How We Live and How We Might Live

Morris, William
Year First Published:  {14014 How We Live and How We Might Live HOW WE LIVE AND HOW WE MIGHT LIVE Morris, William Morris sees capitalist society as based on war between nations, between rival capitalists, against colonial peoples and between classes. Only the victory of Socialist revolution can end all these wars. 1884 1887 BL0989-WilliamMorris.jpg ART Article CX7181 0 false true false CX7181.htm [0xc000ae52f0] Cx}
Year Published:  1887
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX7181

Morris sees capitalist society as based on war between nations, between rival capitalists, against colonial peoples and between classes. Only the victory of Socialist revolution can end all these wars.

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