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  1. Bil'in and the Nonviolent Resistance
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2016
    Tells how the farming village in Bil'in, located in Palestine's West Bank, has been facing its occupier, Israel, head-on. Side by side with Israeli and civil rights activists the world over, the people of Bil'in and their protests have been standing against the injustices imposed by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) since 2004. That was when the IOF's raids began to uproot the village's ancient olive trees and confiscate its farmlands, the main sources of its livelihood. All of it to build their separation wall and illegal settlements.
  2. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    Israelo historian Ilan Pappe recounts the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Israel during the war of 1948.
  3. False Prophets of Peace
    Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    Honig-Parnass unearths the central role played by the Israeli Left in laying the foundation for the colonial settler project and its campaign of dispossession.
  4. Fuck Hamas! Fuck Israel! Gaza youth offers up a cry of despair
    Rapid global reaction to cyber-manifesto surprises its drafters

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    A group of Palestinian youth put out a manifesto that calls for an end to divisive party politics in Gaza and the West Bank. The youth want peace and freedom.
  5. Gaza, The World's Largest Outdoor Prison
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Sara Roy couldn't have predicted the deterioration of Gaza since the 2005 unilateral pullout of Israeli occupation forces and settlers any more effectively than in her book Failing Peace: Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. For those seeking a thorough understanding of the failure for peace to spontaneously erupt upon the exit of the settlers from Gaza, Failing Peace is a valuable resource.
  6. Inside Israel-Palestine The Conflict Explained
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    An ideal guide, in question and answer format, to this most complex of conflicts.
  7. International Middle East Media Center
    Resource Type: Website
    Media center developed in collaboration between Palestinian and International journalists to provide English language media coverage of Israel-Palestine.
  8. The Iron Cage
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
  9. Is Israel an Apartheid State? 
    Rhetoric or Reality? Summary of a Legal Study by the Human Sciences Research council of South Africa

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Do Israel's practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law?
  10. Israel and apartheid: A fair comparison?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The comparison between Israel's policies toward the Palestinians and to apartheid is a legitimate part of that debate and this is an analogy frequently used by Israelis and also by South Africans.
  11. Israel is an apartheid state and that is why they are losing legitimacy
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Israel is losing legitimacy in the world because of what their government is doing to the Palestinians, not because of anti-semitism.
  12. Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2014
    A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights.
  13. Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2009
    A readable introduction to the history and practice of apartheid in Israel.
  14. Israeli journalist Anat Kam under secret house arrest since December
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    An Israeli journalist has been under secret house arrest since December on charges that she leaked highly sensitive, classified military documents which suggest the Israeli military breached a court order on assassinations in the occupied West Bank.
  15. Israel's Apartheid
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Blacks in South Africa never faced a 20-foot wall dividing their communities. Palestinians' land is still being seized, their orchards bulldozed.
  16. Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid?
    A re-assessment of Israel's practicies in the occupied Palestinian territories under international law

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    A study of the Israel-Palestine situation from the standpoint of international law.
  17. Occupation Industries: The Israeli Industrial Zones
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    In a climate in which the call for a consumer boycott of Israeli goods is finally gaining strength, one area of Israel's economy is, as yet, surprisingly under-researched. Most of Israel's industrial zones in the West Bank are connected to illegal residential settlements and provide an indispensable economic backbone to the local settler economy. Business areas like the industrial zones are at the forefront of Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine, facilitating ethnic cleansing and acting hand-in-hand with the Israeli state in their quest for territorial dominance.
  18. The occupation of Gaza and the West Bank must end
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    The occupation of Gaza and the West Bank must end. The dispossession of the Palestinians must be fully acknowledged and Israel must reach out to embrace the full rights of Palestinians to nationhood and viability. Only then will the nightmare end that is the reality of the Palestinian people living in the Occupied Territories and the refugee camps. And only with that can there be any hope for a real peace.
  19. Occupation on Trial - Palestinian village sues Canadian corporations for building illegal Israeli settlements
    Sources News Release

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Bil'in, a Palestinian village that has become an international symbol of Palestinian popular non-violent resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli separation wall, is suing Canadian corporations for building illegal settlements.
  20. On Palestinian Civil Disobedience 
    The Google Matrix

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Human rights organizations have documented the forms of repression Israel deploys against villages that resist the annexation of their land. Once a village decides to struggle against the annexation barrier the entire community is punished. In addition to home demolitions, curfews and other forms of movement restriction, the Israeli occupation forces consistently use violence against the protestors - and most often targets the youth -- beating, tear-gassing, as well as deploying both lethal and 'non-lethal' ammunition against them.
  21. Our Way to Fight 
    Peace-work under siege in Israel-Palestine

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2011
    Documents the lives and work of grassroots peace activists, Israelis and Palestinians fighting for justice and human rights on both sides of the wall. The book also explore events that stirred people to action, and the escalating risks they face in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. The title is borrowed from a young Palestinian who makes and teaches film in the Jenin refugee camp. "This is my way to fight," he said. Like other people featured in the book, he is a peace activist. Like them he is also, in his own way, a freedom fighter. If a just peace can grow in this beautiful, hard land, the seeds for it will have been planted by people like these.
  22. Overcoming Zionism 
    Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2007
    Kovel argues that the inner contradictions of Zionism have led Israel to a 'state-sponsored racism' fully as incorrigible as that of apartheid South Africa and deserving of the same resolution. Only a path toward a single-state secular democracy can provide the justice essential to healing the wounds of the Middle East. Kovel draws on his detailed knowledge of the Middle East to show that Zionism and democracy are essentially incompatible. Ultimately, Kovel argues, a two-state solution is essentially hopeless as it concedes too much to the regressive forces of nationalism, in which lie the roots of continued conflict.
  23. Palestine Chronicle
    Resource Type: Website
    An independent online newspaper that provides daily news, commentary, features and book reviews on a variety of subjects, yet is largely focused on Palestine, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East as a whole. The Palestine Chronicle team consists of professional journalists and respected writers and authors who don't speak on behalf of any political party or champion any specific political agenda.
  24. Palestine Media Watch
    Resource Type: Website
    PMWATCH was established to promote fair and accurate coverage of the Israeli occupation of Palestine in the US mainstream media. In broad terms, our mission is two-fold: (1) identify, report on, and protest clear journalistic failures by the US media in covering the conflict, and (2) help media outlets with access to pro-Palestinian points of view and voices for interviews, op-eds, or background discussions, whether here in the United States, in Israel, or in the Occupied Territories. Includes tools and suggestions for action on media bias.
  25. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2006
    Former U.S. President Carter calls Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid' and identifies continuing Israeli control of the occupied territories as the primary obstacle to peace.
  26. Palestinian farmers face settler terror
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2004
    Jewish settlers have a long history of terrorising olive farmers, and they are now increasingly resorting to a worrying tactic: poisoning Palestinian water sources.
  27. Palestinian Women Suffer as Israel Violates CEDAW
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Palestinian women continue to suffer abuse and denial of basic human rights at the hands of Israeli settlers and soldiers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
  28. Powers and Prospects
    Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1996
  29. Seeds of Peace
    Resource Type: Film/Video
    First Published: 2009
    Jawdat Talousy worked in a Jewish Settlement located on the West Bank. He was fired because he established a labour committee in order to get equal labour rights as Israeli co-workers.
  30. Towards a New Cold War
    Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1982
    A sobering assessment of American foreign policy from the end of the Vietnam era to Ronald Reagan.
  31. Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2002
    Designed to inform those who are somewhat unfamiliar with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Written in question and answer format
  32. Veolia's dirty business: The Tovlan landfill
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Ever since the first Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel in 2005, French multinational Veolia has been on campaigners' list of boycott targets. Corporate Watch has investigated the impact of Veolia's Tovlan landfill on occupied land.

Experts on Westjordanland in the Sources Directory

  1. Electronic Intifada
  2. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
  3. Michael Riordon
  4. Zatoun

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