Everyday Life in the Modern World

Lefebvre, Henri
Publisher:  Harper Torchbooks, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {15761 Everyday Life in the Modern World EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE MODERN WORLD Lefebvre, Henri Harper Torchbooks New York USA Everyday life is non-philosophical in relation to philosophy and represents reality in relation to ideality. 1968 1971 206pp BC15761s-EverydayLife.jpg B Book 06-131608-3 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>1. An Inquery, and Some Discoveries <br>2. The Bureaucratic Society of Controlled Consumption <br>3. Linguistic Phenomena <br>4. Terrorism and Everyday Life <br>5. Towards a Permanent Cultural Revolution CX7411 1 false true false CX7411.htm [0xc001662ab0 0xc00031c0f0 0xc000544060 0xc000575920 0xc0001da870 0xc000a90c00 0xc0000d2fc0 0xc0000d3110 0xc0004fb9e0 0xc000739380 0xc000b0f9e0 0xc0022ad560 0xc0007ccb40 0xc001625620 0xc0016740f0 0xc0017fc600] Cx}
Year Published:  1971
Pages:  206pp   ISBN:  06-131608-3
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7411

Everyday life is non-philosophical in relation to philosophy and represents reality in relation to ideality.


Table of Contents

1. An Inquery, and Some Discoveries
2. The Bureaucratic Society of Controlled Consumption
3. Linguistic Phenomena
4. Terrorism and Everyday Life
5. Towards a Permanent Cultural Revolution

Subject Headings

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