The Unfinished Revolution Russia 1917-1967

Deutscher, Isaac
Publisher:  Oxford University Press, London, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {18456 The Unfinished Revolution Russia 1917-1967 UNFINISHED REVOLUTION RUSSIA 1917-1967 Deutscher, Isaac Oxford University Press London United Kingdom On the signficance of the Russian Revolution. 1967 1969 115pp BC18456s-UnfinishedRevolution.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>I. The Historical Perspective <br>II. Breaks in Revolutionary Continuity <br>III. The Social Structure <br>IV. Stalemate in Class Struggle <br>V. The Soviet Union and the Chinese Revolution <br>VI. Conclusions and Prospects CX7705 1 false true false CX7705.htm [0xc00199f110] Cx}
Year Published:  1969
Pages:  115pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7705

On the signficance of the Russian Revolution.


Table of Contents

I. The Historical Perspective
II. Breaks in Revolutionary Continuity
III. The Social Structure
IV. Stalemate in Class Struggle
V. The Soviet Union and the Chinese Revolution
VI. Conclusions and Prospects

Subject Headings

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