Amnesty International Canadian Medical Group
Organization profile published 1979 (May)
Year Published: 1979
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX910
Abstract: For the past two years in Toronto, medical reports supporting allegations of torture have been submitted as evidence in support of refugee claims. These reports are submitted at the Examination under oath and at Immigration Appeal Board levels. Medical examinations are performed free by physicians at the request of the lawyer representing the refugee applicant. The success rate of applicants being accepted as refugees when a medical report substantiates torture is nearly 100 per cent of over 100 claimants assessed in Toronto.
The Amnesty International Canadian Medical Group has distributed teaching kits on the examination of torture victims to over seventy-five physicians across Canada. The CMG, in addition to participating in traditional Al activities, has physician members in major Canadian cities who are available to perform medical assessents for purposes of evidence at Immigration hearings.
In Ontario, medical treatment of refugee applicants who are ineligible for medicare has been provided by these same physicians within the limits of having no laboratory, X - ray or hospital coverage, It has been discovered that refugee applicants who are considered "destitute" by Immigration authorities are eligible for medical care paid for by the Immigration Department.
Lawyers of applicants who require medical care should contact the Immigration Settlement program of the local Employment Centre. As has occurred in Toronto, an official of this office should be able to authorize payment of medical care, hospotalization, etc., by the Immigration Department.
For further information and literature, Write AI Canadian Medical Group at the above address.
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