, The Womens Liberation Movement in Russia (1978); Jaqueline Heinen, Kollontai and the History of Womens Oppression, New Left Review #110 (1978).
i. Brief Summary of Talk Given by Raya Dunayevskaya to Wayne State University Womens Liberation, March 7, 1975.
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Dunayevskayas speech was entitled Women’s Creativity and Liberation, Nationally and Internationally. Handnotes, on the summary are by Dunayevskaya.
7. Chapter 7
a. Notes on Elzbieta Ettinger, Comrade and Lover (1979).
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b. Notes on anti-Semitic and male chauvinist attacks on Luxemburg by German Social Democratic Party leaders in 1910-11.
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Fragment only. One reference is to J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg.
c. Notes on Feliks Tych, ed., Roza Luxemburg: Linty do Leona Jogichesa-Tyszki (1968, 1971).
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d. Womens Liberation–in the air.
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Notes by Dunayevskaya on the Black dimension and Womens Liberation at the time of the 1848 revolutions, and again in 1905.
e. Dunayevskaya letter to Hans Cozak, written Dec. 9, 1980.
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On Henrietta Roland-Holsts Rosa Luxemburg (1937). Also included is Cozaks letter to Dunayevskaya, written Jan. 26, 1981, with translation of Roland-Holsts discussion of Luxemburgs anti-war struggle in World War I.
f. Dunayevskaya letter to Meintje Westerbeek, written June 8, 1978.
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On Roland-Holsts biography of Rosa Luxemburg. Also included is Westerbeeks translation of excerpts from Roland-Holsts book, on the Luxemburg-Karl Kautsky relationship, and on Accumulation of Capital.
g. Eugene Walker letter to Dunayevskaya, written Nov. 16, 1980.
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On Dunayevskayas draft of the Chapter on Luxemburg as Feminist.
h. Notes by Peter Wermuth on Rosa Luxemburgs letters to Mathilde Jacob, written in 1978.
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Description of letters at Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
i. Fragment (one page only) from Karen Honeycutt, Clara Zetkin: A Left-Wing Socialist and Feminist in Wilhelminian Germany (1975).
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Handnotes on the fragment are by Dunayevskaya.
8. Chapter 8
a. Notes on Hal Draper, Karl Marxs Theory of Revolution (Books I and II, 1977).
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b. Notes on Maria Barreno, Maria Teresa Horta, Maria Velho da Costa, The Three Marias (1975).
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Also included is a speech by Maria Barreno as printed in News & Letters (April, 1975).
c. Portugal, 1975.
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Notes by Dunayevskaya. on The Three Marias and the Portuguese Revolution.
d. Notes on Aborto e Contracepao, em debate, a colloquium, organized by the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences at the Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (Portugal), March 1975.
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Dunayevskayas extracts from the debate center on the remarks of Isobel do Carmo, the representative of the PRP-BR.
e. Notes on issue of Revolucao (Jan. 27, 1977), the newspaper of the PRP-BR (Portugal) .
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f. Exchange of correspondence between Dunayevskaya and Maria Barreno, beginning Feb. 25, 1975 and ending Sept. 9, 1975.
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Discussion on Womens Liberation, on Marxs Marxism, and on Dunayevskayas series of lectures on Women as Thinkers and as Revolutionaries (1975).
g. Dunayevskaya letter to Isabel do Carmo, probably written in 1976.
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On Rosa Luxemburg and the Womens Liberation Movement today.
h. Notes on Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (American edition, 1953).
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Two sets of notes are included.
i. Notes on Adrienne Rich, Anti-Feminists, New York Review of Books, Nov. 30, 1972.
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j. Neda Azad letter to Dunayevskaya, written Feb. 5, 1981.
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On women in the Iranian Revolution.
k. Notes on Joyce Maupin, Working Women and their Organizations (1974).
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1. Notes on Heleieth I.B. Saffioti, Women in Class Society (1978).
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m. Notes on Sheila Rowbotham, Women, Resistance and Revolution (1972); F.C. Griffin, ed., Woman as Revolutionary (1973).
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n. Notes on Rayna R. Reiter, ed., Toward an Anthropology of Women (1975).
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o. Notes on Toni Cade, ed., The Black Woman (1970).
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Two different sets of notes on this work are included.
p. Notes on Catalyst, Nos. 10-11, Summer 1977, Special Issue on Feminist Thought.
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q. Notes on Branka Magas, Theories of Womens Liberation, New Left Review #66, 1971.
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r. Notes on Vivian Gornick, Essays on Feminism (1978).
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s. The Detroit News and Letters Committee Celebration of International Womens Day, March 8, 1981.
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Includes presentation by Olga Domanski.
t. Notes on Peter Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg, (1966).
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Fragment only; one page on Luxemburgs view of 1905-06 Russian Revolution.
u. Lydia Sargent (South End Press), letter to Dunayevskaya written Feb. 13, 1979.
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Invites Dunayevskaya to submit an article to a forthcoming book on Women and Revolution. Handnotes are by Dunayevskaya.
v. Lecture notes for speech by Dunayevskaya on Literature and Revolution to University Center for Adult Education (Detroit), given Oct. 20, 1975.
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The speech was the fifth in a series of lectures on Women as Thinkers and as Revolutionaries.
w. Lecture notes for speech on Women, Literature and Revolution, given at University of California-Berkeley, March 7, 1976.
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