The Silencing of Political Dissent
How post-September 11 anti-terrorism measures threaten our civil liberties

Chang, Nancy
Publisher:  Seven Stories Press, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {23067 The Silencing of Political Dissent SILENCING OF POLITICAL DISSENT How post-September 11 anti-terrorism measures threaten our civil liberties Chang, Nancy Seven Stories Press New York USA The author examines how the Bush administration's fight against terrorism is resulting in a disturbing erosion of First Amendment rights and increase of executive power. 1998 2002 198pp B Book 978-1583224946 CX8697 0 false true false CX8697.htm [0xc0001b81b0] Cx}
Year Published:  2002
Pages:  198pp   ISBN:  978-1583224946
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8697

The author examines how the Bush administration's fight against terrorism is resulting in a disturbing erosion of First Amendment rights and increase of executive power.

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