Woman's Estate

Mitchell, Juliet
Publisher:  Penguin, Harmondsworth
Year First Published:  {12501 Woman's Estate WOMANS ESTATE Mitchell, Juliet Penguin Harmondsworth Juliet Mitchell defines the specific areas of women's oppression and describes current attempts to break the pattern of repression imposed on all women. 1966 1976 182pp BC12501s-WomansEstate.jpg B Book 155.633 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Acknowledgments <br>Preface <br> <br>Part I: The Women's Liberation Movement <br>1. The Background of the Sixties <br>2. The Women's Liberation Movement <br>3. The Politics of Women's Liberation: 1 <br>4. The Politics of Women's Liberation: 2 <br> <br>Part II: The Oppression of Women <br>5. The Position of Women: 1 <br>6. The Position of Women: 2 <br>7. The Position of Women: 3 <br>8. The Ideology of the Family <br>9. Psychoanalysis and the Family <br>10. Out from Under … CX6641 1 false true false CX6641.htm [0xc0003844b0 0xc00292dec0 0xc002a6eb10] Cx}
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  182pp     Dewey:  155.633
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6641

Juliet Mitchell defines the specific areas of women's oppression and describes current attempts to break the pattern of repression imposed on all women.


Table of Contents


Part I: The Women's Liberation Movement
1. The Background of the Sixties
2. The Women's Liberation Movement
3. The Politics of Women's Liberation: 1
4. The Politics of Women's Liberation: 2

Part II: The Oppression of Women
5. The Position of Women: 1
6. The Position of Women: 2
7. The Position of Women: 3
8. The Ideology of the Family
9. Psychoanalysis and the Family
10. Out from Under …

Subject Headings

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