Eros and Civilization
A Philosophical Inquiry Into Freud
Marcuse, Herbert
Publisher: Vintage Books, New York, USA
Year First Published: {15730 Eros and Civilization EROS CIVILIZATION A Philosophical Inquiry Into Freud Marcuse, Herbert Vintage Books New York USA 1955 1962 256pp BC15730s-ErosCivilization.jpg B Book -
<br>Table of Contents
<br>Preface to the Vintage Edition
<br>1. The Hidden Trenc in Psychoanalysis
<br>2. The Origin of the Repressed Individual (Ontogenesis)
<br>The mental apparatus as a dynamic union of opposites
<br>Stages in Freud's theory of instincts
<br>Common conservative nature of primary instincts
<br>Possible supremacy of Nirvana principle
<br>Id, ego, superego
<br>"Corporealization" of the psyche
<br>Reactionary character of superego
<br>Evaluation of Freud's basic conception
<br>Analysis of the interpretation of history in Freud's psychology
<br>Distinction between repression and "surplus-repression"
<br>Alienated labor and the preformance principle
<br>Organization of sexuality: taboos on pleasure
<br>Organization of destruction instincts
<br>fatal dialectic of civilization
<br>3.The Origin of Repressive Civilization (Phylogenesis)
<br>"Archaic heritage" of the individual ego
<br>Individual and group psychology
<br>The primal horde: rebellion and restoration of domination
<br>Dual content of the sense of guilt
<br>Return of the repressed in religion
<br>The failure of revolution
<br>Changes in father-images and mother-images
<br>4. The Dialectic of Civilization
<br>Need for strengthened defense against destruction
<br>Civilizaiton's demand for sublimatioin ( desexualization)
<br>Weakening of Eros ( life instinct); release of destructiveness
<br>Progress in productivity and progress in domination
<br>Intensified controls in industrial civilization
<br>Decline of struggle with the faterh
<br>Depersonalization of superego, shrinking of ego
<br>Completion of alienation
<br>Distintegration of the established reality principle
<br>5. Philosophical Interlude
<br>Freud's theory of civilization in the tradition of Western philosophy
<br>Ego as aggressive and transcending subject
<br>Logos as logic of domination
<br>Philosophical protest against logic of domination
<br>Being and becoming: permanence versus transcendence
<br>The eternal return in Aristotle, Hegel, Nietzsche
<br>Eros as essence of being
<br>6. The Historical Limits of the Established Reality Principle
<br>Obsolescence of scarcity and domination
<br>Hypothesis of a new reality principle
<br>The instinctual dynamic toward non-repressive civilization
<br>Problem of verifying the hypothesis
<br>7. Phantasy and Utopia
<br>Phantasy versus reason
<br>Preservation of the "archaic past"
<br>Truth value of phantasy
<br>The image of life without repression and anxiety
<br>Possibility of real freedom in a mature civilization
<br>Need for a redefinition of progress
<br>8. The Images of Orpheus and Narcissus
<br>Archetypes of human existence under non-repressive civilization
<br>Orpheus and Narcissus versus Prometheus
<br>Mythological struggle of Eros against the tyranny of reason -against death
<br>Reconciliation of man and nature in sensuous culture
<br>9. The Aesthetic Dimension
<br>Aesthetics as the science of sensuousness
<br>Reconciliation between pleasure and freedom, instinct and morality
<br>Aesthetic theories of Baumgarten, Kant, and Schiller
<br>Elements of a non-repressive culture
<br>Transformation of work into play
<br>10. The Transformation of Sexuality into Eros
<br>The abolition of domination
<br>Effect on the sex instincts
<br>"Self-sublimation" of sexuality into Eros
<br>Repressive versus free sublimation
<br>Emergence of non-repressive societal relationships
<br>Work as the free play of human faculties
<br>Possibility of libidinous work relations
<br>11.Eros and Thanatos
<br>The new idea of reason: Rationality of gratification Libidinous morality
<br>The struggle against the flux of time
<br>Change in the relation between Eros and death instinct
<br>Epilogue: Critique of Neo-Freudian Revisionism
<br>Index CX7406 1 false true false CX7406.htm [] Cx}
Year Published: 1962
Pages: 256pp Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX7406
Table of Contents
Preface to the Vintage Edition
1. The Hidden Trenc in Psychoanalysis
2. The Origin of the Repressed Individual (Ontogenesis)
The mental apparatus as a dynamic union of opposites
Stages in Freud's theory of instincts
Common conservative nature of primary instincts
Possible supremacy of Nirvana principle
Id, ego, superego
"Corporealization" of the psyche
Reactionary character of superego
Evaluation of Freud's basic conception
Analysis of the interpretation of history in Freud's psychology
Distinction between repression and "surplus-repression"
Alienated labor and the preformance principle
Organization of sexuality: taboos on pleasure
Organization of destruction instincts
fatal dialectic of civilization
3.The Origin of Repressive Civilization (Phylogenesis)
"Archaic heritage" of the individual ego
Individual and group psychology
The primal horde: rebellion and restoration of domination
Dual content of the sense of guilt
Return of the repressed in religion
The failure of revolution
Changes in father-images and mother-images
4. The Dialectic of Civilization
Need for strengthened defense against destruction
Civilizaiton's demand for sublimatioin ( desexualization)
Weakening of Eros ( life instinct); release of destructiveness
Progress in productivity and progress in domination
Intensified controls in industrial civilization
Decline of struggle with the faterh
Depersonalization of superego, shrinking of ego
Completion of alienation
Distintegration of the established reality principle
5. Philosophical Interlude
Freud's theory of civilization in the tradition of Western philosophy
Ego as aggressive and transcending subject
Logos as logic of domination
Philosophical protest against logic of domination
Being and becoming: permanence versus transcendence
The eternal return in Aristotle, Hegel, Nietzsche
Eros as essence of being
6. The Historical Limits of the Established Reality Principle
Obsolescence of scarcity and domination
Hypothesis of a new reality principle
The instinctual dynamic toward non-repressive civilization
Problem of verifying the hypothesis
7. Phantasy and Utopia
Phantasy versus reason
Preservation of the "archaic past"
Truth value of phantasy
The image of life without repression and anxiety
Possibility of real freedom in a mature civilization
Need for a redefinition of progress
8. The Images of Orpheus and Narcissus
Archetypes of human existence under non-repressive civilization
Orpheus and Narcissus versus Prometheus
Mythological struggle of Eros against the tyranny of reason -against death
Reconciliation of man and nature in sensuous culture
9. The Aesthetic Dimension
Aesthetics as the science of sensuousness
Reconciliation between pleasure and freedom, instinct and morality
Aesthetic theories of Baumgarten, Kant, and Schiller
Elements of a non-repressive culture
Transformation of work into play
10. The Transformation of Sexuality into Eros
The abolition of domination
Effect on the sex instincts
"Self-sublimation" of sexuality into Eros
Repressive versus free sublimation
Emergence of non-repressive societal relationships
Work as the free play of human faculties
Possibility of libidinous work relations
11.Eros and Thanatos
The new idea of reason: Rationality of gratification Libidinous morality
The struggle against the flux of time
Change in the relation between Eros and death instinct
Epilogue: Critique of Neo-Freudian Revisionism