Beyond Hypocrisy
Decoding the News in an Age of Propaganda

Herman, Edward S
Publisher:  South End Press
Year First Published:  {14220 Beyond Hypocrisy BEYOND HYPOCRISY Decoding the News in an Age of Propaganda Herman, Edward S South End Press Edward Herman's book should be required reading for all news rooms and journalism students. In this book he examines through essays, cartoons and a dictionary of "doublespeak" the terms used in the language of U.S. government policy. He highlights the deception and moral hypocrisy and the media's all too willing role to propagate it: whether it be the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq (aggression) or the American invasion of Grenada (justifiable) . One of the most important aspects of doublespeak is the ability to "use lies to choose and shape facts selectively". Another lesson of this book is the governments' mastery of propaganda and manufacture of new foes and the media's failure to question the basis in reality of these supposed threats. 1992 1999 244pp BC14220s-BeyondHypocrisy.jpg B Book 9780896084353 CX8120 0 true true false CX8120.htm [0xc00031b7d0 0xc00031bda0 0xc0002e9140 0xc0003ab9e0 0xc000907f50 0xc0013bbda0 0xc0021aac90 0xc002810690] Cx}
Year Published:  1999
Pages:  244pp   ISBN:  9780896084353
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8120

Edward Herman's book should be required reading for all news rooms and journalism students. In this book he examines through essays, cartoons and a dictionary of "doublespeak" the terms used in the language of U.S. government policy. He highlights the deception and moral hypocrisy and the media's all too willing role to propagate it: whether it be the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq (aggression) or the American invasion of Grenada (justifiable) . One of the most important aspects of doublespeak is the ability to "use lies to choose and shape facts selectively". Another lesson of this book is the governments' mastery of propaganda and manufacture of new foes and the media's failure to question the basis in reality of these supposed threats.

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