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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryThe Accumulation of Capital ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1913 Rosa Luxemburg's analysis of the inherent contradictions of capitalist accumulation. Adventures in Marxism ![]() Berman, Marshall Book 1999 Marshall Berman explores and rejoices in the emancipatory potential of Marxism.
Bad Marxism: Capitalism and Cultural Studies Hutnyk, John Book 2004 Cultural Studies commonly claims to be a radical discipline. This book thinks that's a bad assessment. After an introduction critiquing the so-called 'Marxism' of the academy, Hutnyk provides detailed... Build It Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century Lebowitz, Michael Book 2006 Influenced by the dramatic proeesses unfolding in Venezuela, Lebowitz re-imagines a socialism for the twenty-first century that places workers and popular communities at the centre of the project. Das Capital, Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1867 Marx's great work sets out to grasp and portray the totality of the capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that emerges from it. He describes and connects all its economic features, ... The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis Book 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, an... The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume II: Economic Writings 2 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis and Paul Le Blanc) Book 2015 This volume contains a new English translation of Luxemburg’s most important book, The Accumulation of Capital (1913) as well as her response to its critics. Taken together, they constitute one of the... The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? ![]() Kovel, Joel Book 2002 We live in and from nature, but the way we have evolved of doing this is about to destroy you. Capitalism and its by-products -- imperialism, war, neoliberal globalization, racism, poverty, and the de... Getting Started on Social Analysis in Canada: Third Edition Czerny, Michael; Swift, Jamie Book 1984 See also CX2933.
The Grundrisse: Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1857 Marx wrote this huge manuscript as part of his preparation for what would become A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (published in 1859) and Capital (published 1867). The series of sev... Marx as a Food Theorist ![]() Foster, John Bellamy Article 2016 Marx developed a detailed and sophisticated critique of the industrial food system in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century, in the period that historians have called "the Second Agricultural Revoluti... Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 29: Marx 1857 - 1861 Marx, Karl Book Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58. Marxism and Freedom: From 1776 to Today ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1958 Dunayevskaya argues that Marx's theory is the generalisation of the instinctive striving of the proletariat for a new social order, a truly human society. Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism ![]() Hudis, Peter Book 2013 In contrast to the traditional view that Marx's work is restricted to a critique of capitalism – and that he consciously avoided any detailed conception of its alternative – this work shows that Marx ... The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade Ransom, David Book 2001 Ransom suggests that fair, environmentally-conscious trade is not only a viable alternative to unfair free trade, but that it is the way of the future. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1981 Part I - Rosa Luxemburg as Theoretician, as Activist, as Internationalist. Part II - The Women's Liberation Movement as Revolutionary Force and Reason. Part III - Karl Marx: From Critic of Hegel to Au... Rubin, Isaak Illich - Writings - Index Rubin, Isaak Illich Article Writings of Isaak Illich Rubin (1886-1937). Society of the Spectacle ![]() Debord, Guy Book 1967 An analysis of modern society and how it can be changed, written in the form of 221 theses. The first thesis reads: "In societies dominated by modern conditions of production, life is presented as an ... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryCommodities Products Production Processes Topic Index in Sources Directory Spokespersons, Experts, and Resources A subject guide to experts and spokespersons on topics related to commodities, products, and production processes in the Sources directory for the media. |