Security & Intelligence
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results14 Connexions Library2 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 4 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAllegations Against Russia Less Credible Every Day Swanson, David Article 2017 Swanson calls into question the US government-driven media accusations that the Russian government had direct involvement in swaying the 2016 US election for Trump, and exames the motivations behind t... Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency ![]() Bamford, James Book 2001 The National Security Agency (NSA) is the largest intelligence gathering agency in the world. James Banford in his sequel to "The Puzzle Palace" draws on newly released government documents and interv... Capitalist Surveillance State: Everyone's a Target: Threatening Reporters, Spying on Public Article 2013 There is an inherent tendency for the state, which governs on behalf of a minuscule, ruthless class of obscenely wealthy exploiters, to attempt to amass ever greater power to control the population be... Connexions: Volume 8, Number 3-4 - Winter 1983/84 - Native Issues - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 Connexions: Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer 1984 - Rights and Liberties - A Digest of Resources & Groups for Social Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 The Fog of Intelligence: Or How to Be Eternally "Caught Off Guard" in the Greater Middle East ![]() Englehardt, Tom Article 2015 The phrase "the fog of war" stands in for the inability of commanders to truly grasp what's happening in the chaos that is any battlefield. Perhaps it's time to introduce a companion phrase: the fog ... Lessons of the Snowden Revelations: You are the Target! Lopez, Alfredo Article 2013 We in the Left have long worried about “police state tactics”. Now we have to confront the police state structure. It’s here and it can morph into a real police state with very little effort. Opposing... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 22, 2017: Secrecy and Power Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Secrecy is a weapon the powerful use against their enemies: us. This issue of Other Voices explores the relationship of secrecy and power. Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World Engelhardt, Tom Book 2014 Silent Coup: How the CIA is Welcoming Itself Back Onto American University Campuses Price, David Article 2010 Spying by the Numbers: Hundreds of Thousands Subject to Government Surveillance and No Real Protection Quigley, Bill Article 2013 Thanks to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden many more people in the US and world-wide are learning about extensive US government surveillance and spying. There are publicly available numbers which sho... Terror Takeover: The monstrous march of the security state New Internationalist November 2009 - #427 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2009 Has our panic over terrorism given permission for unchecked abuse? The fear of terrorism has been used to curtail our liberties and violate human rights. Whose National Security?: Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies Kinsman, Gary; Buse, Dieter K.; Stedman, Mercedes Article 2000 Examines RCMP monitoring of trade unionists, Left-wing political groups, students, gays and lesbians, feminists, consumers' associations, Black activists, First Nations people, and Quebec sovereignist... Why Do We Expose Ourselves? Taylor, Astra Article 2016 Among critics of technological surveillance, there are two allusions so commonplace they have crossed into the realm of cliché. One, as you have probably already guessed, is George Orwell's Big Brothe... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesCanadian Institute of International Affairs The CIIA provides a national, non-partisan forum for the analysis, discussion and debate of international issues focussing on the implications for Canadian interests. Activities include the National F... Centre for Research on Globalization An independent research and media group of writers, scholars and activists. Publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focussing on social, econo... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryCorpWatch Announces Version 2.0 of the CrocTail Corporate Subsidiaries Database and Open API Sources News Release 2009 CorpWatch announces the release of a second version of the CrocTail application and open CorpWatch API. CrocTail provides an interface for browsing information about several hundred thousand U.S. publ... nerve agent case for 'action' on Russia Official claim that 'Novichok' points solely to Russia discredited Ahmed, Nafeez 2018 The case against Russia using the nerve agent Novichok is undermined by earlier reports by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which previously declared that they have no ... Obama defiant over NSA revelations ahead of summit with Chinese premier Ackerman, Spencer; Roberts, Dan 2013 President says oversight of NSA surveillance programme should be left to Congress in comments criticising media 'hype.' Spies for Hire Company profiles and articles related to intelligence outsourcing. From the Connexions ArchivesIntelligentSearch.ca Website 2017 A web portal featuring topics related to research and the Internet. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A search feature, subject index, and other research tools make ... |