The Wretched of the Earth

Fanon, Frantz
Publisher:  Grove Press, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {18723 The Wretched of the Earth WRETCHED OF THE EARTH Fanon, Frantz Grove Press New York USA Fanon explores the psychological effect of colonisation on the psyche of a nation as well as its broader implications for building a movement for decolonization. He critiques nationalism and imperialism and discusses the role of intellectuals and of language in revolutionary situations. Fanon argues that revolutionary groups should look to non-proletarian strata, especially peasants, to organize against the colonial power. 1961 1968 316pp BC18723-WretchedOfEarth.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br>1. Concerning Violence: Violence in the International Context <br>2. Spontaneity: Its Strength and Weakness <br>3. The Pitfalls of National Consciousness <br>4. On National Culture <br>5. Colonial War and Mental Disorders <br>Conclusion CX7762 1 false true false CX7762.htm [] Cx}
Year Published:  1968
Pages:  316pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7762

Fanon explores the psychological effect of colonisation on the psyche of a nation as well as its broader implications for building a movement for decolonization. He critiques nationalism and imperialism and discusses the role of intellectuals and of language in revolutionary situations. Fanon argues that revolutionary groups should look to non-proletarian strata, especially peasants, to organize against the colonial power.


Table of Contents

1. Concerning Violence: Violence in the International Context
2. Spontaneity: Its Strength and Weakness
3. The Pitfalls of National Consciousness
4. On National Culture
5. Colonial War and Mental Disorders
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