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Renforcement des capacit‚s de la communaut‚
La Bibliotheque Connexions (Editon francais)

Clicking on the title of an item takes you to the bibliographic reference for the resource, which will typically also contain an abstract, a link to the full text if it is available online, and links to related topics in the subject index. Particularly recommended items have a red Connexions logo beside the title.

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  1. After the Crash
    The Emergence of the Rainbow Economy

    Resource Type: Book
  2. The Case for Grassroots Archives 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Grassroots archives play a valuable role in what has been called "the battle of memory". People's history projects such as grassroots archives preserve and share stories of resistance, hidden histories, and alternative visions.
  3. Cohousing and Sustainabliity
    Resource Type: Article
    How co-housing promotes social, economic and ecological sustainability.
  4. Cohousing Characteristics
    Resource Type: Article
    The main characteristics of cohousing.
  5. Cohousing FAQs
    Resource Type: Article
    Frequently asked questions about cohousing.
  6. The Communitarian Network
    Resource Type: Website
    A coalition of individuals and organizations who have come together to shore up the moral, social, and political environment.
  7. Connexions
    Volume 4, Number 2 - March 1979 - Native Rights/Les Droits des Autochtones

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1979
  8. Connexions
    Volume 5, Number 2 - May 1980 - Women/Femmes

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1980
  9. Connexions
    Volume 6, Number 2 - April 1981 - Urban Core/Milieu Urbain

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1981
  10. Connexions
    Volume 6, Number 3 - September 1981 - Atlantic Development/Le Developpement Atlantique

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1981
  11. Connexions Digest
    Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1990
  12. Connexions Library: Race, Racism, Ethnicity, Multiculturalism Focus 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2009
    Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on race, racism, ethnicity, multiculturalism, identity.
  13. Deutschsprachiges Kommunitariernetz
    Resource Type: Website
    German-language communitarian site.
  14. Happy Activism 
    Six ways to make our movement strong and feed our spirit.

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    How do we make environmental organizations attractive to large numbers of people? And how do we keep these folks engaged for the years, even decades that it will take to create a sustainable society? My interest here is not to enumerate people’s reasons for activism but rather, based on these reasons, to articulate principles that movement organizers should follow to bring people to the cause.
  15. Intentional Communities
    Resource Type: Website
    Resource for intentional Communities including ecovillages, cohousing, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives and other related projects.
  16. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 7, 2016
    Depression and Joy

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2016
    It's a difficult thing to measure, but there are strong reasons for believing that the number of people struggling with depression has increased significantly in recent decades. Despite the evidence that this is a social problem, and not merely an individual misfortune, the solutions and escapes on offer are almost all individual: pharmaceuticals and therapy, on the one hand; self-medication with alcohol, streets drugs, television, etc., on the other. Certainly there are individual circumstances and individual causes, but when millions of people are experiencing the same thing, we need to be looking not only at the individual, but also at the society.
  17. A Paradise Built in Hell 
    The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2010
    The most startling thing about disasters, according to Rebecca Solnit, is not merely that so many people rise to the occasion, but that they do so with joy. That joy reveals an ordinarily unmet yearning for community, purposefulness, and meaningful work that disaster often provides.
  18. Peacemaking in Your Neighbourhood
    Reflections on an Experiment in Community Mediation

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1986
    Describes ten years of work of the Community Dispute Settlement Program, an innovative program in a suburban area near Philadelphia, founded by the Society of Friends (Quakers). The program set out to try to help solve community disputes using the guidelines of nonviolence, alternatives, and empowerment.
  19. Resource Manual for A Living Revolution 
    A Handbook of Skills & Tools for Social Change Activists

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1977   Published: 1985
    A manual for people who are concerned or angered by the deterioration of our society and who, because they have some sense that their efforts can have an effect on change, are looking for tools to transform it. It is a working reference for those who are prepared to act to create a better life for themselves and others.
  20. Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2012
    Richard Sennett contends that "living with people who differ -- racially, ethnically, religiously, or economically -- is the most urgent challenge facing civil society today. We tend socially to avoid engaging with people unlike ourselves, and modern politics encourages the politics of the tribe rather than of the city."
  21. Transition Initiatives Primer
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A comprehensive document about embarking on a transition journey. A Transition Initiative is a community (lots of examples here) working together to look Peak Oil and Climate Change squarely in the eye and address this BIG question: "for all those aspects of life that this community needs in order to sustain itself and thrive, how do we significantly increase resilience (to mitigate the effects of Peak Oil) and drastically reduce carbon emissions (to mitigate the effects of Climate Change)?"
  22. Why Do Communities Fail?
    Resource Type: Article
    The strains that take their toll on community groups.

Experts on Renforcement des capacit‚s de la communaut‚ in the Sources Directory

  1. Michael Riordon

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Catalogue of more than 7,000 books, articles, films, periodicals, websites and other resources.
Indexed by Author, Title, Format, Subject, Dewey number, Library of Congress classification, Year of Publication.
Connexions Directory Associations and NGOs dealing with social and environmental issues — A-Z Index or Subject Index.
For experts and media spokespersons also see the Sources directory and the comprehensive Sources Subject Index.
Links Selected Internet resources featuring information about alternatives.
Calendar Events from across Canada. Also see: Sources Calendar and news releases.
Publicity and Media Resources, publications and articles to help you get publicity and raise awareness. Plus Media Names & Numbers Canadian media directory, the Parliamentary Names & Numbers Canadian government directory, and mailing lists.
Donations Connexions welcomes your support. Your donations make our work possible. Volunteers always welcome.
Mission Connexions exists to support individuals and groups working for freedom and social justice. We work to maintain and make available a record of the theory and practice of people struggling against oppression and for social change. We believe that the more we know about the struggles, victories, and defeats of the past, and about those who took part in them, the better equipped we will be to bring a new world into being. Connexions maintains a physical archive of books and documents, and is engaged in an ongoing project to build and expand an indexed digital archive of documents. We try to feature a wide variety of resources reflecting a diversity of viewpoints and approaches to social change within our overall mandate of support for democracy, civil liberties, freedom of expression, universal human rights, secularism, equality, economic justice, environmental responsibility, and the creation and preservation of community. We are internationalist in our orientation, but as a Canadian-based project we feature an especially extensive collection of Canadian documents and profiles of Canadian activist organizations.