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Pol¡tica libertaria
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  1. The Abolition of the State
    Anarchist & Marxist Perspectives

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    Both Anarchists and Marxists believe that it will be possible to do away with the state. But what do they mean by that? What is the state, after all? What institutions, if any, would be necessary to replace its functions? Would a transitional “dictatorship of the proletariat” be needed or will it be possible to immediately abolish the state? Does modern technology require a centralized institution such as the state? Throughout the history of revolutions, the people have created workplace councils and neighborhood assemblies--how could these replace the state?
  2. Alliance of the Libertarian Left
    Resource Type: Website
    A multi-tendency coalition of mutualists, agorists, voluntaryists, geolibertarians, left-Rothbardians, green libertarians, dialectical anarchists, radical minarchists, and others on the libertarian left, united by an opposition to statism and militarism, to cultural intolerance (including sexism, racism, and homophobia), and to the prevailing corporatist capitalism falsely called a free market; as well as by an emphasis on education, direct action, and building alternative institutions, rather than on electoral politics, as our chief strategy for achieving liberation.
  3. American Power and the New Mandarins 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1969
    Chomsky writes about American power and violence, especially in the context of the Vietnam war, and he focuses especially on the complicity of American intellectuals in supporting and enabling the American imperial project.
  4. Anarchism: Ideology or Methodology?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1997
    A discussion of whether anarchism is an ideology or a methodology. The social vs. lifestylism debate.
  5. Anarchism.net
    Liberty and Justice for All

    Resource Type: Website
    We believe anarchism is of immense importance to the world and the people living in it. Anarchism is a tradition of freedom, which has the solution to the oppression and repression of mankind by the coercive structures of the state.
  6. Anarchism vs. Marxism: A few notes on an old theme 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    Anarchist critiques of Marxism typically reveal a lack of knowledge of what Karl Marx actually wrote, resulting in sterile denunciations of a straw-man opponent.
  7. The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution
    Documents of revolution

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1973
    A selection of articles, manifestos, speeches, resolutions, letter, diaries, poems, and songs which seek to capture the spirit of the anarchist movement in Rissia.
  8. Anarkismo.net
    Resource Type: Website
    Mulitlingual site featuring news and analysis from an anarchist-communist perspective.
  9. Bakunin vs. Marx 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    The anarchist-Marxist split started with Bakunin, who systematically misrepresented Marx's positions.
  10. Beyond the Fragments 
    Feminism and the Making of Socialism

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1979   Published: 1980
    A call for various fractions of the left to unite and work for a socialism through grass-roots activism.
  11. Bookchin, Murray
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    American libertarian socialist-anarchist, political and social philosopher, environmentalist, conservationist, atheist, speaker, and writer. (1921-2006).
  12. Brinton, Maurice
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    Libertarian socialist writer and neurologist. (1923-2005).
  13. The Continuing Debate
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    We should subject both Marxism and anarchism to a critical analysis, and thereby start to provide the basis for a libertarian revolutionary movement that relates adequately to the needs and problems of today.
  14. Dead Anarchists
    Resource Type: Website
    The dead anarchists website has been launched in order to supply that extra measure of anarchist history to those who are hopelessly addicted to learning about the men and women who have struggled for centuries, searching for ways to eliminate governments from the Earth.
  15. Drawing the Line
    A pamphlet

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1946   Published: 1962
  16. The End of Dialectical Materialism: An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists.
  17. Fredy Perlman: An Appreciation
    Resource Type: Article
    The same energy which helped Fredy to describe the horrors of civilization made it possible for him to summon up the forces of life and expectations of hope.
  18. The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1992
    The danger of modern anarchists of falling into the trap of anarcho-syndicalism.
  19. The Historical Failure of Anarchism 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1996
    Day examines anarchism's failure to genuinely critique itself, understand history or theory, and grasp the conditions in the world today. "Anti-capitalism doesn't do the victims of capitalism any good if you don't actually destroy capitalism," Day writes. 'Anti-statism' doesn't do the victims of the state any good if you don't actually smash the state. Anarchism has been very good at putting forth visions of a free society and that is for the good. But it is worthless if we don't develop an actual strategy for realizing those visions.
  20. Institute for Anarchist Studies
    Resource Type: Website
    Inactive/Defunct Periodical
    Provides support to critical scholarship on social domination and the reconstructive vision of a free society.
  21. Left-libertarianism
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    A doctrine that has a strong commitment to personal liberty and egalitarianism.
  22. Let's Talk About Another Burning Color: Black Flame vs. Red Fire Extinguisher?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Class struggle anarchists are not the only revolutionary forces on the left, and are not the only libertarian left revolutionary forces. In my opinion, anarchists can learn a lot from some marxists.
  23. Liberation (magazine)
    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1956   Published: 1977
    A monthly left-wing magazine published in the U.S. from 1956-1977, founded by Dave Dellinger and A.J. Muste.
  24. The Libertarian Labyrinth
    Resource Type: Website
    An archive of anarchist and libertarian theory and history.
  25. Libertarian League
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A name used by two American libertarian organisations during the twentieth century.
  26. A libertarian Marxist tendency map
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    This tendency map was produced by Chris Wright for endpage.com, now part of the libcom.org library - it is designed to trace some of the important tendencies in libertarian Marxism. Contains a brief written history with links to key individuals, groups and publications, and a graphic map.
  27. Libertarian Socialism
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    A socialist political orientation which promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic, stateless society without private property in the means of production. Libertarian socialism is opposed to coercive forms of social organization, and promotes free association in place of the coercive social relations of capitalism
  28. Marx, theoretician of anarchism 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1973
    Under the name communism, Marx developed a theory of anarchism; and further, in fact it was he who was the first to provide a rational basis for the anarchist utopia and to put forward a project for achieving it.
  29. Marxists Internet Archive 
    Resource Type: Website
    Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
  30. An ongoing debate
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    The Red Menace is meant to be a forum of dissenting views withing the broadly defined boundaries of libertarian socialism.
  31. Our Generation
    Volume 21 Number 1

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1989
  32. Our Generation
    Volume 22 Nomber 1 & 2

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1991
  33. Paul Goodman: Writing on the Web
    Resource Type: Website
    Writings of the social critic Paul Goodman.
  34. A Political Statement of the Libertarian Socialist Collective
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    The socialist perspective, as we see it, implies a total critique of human society as it is presently constituted. Socialism means a total transformation of life and social institutions - a project of collective self-transformation.
  35. The Politics of Urban Liberation
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1978
    A broad-ranging study which covers the political economy of the urban question and the importance of the city in the history of social revolution. Schechter's evaluation of libertarian insurgency highlights the importance of movements from below dealing with housing, transportation and other issues of daily life.
  36. Radical Digressions 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2017
    Ulli Diemer's website/blog featuring comment from a radical left-libertarian Marxist perspective.
  37. Radical Digressions 1
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 1973   Published: 1979
  38. The Red Menace 
    A libertarian socialist newsletter

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1975   Published: 1980
    Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, and terrorism.
  39. Scarlet Letter Archives
    Resource Type: Website
    Selected anarchist writers and essays.
  40. '68: The Year of the Barricades 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening around the world.
  41. Social Anarchism, Individualist Anarchism, the State and Leninism
    A Reply to the International Socialist Organization

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    I take it that social or Left-anarchism and libertarian socialism are the same thing. Both stand opposed to Leninism, and both stand opposed to individualist anarchism.
  42. Some Thoughts on Organization
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    What type of organization should anarchists, libertarian socialists and libertarian Marxists be working towards?
  43. The Struggle Site
    Resource Type: Website
    An archive of freedom struggles.
  44. The Temporary Autonomous Zone
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1985   Published: 1991
    I believe that by extrapolating from past and future stories about "islands in the net" we may collect evidence to suggest that a certain kind of "free enclave" is not only possible in our time but also existent. All my research and speculation has crystallized around the concept of the TEMPORARY AUTONOMOUS ZONE (hereafter abbreviated TAZ).
  45. Vanguard: A Libertarian Communist Journal
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A monthly libertarian communist journal published in New York from 1932-1939.
  46. We can learn to live free (Clark)
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1979
    Give the human race a little credit. We can surely learn to live free, neither dominant nor submissive.
  47. What is Libertarian Socialism? 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1977
    Revolution is a collective process of self-liberation: people and societies are transformed through their struggles for freedom and for a better world.
  48. Why the Leninists will lose
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1978
    The Leninist groups may still have the ability to disrupt the left, but they are long past the point of being able to achieve any kind of success in their own right.
  49. Why the Leninists Will Win
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1977
    Clark argues that the failure of the libertarian left to take organizing seriously makes it likely that capitalism will be overthrown by Leninists who will preside over a social system as undemocratic as the old.

Experts on Pol¡tica libertaria in the Sources Directory

  1. Marxists Internet Archive

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