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Politische Frsprache
Das Connexions Archiv

Um weitere Informationen Anzuzeigen, wie Herausgeber, Erscheinungsdatum, Identifikationsnummer, usw. anzuzeigen, klicken Sie auf einen Titel. Für die meisten Einträge ist eine Inhaltsangabe vorhanden und zusätzlich ein Link, wenn der vollständige Text Online zur Verfügung steht. Einige Einträge enthalten ebenfalls Links zu verwandten Fachgebieten und Einträge im Themenindex. Besonders empfehlenswerte Titel sind mit dem roten Connexions Logo gekennzeichnet.

  1. Bernie Sanders and the New Class Politics
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2016
    An interview with Adolph Reed, a political scientist and Bernie Sanders supporter, who dicsusses assumptions about black voters, the legacy of the Sanders campaign, and the tasks ahead.
  2. Bogus, Misdirected and Effective
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The Tea Party movement is steeped in misinformation and denial. But it has a lot to teach the left.
  3. The Case for Grassroots Archives 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Grassroots archives play a valuable role in what has been called "the battle of memory". People's history projects such as grassroots archives preserve and share stories of resistance, hidden histories, and alternative visions.
  4. Contested Truths
    Keywords in American Politics since Independence

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
  5. Crisis and Coup in Ecuador
    Against The Current vol. 87

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2000
    On January 21, 2000, for the first time since the Spanish conquest of Ecuador in A.D. 1533-34, indigenous people briefly -- very briefly -- ruled the country as part of a triumvirate. Frustrated by over a decade of economic problems, corruption and political stalemates over indigenous rights and land disputes, thousands of indigenous protesters and members of popular movements converged on Quito, the country's capital. On the 21st, hundreds of protesters occupied Congress and proclaimed a People's Parliament.
  6. Culture Inc.
    The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    Schiller defends democratic expression and free access to information while demonstrating the ways in which public expression, public space, and public access to information are becoming increasingly limited and controlled.
  7. Easily Led
    A History of Propaganda

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999
    From Ancient Sumer to modern Poland, Thomson traces the use of propaganda and its influence on human events.
  8. Frequently Asked Questions about Sources
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, companies, and individuals who want to share their expertise and points of view with the media. The SOURCES directory is used by thousands of reporters and researchers who need to find quotable sources and reliable information for their news stories or research.
  9. Group wins right to leaflet at airports
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1992
  10. Helping you reach the media 
    How Sources can help you get more and better media coverage

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Media coverage is the most valuable kind of publicity there is because it is based on the news value or information value of what you do or say, and is therefore far more credible than paid publicity like advertising. SOURCES makes it possible for organizations, institutions, companies, and individuals to reach the media effectively, consistently, and inexpensively. SOURCES has been helping organizations, companies, institutions, and individuals get media attention for over 30 years.
  11. How Sources magnifies your Internet visibility
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2009
    How the high Internet ranking of the Sources Web site helps magnify the public profile of organizations and companies who are listed in Sources.
  12. How to End the Tea Party (and Scare Obama at the Same Time)
    A Black / Brown Coalition

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    One of the reasons the left doesn't do better is because it tends to view the right's transgressions as a moral issue rather than as a pragmatic problem as, for example, a baseball coach would do if the Tea Party were the other team. In fact, calling someone a racist is not a particularly useful political move whereas figuring out why they're getting to first base all the time, and you're not, is. The right keeps it simple. It speaks plain talk, not bland abstractions devised by some third rate branding coach. There is hardly anyone in the country who doesn't know the right opposes gay marriage, abortion and illegal immigration. Now try describing three primary goals of liberals or the left and you see the problem.
  13. Inclusion or exclusion 
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    People who advocate a vision of distinct communities that speak different languages, keep apart from each other, and communicate with the structures of the larger society only through interpreters, are doing more harm than good. What they are advocating is not diversity but entrenched division.
  14. Is that an archive in your basement... or are you just hoarding?
    Sources News Release

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    Are you an 'accidental archivist'? Have you been saving the publications and documents produced by the social justice projects you've been involved in? Then Connexions would like to hear from you.
  15. Naming the Moment
    Political Analysis for Action: A Manual for Community Groups

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    A given moment - this moment - is unlike any other moment in time. Howe can we understand what it offers so that we can make the best use of it? How have people used moments in the past to push toward greater social justice?
  16. On the degradation of political debate
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2019
    Today, political debates have become vacuous and insipid because politicians have become contemptuous of the electorate. Voters, many believe, are ignorant, swayed more by emotion than by reason, happy to accept lies and drawn to politicians with easy answers.
  17. Our Generation
    Volume 20 Number 1

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1988
  18. Right-Wing Harassment Strategy Against Dems Detailed In Memo
    'Yell,' 'Stand Up And Shout Out,' 'Rattle Him'

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
  19. Sources media training
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Media training to ensure that you are ready to handle media interviews. Topics include Message making, Staying newsworthy, Safe spokesperson techniques, Preparation and relaxation techniques, Media ethics and expectations. Simulations of all media venues including talk shows, double enders, stand-up interviews and scrums, print columnists, videographers, and editorial boards.
  20. Spinwars
    Politics and New Media

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1999
    An examination of media manipulation in late 20th Century North American politics.
  21. 'Taking back the media', effective campaigning required to empower Progressive Movement
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
  22. The 10 Dumbest, Most Offensive Political Ads in Recent Memory
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    Not a single election cycle goes by without some attempt to use fear of the "other" to win votes. Sadly, the results are sometimes successful.
  23. What's Left? Environmentalists and Radical Politics
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    Environmentalist activism as radical practice.
  24. What's the Matter with Kansas? 
    How Conservatives Won the Heart of America

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2004
    Explores the rise of conservative populism in the United States through the lens of Frank's native state of Kansas. According to his analysis, the political discourse of recent decades has dramatically shifted from the class animus of traditional leftism to one in which "explosive" cultural issues, such as abortion and gay marriage, are used to redirect anger towards "liberal elites."

Experts on Politische Frsprache in the Sources Directory

  1. Marxists Internet Archive

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Connexions Verzeichnis Verbände und nichstaatliche Organisationen die sich mit sozialen und ökologischen Themen beschäftigen — A-Z Index oder Fachgebiete Index.
Für Fachleute und Medienvertreter, besuchen Sie auch das Sources Verzeichnis und den umfangreichen Sources Fachgebiete Index.
Links Ausgesuchte Internet-Quellen mit Informationen über Alternativen.
Kalender Veranstaltungen in ganz Kanada. Siehe auch: Sources Kalender and Pressemeldungen.
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Medien Quellen, Publikationen und Artikel die Ihnen helfen die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien zu bekommen und das Bewusstsein für Ihr Anliegen zu schärfen. Außerdem: Verzeichnis von Namen & Nummern aus der kanadischen Medienwelt, ein Verzeichnis von Namen & Nummern aus dem kanadischen Parlament, und Adressenlisten.
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Mission Connexions ist gedacht für die Unterstützung von Personen und Gruppen, die sich für Freiheit und Soziale Gerechtigkeit einsetzen. Unser anliegen ist es die Aufzeichnungen vom wirken von Menschen und deren Kampf gegen Unterdrückung und für gesellschaftlichen Wandel zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir glauben daran, dass je mehr wir über die Konflikte, Siege und Niederlagen der Vergangenheit und über diejenigen die daran Teilgenommen haben wissen, desto besser sind wir dazu in der Lage eine neue Welt zu gestallten. Connexions verfügt sowohl über einen Bestand an Büchern und Dokumenten und ist außerdem bemüht das bereits bestehende digitale Archiv an Dokumenten weiter auszubauen. Wir arbeiten daran einen weiten Themenbereich abzudecken, der eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Ansichten und Herangehensweisen für Gesellschaftlichen Wandel umfasst, alles mit dem Grundsätzlichen anliegen der Unterstützung der Demokratie, Bürgerrechte, freie Meinungsäußerung, Menschenrechen, Säkularität, Gleichheit, wirtschaftlichen Gerechtigkeit, ökologisches Verantwortungsbewusstsein und dem erschaffen und dem erhalt von Gemeinschaft. Wir sind International orientiert, allerdings haben wir als kanadisches Projekt eine besonders große Auswahl an kanadischen Dokumenten und Informationen über kanadische Organisationen.